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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. It seemed to me that Garcia's mom believed he did it and just didn't want to say it aloud. When the interviewer asked her if she thought he was guilty, I was surprised when she paused and said "I don't know...if he did, he's not the son I knew." Usually loved ones are more adamant and don't hesitate (like the brother). I thought that was interesting, and it made me feel even more sorry for her.

    • Love 6
  2. Nate seemed completely turned off when Sheila started talking about being low key. I could see him deflating lol. As an introvert married to an ambivert, I am trying to see it from his side but I just don't get people who are on 10 all the time. Like go over there with all that lol. I foresee problems for them because he doesn't seem empathetic and she doesn't seem flexible.

    My husband calls me high maintenance. He now has Ashley to thank for me trying to change because she annoyed the crap out of me. I just kept thinking "is that me? Good lord, I must suck to be around." Also, her weave was bothering me. They seem to vibe well though.

    Danielle and Cody are not giving me chemistry yet. 

    • Love 2
  3. 36 minutes ago, ridethemaverick said:

    This is fascinating to me. I don't think the decision to include black characters was pc at all. I think it makes perfect sense. There's still racism in the 2017 version of Gilead. They probably sent most poc to colonies but were "progressive" enough to allow a few of them positions in the new regime. Of course only white men can be commanders and those commanders can have black wives or handmaids if they want but we will never see the reverse and that's all by design.

    I don't know if it's on purpose or not but I noticed how there was no interaction between Moira and any of the black men she passed during the escape. Historically we tended to stick together in times of trouble but in Gilead, the men are beholden to the patriarchy above anything else, even race. 


    Quoting myself because I just saw a good screenshot of that wall and there were black commanders with white wives. So it looks like they're completely ignoring race and I'm giving them way too much credit. 

    • Love 6
  4. 4 hours ago, A Boston Gal said:

    Anyone notice the pictures of the commanders and wives with their new babies that were hanging on the doctor's waiting room wall? There had been discussion here of how African Americans were banished in the book, but part of the system in this adaptation, and how racism obviously would still be an issue in this New World Order.  However there were interracial commander couples pictured (only African American wives, though) and I believe an African American baby was shown in a photo. 

    I think the way to square this would be to realize that even oppressive regimes can make "exceptions" for a select few people who are minorities; those whom The Powers that Be view as acceptable, non-threatening or having earned their approval. For example, see "Carson, Dr. Ben."

    This is fascinating to me. I don't think the decision to include black characters was pc at all. I think it makes perfect sense. There's still racism in the 2017 version of Gilead. They probably sent most poc to colonies but were "progressive" enough to allow a few of them positions in the new regime. Of course only white men can be commanders and those commanders can have black wives or handmaids if they want but we will never see the reverse and that's all by design.

    I don't know if it's on purpose or not but I noticed how there was no interaction between Moira and any of the black men she passed during the escape. Historically we tended to stick together in times of trouble but in Gilead, the men are beholden to the patriarchy above anything else, even race. 

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  5. On 4/21/2017 at 11:57 AM, okerry said:

    Well, to be fair, I think everybody is set up to fail and they've done a spectacularly lousy job with pretty much everyone, lol. And remember, they do have Pastor Calvin on the selection committee so it's not entirely white.

    I think the real problem here is that when the Show puts out a call for participants, they get 10,000 women and three men. They've also said that it was very hard to find a black man willing to marry a black woman At First Sight (I'm just the messenger here.) I wouldn't mind an interracial couple at all, but maybe the Show feels they should go with a black couple whenever they can find one. So the show will be criticized for that either way.

    Nathan and Sheila seem to have as much of a chance as anyone else we've seen on this show, and maybe more. Drunk Dad is totally fake and just a guy auditioning for more TV gigs.

    I would love to see more black women open themselves up to dating non-black men, both on this show and in real life. Statistically, marriages between black women and white men have the second highest success rate of any pairing, both inter and intra racial marriages included. And black men arent very successful with anybody, so it's always interesting to me when they make declarations about who they will and won't be with. That's another story though.

    So I suppose once Shelia was chosen, Nate was probably the pick of the litter in her demographic. That's depressing as hell. 

    Like most, I found him slick and disengenuous, but we'll see what happens.

    Ashley seems like she'll be overbearing. It's just a vibe I get. 

    Danielle and Cody seem pretty evenly matched to me, but I didn't see a lot of chemistry.

