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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. She admitted using it. But says she was shopping for someone else. I want to know who in Porsha's circle is on food stamps?


    In my town, if you use an EBT card, you first have to show ID to prove it's yours. Otherwise, they'd be stolen all the time. She used it, admitted it.... her story of shopping for someone else doesn't fly.

    Ok so gossip then. Thanks.

    • Love 1
  2. HAHAHA!! In her dreams. I've never seen any large numbers for her except when she was married to Kordell. She was seen using an EBT food stamp card at Kroger as recently as fall of 2013.

    Is there a pic or a link to a pic? Or is this just gossip?

    Yeah, "upscale" is the word I think of first when I see Porsha.

    But "Stupid" is not a magazine yet.

    She can't be too stupid. She picked a great agent who got her on the cover of a magazine that has also been graced by the First Lady of the United States.

    • Love 2
  3. I don't see how this is anything but a win for Nene. They get exec producer credit which likely means more money than her regular RHOA check. She stays on TV on a show with her name in the title and all she has to do is be/pretend to be (?) friends with someone who she was very close to at one time. Win-win.

    • Love 5
  4. I'm really ... enjoying isn't the right word ... but I look forward to new episodes of See No Evil. These aren't reenactments, folks. It's very interesting to see how CCTV can help solve cases. Not solve them alone, but as another clue. Even the episode with the home invasion by 5 masked men, we saw what but not who.

    The police in the ep about Skylar Neese were way too trusting, but her parents were so composed during their interviews I thought maybe Skylar really had run away. If I was one of those officers I seriously would have wanted to choke a confession out of both her friends.

    I thought the same thing about the police. Why did they just take to girl's word that it wasn't her car? If this was a married couple and the wife went missing, they would never just take the husband's word for anything. Made me angry.

  5. If it's NeNe's money paying for the house, that would be one reason she didn't want his name on the deed. Most husbands would never go for that. When I was married, both of our names HAD to be on the deed, but each state's laws are different.

    It speaks loud and clear (to me) where Gregg is in her life. I wonder if Phaedra did the same thing? I doubt Apollo would have agreed to that, unless she talked him into it regarding his criminal activities.

    That's interesting. I can believe some men would have a problem with it but judging by the stuff I read on other forums, a LOT of women aren't on the deed to their houses and they don't seem to give it a second thought until someone's husband cheats and threatens to leave and she has nowhere to go and no claim to anything.

    I say that to say I think it's somewhat normal for the person who pays to be the one on the loan and deed unless the other spouse specifically requests that they be added (depending on the state of course). When we had our closing, they asked my husband if he wanted to do the quit claim and put me on the deed right then. We did it then but they made it seem like it was no big deal, it doesn't mean much until it does, you can always file it later, etc.

    Greg may not care. He may not have even been at the closing. They may file it later. I just don't see this as a sign of anything in particular.

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  6. You know, if you look beyond the tragedy of the story...it was rather sordid and trashy, no?

    A woman cheats on her husband with a guy, then her dad and husband team up to confront said guy. Dad and husband take her babies with them to use as human shields and the other guy and his young daughter strap up with guns to prepare for the showdown. By the way, the other guy is also married so young daughter has a step mom at home but apparently she also hangs out with the woman dad is cheating with. The woman's dad doesn't seem to like her much and thinks she needs Jesus, but he does admit it's his fault she's a lyin' jezebel because he couldn't keep it in his pants when he was married to her mom.

    Geez. And for the record, the only reason killer husband even got two women to marry him was because he looked good on paper and didn't mind being the rebound.

    I feel awful for everyone but dad and husband. Dad seems like an asshole and husband was obviously a complete monster.

    • Love 5
  7. Responding to the question of whether or not Peter's admission that he was planning to cheat occurred on the show.

    I thought it did but everything is running together for me so it's possible he said it in the media. But I think that was what made people begin speculating on his extracurriculars. He has nobody to be but himself for that.

    • Love 2
  8. That segment was meant as a joke, right? There is no way Claudia could have seriously considered making that her routine!

    Did he tell her that on this show? I thought he said that in an interview.

    Responding in Cyn's thread
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