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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. I'm amazed the ratings are holding steady. This show is dead.

    Kenya is insufferable. Is this her real personality? If so, it explains a lot.

    The Kordell foolishness is too dumb to comment on.


    Eta: just checked and I'm wrong about the ratings. Will take to the small talk thread

    • Love 4
  2. I know my opinion is unpopular but I liked Brandon and Lucinda together. To me it made perfect sense that after Dylan swooped in and saved the day with Nat, Brandon needed to something to heal his bruised ego. Who better to help with that than a hot older woman?

    Not that she was a good person. She and Clair both creeped me out with their fixation on Bran and Man. But I did like that Brancinda seemed happy for at least a week there.

    • Love 1
  3. She said Tiny looked like a pig and was a waste of light skin.

    And that she wouldn't know whether to fuck her or put a quarter in her back.

    She's the type of person whose inner ugliness overrules any so-called prettiness in the outside. And honestly, the bitch ain't even that pretty to begin with.

    • Love 4
  4. I'm guessing this refers to the rap videos she was in when she was younger. When she first came on the show, it was a hot topic because the "video girl" and "Kordell's wife" were very different personalities.

    She was in one rap video and I'd hardly consider her notorious for it. If you blinked you would have missed her. She likely went to an open call for party scene extras and had fun for the day.

    Given all the talk about not calling women whores or shaming them for sex, I'm not sure why dancing fully clothed in a rap video is something that makes a woman notorious or brands her for life.

    • Love 7
  5. I don't think I can take this show anymore. Apparently, the worst insult to a woman is what she does with her vagina. Can we all agree that these women have sex? Okay, then. Move the fuck on. Jeebus. I agreed with Claudia. Porsha shouldn't be over there giggling while she found notoriety shaking her booty and then married a wealthy football star. I can't even get into the other women, because it just pisses me off.

    NeNe can miss me with her, "Oh, I apologize for calling you a whore. Come to my Broadway premier!"

    When did Porsha get notoriety shaking her butt? I never heard if her before this show and I grew up 15 minutes from her.

    I agree that kandi is not sexy or alluring. Weird that she's in the sex toy business.

    • Love 1
  6. How would police know he's wealthy? He presents like most young black men who are into hip hop culture. Besides, profiling doesn't always lead to shootings.

    Anyway, my larger point was that Hakeem probably legitimately dislikes Obama and called him a sellout for reasons other than the fact that he's educated. That's like the go-to reason some black folks use to explain why other black folks don't like them when sometimes, it's just that you're just an asshole.

    Not everyone loves Obama. Maybe Lee Daniels doesn't. Life will go on.

    • Love 2
  7. You don't have to be a genius to be dissatisfied with the president's response to Ferguson, for example. And a guy like Hakeem would be exactly the type to call that out (A young black male who is likely to be profiled by the police).

    I also didn't find it off that Obama would talk to Luscious. He's always been friendly with Jay Z and we know his history.

    I'm not saying I thought the scenes were respectful. They just weren't farfetched to me, is all.

    • Love 4
  8. Maybe it's just me but I don't think Hakeem was calling Obama a sellout for being educated or speaking standard American English. It's not like those characteristics make him an outlier or anomaly in the black community.

    I think the sellout insult was due to some of the choices he has/hasn't made as president. The various criticisms are off topic here but trust me, Hakeem is not alone and many of the people criticizing Obama are black, educated, and standard English-speaking.

    I'm surprised Daniels went there.

    • Love 3
  9. Not gonna join the "Birkins are ugly" chorus because I think they're beautiful, but there's no way in hell I would pay $80,000 or $8,000 for a handbag. So I will look upon it lovingly and continue to tote my Target purse.

    I agree. Birkins aren't my style and definitely aren't in my budget, but I've seen a couple in person and they are beautifully made. Gorgeous in fact.

    I think Porsha is sugaring. She can't afford that bag and I don't think Hermes lends bags to reality stars. If she is, more power to her. She can sell that bag one day and bank the cash. Hopefully she's getting other things from the man/men too like stock and real estate in her name.

    I follow her on IG and she hustles. She has her Dish Nation gig, rhoa, the hair line, lingerie, and she hosts parties which can easily net her several thousand dollars for a couple of hours of work. Ignorance aside, she's making the most of being a minor celebrity and positioning herself for when her time on the show ends.

    • Love 3
  10. DWB - "DWUB" "No, it's driving while black, idiot"

    The candy is free.

    Andre feeling like it's been forever since he saw Bow when it had been 12 minutes.

    Bow's quotation marks for Dr. Kings doctor status.

    "Diane" "Charles"

    The window into what white people do when black people take off for MLK day.

    The whole car singing "All about that bass"

    "I'm allowed to have interests" from Junior about his Bieber fandom.

    Charles whole reaction to be pulled over.

    I don't see how these things aren't adding up to a another funny episode. Well, it is for me anyway.

    It seems that when the show embraces it's more cringey elements, people don't respond well to it. I don't mind it because it doesn't always go that far into it and it's been in the shows DNA since the pilot. I laughed my ass off as usual.

    I agree. I loved it. Laughed out loud several times.

