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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. I think the Millionaire Matchmaker situation was real and very embarrassing for her which is probably why she kept that L off the show. 

    As for Matt, I think it's real but I bet she thinks she has the upper hand. Kenya may be crazy but I don't think she would fake abuse just for a story. That would be over the line imo.

    Matt seems off to me and I think she may want to let this one go. Keeping a peach isn't worth spending money on plane tickets and gas and being verbally abused.

    • Love 1
  2. On 8/4/2016 at 9:11 AM, doram said:

    That's a shame. Because it would be far more productive for you* if, rather than get offended when certain truths are pointed , you get educated. Find out why your comment isn't original, and why it's basically racist apologia straight out of a Bingo card. Do some homework on why it's beyond infuriating that "anachronism" is the reason why Lucas is the only black kid in his 80s US school, but the same "realism" doesn't stop Matt Damon from being the lead character and poster face for a movie about the Great Wall of China. Try to understand why that double standard, and any attempt to "rationalise" it, and the far-reaching consequences that lack of representation and all the insulting and - in this times - dangerous associated tropes that go with it ("token minority", "black best friend", "scary black man/kid/Lucas") - is far more offensive than having that pointed out to you. 

    *(and so many others, too. )

    I agree with everything you've said here. I loved the show but the whiteness was...overwhelming. And yeah, that's what small towns looked like then but if we're ok with alternate worlds and open-faced monsters then we should be ok with a less homogenous cast. 

    Anyhoo, I truly enjoyed the nostalgia and creepiness. It was nice to see Winona Rider on-screen and I thought the actress who played El was really good.

    The boys were so good, and so authentic. I was a kid in the 80s and those boys could have been kids from my neighborhood (except it would have been all Lucases). The sets, clothes, hair, details were all really well-done.

    I was just talking to my husband the other day about leaving on our bikes in the morning and coming home at dark. We would NEVER let our kids do that today and we halfway wonder if our parents were nuts lol. But no, those were the times. They captured that beautifully here.

    Netflix has a winner.

    As for the finale, I think they've set things up nicely. I liked that Nancy ended up with minor douchebag rather than creepy voyeur. I'm sure we'll revisit that. Also interested in whatever is hatching in Will's innards.

    • Love 8
  3. On 7/25/2016 at 11:38 PM, charma said:

    I can't believe it. The Beadors were total asses tonight, its seems obvious to me. They deserved every sla thrown their way. Her friend was talking shit and she had no reason to because no one was talking to her and it wasn't her business.

    Kelly might be a hot ass mess but she's on the right side this time. Shannon totally thinks someone is stupid. It was a setup.


    Also, Shannon's party looked boring af. She is a lame, screechy mess and David ain't shit. 

    Heather and Vicky looked cute.

    Shannon's friends were trashy bitches and I dont blame Kelly for being upset. I just wish she had been sober.

    • Love 3
  4. 10 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Vince called her Chantel and Shavon this episode, not Chantel and Simone? And that it was a running joke throughout the season because someone accidentally messed up her name because of the Ch/Sh sound, not because of her race. It also didn't sound like the person who started it was even Vince. So while I don't disagree that Vince was being a huge douchebag and bully to Cheyenne, I don't think it's fair to start labeling people as racist when that's not exactly what happened. But again, please correct me if I'm wrong.


    It was definitely Simone. And not only did he call her Simone, he accused her of angling for camera time while he called her Simone (which was the main complaint people had about simone). The only similarity between Cheyenne and Simone is their skin color. 

    • Love 3
  5. Shit like this is why I would never go on a show like the Challenge. The dynamic of being the "only", particularly around immature, douchy, racially suspect frat boy types is just not my idea of a fun time. I mean really, wtf is wrong with Vince? If I were his parents I would be mortified to see his behavior. 

    I was very sad to see Wes and Nany go. 

    Sarah gets more pathetic as time goes on.

    Zach did Jenna a favor. Move on, girl.

    • Love 6
  6. LOL at Ashley's ugly cry.

