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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. I think the truth is in the middle. They probably really dated, he glimpsed the crazy, broke up with her (and quickly found someone else and rushed into an engagement, as some men are wont to do), and she lied and said they were still together to save face, especially since the reunion was coming up.

    That would explain why he suddenly posted his wedding photos on Facebook after four years of no posts. It would also explain Kenya lying now about finding out today when Porsha knew a week ago and tweeted her about it.

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  2. cooks my mind rewound over that a few times and the best I can come up with is a punctuation gaffe. With proper punctuation:

    The show was filmed, a couple of months after, it was aired on television, but according to Kenya they were still going strong.

    Still properly run on-ish but dealable.

    Girl. What the fresh hell? What are we thinking? another Walter? Either she has problems that really require some professional help to sort out or she was fooled? Now, it's not entirely beyond the realm. I knew a friend from work who was dating this guy she showed up with at mutual girlfriend's birthday party. She'd been seeing him for months, they were very cute together, he was affectionate, attentive, all that. I thought she'd finally found her match. Her cousin, the birthday girl, told me that the following week, that guy got married. So it happens but how hard can this really be to find out? Men frankly, aren't that good at being dodgy for long, if you're listening closely enough.

    I'm not a fan of Kenya and I believe she's a liar so I'm inclined to think this is another Walter situation. I agree with you...a man who you are close enough with to call the love of your life cannot get one over on you like that.

    I would feel sorry for her but from what I've read, she was coming for people's relationships at the reunion.

    I hate that Bravo keeps letting her get away with this crap while everyone else has to share their real lives or lose their peach.

    • Love 6
  3. I could have sworn one of the other shows that featured this story hinted at an incestuous relationship between Becky and her son.

    Even without that, this story was a hot mess from start to finish. That suburban veneer covers over all manner of debauchery and treachery. Anytime the implication is "that kind of thing doesn't happen here", I know I'm in for some weird shit.

    • Love 7
  4. Michael Rappaport has an Al Bundy thing going on right now. Looks aside, I enjoyed him here like I always do. He is hilarious.

    The spray bottle was genius. That is so something Mr. Maverick would do while chasing me around the house.

    I can't throw too many stones at Bow since I first watched Roots at the age of 33. However, her disgust and disinterest was kind of sad. Actually, really sad. To me.

    Pops is gold.

    I'm going to rewatch.

    • Love 1
  5. Ugh, Bethenny. There was no ten year old slang this week but her THs were still annoying as hell. It used to be effortless but now it's just trying too hard. Stay thirsty, my friend.

    Ramona is hilarious. She'd be exhausting to be around (along with her bestie) but she's so fun to watch.

    Whatever Carole did to her face really worked. She looks great.

    Lu's house is fabulous. THAT is why I watch these shows.

    • Love 1
  6. I caught that as well, and was blown away by the tone-deafness of a white woman's "thickness" being exalted by every male in the scene while Bow, who has a very similar shape and is CLEARLY stacked like a brickhouse, is mocked and made a fool of with Spanx. I didn't bother going there in my episode comments, because I was so otherwise angry about the way Dre treated Bow. Mind you, I have no issues with shapewear or jokes about them, but coupled along with all of the other fuckery going on with the "let's humiliate Bow for laughs" episode, it just confirmed that it's time for me to be done with this show.

    I'm still watching but otherwise, YES to everything you said. But IIRC the head writer of the show is a black man, so...let's just say I wasn't shocked.

    Really? Because I've always thought it was the other way around. Perhaps it depends on who is doing the judging. Although it's lessened to almost non-existent, but I've seen black women and white men judge white women with black men.

    It's funny because somehow, all of a sudden, all of the black (sorority) women from my college are now married to white men. Most of the comments are more along the lines of the "marrying up" comment. Or at least a kind of "do what you've got to do" thing (not a money thing, but a love is love thing).

    There are definitely generational shifts happening.

    Let the media and IR couples tell it, all black women hate and harass bm who date ww. The reality is there are plenty of bm who hate seeing bw date interracially. There were many salty tears over Scandal. Additionally, there have been several cases of bw/wm couples being harassed, attacked, and even murdered by bm. So the idea that bm don't care or that they care less than we do is very far from the truth.

    • Love 2
  7. From the Betty thread:

    Everyone's got their opinions and there are a lot of differing ones when it comes to this show, as to which seasons are better, etc. I will say that I appreciate how the show uses the JFK assassination as a turning point in not just history/the country, but in the characters lives, both at home and at the office, to the point where it almost feels like we're watching a different show from S4 onward, and that's not a bad thing at all, in my opinion. I personally love the later seasons. But I was born in the 70s so I don't have any personal connection to the era.

