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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. I don't find it cute or adorable when the women go out of town and the menfolk are lost and can't figure out how to get their own children fed, clothed, and off to school/activities. Even giving leeway for men who work a lot like Mauricio, it still seems ridiculous for them to need so many instructions.

    Kim, ugh. Stfu. So nasty and so rude.

    • Love 9
  2. Chiming in to way I also don't care for Eileen's house. I look at it and feel like it would make me sneeze/itch. Unless she has a team of people coming in to dust all that...stuff, there's just no way her house is truly clean the way I like my home clean. I love her, but I like decor even less than cheap ass Brandi's, and that's saying a LOT. I also don't care for the dark browns/rusts/golds/tans along with the dark wood. It feels heavy and brooding. Many of Adrienne's rooms felt that way to me too.

    Lisa V and Yolanda have the best homes for me, decor wise, and Yolanda wins all for decor, layout, and utility. I could really live in Yolanda's home and make the most of the space. Lisa's is pretty to look at it but doesn't feel livable to me.

    I actually like what I have seen of Kim's house but I know she doesn't clean it well so that takes it down a few notches (I'm sensing a pattern here).

    Brandi...I like the light and airy feel of her place and how realistic it feels, size wise. But she's even less clean than Kim so good luck to the owner when she moves out.

    Kyle's house is OK. The decor could be better but it's a nice family home and they seem to enjoy it.

    I loved all of Camille's homes. This is a weird thing to pick out, but I loved her big apothecary jars that she would fill with fruit, rice crispy treats, granola bars, etc.

    The fashions...ay yi yi...I'm surprised women of such means look so tacky all the time.

    • Love 2
  3. My corporate world experience is clearly different than yours. Friends at work would pounce all over me if I were to admit that I didn't like my child dating a white kid. They would quickly remind me that I was being a bigot and ask me why it's okay for me to discriminate but not them. Even if you've not experienced this yourself, you must watch the news enough to know this happens all the time.

    I know this is a comedy. I just can't help but see this incident (Dre talking to his co-workers about this) to be a major misstep of the writers. In real life, Dre would be too smart to express these feelings at work.

    Now, take race out of the equation, and I'm in total agreement with you about people dismissing his gripes.

    I have a different experience than you as well. My white, black, and Indian colleagues and I have had this conversation at a happy hour. I guess they're just progressive*, but we all shared our preferences. Some of us preferred for our kids to marry within our race/culture, others of us didn't care one way or the other.

    The scene rang true to me, particularly in such a liberal setting.

    *And they would never play that "reverse racism" bullshit. Ever. They're too smart.

    • Love 1
  4. Loved this episode. Brilliant use of Bump and Grind.

    I agree that Zoe is shallow and that was kind of the point. But hell, I'm twice her age and I'd rather be called shallow than ugly.

    Diane continues to be a little TOO cute for me, but the dimples are so adorable that I guess I'll get over it.

    MS is great as junior. My favorite kid, by far.

  5. Apollo arriving at the pen: "I am about to go asunder". He must mean "ass under", right? :-)

    Kandi wears a bonnet to bed every night and wonders why she isn't getting enough sex. My guess? Todd's not an Amish pioneer.

    ROFL! Yeah I can't even be mad at him for that. If Mr. Maverick came to bed in a durag I'd turn over and go to sleep.

    • Love 2
  6. Re: the CP time comment, I side eyed it too but what I loved, and what I love about this show in general, is that we get honest reactions. The three backup singers side eyed her too. It was a small moment but just enough that we know as soon as they went to break, they'd be like "no she didn't."

    • Love 7
  7. I'm Southern and in my 50's and we've been calling loved ones Bae all my life. Down here it's always been an abbreviation of "Baby", just like Hakeem said.

    Yes! I love that Lee Daniels said eff you to (sub)Urban dictionary and it's idiotic definitions. I'm from the south too and yes, we been saying it since forever. Hakeem got it right.

    • Love 1
  8. Yeah Janet Hubert is a legit actor, very well known as the original (and best) Aunt Viv. She also guest starred on Friends. She is not one to be trifled with.

    Childish, dumbass Kenya is not above any shenanigans so I have no trouble believing she stole time sheets.

    • Love 3
  9. Porsha posted pics of herself on the front row at NY fashion week. I'm not even mad at her. Claudia is trying to use her as a storyline and she's just out living life.

    I don't know if I'd want to see her back on the show as it is now. ATL has hit the point where everything feels scripted and tedious. She might be better off as a friend of so that she can opt out of the bullshit whenever she wants without feeling pressure to engage.

    • Love 4
  10. What are they gonna talk about if the people with actual lives leave. Week after week of Will Claudia's toes ever be fixed? Will Kenya's piano file a sexual harassment suit after her twerking on it one too many times? Will Cynthia get a clue?

    Give me a break..

    Lmao! Seriously. Those three are the lamest, most boring people on this show for me. Kenya's the worst and Cynthia is right behind her. I could deal with Claudia if she wasn't stuck to Kenya. I don't even mind her when she's crying about Porsha. At least I can love to hate her for stuff like that.