    • Love 7
  6. 1 hour ago, wings707 said:

    As far as I know, just her torso.  Chilling to think her head and limbs were broken off by the tide.  You would think a human skull would wash up on shore.  

    Oh gosh, that's awful. Thanks for the info. 

    @Cooksdelight, I believe most of the cases are intimate partner violence, which is almost scarier to me because the person you trust most when you're vulnerable, often the father of the child, is the one more likely to take your life.

    • Love 7
  7. Sorry to be so morbid but...did they find all of Laci's remains or just her torso? 

    I followed the case back then but it was interesting to see it all in chronological order and with new details.

    I remember reading a stat about how pregnant women are at higher risk of homicide and it blew my mind. Still does. But there must be something in these guys that snaps or gets set off by the idea of bringing new life into the world. Sick.

    • Love 1
  8. 2 hours ago, NYCNJbear06 said:

    Ridethemaverick, first gotta love a Living Single reference werk! LOL,

    I disagree that the point Porsha was making was about emotional support.  I actually don’t think Porsha was trying to make a point because she is pointless and she spiraled off into some nonsense.  The reason I don’t think it was about emotional support because Kandi and Porsha never had that type of close friendship.  As compared to Kandi and Phaedra, they actually did have a deeper friendship where the lack of emotional support may have played a hand in their friendship collapsing. 

    The point I think Kandi was trying to make was that she has supported Porsha in the past – hiring her to be in her play and supporting her when she was on The Apprentice.  Her point was that she thought they were cool and the “evidence” of that was her donation of 5K which I believe may be the highest donation one housewife made on behalf of another housewife’s charity or endeavor.  Her other point was that she always supports charity and even if they weren’t cool she would still donate. An example of that would be her donation to Phaedra’s Detroit Camp. She and Phae weren’t on the best of terms but she still supported and actually donated the most out of all the women and was very generous.

    Because this made rational sense of course Porsha couldn’t comprehend this and started screeching and went dramatically left with the “just because you gave me money (making a donation on my behalf) doesn’t mean you can treat me any kind of way, which was never the point. But, I’m not surprised at her automatically going there.  I get the vibe that Porsha is very comfortable with sugar daddy dynamic (Kordell’s beard, the rumored African’s that have given her cars and purses) so it makes sense that she would attribute giving money with someone controlling her. 

    See I thought the original point was about Kandi being bitchy about the anger management. Porsha said, and I agree, ok y'all think I'm horrible but when I do start going and trying to do better you don't support me, you ridicule me or say I'm lying about it. So not necessarily emotional support between besties, but being supportive of her trying to get help. I'm sure we all think the show was the catalyst, but I guess in her eyes, why not just be supportive. Throughout the season, even before their falling out, every.single.time anger management was mentioned, Kandi either laughed, rolled her eyes, or said yeah right. Kenya even seemed less snarky about it than Kandi when she was talking to Phaedra.

    That's just my take. I see what you're saying and I do think Porsha was wrong for devaluing Kandi's contribution but I also see her point about Kandi. 

    Eta and thank you! Maxine Shaw is my cousin in my head LOL.

    • Love 3
  9. My take: I just...really don't care who these women have sex with. I don't care if Kandi and Toddler have threesomes in the sex jungeon. I don't care if Kandi likes women. I don't care if Kandi and Shamea or Kandi and Porsha messed around. I don't care if Porsha has sex with a bunch of different men. I don't care if Phaedra talked to Chocolate. I REALLY don't care if Porsha and Kenya date rich Africans (cuz get money, bitch!) for cars and payments. Why is any of this thrown around as insults in this crowd? Everybody is grown. It baffles me, truly. 

    As for the reunion, I got so tired of Kandi and Kenya's ugly reaction faces and snickers. Even when I found myself agreeing with a few of their points, they lost me with the antics.

    Cynthia was just there. As usual. 

    Phaedra is still a liar but I'm with her on the divorce party. Kenya's social skills are shitty af. The heffa cannot read a room. You do not throw a divorce party for someone whose marriage you were once negatively involved in. She finally admitted she was wrong for continuing to text him, and even if that's the only thing she did wrong and they've moved on, you don't reopen that old wound by doing what she did. I low-key don't trust that she wasn't trying to be shady but even giving her the benefit of the doubt, it was just a bad move.

    What do those broads have against therapy? I get that they don't like Porsha but all the sniggling and eyerolling about her therapy is weird to me. 