    Ita with this. It felt like a different era but that was OK because it was different in a good way. I loved the Betty years but I also loved the beginning of SCDP era. In fact, I'd say my absolute favorite section of the show was everything from The Benefactor, when we first meet the Barretts, to Tomorrowland.

    • Love 2
  8. Very true. However this is not a support forum. If Kim has come here looking for productive input then she is in worse shape than we imagined.

    So these are opinions and quite frankly none of them are productive. We're all just flapping about like we're on a reality show.

    Yeah I've been reading and asking myself "is Kim in this board?"

    I doubt she is so I am quite enjoying the jokes and everything else. The bitch spent the entire season being rude, condescending, mean, nasty, and ugly toward her sister and coworkers. I hope she gets her addiction under control but she's still a nasty person who won't take responsibility for anything in her life. The fact that she got arrested for assault and battery not a week after being seen accusing Lisar of same is hilarious. Sorry, not sorry.

    I only wish Brandi had been in the cell with her.

    Also, shame on Kyle for allowing this to happen to Kim just like she's allowed everything else bad that's ever happened to Kim to happen to Kim.

    • Love 20
  9. Children being spoiled don't bother me until those children grow up to be like Max Todd who think they can have money handed to them any time they want and expect to run a business without any education or experience. I have witnessed parents doting on their children in many ways. Rich parents and working-class parents. It is not just a rich family situation.

    Did you watch all the seasons of BH or just the last couple of seasons? Welcome to the BH crowd!

    Oh I binge watched them all! And then thought damn, I've been missing out. BH is now my favorite.

    • Love 6
  10. I'm not bothered at all by somewhat spoiled children. It's spoiled husbands that irk me, and the thing with Mo (and Vince) not being trusted to keep their own children annoyed the hell out of me. But not my marriage. They all seem happy so more power to them.

    Anyway, I like Kyle. I only started watching BH a few months ago on Hulu to prepare for the new season with Eileen who I grew up watching on Y&R. But I remember long before that, I would hear about Kyle from BH and her hair and her beautiful family. When other howives across franchises were getting divorced, filing for bankruptcy, etc, Kyle from BH was often spoken of as an example of someone who was the real deal. Other than the brief mean girl thing at game night, I've enjoyed watching her and I hope she can cut Kim out of her life and REALLY start enjoying her many blessings. That I'd like to see.

    • Love 8
  11. Count me in as one who found Finkel annoying and stupid. I couldn't have been more weirded out by him taking relationship advice from Longo if I tried. And the girlfriend laughing about how great the advice was since she finally.got the ring from the lying liar who lies. Idiots, the lot of them.

    And I agree about Mary Jane. At what point does a woman realize she can do bad all by herself? The prick is dragging you and your kids to and fro to escape his crimes to the point that your family has no idea where you are and you have to leave your prized possessions in the warehouse you once called home. Red flags everywhere.

    But with that said, none of that foreshadows murder. I feel awful for her and those kids.

    • Love 2
  12. I agree. That's my point. LisaV is much closer to Kyle than Brandi was. That's why I believe LisaV totally has Kyle's number. Just like she had Brandi's. She knew what Brandi was - vile and trashy. She laughed at her cursing and sexual asides and became her good friend. Imo, she knows Kyle is cut from similar cloth. But like she did with Brandi, Lisa doesn't care. Well, until she does. I think that's what Brandi was saying. Watch your back with Kyle because you and I, Lisa, know what she's about.

    I don't disagree but I would say it applies to Kyle as well. She should watch her back because I have no doubt that LisaV and Brandi were giddy over the prospect of Mo cheating on Kyle and I also believe the magazine thing and that they wanted to knock kyle down a peg.

    These hoes ain't loyal. Not a one of them. But at least Kyle and Lisa V aren't vile drunken trash who are painful for me to watch.

    • Love 9
  13. The horizontal detail at the waist makes her visually look wider at the waist also the top starts just below her actual waist. I think it would have been better to put that horizontal detail just below the bust line and bring it in a tad more at the waist or have no detail at all. She doesn't have the hourglass shape that Lisa has she seems to me to be more mesomorph in body type..

    Great observation. That must be why she looked so amazing in that black peplum jacket in Amsterdam. It gave her an hourglass silhouette.

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