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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. I don't think Bill deserved what happened to him. That said, you have to be a real low down piece of shit to allow your mistress to harass your wife. Wtf.

    I was totally on Francis's side as it relates to her anger but I think she should be thanking her lucky stars that she only got two years. 

    • Love 16
  2. I'm still trying to figure out wtf having enough crystal in your diet has to do with getting a nice house LOL. The randomness (including the changing backgrounds a previous poster mentioned) took me over the edge.

    This episode was just amazing. I didn't get the Arizona commercial until a friend explained that some merchants jack up the price willy nilly and it often doesn't match what's on the can. That's such subtle and brilliant social commentary. 

    Paper Boi is a gem and Brian Tyree Henry is an amazing actor. Before he even said a word, his body language have off the vibe of "this is some bullshit"/Marshawn Lynchian y'all know why I'm here. His unabashed laughter when Harrison appeared literally had tears rolling down my face.

    And then Harrison was virulently homophobic. It wasn't haha funny, it was funny exactly the way Paper Boi said it was. After all that, this guy has no tolerance for other minorities. More brilliant social commentary.

    So much to laugh at and love. The one thing that didn't work for me was the Dodge punchline.

    I really hope we get an article explaining the process by which these companies agreed to these spoof ads.

    • Love 5
  3. 39 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

    When I was in my 20s I would have loved a pub crawl.  In my 50s?  No.. not at all.

    This. I'm almost 40 and I don't understand how they do it. I'll spare you all the description of my hangovers but believe me when I say it's not worth it LOL.

    I can understand needing to get faced in Coto because what else can you do when you've been to TGI Friday's and all of the other chains in town (cuz these hos surely never go to any of the nice places), and your kids are Ryan, and also Brianna, and your love tank is empty, and your husband is still not over losing his mistress, and you're too good for this group but you signed a contract and you're still paying on that lot, and you're a miserable hag who's trapped in a marital hell of her own making. But in a foreign country? Bunch of yokels.

    • Love 13
  4. Vicki either sent those flowers or she pulled a Kenya and hired that guy to play her boyfriend. No way do I believe any normal man loves Vicki. Sorry, that's sooooo meeaaaannnn.

    Kelly is a jackal. I don't know anything about jackals but it seemed appropriate. And there's no nuance to her. She's either manic and happy or miserable and nasty. 

    Shannon still makes me cringe. She's fun but in a "my grandma keeps trying to make me laugh" kinda way. Just stop, Nana. And I don't care what anyone says...her telling Tamra what Kelly said was getback from the MIL incident. That's how these women show that they "care."

    Heather amused me this episode. I can imagine it must have been mortifying to be lumped in with the rest of those nutbags and kicked out of the store. 

    Meghan is so much more enjoyable when she's pregnant.

    • Love 23
  5. Some episodes should be two hours (Colonel killer, theatre actor and his convoluted plot, etc). Some should not. Last night's was definitely one of the latter. Zzzzzz.

    But glad to see they got justice for the mom. Hopefully the dad gets his act together.

    That's all I got.

    • Love 3
  6. I loved this episode. So funny, and real. These writers must hang out at For Harriet or lipstick alley because that opening conversation was so spot on. 

    And yes, Van and Alfred are gold.

    • Love 6
  7. I actually don't mind that Angela did her damn job for once (well, homocide's job if we're being technical). Ghost needs to be pissed at Ghost. Everybody warned him, from Proctor to Tommy to his WIFE but he insisted on getting that old thing back. Too bad he got burnt by it, and this version of burnt can't be cleared up by a round of antibiotics. I, for one, cannot wait to see him and Angie go head to head. Maybe they'll both end up in prison.

    Tommy is running things now but this time he's actually pulling the strings and doing what's best for him. I like this set up as well.

    Tariq...I don'tknow, I think he's believably stupid. I buy that G&T have sheltered him so much that he's not street smart. And it's not like Kanan is the first adult male to come into his life who isn't his father. There's Tommy, then there was Shawn, then Andre, and now Kaman who he met through Andre (who is father approved). Should be interesting to see where this goes.

    Overall I think this was a great setup for next season. I just hate that Greg is gone. I have no excuses for his stupidity. That wasn't done well at all.

    • Love 3
  8. Ah, I love this episode for little silly reasons like Donna saying "A big ol' bed" really awkwardly or telling David "he smashed the pumpkins!" like he was supposed to know what the hell that meant and Dylan scratching like a crackhead. I also love when Kelly sees Cindy at the door of her own damn house and snottily asks her what she's doing there and Cindy smirks like "listen bitch, you need to check your tone and rephrase."

    I think it was Clare who told Donna she likes to save wounded men and she was so right. The pumpkin thing was a major red flag but of course Donna just skipped her happy ass down to the pumpkin patch to apologize for existing. Ugh.

    • Love 1
  9. 2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    David also clearly doesn't like his mother. The greetings might have been edited out but I have seen warmer goodbyes from people that just met each other than David saying goodbye to his mother.

    I don't really care for Shannon but I truly empathized with her last night. My husband doesn't like his mother either but she doesn't know that so she thinks he doesn't call or come by because of me. And like Shannon, I'm the one who encourages him to call her and invite her to family stuff but he doesn't want her around. Thankfully my husband told her about herself last year when she said something negative about me but David hasn't really defended Shannon that way which is why she blew up last night.

    She didn't deserve any of that.

    • Love 19
  10. I have no idea who Lily Rabe is even after googling but she seems well cast. LOVE seeing Angela Bassett and Sarah Paulson again. I can't stand Cuba so meh, but the actor who plays the real him is cute so yay.