    Porsha needs to quit giving Phaedra passes and Phaedra should have apologized at the reunion for not speaking up and admitting her part. Kandi had a point there.

    I think everybody looked terrible although I did like Porsha's hair. It does look Tamron-esque but Tamron kills it because she's petite and Porsha is...not. No shade, I like her body, but yeah.

    I think Porsha should have thanked Kandi for her donation. I also think Kandi is conflating financial support with emotional support. Its great that she gave that money but for friends, it doesn't replace emotional support. I think that was Porsha's point but there was so much yelling I couldn't tell.

    Oh and yes to that lady's point about Krazy Kenya verbally abusing folks. It's a clear pattern for her that she doesn't recognize and I think therapy would do wonders for her.

    • Love 5
  10. Ugh, I'm so angry for Riley. That scene brought back painful memories of when my dad tried to have a similar conversation with me. My parents divorced when I was 3 and he basically disappeared after. It was just...too late. I was too angry and it was too painful and awkward. I'm trying to imagine doing that whole thing in front of tv cameras and I want to cry thinking about it. 

    Porsha and Lauren made me tear up. That was touching and I'm glad they have each other.

    Sheree's house is GORGEOUS. As it should be since it's 5 years in the making, but still. No comment on the appliances or all the space she's not gonna use or the cost of heating and cooling it or how she's gonna pay the mortgage. 

    Sheree's mom is adorable.

    Cynthia's styling is just horrid these days. She needs to run back to NY where she was fly.

    Marlo looked like a witch. 

    Could have done without seeing Kim and her hee haw husband. Loved Kandi reaching out to the woman who stole her coins and then had her crying LOL.

    Kenya is bitter and miserable af and her comebacks to Kim were so weak. Not a duck like your lips? Girl shut up. I'm wondering why they edited out Matt. Is it because she said they broke up? 

    • Love 4
  11. 9 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    But you have to understand, Cynthia isn't Public Enemy Number One, Phaedra is. 

    Given all the venom being directed at her, apparently, I missed the scenes where she committed murder; swindled some elderly folks out of their home, social security and pension; burned down an orphanage; kicked some puppies and spat on a homeless person. 

    She was "mean" to Kenya. 

    • Love 3
  12. Well it's official. Joyce was right. Imo, Todd is a fuckboi. He actually disgusts me now. The use of "females" is almost always a tipoff for me but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Even the KKK seem to dislike him and they're hardly pinnacles of virtue themselves.

    I know why Phaedra lies (cuz she's a liar) but why did Cynthia lie? I always find her boring but if she's becoming conniving like the rest of them then she might get interesting.

    • Love 2
  13. I can't figure out what to make of that poor little girl saying the eyes, height, and mask were just like daddy. Was she subconsciously implicating her dad because she had a notion or was she just an unreliable little witness who associated all men with daddy? Probably the latter but it was still extremely chilling.

    I don't think I'll ever understand killing a spouse outside of self defense, but I'm especially stumped at the folks who set up the murders to happen where the kids can witness it or find the body. 

    • Love 8
  14. Unpopular opinion: Boys 2 Men was more pop than R&B to me and wouldn't be in my top 5 at all. I'm definitely with Dre on Jodeci being number 1. *Runs away*

    Great episode. My husband and I had similar conversations each time I was pregnant. African American culture is only about 250 years old so it makes sense that we're still working out the kinks in what we consider cultural. What doesn't make sense is the persistent anti-blackness in this country that leads us to have to have these conversations in the first place. There is no real difference between Natasha and Latasha except that the former is Russian (?) and the latter is an African American derivative. Hopefully society where catch up soon so that the Latashas and Devantes aren't penalized for their names. 

    • Love 9
  15. Are we really pretending Porsha wasn't obligated to go on this work trip just like everyone else? And that this really is Kandi's personal event? Cuz if so, I can see the rudeness in bringing big Todd. But since this trip reads like every other production setup, I see why Porsha felt justified in bringing him along. 

    • Love 12
  16. 56 minutes ago, preciousperfect said:

    There is something strange about their marriage for sure. I can't quite put my finger on it. 

    I think Kandi's anger originally stems from Porsha dating Block.

    If I had to guess, I'd say Todd isn't all that attracted to Kandi anymore and he may also be harboring some resentment toward her for not defending him and especially his mother. 

    • Love 5
  17. 16 minutes ago, Watermelon said:

    I cannot believe Porsha has now set Kandi up to be some victim. I'll never be rid of Miss Tremble Voice Clench Jaw at this rate.


