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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. This was a good one.

    Shannon was absolutely NUTS and her mother seemed shady to me. Her eyes darted around way too much for me to believe anything she said. The tapes, the "rape", the planted knife, I mean it was all too much. The most chilling part to me was how Jamier called her to see if she was at work when he found out about the murder. He knew if anyone was capable it was her.

    I'm glad Danita's mom has found peace.

    • Love 6
  2. I like Erika. I hate the entire premise of calling women golddiggers as an insult. What's wrong with marrying for money? People all over the world have done it throughout history. If she's a golddigger, Eureka! She made it and good for her.

    I didn't notice this when it first happened because I was too busy being dumbfounded by what I was watching, but tonight I noticed Kim's outfit when she went over the wall was really cute. Casual cute, which you don't see often on these shows.

    • Love 15
  3. Yeah it's more annoyance than hate. I still believe she's playing it up but if not, she needs to get over herself. And it's Miami! It's not like they're walking around Manhattan in those outfits.

    She and Kenya are around the same age but Kim seems much older. To be fair Kenya acts like a mean teenager sometimes but still. Kim is an old soul. Fine to be but not exactly fun to watch. But I still like her and appreciate her presence on the show.

    • Love 9
  4. Speaking of dancing, I loved that dance they were doing on the boat; they looked like they were having such a genuinely good time! Okay, I am aging myself here, is that a new dance the kids are doing these days?

    I don't know what that was. Maybe they made up a dance routine. Shamea is a cheerleader so it's possible she taught them an 8 count. Whatever it was, it was cute.

    • Love 1
  5. Plus Porsha obviously doesn't know that being Latino is based on country of origin not race. Of course I cant expect much from someone who is looking for the Underground Railroad at a train stop.

    Meh. You'd be surprised how many Americans don't know this. I've taught Latino students who don't know this.

    Shemea's white outfit reminded me of something Kelly kapowski would have worn on saved by the bell. She looked cute though.

    • Love 6
  6. I can't get over how great Sheree looks.

    I could be wrong but I suspect Kim is dialing up the sad for camera time. Tootie isn't a rookie. Shady and mean isn't her lane, and devoted homesick/pearl clutching mom is new territory for this show so I'm not even mad at her right now, especially if it's an act.

    Wtf did Cynthia do to her face? And Noelle drives?

    Kim has Kenya's number.

    Speaking of, why was Kenya so thirsty for attention? Young Buck paid her dust and she hated it LOL. Beauty isn't enough Kenya. It also helps not to be annoying and batshit crazy.

    Porsha is a sweetheart offering to stay with kandi. Thot with a heart of gold lol.

    I don't understand the three blond cornrows. Just perplexing.

    The bodies on these women...jeez...I would rule the world. Or at least my neighborhood.

    • Love 17
  7. I haven't watched one episode of this show since the Pilot and I don't feel like I missed much but last night, I got sucked into the second hour just because I'm always a sucker for the "here's how I did it" murder confession. It was okay but the one time I truly laughed out loud was during the judge's speech to the Chanels and explaining why he believed they were without question crazy. The actor's delivery was awesome.

    I loved that too. I also loved how, after Chanel called him Judge Mathis and Judge Joe Brown, he called her "Ms. Hilton." LOL

    Other things I loved:

    Chad and Denise, especially when she asked him if he wanted to look back at it.

    Zayday's annoyed expression after Denise accused her AGAIN.

    Chanel's missive...I can't be the only one who remembers this:http://gawker.com/5994974/the-most-deranged-sorority-girl-email-you-will-ever-read

    Emma Roberts was amazing in this for me all season but that missive and her voiceover were hilarious.

    Wes getting sprung.

    Hester being full-on crazy and explaining how she did it.

    Number 5's parents and their disgust with their former daughter.

    The Chanels actually eating.

    I can see how others would find it unsatisfying but I enjoyed it. I'm in for season 2, especially if Emma Roberts and Neicy Nash are there.

    • Love 5
  8. And there still wasn't any strong "I can't bear to be without you" embrace with that desperate "let's stay together forever baby" urgency. It was just a meh "lay his shiny bald head on my chest" embrace that looked like Peter didn't even want to do judging by how slow he went in. I think Peter is so over Cynthia. He's just hanging on for the prestige of her celebrity status and what's left of her money.

    Pretty much. He sounded disappointed as hell to HAVE to come home, and then once he was there he was distant and unavailable. They are doomed. It's just a matter of when at this point. But judging from the Thanksgiving pic, she's still hanging in there. You Big Dummy.

    • Love 9
  9. I want that Peter tea, like right now. Porsha alluded to it and I believe her 100% because I've heard some stuff and I'm not even in that circle.

    It always seems like no matter who Porsha gets into it with, she ends up with more support than the other person. Peter was like meh, while Porsha's mom is bringing her food on a tray lol.

    I agree with a pp...Porsha is a Cancerian and no matter how dumb she appears to be, like a true Cancerian she knows how to read people. They are very intuitive. She's had Kenya's number from day one and she also had Claudia's which is why she consistently paid her dust. She was right at that lunch and Kenya knew it.

