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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. 9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    No, she fainted before she found out that he quit his job. He didn't tell her about that until she was home in bed, we saw him make that announcement last night. Porsha suffers from Vasovagal syncope, I posted a link to it in a post above, and she says that others in her family have it as well.

    Well I'll be damned. I think I have this. My trigger is big box stores. I get lightheaded, sweaty, nauseous, jittery, dry mouth, and I actually did faint once. Now when I feel it coming on I leave my stuff and go to the car.

    I thought it was anxiety/panic attacks because I've had those but the fainting part makes me think it's actually VS.

    Thanks for posting this! I'm going to ask my doctor about it next time but it seems manageable.

    Poor Porsha. It's no fun at all. I wonder what her trigger is. Probably stress.

    • Love 3
  2. 41 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

    You certainly give Kenya a lot of benefit of the doubt. Is this the first time you've seen Kenya in action? Subdued approach is her MO and then she starts going in for the kill. Kenya's approach is manipulative and methodical...each and EVERY time. She always opens a conversation and fakes the intent behind it. The real intent is to continually poke and prod people to get reactions out of them and when she gets them, she jumps back and says 'what did I even do?'.

    If Porsha saw nothing wrong with her behaviour, she wouldn't have gone to anger management. Period. Kenya doesn't automatically become absolved of blame for her part in the altercation with Porsha just because she didn't lay hands on anyone. Porsha was dead wrong for what she did, but knowing Kenya's role in all of it, it's easy to see why Porsha's pride would kick in and she would refuse to be raked over coals by Kenya of all people. There is no relationship there for her to trust that Kenya gives a shit about her and her attempts to improve herself. If Kenya really cared so much and thought Phaedra was speaking on behalf of Porsha, why wait so long and in a group setting to raise the issue? Nothing about how Kenya operates is considerate of other people and so I don't blame anyone for thinking she can't be trusted.

    It's funny that you say that about Porsha running into the wrong person one day...isn't that what happened to Kenya? She flaps her gums and thinks that as long as she keeps it verbal and in your face, it's all good...but she ran into the wrong person who reacted with more than just words. It goes both ways.


    All of this, but especially the last part. Let us not forget the entire first season where Kenya repeatedly bragged about being from Detroit and beating people's asses, including threatening a pregnant woman. That was completely beyond the pale. She also ran up on a few people and had to be held back from fighting them, including Porsha. So yeah, if anybody met the right one it was Kenya. 

    • Love 14
  3. Well the camp part was nice, and moving. Phaedra will always have my respect for that.

    Too bad that all got shot to hell. 

    Todd. Bruh. Not cute. I don't know what he did for work but leaving his job was stupid and I'm glad Porsha didn't take it as some romantic gesture. 

    Speaking of, Porsha looked gorgeous throughout this episode, both on and out of makeup. No wonder Kenya hates her.

    Sheree and Bob got fastforwarded. I just don't care. But I lived for her calling out the other women and their faux fear of Porsha.

    Phaedra caught in a lie again. What else is new?

    Kenya doesn't know when to quit. Following Porsha when she asked her to stop? Gee, I wonder if she violates Matt's space and purposely frustrates him as well. And the duck walking? The bitch is old and childish, just like Porsha said.

    Kandi is cute but her attitude is so ugly. She seems so miserable and angry these days. She's morphing into her evil ass aunts and mother. 

    Phaedra, listen to your girl. She ain't too bright but she's been right about a lot of things. She reads people very well and her comment about letting Kenya talk about her fake boyfriend but not telling her any business was spot on.

    • Love 19
  4. My question is...What makes them (Kenya, producers) think we wanna watch this shit? Nothing about this is interesting or compelling. It's CLEARLY bullshit. 

    Do other franchises have this level of manipulation going on? This all started with Kenya the actress and at this point, I'm just about tapped out. Prior to her arrival there was bullshit, but to this degree? And using domestic violence as entertainment? Ugh.

    Bravo if you're reading this, ENOUGH. 

    • Love 21
  5. 2 hours ago, kassa said:

    I had to laugh when Kandi started snarling about not messing with her money. She is never more serious than when money's involved - I like it. The other women knew she was sincere, too - that reaction was so visceral it made responding to it moot. They knew she was telling the truth.

    They need to stop trying to make Joyce happen.

    Eh, it would hold more weight with me if she hadn't let Kim Zolziak punk her out of tens of thousands of dollars. All she did then was break down and cry.

