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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. not mentioning that Cynthia hurt Porsha and not the other way around. Are they afraid of her youth?

    All of the guys have talked about how fine Porsha is at some point. Todd was the most vocal. Could be that, you never know.

    That said, they have nothing to worry about. Porsha isn't Kenya. I can't see her flirting with any of the guys.

    • Love 3
  2. Well I take back what I said about Rosalee. She's a smart girl. Not as cunning as her mother but just as resourceful.

    That sounded like a painful childbirth. Thank God for epidurals.

    That preacher is about to shake some shit up. Interesting, and spot on, that thinks Ernestine is a Jezebel who's corrupting Tom.

    Cato is a shady asshole but he probably saved their lives when he threw the guu overboard.

    How many lives does August have? Geez.

    I can already tell next week is going to break my heart.

    • Love 1
  3. Interesting discussion about Rosalee. I think the opposite, that being in the house would make her LESS trusting of white folks than the field slaves. She has a front row seat to their treachery and cruelty. The field slaves see their overseer and occasionally Tom but Rosalee hears the conversations, sees up close Susannah's evil, hateful ass, Tom who, for all his protection, stood by and watched her get whipped horribly, the lecherous associates Tom entertains, Bill, etc.

    In short, I have no idea why Rosalee is so naive. Although I remember Ernestine telling someone (Sam? Cato?) that she was soft on Rosalee. Too bad, because a Rosalee with her mother's wits would be a force to be reckoned with.

    • Love 3
  4. Deadly Demands. I'm glad it turned out well for that woman and her kids but...who starts a relationship with a prison inmate? And takes their kids to meet said inmate? Without even knowing what he's in prison for?

    • Love 7
  5. RHoNY is worse.

    LuAnn is divorced, but recently engaged.

    Sonja is divorced and single.

    Ramona is divorced and single.

    Dorinda is widowed and has a boyfriend she's never going to marry.

    Carole is widowed and has a boyfriend.

    Bethenny is in the process of a divorce that is longer than her marriage.

    New girl Jules is married with children.

    Agreed. OC went through a similar dry spell a few seasons back.

  6. Kim said it herself she'd rather play grown than play dirty. If you go upside Kenya's head, your violent and need to go; if you rant and rave about her to your husband your revealing your worst side and Kenya's "won", WTF. Your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Your asking Kim to suppress her frustration in order to keep a sick fool from feeling vindicated. That's twisted. Human beings get frustrated and it doesn't always result in a$$ whoopings sometime it results in you venting to you spouse. And by the way Kim got her check too.

    There's nothing wrong with showing your weaknesses, nobody is perfect.

    Kim has walked away after almost getting her chair pulled out from under her and has shut Kenya down with a simple OK, and she's still getting attacked.

    Everybody doesn't think this way, had it been me he would of got home the best way he could and his shit would be outside the door. And I might not have hit him but I wouldn't care if a drunk driving adulterer thought I was a psycho bitch. When I see Porsha I don't see crazy. Kenya on the other hand, I see crazy.

    I'd like to see Kandi, Todd, MJ, the extended famiiy and the Kandi Koated Klick all gone. Porsha I want to stay. Cynthia I want to stay to see what happens with her and Peter. Sheree I'm not feeling, she can go. Nene I'll take as a recurring. Kenya can definitely go. I'd also like to see some fresh new faces.

    Damn, sorry for my typos. That's why you don't drink and post LOL.

    I'm sick of Kandi too but I agree that she's likely not going anywhere since she's the only full-time cast member left who's still married. And I think Andy likes the Kandi Koated Klique and Joyce and all of their foolishness.

  7. Time for Atlanta to do a little house cleaning...Kenya and porsha need to go...perhaps hire a non black housewife ala kim Z to be the token white housewife.

    WD don't need any token white people. None of the other shows have token minorities (and when they did, they faced raxism). This show is fine. They just need to revamp. Kenya and her toxic nonsense can go. Maybe Porsha if she doesn't change. Cynthia too, she's boring. Being back Nene and Sheree and as a pp said, I'd love to see Keisha Knight Pulliam and Ed.

