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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. Funny how when the guys yell and fight and act like animals, we don't get talking heads from the girls about how horrible and bitchy and annoying they are.

    Good episode though. The mission looked hard as hell, and I enjoyed watching it immensely. 

    • Love 10
  2. I'm not a huge fan of Simone or anything and she's definitely annoying but I haven't seen what makes her so much more annoying than Ashley or Camilla (whom I can't stand to watch). There must be some stuff they didn't show. 

    Happy to see Cheyenne back. She's adorable.

    Happy to see Johnny go. If only Jessica could have stayed without him. I like her this year for some reason.

    I hate myself for this but I laughed at Bananas' mocking of the Ashley/Simone fight.

    • Love 1
  3. Actually, Ceejai is college educated but doesn't have her degree yet. Not comparing the two, but it's similar to the way people say Bill Gates is college/Harvard educated but didn't graduate/has no degree.

    It's not hard to understand. Let's not let dislike of Ceejai get in the way of common sense. And that aside, the fact remains that Ceejai is more educated than Jenna.

    • Love 7
  4. Jenna was violent first though. Are we forgetting that or just glossing over it? 

    Additionally, I live in the deep south. I can't say for sure which white people here are racist and which ones aren't, but I can say that even the idiots with rebel flag car tags are polite and civilized enough to keep their racist speech behind closed doors where it belongs. Jenna is the type of racist who is too ill-mannered and trashy to even know when to hide it. Yuck.

    • Love 6
  5. If it wasn't for violence, the USA wouldn't be what it is today. I get that we like to be selective about these things but the reality is that everything has the potential to be "ok" depending on who benefits. Racism, violence, and bullying have always been ok in this country because they benefitted the majority group. Jenna, who is a violent person, would likely also say violence is never ok even though her beliefs and actions say otherwise.

    • Love 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Hiacios said:

    I said that because she physically attacks someone multiple times that she disagrees with, is a load mouth and talk over people, uses the bathroom with the door open and wears men's underwear for crying out loud. SMH. She is a black women that has absolutely no class and brings up racism every chance she can get. #Neanderthal



    Anyway, I don't care to debate Ceejai with you. She will still go on to be a better and more productive person than Jenna. And frankly, there's nothing to debate because in the grand scheme of things, racists like Jenna can't ever have the moral high ground. As a pp said, they cling to their skin color as evidence of superiority without realizing that despite what the history books say, they aren't actually descended from greatness. They're descended from savagery. I don't even understand how Jenna, who is uneducated trash, can look down on someone like Ceejai. Where does that type of gall come from? 

    • Love 4
  7. On 5/10/2016 at 11:19 AM, Chicken Diablo said:

    I think someone got a vague "liberal arts" degree. Maybe Donna? I remember bc I graduated undergrad when they did and that weird degree bothered me.

    The reversal on Dan from nice guy to creep was too bad, and less believable than the reversal on Ray next season. Ray is aggressive, possessive, and sulky from day one. Poor Dan is a super liberal but racist against Hispanics? Please.

    Fun inappropriate relationship in college memory: one of my fellow grad students was dating a professor who served on her thesis committee! They got married, I think to avoid getting in trouble. Funny, he never got full tenure.


    Oh that totally rang true to me (Dan's racism). There are plenty of liberal racists who only show their true colors when they feel slighted or angry. 

    • Love 1
  8. What annoyed me was the brunette neighbor who said, in her talking head, "All of the rest of us in the neighborhood managed to not get infected with Lyme disease. We would check ourselves for ticks every day." She seemed almost annoyed that the man allowed himself to be infected. Ugh.

    On another note, for some reason Murder Among Friends just cannot keep my attention.

    • Love 10
  9. I was lmao at the crickets when off brand Wayans brother and his trusty sidekick Birdbrain showed up. Jessica made an effort to look surprised but it was obvious nobody cared.

    The challenge was funny to watch but knowing their crotches were itching and burning afterward made me cringe.

    • Love 1
  10. I'm still hoping for a season of backstory. I want to know all about Cato's family and previous escape attempts. I want to see young Ernestine and her husband and how she ended up in the big house. Etc. There's so much ground to cover.

  11. I love that this show is brutally honest about the white women of the planter class and how complicit they were in the system of slavery. Sorry Susannah, your whining about your children means exactly shit. Did she honestly believe Stine wanted those kids to love her? Did she honestly believe Stine would have rather been doing anything other than raising and doting on her own damn children? She had no choice. 

    I disagree that Tom was raping Stine in order to look after his own family. He raped Stine because he was a rapist in lust with the woman he owned. The free labor was a profitable consequence of his foul behavior. But I'm sure Susannah and her ilk told themselves a lot of lies to live with it. 

    Good riddance to Tom. I want believe he had the gall to ask for forgiveness. No wait, yes I can.

    Noahlee...so beautiful. That scene said so much about black love without saying a word. Amazing.

    August is every horror movie villain. He just won't die.

    Can't wait for 2017!

    • Love 7
  12. I will never understand the culture these two grew up in...I guess you'd call it gun culture. I can't imagine buying my kids rifles as gifts and normalizing deadly weapons. I agree that the cavalier way they viewed guns (lying around loaded?) was a disaster waiting to happen.