    Phaedra's drama is carrying the show right now with the Kandi and Todd divorce watch coming in second.

    Get your shit together Bravo! It's not fun anymore.

    • Love 5
  11. Hakeem is never getting over his mommy issues with that move Cookie pulled earlier at dinner, lol

    Right LOL. And nice touch to have Jamal look away and Hakeem stare when she showed her ass.

    This show is just everything. TPH has chemistry with everybody. Her and Mr. Devote were hot in that brief scene.

    Loved Andre's "wash your hands first" because that's exactly what I was thinking.

    • Love 7
  12. South Asian security guards don't do much either. Black people jealous of Asians' relative success (stereotypically speaking)? They tend to be more aggressive, too. I don't see too many white security guards around here.

    ETA: I just want to be honest about my experiences. The comments I made were not meant to sound racist. Just FYI.

    I honestly don't know how to respond to this so I'll just move on.

    I really hope to see more of the black kid (I'm so confused - what exactly is his name? I've heard both Edgar and Walter thrown into the mix!) in order to explore his and Eddie's dynamic. I think it would help better address any potential readings of anti-black racism that may have been gleaned from the Pilot. It also makes me think about how many noticed and commented on the usage of "chink," but we're also not addressing the other moment where the white kid makes fun of Eddie's lunch as an overtly racist moment. The show definitely builds up a lot of these various micro-agressions though, that's for sure. I'm curious to see if the show addresses anti-black racism within the Asian-American community though, which in my experience it definitely does happen especially with the older generations of an immigrant family.

    I don't expect the show to address anti-black racism but it would definitely add an interesting dynamic. I have experienced it many times and would love to see how they'd handle it.

  13. Seriously y'all, discernment is a real word. It's in the dictionary and everything.

    Claudia is so tacky. I know how these Bravo "events" go but she was wrong for trying to "hash it out" at Porsha's event.

    I ff'ed Kenya so who knows what stupid nonsense she came up with for her storyline this week.

    I still can't get over Kandi. So not only can your mother disrespect your husband, but your employees as well? I wish a MF would shade my husband in my presence or let me find out they did it behind my back. My teeth are clenched just thinking about that shit.

    • Love 18
  14. I learned two new words tonight. Discernment and hongry.

    You've never heard of discernment? You must not go to a black church. :D

    I like Phaedra but I don't believe her either.

    Don Juan is such a shitty person. So much so that my auto correct changed Don to Don't.

    Kandi, kandi, kandi. She sure had me fooled. I thought the thing with Kim was an anomaly but apparently, she just sucks at business.

    • Love 8
  15. "This episode was really funny! I'm actually kind of jealous of how academically demanding the mom is - wish I'd been a little harder on my kids. But then I'm not as smart as this mom, either! She does need to lighten up in the restaurant though - hilarious!"

    Sorry...my quote function is not working.

    Believe me, sometimes there is a very dark side to this type of demanding academic excellence. I remember a L&O where this Eastern European guy would lock his daughters in the basement all day and make them kneel on uncooked rice, until they had solved these very complex math problems. Of course because this was a Law and Order, it ended in tragedy.

    I am sure this show would never go that dark and so far I am enjoying it. I wish I would have once presented one of my all A report cards to my parents with such swagger.

    Right and given the depression and suicide rates in many of these high-achievment at all costs cultures, I don't think it should be glamorized. I think balance is great and I like that the mom let the kids play outside in this episode.

    • Love 1
  16. This episode was OK but I didn't enjoy it as much as the pilot.

    I really hope the Tiger mom stuff isn't a major theme of the season. The first couple of jokes were funny enough but it's going to get old fast if they keep at it.

    I could also do without the grandmother if she's just going to be a setup for Eddie's jokes.

    • Love 1
  17. I thought it was pretty funny, particularly for a pilot. I really like the mom. The kid playing Eddie...he's going to have to grow on me. A few of his lines were a little too on the nose (I have the same problem with one of the kids on Blackish) and the hip hop stuff is a bit much.

    I'm in for the season.

  18. I'll be the heartless asshole and say I really sympathized with Arunya. He didn't deserve to die of course but Greg sounded like a total asshole. The woman just wanted to come to work and do her job to the best of her ability and he had to spew his jealousy, misogyny, and xenophobia and make her feel like shit.

    She and she alone is responsible for her actions. But I do sympathize with her having to deal with that nonsense every day until she finally snapped.

    • Love 2
  19. From the recap:

    "Because so many shows would have Tiana fly into a jealous rage like a typical soap opera caricature. But on Empire, women are allowed to keep their eyes on the prize that's actually worth winning. (Sorry, Hakeem, but it's not you.)"

    Yesssss! That scene made me love Tiana. That girl is about her business, not Hakeem's sexual escapades.

    I thought this was a great episode. The show just gets better and better for me.

    • Love 16
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