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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. I wish my brother would hurry the hell up and by a fabulous vacation house and invite me over to rub my face in it.

    Jesus man, get off your ass and start Zillowing!

    Lazy bastard.......


    Seriously, if Kim was smart, she would see "free vacation home whenever I want it" as opposed to "symbol of my own failures and proof that they stole my GD house." Kyle and Mo have always been generous with their shit and I'm sure they'd let Kim stay there any time. She's so mad she can't see that their success means good things for her too.

    • Love 20
  2. The Peter conversation might have been a little rude but what can he say about it, really? The man went on national television and told his wife (who had been ill, ffs) that he was preparing to go to another country to cheat on her. Is it really farfetched that there are bow rumors out there about him cheating?

    • Love 2
  3. Who In The Hell Left The Gate Open to think that Jamal going to a hardcore rap battle and singing in his magical falsetto was a good idea cause in reality he would have got ridiculed off that stage.

    I hate HAAAAAATE that they reduced Anika to sleeping with the father and then the son.

    Sooooooooo Andre doesn't have Bi-Polar disorder anymore.

    Thank yoi for reminding me of how bad that battle was. Black Rambo was ridiculously bad and Jamal singing in a rap battle was just...NO.

    • Love 10
  4. Well that was a lot.

    I didnt really care for the gospel song interspersed with sex/after sex scenes. I guess that's my strict Baptist upbringing talking LOL.

    I did love that Michelle was quick to join the secular world. Rang very true to me and I also love how disillusioned Andre was by it. That's what happens when you build people up, Andre (see also: your daddy).

    They could have killed Rhonda and kept Vernon. I will miss Malik Yoba and Rhonda adds very little to this show for me. Boo to some timesucking baby that isn't Lola.

    Speaking of Vernon...how do you straight whoop somebody's ass and then say "I didn't come here to fight"?

    Malcolm, baby please don't go!

    That fight was EVERYTHING. My life was gotten. I'm also eagerly anticipating the Cookie/BBK alliance with lots of shade and begrudging respect.

    Overall, I give it a B+. Everything happened so fast and the flashbacks made my head spin. I kept thinking " dis tew much."

    Can't wait for next season!

    • Love 2
  5. Oddly, I enjoyed Kim and Kyle's argument last night. Kim was so jealous she could barely squeak out a compliment about Kyle's beautiful home, and Kyle was a bit more assertive with Kim and called her ass out in a way that was very entertaining for me.

    Kyle's decor isn't my taste (all that beige and heavy dark wood is quite boring to me) but the house has great bones and I'm happy for her and her family.

    The dinner seemed fun and Yolanda looked amazing.

    I ff through Brandi's date. She's gross and unattractive so no point in torturing myself.

    Overall, I love the show sans the Brandi/Kim dynamic. Kim can stay on because she and kyle entertain me. Sorry, they just do. I'm not close enough to my sisters to argue like that so in a weird way, their stuff is...endearing? I'll show myself out now.

    • Love 8
  6. All I could find is that she attended DeKalb County High School but nothing that says she graduated. I remember reading rumors of her being expelled for not attending classes and failing the ones she was in, but I cannot cite that as fact. She did take some college courses.

    There are people who are not book smart, but street smart, and Porsha seems to fall into this category. Knowing how to hustle and move up the ladder. And by hustle, I mean making connections, etc., nothing low brow.

    I know she attended Southwest DeKalb High School which is in DeKalb county. As far as I know she graduated. I heard rumors that she attended Open Campus which is an alternative school for various types of students but I can't find anything to back that up.

    I said long ago that I wish she would further her education but she seems happy and thriving so maybe she feels she doesn't need it.

    • Love 2
  7. Didn't Porsha get expelled from high school? I'd love to know the story on that one.

    I hadn't heard this. Link?

    About Rickey, he is both inappropriate AND country. We say TTAS down here and it's a compliment but it's definitely not appropriate when discussing an employee.

    She's in LA right now doing press for Dish Nation. She seems to be living the life. I can't be mad. Plenty of people in this world are uneducated but that doesn't make you a bad person. She works for a living and seems happy. More power to her.

    • Love 2
  8. Did NeNe apologize to Cynthia for saying she should be fired?

    Don't know. But since Cynthia wanted to be friends and they hugged it out and agreed to move past their issues, I can only assume it was squashed or that Nene thought it was. If not, Cynthia once again has flip flopped.

    • Love 2
  9. And I think the show would be so much better without Nene and her negativity. I'm truly hoping we'll get to find out next season!!!!

    I think they're all negative. With her gone, that still leaves Kenya and Claudia whose storylines consist of rehashing the same drama over and over and Cynthia who has "found her voice" and insists on being a bitch every episode. Phaedra and Kandi are the only ones with storylines and those are both negative too. The show is really dark now and a lot of that has nothing to do with Nene.

    For the therapy, I think Nene was probably expecting the others to hash things out, assuming they had moved past the stuff with her given her apologies.

    • Love 4
  10. Kandi's blog about this episode is up. According to her, she's finding out about what's been said behind her back as she's watching it all play out.

    The other women's blogs are up also. I am just dumbfounded at how clueless NeNe continues to be. She says very little, but what she does say isn't much. Now, it's all Gregg's idea that they have the group session.

    Feel free to discuss any of their blogs as long as it pertains to what happened last night. Have fun!


    As much as I agree that Nene is self centered, mean, and a bully, I also agree that these broads come off like they are obsessed with her. Who cares if she doesn't like them? Why is she always the topic of conversation? IIRC, she's apologized and moved on from everything that's happened in the past so why are they so stuck on it unless they're using her for a storyline?