    Shut up Kenya's cousin. Take the girl out of the ghetto? Kenya spent all of her first season hollering about how she was from Detroit and would whoop anybody's ass. All of these chicks are ratchet. The end.

    Cynthia is just...pathetic. Trying to use the fight with Porsha to strengthen her marriage. Girl, no.

    Can kandi stay pregnant? She's never looked better.

    • Love 13
  10. Kenya wants so badly to be the queen bee and it's just not happening. Foiled again. She's just not an alpha the way Nene was. Nobody likes Kenya. It's like she doesn't inspire loyalty, respect, or trust. All she's good for is the occasional zinger, and even those seem rehearsed most of the time. She needs to go on and give up that dream.

    • Love 14
  11. I laughed out loud at Phaedra calling Lake Lanier a morgue, a bad place to be. Girl.... you forget you had that big birthday party for Mr. President when he turned 1, with 12 cakes (one for each month) and everybody was bussed in from Atlanta.

    And I've never heard anyone call the lake that, and I've been going there on boats all my life.

    I've heard it called a death trap, crystal lake, etc for years because of all the people who die out there. Between boat accidents and drownings, it does seem to be bad luck.

    • Love 4
  12. This was #blackexcellence. Loved it. The production was great, I loved the music, the choreography (and how Fatima snuck in some current dances), and most of all, the cultural and political commentary. It was subtle but so well done. Like the emerald city scene, for example. Amazing homage to and commentary (imo) on the appropriation of black and brown gay culture. Fantastic, every second of it. There were lots of other little gems that I think really meant a lot to black viewers. Just wonderful, all around.

    In the age of Netflix and binging and DVR, it felt nice to watch something live like when I was growing up. My kids got that experience too, which was great.

    I give it an A.

    • Love 9
  13. The most recent Your Worst Nightmare (which I'm really enjoying) was creepy as hell. The guy was like the terminator. I can't even imagine.

    I vaguely remember the Kimberly Mays story from when I was younger. It's really sad to see how she turned out. She was such a sweet, soft-spoken teenager and you could just imagine that she'd grow up to be a teacher or counselor or some other noble profession but her parents (all of them) seem to have done a number on her.

    • Love 6
  14. I didn't hate Tony. I don't care enough about any of these people to hate them. Mostly I just thought ok, so he's the first person on this season to act like an idiot. Meh.

    Why do they (and most young people for that matter) always call women females but they never call men males? I don't know why but that annoys me.

    I hope I never see another one of these girls struggle twerking again. Awful.

    All I want for Christmas is for a plot against Bananas to work.

    Poor Candace. She seems very sensitive and she obviously hates to disappoint Leroy. I can't lie though, it was funny seeing her roll down that hill. Camilla too.

    Add me in the "too old" camp. I only watched because apparently I set a series recording last challenge and I saw it on my DVR and was curious.

    • Love 3
  15. I think it is. She's gained weight all over and her thighs match her ass. The kardashians and minajes of the world never have matching thighs. That's usually the dead giveaway.

    There are natural women with bodies like Porsha all over Atlanta. I do think she's had lipo on her stomach though because the stomach also usually matches and hers is completely flat.

    • Love 3
  16. They're still together. She posted pictures of them from Thanksgiving and they were all hugged up. As my grandmother used to day, Cynthia ain't gonna bust a grape.

    Damn you maverick! I have work to do today.

    ok, let's zapruder together.

    @ 1:20 "you are fake as f*%!"

    @ 1:24 "your faux a** chin is m*&%n fake"

    Chin implants are a thing but ya'll study your housewives real up close and personal like, I would be shocked if one of us hadn't noticed something amiss before now.

    ROFL! I'm definitely gonna be on the lookout now to see what that chin do.

    • Love 2
  17. Yeah girl I don't know how Cynthia gets out of this one clean. I made up a whole Tyler Perry stage play where Porsha grabbed her up, jumped back and Bruce Lee'd her ass and went on about her business. womp womp. This one's on Cyn. I did hear something I hadn't heard before which made me laugh though. Cynthia says people think she's stupid and in the middle of apologizing Porsha goes people call you stupid all the time bitch. Lol. What a mess.

    I'll do you one better...what's that I heard about Porsha having fake chin? LOL

    Was Cynthia just lashing out or is this really a thing?

    • Love 4
  18. Wire I am sooooo mad at you! I demand an apology right now! I came in here on ready set to tell you this is not how that happened.

    Welp. You're absolutely right, that's how that happened. I could only see this without buffering pauses on my phone.


    The messed up part is I'm still Team Cynthia. lol.

    Thanks for the link because I was trying to figure out why the narrative seemed to be that Porsha got physical. Cynthia has already admitted she assaulted the girl and it seemed clear during the episode that she was grabbing at her. I was about to watch it again to see if I saw it wrong LOL.

    • Love 5
  19. Yeah I can't stand it when people litter. I forgot Kenya just chucked Kim's dishes into the river. She is trash. Couple that with her commitment to shade Shamea all day and the goodwill she built with me for having fun at Sheree's is gone.

    Speaking of shade, that shit is played out. Throwing it will never die but talking about it and saying the word incessantly is old and tired.

    • Love 12
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