    • Love 4
  8. And one day she will run into the wrong one. I remember a time when girls would carry razor blades in their mouth, so when someone fought with them they would slice up their face. I once saw a girl in Albertsons who had clearly had her face cut like that.....and that poor girl.....her face looked like a tic-tac-toe board. If you're quick to get into physical fights you don't know when you'll end up fighting someone that has no problem going even lower and cutting up your face.

    So thats how it works. Then I guess that's what happened with Kenya. She had been starting crap, threatening, and charging at people during her first and second season ("im from detroit! Come at me! I'll knock your teeth out!" Etc) and every time, someone either broke it up or prevented her from doing something physical. I guess Porsha was the wrong one on reunion day and that's why she got dragged.

    Yes, I see what you mean and you're exactly right. Porsha should stop before she ends up dragged like Kenya.

    • Love 4
  9. She said "you did it."

    So much to unpack. This episode was amazing. But then they all are.

    Cato: always out for self. Period. I don't like what he did to Zeke. I could MAYBE understand if he had done that to Henry because it would have made more sense for him to sacrifice someone who wasn't all that useful (in his mind). But Zeke? Ugh. He didn't deserve that. And they could have used his strength and determination on the run.

    Tom: so he's Rosalee's father. His demeanor and tone when he was describing her made it obvious but the conversation between Ernestine and PM made it completely clear.

    I almost LOL'd at Tom lamenting the fact that he didn't know his slaves like he thought. Rosalee went to the dance, Noah and Henry are close, and Moses preaches. Wtf?! Shocking that your property actually have lives. Despite them being listed next to your furniture and animals on official documents, these people are fully actualized human beings. (You can almost draw parallels to the black best friends trope on TV. They exist as props next to the white characters, and you just know those characters would be stunned to realize that when Keisha and Jamal leave work/the coffee house, they actually have friends, families, feelings, and goals of their own). Anyway, Tom's cluelessness was hilarious. Asshole.

    Pearly Mae: I had seen speculation online that Ernestine and Susannah were sisters. Nice twist here with PM being her sister. I shed a tear for her when she was strung up and when she cried in the bathtub. She gave her life for her baby and was desperate for that sacrifice to not be in vain. Here's what was interesting to me...that desperation turned to blindness. She let it cloud her judgment. She actually believed Tom and Susannah were honest/honorable. Sure, Tom might have been a tad nicer than her own father but he's still a slave master and he still cares more about profit than anything else. I don't believe for a second that they would have honored those papers. You cannot trust people who own other people. Ernestine knows that. Even after desperately using her rape as a bargaining chip, she STILL knows that Tom can't be trusted. PM lost sight of that fact.

    Ernestine and Susannah: it was kind of funny how they BOTH had Tom's number.

    Susannah: I thought her scene with PM was interesting. I pretty much hate her and wish she would die but I was intrigued by her this episode. Did she know PM could read? If so, did she use those papers the way she did knowing PM would read them and think wow, they're telling the truth? Also interesting to me was how she appealed to that deep, dark pain I'm sure a LOT of enslaved women (and even some bw today) had about feeling unprotected by their fathers/spouses. "You used your body to stop them from shooting your family...and Moses let you do it." Damn. Of course the tricky and gaslighty thing happening here is that those men were not allowed to fully protect their families, lest they end up like Zeke in that box, or much, MUCH worse. So Susannah was appealing to PM about a situation in which she herself was complicit. And of course it worked. (Perhaps we can draw parallels to the modern day middle class white feminist movement...)

    Ernestine: holy shit. This woman is a G. She coached PM on how to fool Tom but when that plan went awry, she came up with plan B. Why didn't rosalee inherit any of her cunning nature?

    Sam: broke my heart. There it was. "People surprise you. Sometimes you surprise yourself." He thought he had it in him but he surprised even himself. He tried to give himself another chance with that gun but he only reinforced his own sad conclusion.

    Also, I really want him and Ernestine to have that conversation eventually. When have we EVER delved into any of the real pain, heartbreak, betrayal, and sacrifices made within black families/between family members at that time? It's rare to see that on film but they touched on it last week. Of course he resents Ernestine. Of course he's self-loathing. I think he's one of the most tragic characters on this show right now.