    This was sufficiently creepy without any of the ridiculousness of last season which I stopped watching after episode 1. I'm in for the duration.

    • Love 1
  11. Also, I tried to watch the Jon Benet series but 3 minutes into the first one and I turned it off. A commentator said something like "they were the perfect family that all Americans wanted to be. They were wealthy, beautiful, and..." *click* 

    I don't know why but that irked the crap out of me. Sure they were wealthy but beauty is subjective and they certainly werent anywhere near perfect and that's ok. I don't need to idolize victims to empathize to be invested in their story. 

    • Love 6
  12. So On the Case last week...two women and a man stabbed in the home of one of the women. The man lives, they die, cops don't believe his intruder story and it comes out that he was basically stalking the homeowner who was one of his employees. They could never get any physical evidence so he was never arrested.

    Ten or so years later DNA and a jailhouse snitch prove that some other guy really did do it. But here's what gets me...the stalker guy was likely stalking her that night. All of their co-workers said the woman would have NEVER invited him over, and she had caught him sitting in front of her house before.

    I was waiting for them to discuss this but they never did. I guess I can see why but I just thought it was interesting, and something I hadn't seen before. Creepy stalker gets stabbed because even creepier murderer shows up.

    • Love 4
  13. The parking lot guy was hilarious because I've been in that exact situation a few times. Only occasionally the homeless actually are working for the parking company, probably for pennies, and likely jacking  up the price and pocketing the difference. No matter, the scene was great and the payoff, with him coming to get the guy to move his car, was great.

    I don't know how I was supposed to read that dinner scene so I join you all in the confusion. But it does seems to be a pattern with Earn, with him feeling something and not having the nerve to speak on it. We saw it with the dj who said the n word, and here we saw it with Van at the restaurant. Ok two times isn't a pattern yet but it's in character at least.

    He could have easily made a joke and gotten himself out of that situation but he didn't have the courage to do so. Van could have easily read the room and let him off the hook but she didn't, and maybe it's because she didn't feel like rescuing him, or because she wanted to force him to actually confront an issue head on, or maybe she was just hungry and djdnt give a shit. It's hard to say, but in the end, I can't blame her for his inaction. The stakes were pretty low of you ask me...the woman just bailed you out of jail so she's kinda already seen you at your worst. Admitting that you budgeted for happy hour isn't gonna be the straw that broke the camel's back.

    I love that the solution to the briefcase issue was...to open the briefcase and take the money out. I thought I was intelligent but I was actually expecting them to saw off the cuff or something. *slaps forehead*

    • Love 3
  14. Ugh, the quote box is acting up for me but ita with the poster who said Meghan didn't appreciate how they didnt directly ask her.

    I too think that's what she meant when she said patronizing (I think it was Ubiquitous who mentioned that). There are some people (like me) who hate it when people aren't direct, even to the point of being overly defensive/assholish. I can totally see Meghan's hackles raising the more Heather and Kelly beat around the bush/stealthily pressured her. I think she may have responded differently if they had initially just asked her if she minded going to check up on Vicky. 

    On another note...one thing that annoys me about Heather (and some of the wives on RHBH) is how impotent her rage is. I don't need fights or anything but damn, say it witcho chest. For example, Heather's all "if Meghan comes to lunch and does xyz..." (slight dramatic pause)..."I will NOT be ok with that." Um, so tf what? If someone on NY, Jersey or ATL said the former, there would be something good coming on the other side. Heather (and Lisa R, Kyle, Lisa V, etc) are so blah when they're mad. 

    Another example is when Heather tried to throw Kelly out and ended up leaving herself because Kelly didn't gaf lmao. Like I said, I don't need fights but give me some umph.

    • Love 4
  15. 2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

    And I find Shannon shifty. There, I said it.

    I find both her and David shifty. Especially David but we don't need to go down that road again.

    Oddly enough, I hated Meghan last year but like her this year. I don't know what it is. I agree that she looked kinda bad here but I understand it.

    Vicki couldn't have asked for a better situation. 

    • Love 7
  16. 12 hours ago, meep.meep said:

    I liked it, but parts are very strange.  What did he do with the baby on the bus?  And who was the weird guy making the sandwich?  Was that the same sandwich he had in the jail?  What about the dog?

    I'm white enough to admit that I couldn't understand what some of the characters were saying - like the big guy in the jail.


    As someone who's ridden MARTA, that bus scene was only *slightly* strange LOL. 

    I read an article where Glover said the studio told him he needed to redo a scene where a character had a really thick accent because they couldn't understand it but he convinced them that the it needed to stay exactly as it was because his accent is Atlanta. I bet it was this guy because it's true, I heard that accent throughout my childhood. It felt like home to me. I wonder if closed captioning got it all right LOL.

    • Love 1
  17. I'm AA, grew up in Dekalb county. I loved it! I know authentic is a buzz word but this was authentic in ever sense of the word. It started slow for me but once it got going it was a lot funnier than I was expecting. And the social commentary was top-notch. I'm in for the season.

    • Love 2
  18. On 8/21/2016 at 3:34 PM, Klaw said:

    One more thing: do you think the Producers were so pissed off at having to write in Gabrielle's pregnancy that there was some sort of payback going on? It just seems like it was beyond mean with the bad angles, the make up/hair/wardrobe... I mean it seemed like they went out of their way to make her look awful...


    I've always thought this. There was also that line they had Donna say, something like "good thing Andrea's not here, she would have had a miscarriage!" It didn't make much sense so I always assumed it was a passive aggressive dig at Gabrielle.

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