    Right LOL. Miss "y'all know how I am about my husband!" You mean the same husband you let your hyena of a mother and messy bitch of an employee dog the hell out of? With nary a word? Girl, bye. 

    • Love 18
  18. Well that was ugly.

    I'm team nobody. It seems to me that kandi and porsha are doing the same things to each other that they all do..."I heard you said/did..."  or "let's talk about how you said/did..." only this time porsha went way too far. I can see someone like her not realizing how serious that accusation really is. She'll find it out if kandi sues her. That will be quite an expensive lesson but oh well.

    I mean look at the previews for next week. Kandi is doing it with Phaedra. "You were talking to some guy while you were married..." This is what they do, ad nauseam. I'm not going to pretend to be outraged by it now just because porsha is unpopular and kandi is the new fave. 

    Peter is so gross. That threesome comment was just ugh. But no worse than what the "ladies" were saying.

    Cynthia, boo, stay out of it. That divorce decree comment was everything. Peter was cheating, porsha was right, and you need to be quiet because we all saw it. Porsha might be stretching the truth about this but she wasn't lying about your man.

    • Love 10
  19. I'm surprised at how much I'm loving Murder Chose Me. The last post-HH first person detective show was a snooze fest to me but MCM is every bit as good as HH. And the resemblance between the real detective and the actor is uncanny. 

    Yes, the last See No Evil was disturbing. It takes a lot to shock me but that did it. 

    • Love 7
  20. Well at least now we know why Block was brought onto the show.

    Kandi ain't shit. Anything for a dollar.

    I got on Kenya about that stunt with her mother but at least her mother was a grown ass woman with the power not to answer the door. Riley is a CHILD. I'm just so freaking disgusted by that whole storyline AND that shitty song. Ugh.

    Cynthia, just yuck. 

    The Kandi and Porsha foolishness is so tasteless. I think there's truth and lies in both sides but this story should have never seen the light of day. 

    I'm so over this show.

    • Love 7
  21. 46 minutes ago, Maccagirl said:

    Not sure if this has been mentioned yet; I haven;t had a chance to read all the posts yet.

    Did anyone else notice Klassy fashionista Marlo asking about "pacificially" instead of "specifically"?  I thought I misheard, so I backed it up and listened again, and she clearly stated PACIFICIALLY instead of specifically.  I turned on closed caption to see if they would have corrected her, and nope!!  Closed captioning typed and displayed her superior vocabulary skills.  What a Klassy broad.  Perhaps the LABELS she should be concerned with to have hanging in her house are VOCABULARY words plastered all around, complete with pronunciation guidelines.   SMH.

    I think she did that on purpose to get people talking. One reason I think that is because she created a meme about pacifically and axe after the show that she stamped with a Marlo logo. Also, she socializes in some very wealthy southerner circles so I know she knows how to speak standard English. 

    I think the thirst is real and she's trying to use social media to get buzz so that Bravo will cast her full-time. And all I'll say to that is Porsha is Ghandi compared to Marlo lol.

    • Love 2
  22. People who let their dogs shit in other people's yards and don't pick it up? The worst. 

    I like Porsha but I thought it was pretty messed up that she didn't go to the shower. Shamea seemed very hurt. 

    Kandi is miserable af. A husband, a new baby, a new business venture, and lots of money coming in can't put a smile on her face? Or at least erase that ugly sneer?

    This was a boring episode but I'm looking forward to seeing Marlo come for Kenya.

    • Love 7
  23. Amazing!!! I can't say enough good things. BET gets dragged consistently for some good reasons but as far as I'm concerned, they're forgiven for everything. Uncut, Cita's World, all of it.

    I'm currently listening to very album the guys ever did on tidal and I've already watched a million old videos. I grew up on this music and it brought back so many memories. The casting, music, everything was just on point.

    Also, I so appreciate that they have us full versions of the songs and some of the performance sequences. The choreo and singing were everything, darn near exact replicas of the originals. The attention to detail was amazing.

    The only weak spot for me was Poison, but I can let it slide.

    Let me go. I could talk about this all damn night!

    • Love 4
  24. I remember some article I read where an expert gave graphic details about what happens to babies left in cars. The expert basically argued that Ross would have been alerted to something being wrong when he opened his car at lunch because there would have been a strong smell. That's what sealed it for me. I was kind of surprised Dateline didn't talk about that angle at all.

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