    Boo is adorable. I hope we check back in with her, safe (relatively) and sound and thriving up north.

    Whew, there's so much more but that's all I got for now.

    • Love 9
  10. I don't know if it was on purpose or not (but knowing this show, it likely was), but I wonder if we were supposed to feel horrified watching Elizabeth whip John. And then I wonder if we were supposed to ask ourselves if we felt just as horrified watching Rosalee or other enslaved black people in other shows/films get whipped.

    I was very uncomfortable during the scene. I was uncomfortable during Rosalee's whipping scene as well, but it was slightly different. I thought about that for awhile after the show went off. I still can't articulate it but I'm going to say I likely have an implicit bias due to media conditioning. I'm black, but conditioning is powerful. I don't know, just thinking out loud...

    • Love 5
  11. My personal opinion (as someone who obviously wasn't there/never met any of the jurors) is that there were definitely other factors at play. I do think that the defense really did convince the jurors that the evidence was tainted and untrustworthy (likely having much to do with the 10-2 initial vote to acquit). Combining that with the fact that they just wanted to go the hell home, IMO, made it fairly easy to convince the other 2 to change their votes.

    I agree. Now the celebration of the verdict by many in the black community? I do believe THAT was 200+ years of frustration collectively pouring out of people. But the jury, I believe they considered the evidence. They were likely swayed by OJ's celebrity and Cochran and the defense team's theories and doubt and yes, the idea that the case may have been a racially motivated frame-up. But voting not guilty solely to get back at white people? I don't buy it.

    • Love 10
  12. Well, I really had my doubts about watching this, afraid it would bury me with old emotions, simply because of the things I wrote above that all happened in conjunction with this trial in my life. I think my anger at that jury was anger at everything happening, and I was one of the idiots that was completely shocked when the verdict was read, in spite of the Fuhrman crap.

    I'm no longer shocked, and I'm glad to release those feelings I had about the jury. That wouldn't have happened for me without this series. I know they let a murderer walk free. In no way do I think, even after all of what we've seen still had legal "reasonable doubt." I think they were under tremendous pressure to strike back at "the man" for the decades of wrongs to Black people from the justice system. It wasn't just Rodney King, it was all of it, worrying about they own children getting killed by a racist system every time they left the house. Honestly, I really doubt many of them thought OJ was innocent, but Cochran, doing his job, and also fighting a battle well beyond OJ's, gave them enough reasons to do what their community wanted them to do. Save one black guy, even though that particular guy couldn't give a shit about them.

    I guess all I needed was for it to make emotional sense to me. It finally clicked, and does.

    You keep saying all of this as if it's fact. It's not a fact that the jury acquitted OJ (white jurors included) to get back at "the man." Perhaps I'm wrong and they've all written books or op-eds where they've all confessed this, but to my knowledge, that's never happened.

    Amazingly enough, I believe at least some of the jurors actually believed he was innocent, and I believe others weren't sure or thought he did it but believed they couldn't acquit based on the evidence.

    • Love 11
  13. I think Kandi grew up with family members and relatives of friends, etc., in and out of jail, so that is something she's used to. She probably resents Phaedra a little bit for feeling like she's too good to be running back and forth making prison visits. Yes, Phaedra chose and stayed with Apollo for all the wrong reasons, but I don't think she was involved in his shenanigans because her family--parents and children--mean too much to her to risk her freedom. She barely lived down the shame of getting knocked up by an ex-con out of wedlock.

    She probably suspected him of being up to no good and rather than turn him in said, I don't want anything to do with any mess you've got yourself involved in, keep it out of my house and you'd better watch your Ps & Qs because if you get caught you're on your own. He's lucky he gets to speak to Aiden and gets glittery cards in the mail.

    Phaedra talks a lot of shit, sticks her tongue out inappropriately, and likes to dip her toe in the wild side, she but comes from a different world than Kandi. And Kandi may be able to buy and sell everyone on that stage but she's still ghetto and she knows it.