    I especially loved Charlie saying Diane is weird because I think I'm the only person here who doesn't care for her LOL. Charlie is my Greek chorus.

    • Love 1
  11. Now she's getting dragged for this:

    Foxxhole Classic - Johnny Mack & Claudia Jordan D…:

    Apparently she dogged out Tiny Harris' looks (wife if TI, ex bandmate of Kandi) on her last radio show. Claudia apologized on her twitter and said she cried about it.

    I'm not feeling her too much anymore. All this Team Pretty nonsense, on top of her unprovoked comments about Tiny and the dark skinned thing are giving me bad teas.

    • Love 5
  12. I don't know if I'm done, but I do agree with this. All of the jabs about age. Kenya's half way to 50 so she needs to take a seat and Claudia's no spring chicken either, neither is Cynthia with that awful hairstyle. To me Cynthia looks foolish running around with Kenya and Claudia. And what was that about, "we're the beauty queens?" I can't stand when people gloat about things they had NO control of, Kenya, Cynthia and Claudia came out the good side of the gene pool, and that's about it. As I watched them, I wondered how they would fare if they looked like a regular black woman like Phaedra or Kandi, or even Nene.

    Kenya, Cynthia and Claudia can all take seats and pray that their bodies don't change when they go through menopause.

    Real talk, Cynthia and Claudia do look regular to me. Kenya is the only one of the three I consider(ed) extraordinarily beautiful. But I get your point.

    • Love 2
  13. First of all Demetria and Cynthia shouldn't talk about how anybody looks with that nasty power blue eye shadow, I thought went out in the 1970's. Also, Cynthia looks terrible with that stupid flat iron style, it looks like something died on her head and if Kenya was a real friend she'd tell Cynthia how foolish she looks. BTW, isn't Cynthia close to 50?

    Kenya and Claudia need to stop that agest shit, but of them are closer to 50 than 30 and Claudia was born in 1973 so Nene's not 20 years younger than she. Also Kenya and Claudia will be sixty someday unless they don't intend on living past 59.

    Phaedra was just nasty to Demetria, but Phaedra was right about her relationship, eight years and still no ring? Roger Bobb is just stringing her along. Or maybe Demetria doesn't want to get married; at any rate, Phaedra was very nasty to her for some unknown reason.

    Now to Nene. Though I can't stand Claudia because I think she throws her "biracial-ness" around too damn much, maybe she thinks she has an advantage rather than being "just black" Maybe she thinks she'll get more roles in Hollywood if she lets them know she's biracial. (http://www.clutchmagonline.com/2014/06/biracial-women-erasing-black-women-hollywood/#comments) However, I really dislike what Nene said to her, it really burned me up; I hate what Nene said about Claudia being a whore, or sleeping around or whatever.

    A few months ago, I read an article on the website "Racialicious" about sexuality and black women. They quoted an article about Pink where she said that when she was younger she did sleep around a bit, now she's married and has a child. The article when on to say that it's acceptable in this society for a white woman to explore her sexuality, but when a black woman does the same, she's shamed for it; I mean take Kim Kardashian, she might have slept with hundreds of men, but still Kanye West married her. When a black woman explores her sexuality, she's called a "whore" a "trick" a "THOT" and worse, Kim Kardashian is a millionaire while Karrine Steffans is called "Superhead."

    Wasn't Kenya whining about Porsha shading her about her age a few seasons back? Funny how that works.

    I think I'm done. This show isn't lighthearted and fun anymore. Tonight was just nonstop mean-spirited jabs and I didn't enjoy watching it at all.

    I also hate that half the chicks on the show now aren't from Atlanta or even Georgia and it shows.

    • Love 8
  14. My season 2 thoughts...I couldn't stand Nick. He was a grade A asshole IMO.

    Frank was a favorite of mine from this season. CB is an amazing actor and Frank was so sympathetic and tragic.

    McNulty was also an asshole, but the good kind. I loved his mission to screw Rawls. Awesome.

    • Love 1
  15. You got it, that's what she said.

    Although I don't think that sentence is street talk. I think the issue is the Baltimore accent. I think most of the folks on the show speak standard English with a few variations. Some of the kids, Ms Donnelly, and Mellow probably have the strongest accents. Those were the people o struggled with on first watch.

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  16. Pres was a sucky cop. I loved when Jay was running down all of the differences between Prez and the officer he killed. McNulty looked sick to his stomach but...he had no defense. There really is no defense for Prez and cops like him.

  17. What got me...and what always gets me...is that there are usually a couple of people who hear something very relevant and never relay it to police. For example, the exgirlfriend who he poured his heart out too and told that he raped his sister.

    I'd like to think I'm the type of person who would tell the police when the sister is found dead. I mean wtf? And then years later she waited until the last second to say "oh yeah, BTW, he told me he raoed her." Why wasn't that first on her list of things to tell?

    But yeah, creepy guy, horrific case.

    • Love 7
  18. Delurking to ask...when did ID fill its lineup with shows I like? It snuck up on me. Crime to Remember, of course, but also Cause of Death, Motives and Murders, I'd Kill for You, Murder Book, Stranger in my Home, and Fatal Vows. Even Momsters is watchable.

    It's a Christmas miracle!

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