    As awful as the show is right now, I think it would be even worse without Nene holding it together.

    • Love 9
  11. Thank goodness Daniel changed his story. I don't think I could have watched that detective accuse yet another person of murder. Who would have been next? Her sister? The provost? Keith?

    • Love 4
  12. I like Vernon, but it may be my affection for Malik Yoba. At any rate, I want to see Vernon have more to do. I was so excited when he choked out Andre* because he was finally getting to do something other than mumble exposition.


    I think you'll get your wish next week.

    *And no, I don't know what this says about me-lol

    Thank you kindly. *hurry up Wednesday!!!*

    Kendall, you got me! I knew it was a spinoff of "blacker the berry" but completely forgot about that scene in Friday.

    • Love 2
  13. I enjoy both the show and the conversation in here. :)

    This week's episode was the weakest for me but still enjoyable.

    I thought Andre's hospital stay was too rushed/shortchanged. They could have spent an entire episode just dealing with it. JH was way underused and you know what else? Don't nobody pray like that. She knows better. They all know better. Somebody call the church mothers to swat Jennifer for that LOL.

    What was interesting was how Andre leaned into her...we've seen him make out and have sex with other women, including his wife, but he semed to be trying to connect to her on a deeper level. Could be a function of his mental state, could be attraction. Not sure but I hope they explore it further.

    Yaaassss Malcolm and Cookie! But I feel cheated. I wanted to see the getdown.

    I really hope Lola comes back.

    Luscious is such an asshole but I can't quit him. I keep wanting to see what he'll do next.

    The worst episode of this show is still more interesting than almost everything else I watch so I can't complain too much.

    • Love 3
  14. I enjoyed reading it. She articulated a lot of the things I think many of us have felt about Brandi for awhile. And it's nice to know that she was wary of Brandi and her shenanigans even when they were close.

    That said, I also believe Lisa participated in gossiping about Kyle woth Brandi and Kyle probably also gossiped about Lisa to Brandi. It's unfortunate but I think the stuff about Kyle's marriage was cruel and for that, I will always have the tiniest of side eyes for Lisa. Still love her though.

    • Love 9
  15. Kyle looked insanely gorgeous at that dinner. Yowza! And I loved that she called Brandi out for what she is...someone who throws out any hurtful thing she can to see what sticks whether it's true or not. And we saw it in action with the LisaV "rumor."

    I have to echo the Eileen love as well. She handled herself beautifully and like a normal person as opposed to a reality TV veteran (although I guess you could argue that as a soap veteran, she knows which persona to use when). I hope she sticks around.

    • Love 17
  16. This is nothing. Apparently, Terrence Howard (Lucious) WANTS the N word to be mentioned ON THE SHOW! Go figure!

    I disagree that it's nothing.

    I heard about Terrence saying that but thankfully, it will never happen. And it has nothing to do with what's happening in this thread.

    • Love 4
  17. I was speaking specifically about her drunkenness - what about that said "ghetto (I HATE THAT WORD - it's such an ugly slur) hood rat?" and not just drunk woman?

    I didn't see much difference between that and Elle being high honestly. But no one was calling her a hood rat.

    It's kinda like the term "ghetto". It didn't even originate with black folk, yet somehow it has come to be all about black folks from the hood. It's a slur that needs to die.

    I agree. The slurs flying freely in this thread are making me extremely uncomfortable. I think I even saw the n word a few pages back. :(

    • Love 3
  18. Well the killer cop addressed "black on black" crime (which isn't a thing, BTW. Most crime is committed intraracially with victim and perp being the same race so there's that. But when unarmed folks are killed, they ARE victims. Not sure why Shonda and co. should ignore that to please the masses.

    • Love 3
  19. At first I was rolling my eyes that they even attempted to tackkle this on Scandal, but the guest stars hit it out of the park. I can't get over how much talent is in the Vance-Bassett household! Guest star Emmy for sure.

    As to the above, I didn't see the cop as the devil himself. Surprisingly I thought his ridiculous, self-incriminating monologue/diatribe was a very astute condensation of a portion of this problem. He never said he hated black people. He expressed disdain, anger, and condescention, but then added that he was STILL willing to come out everyday and both face the danger and aborb it on their behalf. Racism is a big part of this problem but not the ONLY part. In my own armchair analysis I think he used the correct word at the heart of it all - RESPECT. The residents feel disrespected by the police and the police feel disrespected by the residents and the feelings become self-fulfilling actions. You can't protect and serve that which you don't respect and you can't respect that which you fear.

    All this to say, I was surprised at how meaningful the episode was. Also to Fitz, I thought the trip to the White House was a nice touch. That VERY attractive man who called out Liv and who I REALLY hope is the new love interest for her, took away the power Liv had in her connections. I liked that the one thing she DID have the power to do was to put this man in front of the President, not as a celebrity moment, but as two people who understand the depth of the other's grief. Well done.

    Weird. My post disappeared.

    I think you raise interesting points but I think it's totally about racism. The cop had already arrested the shoplifter so where did respect factor in when he stopped an innocent man and questioned him in his own neighborhood? That's what stop and frisk (which doesn't work) is about as well.

    The idea he spouted about black people should obey without question like they're the family dog was laughable. That's not respect either. That's blind submission.

    I thought the monologue perfectly demonstrated just how racist many (most?) of these cops are and how they continually dehumanize black people. Or "you people" as he put it.

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