    • Love 24
  6. On 12/16/2016 at 9:08 PM, Kristen said:

    I also completely blocked Jade out from my memory, so I YouTubed them, and I actually remember liking what was probably their one song: https://youtu.be/wZ9HG0nGe-g

    They had more. They weren't crossover artists but their R&B stuff was pretty well loved.

    Speaking of Jade, I know Aaron Spelling was against IR relationships for the most part (save Andrea and Brandon *sort of*) but to have a horndog like Steve not even attempt to hit on the girls stretched credibility for me. 

    Ray was like a ball of yarn to Valerie's kitty cat. I get that she loves the chase but going after Donna's guy was so rude. I do love when she goes after Brandon though.

    Count me in as one who hates telethons but I think the cult stuff makes me not hate this episode.

  7. I live in Atlanta. Yes it's diverse but you can never underestimate the propensity of individuals to be racist, especially when it comes to black folks. 

    That said, the story does sound weird. Phaedra annoys me with her consistent need to play captain save em for grown ass black men who don't deserve it.

    • Love 9
  8. Ah, the patented Dateline flowchart of presumed sluttiness. I hadn't seen that in awhile.

    Anna was probably sugaring with a few men which I have no problem with. And I also had no problem with her keeping her business to herself. Buy yeah I imagine that makes a police investigation very difficult.

    I'm also not 100% convinced Bob did it. Pretty much every man she knew was odd in some way, including the neighbor. What WAS with that accent comment? 

    There must have been something very magnetic about Anna's personality because, not to disparage her, but I didn't see her as the great beauty the show made her out to be. She was cute, but not extraordinarily so. Married poet guy was definitely in love.

    • Love 12
  9. 9 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

    He, like Porsha, needed to stop engaging with Kenya when she started being manipulative. All of these stories about punching walls and what not are not good for his reputation.

    Walter just walked away when Kenya started pulling her manipulative shit. He still engaged with the rest of the cast. His refutation of her allegations stood in stark contrast to her manic stories about him being gay. That was enough to convince me that Kenya is a manipulative liar.

    Matt should have done the same, but him being violent (even if it's not against her) makes me wonder if there is fire following that smoke.

    I can believe he's an aggressive person. But that's the thing with Kenya though. Her history is such that I'm 50/50 and don't really know for sure. Hell she bragged in last year's tagline that nobody can figure her out. Well, I want to know how well that works for her if, God forbid, she ever truly is a victim.

    • Love 4
  10. 10 minutes ago, sunsheyen said:

    It makes no sense why a man, a BLACK man, in this day and age would agree to a DV/abuser portrayal. This is especially true for someone so intent on building a brand (as evidenced by his IG).

    Yeah, Kenya does some fake shit, and there may be some truth to portions of what he says, but who would damage themselves and their own reputation intentionally? Does he want the public to think he is that stupid and short sighted but still buy what he is selling as the Matt Jordan Brand? It's not like he has a prior career or good rep to bounce back on. Let's be real, the majority of viewers don't engage in social media following or message board chats. All they see is this man breaking windows and raging followed by Kenya commentary on Bravo clips. There are plenty of "dating" storylines...him moving in, them "thinking about" having a baby, getting pets together, going on vacations, hell, even fake wedding talk and you chose "violence" for posterity?

    So which is it, Matt? Are you an abuser or just stupid enough to agree to act like one on tv?

    I used to wonder something similar about Kenya though. Why would a gorgeous black beauty queen/model/actress purposely ruin her reputation and legacy for a reality show? No she hasn't shown herself to be a domestic abuser but she has portrayed herself as violent, petty, fake, mean, shady, and crazy. 

    I don't get why people do this stuff either but there must be some kind of draw. 

    As it relates to Matt, I dont know what's real and ehat isnt but he doesn't seem too bright and I can believe he's the type who thinks it's not really abuse if you don't hit the person. And I can see him "turning up" for the camera thinking he's on his way to acting fame.

    • Love 9
  11. 4 minutes ago, sunsheyen said:

    It is quite messy and immature but interesting to see him talk about loving/being with her, especially in the face of people trying to say she paid him/it was fake. Who is Chris that he is referring to that she called gay last season? I'm drawing a blank. I guess we will have to let it play out but I am curious about the upcoming clip of him punching/kicking the garage door and what the context is for that.

    I will admit that I didn't recognize her in the Jay Z pic either when it was onscreen. 

    Chris was Kim Fields' husband. Matt snapped at him at the reunion for asking Kenya a question.

    • Love 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

    It seems definitely a pleasant change after all those years watching Carrie Bradshaw have polite relations in her damn bra. Ugh!

    Bwahaha! Some sex columnist. Carrie didn't have the range. I never once saw her back arch like Tasha.