    Poor Danielle. She really didn't have an adult in her life who could be completely responsible for her. She had her coach and the neighbor who cared about her but they weren't her guardians. She was trying to create her own family and ended up with a murderer.

    • Love 5
  13. 50 minutes ago, Jx223 said:

    I think Noah ended up deciding that they couldn't win against the slave catchers together. I think he thought they both might get killed, so he decided to save himself. It did seem like he definitely thought about trying to save Cato, but ultimately decided it he couldn't take that risk.

    That's how I saw it. And judging by Cato's reaction, I think he knew immediately after Noah threw the knife. I always felt like I "got" Cato, even when it seemed he was being devious, but I'm not too broken up about it. He did the same with Zeke so...it bes that way sometimes.


    I'm glad Noah and Rosalee made it but I'm scared for them after watching the preview. Noah better not sacrifice himself. I want them, and Boo, to make it. My heart can't take any other ending.

    That was sad about Ben but the sins of the father...

    So is the plan to just leave the sheriff down in the crawlspace? 

    I'm glad Clyde is free.


    I seriously need a drink. This show makes me tense!

    • Love 4
  14. The most recent Fear Thy Neighbor was interesting. The neighbor shot and killed an intruder and imo was perfectly justified. I even empathized with his growing paranoia until he went off the rails. 

    This was actually the first time I can remember on ID where the victim was actually much more attractive than the actor playing her. Usually it's the opposite, which has been discussed here in hilarious fashion. Anyway, she was gorgeous.

    • Love 1
  15. 9 hours ago, aarondk88 said:

    smh poor sam.  I don't understand his thought process as far what made him decide to NOT run with the group but to try to run by himself? he basically caused his own fate.

    I was kind of distracted while watching this episode so i will need to rewatch it again before giving a full comment

    I think it's a combo of things. He must have believed Tom when he said he could eventually buy his freedom. Plus, he said himself that he surprised himself that night. He intended to run but didn't have it in him. Seeing for himself that Tom just completely ain't shit and had no intention of keeping his word was probably the thing that pushes him over the edge. I disagree that he caused his own fate. I would say that was Tom's doing, with a little nudge from the preacher.

    Thank you, show. As brutal as it was to see, I appreciate that they made it very clear that the benevolent slaveowner trope is not going down on UG. Tom doesn't love Ernestine or his children with her. He loves power, profit, and his own whiteness. That's it. 

    Watching Ernestine try to make the best out of a situation where her son was about to be fucking maimed just reminded me of how strong my foremothers were forced to be. My God. Can you imagine?

    At least Sam is free now.

    I hate everybody today.

    • Love 17
  16. TR and his proto white tears. I would have laughed at him if the consequences of his tattling weren't so dire.

    James, OMG. Such a talented little actor. His whole countenance changed that next day. Even his walk was different. Somehow I've always blocked out the fact that kids were out in those fields and seeing his little bloody hands and flushed cheeks just drove home how awful and inhumane American slavery was.

    That preacher can die and day now.

    Poor Boo, losing her father and being chased by what seemed to be monsters. I'm glad Elizabeth was truly willing to do whatever it took to keep her safe but sheriff is an asshole and he can die too.

    Ugh, why Henry? And I'm not happy that we've been cheated out of a Noahlee love scene.

    This episode did me in. So much brilliance and heartbreak in one sitting.

    • Love 9
  17. August bought his 11-year-old boy a hooker. And then had her himself. Detective Stabler would not be happy about this at all.

    I only watched the episode once; did anybody get the impression she and Ben did anything more than just talk? That look he gave August when he walked into his room the next morning after seeing her leave could have peeled paint.

    When she goes to August's room, she says "I talked to him like you wanted me to." That made me think he just wanted her to give him so PG company. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking because the alternative is too disgusting to think about.

  18. I can't with yall trying to make this some kind of Antebellum love story. Tom is a rapist. Ernestine is his victim. She just happens to have a master who likes being dominated. But as we saw, the moment he decides he's over that particular game, he will be just as aggressive and dominant as any other rapist.

    • Love 8
  19. Fuck the neighbors too. At least one of them heard Klonda screaming for 20 MINUTES and no one picked up the phone to call the police. Plus they enabled the guy by apparently letting him do whatever he wanted, whether it was throwing loud parties or driving his ATV up and down Dayton streets. I don't live in Ohio, but my guess is that driving off-road vehicles like that on public streets is against the law (because it sure is here). Some of them also seemed to know he was harassing her pretty bad -- incredibly, one of them even said, "I never thought it would end with her getting killed."

    Did anyone else get the feeling that opinions about the feud broke down along racial lines?

    For what it's worth, I wasn't as sympathetic to the victim as some of you. Her death was an absolute tragedy and Nasom was a POS, no doubt about that. What I mean is, if I had lived in that neighborhoid I probably would bave thought Klonda was an annoying busybody. And I would have found her roaming cats as much of a nuisance as Nasom's roaming dogs. Not everyone enjoys strange animals vandalizing their property or running free in their yards, no matter how harmless they appear to be.

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