    Stfu Sarah. I wonder if her husband cringes as much as I do when she speaks. Effing loser.

    I'm warming up to Devin and I've always like Cheyenne so it would be awesome to see them and Wes/Nany make it to the finals.

    • Love 2
  7. 15 hours ago, Nanny pants said:

    Sorry.  Not interested in fat Brianna and her 2 ugly toddlers.   (I can get that any day of the week at my local grocery store.)


    Agreed, although I think Owen is sorta cute. More importantly, he's petty. My kind of petty. He knew what he was doing slowly dragging the other one's bag out of the room while he screamed and whined about it. More petty Owen please!

    • Love 5
  8. I stuck with Vanishing Women and I'm glad I did. It's getting really good, and compelling.

    Also, how creepy is it that the most recent American Monster was about a serial sniper in Phoenix, and now all these years later they seem to be having the same problem?

    • Love 5
  9. This season is so...gross. I no longer look directly at it. I'm dead serious. Ever since the dog poop in a cup I've been wary, but all the bloody vagina talk sent me over the edge. My instincts were on the money and they saved me from seeing the bloody pillow. I heard the talk (free Kevin!) but wasn't looking when it was shown.

    I expect this stuff from OC but NY was supposed to be sophisticated. Barf.

    • Love 12
  10. I did not like this season.

    I know most people loved it and think it touched on a lot of important issues and that's true I guess but it did nothing for me. 

    I hope the writer's room is more diverse next season. That's all I have to say really.

  11. I fast forwarded past that threesome. I know it's not PC to say this, but they're all so unattractive that I was grossed out.

    What a depressing episode. They seem to be throwing every awful thing at the wall in an effort to...I dont know. But I'm kinda forcing myself to watch at this point.

    • Love 2
  12. I keep reading posts about how pointless and terrible rioting is, etc. No offense, but I don't understand how people who are part of the majority group feel they have any sort of moral high ground as it relates to how POC respond to their oppressive actions. There's something in a famous text about getting the plank out of your own eye and I think that applies here.

    On 6/17/2016 at 1:34 PM, DangerousMinds said:

    Injuring innocent people makes no sense. Maybe they should have tried to burn down LAPD? In any case, 2 wrongs never make a right.

    Sure they do. That's why we went to war after 9/11. Or is this one of those pesky double standards?

    • Love 6
  13. On 6/15/2016 at 3:40 PM, absolutelyido said:

    What I would like to know about was any prior violent behavior OJ had before Nicole. Was he violent with his first wife? Did he display fits of outrage with anyone else in his life? It would seem unlikely that he was only violent against Nicole, but that is all they have talked about.

    I wanted to know more about his first marriage too. They glossed over the affair, OJ kicking her out of her home after the baby drowned, and any violence he might have displayed toward her. That seemed like an off choice to me.

    OJ on those tapes was terrifying. I cant imagine being in the same vicinity as someone who is filled with so much rage and contempt for you. And it saddens me that Nicole really had nobody to turn to. Shipp, who I don't find as sympathetic as many of you, dropped the ball. He was an officer who knew her and had the resources to get her out of there but he did nothing.

    Everyone in Nicole's life claimed to love her but nobody helped. 

    P.s. I know the blame ultimately lies with OJ but all those missed opportunities to assist her really bothered me.

    • Love 4
  14. On 6/19/2016 at 11:58 PM, KBrownie said:


    There will just continue to be more deflection.  For example, Carrie Bess as proof positive that it was payback, but completely ignore Juror #2 and how she came to her perfectly reasonable conclusion for acquittal.  Bess's 90% of the jury felt the same as her comment taken as gospel and as reason to condemn the entire group, but everything else out of her mouth largely taken as bullshit.  Cochran, Sheck, et. al are evil, immoral, liars as if the prosecution presented a slam-dunk case.  Darden insulting the jury w/ his n-word BS, Clark not vetting Furhman and thinking he was a good guy, and all their other missteps.  But nope.  NO reasonable doubt in this case at all, just payback.  "OJ didn't care about the black community, so why do they care about him!" is another one.  So what.  He may have not seen himself as black, but the black community knew what he was even if he didn't.  They knew and continue to know that "transcending race" is bullshit.  It wasn't about him individually.  Most blacks at the time, although many were lousy at articulating it, weren't cheering because OJ Simpson the man was acquitted, they were cheering that a black man accused of killing two white people, a crime which historically meant certain death no matter if the person actually did it or not, beat the case.  There's no escaping the historical context.  Two wrongs don't make a right is another popular deflection, except for the over sentencing in the Nevada case.  That's okay for most people.  It's mostly unbelievable to think that anyone would have cared as much or still be so outraged 20+ years later if OJ had gotten away with killing his black wife and black acquaintance. It would have been news for a little while back in 1994 because of the celebrity, but no way would it still be a thing.  No way.

    I believe he did it.  It's absolutely wrong that he was never punished for that crime, but he was acquitted fair and square.  I just wish people would be consistent in their outrage so maybe the system could start to actually work for everyone or at least own up to why this case is different.   Own up to the fact that no, most people don't get this outraged and upset at every murder where the killer gets off in this country.  Yeah there have been other high-profile cases, but none where it's 22 years and there's still such outrage and debate.  No matter how horrific and brutal and awful these deaths were, and they absolutely were, they weren't anything thousands of other victims and their families have had to endure.  At least people still care about them and their deaths.  A lot of other families don't even get that.  But I'm not going to change any minds and no one is going to change mine, so round and round we go.  Such is America.  Nothing ever gets done to make anything better.  Heads just get stuck in the sand or people deny what the real issue even is.  

    OJ Simpson was a special case.  Everything fell perfectly into place for the system to work in his favor.  He had the money to hire the best lawyers to defend him.  He ended up with prosecutors who fumbled the ball over the place.  He had Furhman the racist liar lie about being a racist be the one to find the glove which cast doubt on his word, etc.  Investigators and a forensic team that opened the door for doubt.  The system as designed worked.

    White America has never been introspective about race, it's brutality against POC, and it's hypocritical selective outrage about injustice. This documentary brilliantly shined a light on some of it but like you, I'm not hopeful it will ever change.

    • Love 11
  15. On 6/19/2016 at 6:00 PM, Moo said:

    This trial obviously meant something entirely different in America. To the rest of the world, it couldn't have been more obvious that it was about convicting the murderer of two human beings - the murderer clearly being OJ Simpson. To America, it seemed to be about either convicting or acquitting him based solely on the colour of his skin. America is a mad country.


    I think that's what is so brilliant about this documentary. It exposes the hypocrisy of America. All of the evil, hateful shit certain groups have done to other groups for years, without care or consequence, and THIS injustice is what sets people off? THIS case is unbelievable? THIS verdict is the great outrage? THIS is what convinces us that America is a mad country?

    It's fascinating. 

    • Love 12
  16. Oddly, I found myself rooting for Nelson and Amanda. Wtf is wrong with me.

    I see what the cast members meant. Ever since Simone left, everything has been so peaceful. @@

    Stupid move not putting in Tony and Camilla. 

    That mission looked painful for some of them. I saw knees hitting the edge. Ouch. But fun to watch.

    Corey and Cheyenne are cute. So weird to hear two people on a challenge talk about sexual tensionension and enjoying each other's company.

    Next week looks juicy...

    • Love 2
  17. This was great! When I first saw that it was only season 8 I thought it would be crap but wow. I loved it.

    I had always wondered why Vicky would have major surgery on her face right before shooting so this answered my questions.  And it made me actually feel sorry for her.

    I hate Tamara but her explaining the camera rules and saying "bitch, go over there" had me cackling.

    I thought for sure Heather and Terry were faking it so that was surprising.

    I still think the real reason the hos were pissed when Alexis showed up was because of how amazing she looked. Yowza.

    The fall of Gretchen was SO satisfying.

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