    • Love 6
  13. Someone tweeted that the last scene had them sad and turned on. That was so me. I literally said "nooooooooo, omg!...Well damn." 

    I have questions tho. About the...choreography and logistics. Also, why can't all Ebony porn look like that? That there was black excellence.

    • Love 11
  14. Issa, Jay Ellis (Lawrence), and writer Prentice Penny did a fb live session last night. They answered several audience questions about the finale. Spoiler tagged because I know some don't like to read behind the scenes stuff and there's one slightly spoiler thing from season 2.


    1) Lawrence didnt call Issa on purpose knowing he was going to Tasha's. He was having a vulnerable moment but once he got back to the apartment and saw Thug Yoda, the bouch, etc it made him feel like he was going backwards so he decided to go.

    2) The Best Buy shirt wasn't meant to be petty. It was just a symbol of everything he did for the relationship and how he was leaving it behind. Jay Ellis said he wasn't on set the day Issa shot that scene so he didn't know about the shirt until he watched the episode.

    3) How did he get Tasha's number? They all agreed that she's the type to say "let me text you this funny video/pic I saw" and probably did that over lunch one day. Nothing sinister about it.

    4) Did Lawrence emotionally cheat by getting his ego stroked by Tasha? Jay says no, Prentice says not really but they agree that they wouldn't be happy about their gf/wife doing the same and wouldn't want to know about it.

    5) Yes the strip club conversation was hypocritical and illogical but Prentice said it was based on real life convos he's heard and that's why it was important.

    6) Jay Ellis was upset when he read the script for episode 5 when Issa cheated. Issa said he treated her differently the next day lol. He said it was hard to wrap his mind around. Prentice said a lot of men were shook because they don't imagine their girlfriends falling in lust and cheating as easily as some men do.

    7) Real life couples are arguing or not speaking to each other over this episode and they are glad it started a conversation.

    8) They plan to revisit Issa's feelings for Daniel in season 2.

    9) Issa and Jay disagree on Lawrence getting himself together for her. She thinks that's some shit you do for yourself.

    That's all I can remember. It's about an hour long and really funny. Watch if you can.

    • Love 6
  15. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!

    We knew it was coming but it still hurt me to see it. The sad thing is, he isn't WRONG but damn, it felt wrong. 

    Leaving the Best Buy shirt was just...expert levels of petty.

    At least Issa and Molly made up. Molly is a real one.

    I need to go process this.

    • Love 12
  16. Kenya's home depot booty was looking extra pointy last night. And I agree with tgose who say her "shade" had gone past witty it amusing to nasty and pathological. She and Matt deserve each other. And their scenes = zzzzzzzz

    Porsha's bob in her TH was EVERYTHING. 

    I can do without the OLG and the kandi koated klique. Really the only one from the Burrus Tucker clan I want to see is Ace. Which I guess is why Kandi id monetizing him. That's why she stays rich. And Todd, did Joyce also have it right about your family? Asking for a friend.

    Cynthia and Peter zzzzzzzz

    The girls getting waxed zzzzzzzz

    Kenya clowning Sheree because her home is in her mother's name...if I was an evil person I could make a really mean joke right now...

    Escape the room is supposed to be really fun but it didn't look that way on the show.

    • Love 6
  17. 1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

    Well, let's see.....I wanted to give this franchise another chance.

    Two episodes in and nope, not going back on the DVR.  I cannot stand the nasty talking heads by Kenya.  Period.  She's not funny, she's not classy, and why ANY of these women want to be around her is a mystery to me.  

    What sane person would hang around Kenya if not for the money?

    • Love 4
  18. On 11/12/2016 at 4:03 PM, Neurochick said:

    I think Phaedra thought Apollo was "fine" and that's why she married him.  What I've heard about Atlanta is that a lot of black men there aren't too interested in marrying black women, but that's just what I've heard.

    Nah, you're thinking of LA. In Atlanta there are several issues. Most of the the black men here who are married are married to black women. The single ones are either openly gay (nothing wrong with that) or doing so well (educated, making good money) that they know they're a prize and thus don't HAVE to get married so they play the hell out of the field. And I'm just talking about the ones who are marriage material. There are also PLENTY of scrubs.

    I don't know what Phaedra was looking for other than a man who is stereotypically fine, but if she wanted to date and marry a regular guy without a record, she definitely could have found one coming out of college when men of my generation started settling down. Me and all of my friends are married to regular black guys and had no trouble at all.

    She has nobody to blame but herself.

    Eta: and what Hunter and Cooks said.

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