    ITA. Kandi is hood. Phaedra is hood adjacent. I (and a lot of other middle class black folks I know) can somewhat relate to that.

    • Love 3
  14. They really didn't know about the beatings. Nicole kept it from most people. Kris and Robert were "couple friends" to Nicole. Robert was a personal friend of OJ's before he married Kris, but I think they only socialized with Nicole as couples. Vacations, dinners, kids parties, that kind of thing. After the trial I think Kris became a bigger part of the group (Kathy Hilton, Kyle Richards, Faye Resnick, and others) and I think that's where she learned about the beatings (from Faye.) I'm not positive about this, but I think that's the way it happened, from my various reading. Kris was married, so didn't usually go out on the girl's nights, and she wasn't a running friend either. She may have suspected, but I think most of what she knew she found out after Nicole's death. Robert I completely believe didn't know until the trial began.

    He really was over OJ, and you may be right, it could have been social pressure, but personally I think the show is correct in this, or at least, it leans more to that side of things. In the media thread there is one of the columns from Dominick Dunne where they happen to run into one another shortly after the verdict. It's very obvious that RK is no longer involved in any way with OJ. He didn't just refuse his calls while he was dying, he did cut ties. As for the victory celebration, I haven't seen the "high five" photo, but I believe you. In a way I can understand that, one final expected appearance and then done.

    As far as the book, it was obviously not a pro OJ book. So many reports on that, and I can't tell what's true. It seems that when it began RK expected OJ to be convicted, and wanted to get a real story out, and possibly recoup on the losses standing by OJ caused RK in his business, and perhaps to clear his conscious a bit, or to explain why in hell he ever got involved. The book changed after the verdict seemed to be going the other way, and certainly after the acquittal. Then of course, there was the lawsuit forbidding any privileged communications and the other lawyers and OJ both covering their asses, and shutting RK up, which is completely understandable because he was OJ's lawyer.

    I think the truth of RK lies somewhere in the middle. I remember watching him during the trial, he was on camera a lot, because of where he sat. Now, this is only my impression, but I watched a man who seemed, too many times, to be thinking "how in hell did I get here?" and "OMG the jury looks like it's buying this shit." and certainly bemused and uncomfortable, deer caught in the headlights. I dunno, almost like when I saw RK, I thought he felt as I did about the evidence presented, and the way things were handled. It was a "which of these things is not like the others?" feeling, and not just his shock at the verdict.

    I was always under the impression that everyone knew, including Nicole's family. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in those circles turned a blind eye because of OJ's fame and money, much like the jury is accused of doing.

    • Love 8
  15. I agree. The line that rang the most false to me was when he told Kris that "when the trial is over, I and our family will have nothing to do with OJ." They should have added a caveat: "except for OJs victory party that night, where I will be high-fiving and partying with OJ, and the book I will work on about OJ". I don't think Kardashian was a bad man, but I do think kardashian thought OJ was guilty pretty early on but for whatever reason (loyalty or giving good friend benefit of doubt) supported OJ during the trial. I don't believe he was as Team Nicole as the show is portraying and only stuck around because his leaving "would convict OJ". I know Robert had pushed OJ away at the time of his death, but I'm not sure if it was because he thought OJ murdered Nicole. That might have been why. But it could also have been Kardashian distancing himself from OJ because of all the trial backlash, or because of the lawsuit between the two of them over the book, or because kardashian may have noticed a striking resemblance between one of his kids and Sydney.

    I didn't even know about the victory party. Smh. Yeah, that scene came off like spin to me.

    Things I liked;

    Martin vs. Seinfeld

    Target vs. Ross (I didn't even know ross was around back then)

    Older white guy with his superior attitude and "dont start that race stuff with me, I'm part native American" If I had a dollar for every time...

    The pros/def strategizing about the jury

    The mock cross and everyone's horrified reactions

    Re: the handshaking...I don't know that Fung shaking hands with both sides would have had any impact on me as a juror other than hmm, that guy is kinda weird. Actually, him hugging Cochran or whoever it was may have made me wonder if he was in the defense's pocket.

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