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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. On 4/4/2018 at 11:15 PM, walnutqueen said:

    See No Evil : when will little old ladies learn not to trust derelicts down on their luck?  I know the temptation to be a good, kind, generous and caring person is desirable - but you are OLD, you have MONEY & NICE THINGS, and you LIVE ALONE.  When I was a sweet young thing (eons ago), a Sicilian farmer told me: "Some trust is good.  No trust is better."   The older I get, the less willing I am to trust anyone.  Sorry, nice, decent people; I watch too much ID to give you the benefit of the doubt.  ;-)

    Murder Chose Me :  I just cannot trust any cop who claims "Every case I worked, I solved.  And every case I solved, I got a confession".  That's a perfect record.  And I don't believe in perfection.  Not even perfect assholes.  He toots his own horn far too much for my taste.

    Rebecca Zahau suicide/murder civil trial :  I am glad her family received a modicum of "justice".  I hope they weren't seeking the actual $5 mil damages awarded (his brother's the rich one, not him), but were in it to receive some sense of vindication for Rebecca - who would NEVER and could never have taken her own life in such a manner.

    Agreed. To add, and this is probably sexist, but it really angers me when able bodied men mooch off of little old ladies and/or vulnerable womrn. This particular woman had two such loser parasites in her circle and it doesn't seem like either of them brought anything good to her life. 

    • Love 9
  2. On 4/5/2018 at 12:05 AM, pennben said:

    This came off my DVR last night after the episode for two reasons:

    1.  When Roseanne and Dan were on the couch and had slept from the Wheel to Kimmel, and Dan said "we missed the shows about the Asian and Black families" and Roseanne responded, "don't worry, they are just like us...there, you are caught up". When, in fact, Black-ish and Fresh Off The Boat have been not just about similarities, but differences.  And, it was just so dripping with dismissal from Roseanne, that I found it repugnant, especially after her tweet: "Diversity of opinion is part of diversity".  Dismissing actual diversity on the show. Sigh.

    2.  When Roseanne grabbed the granddaughter by the neck to hold her under the faucet, while digging her knee in her back while the audience screamed approval.  Roseanne's tweet about this plot point: "the next episode shows Harris calling me a stupid old hillbilly-watch how I handle her and her very liberal mother!"  Nope, just nope.

    Not for me anymore. And dammit, I'm such a fan of the old show, and Sara and John and Laurie and 9/10ths of this revival.  So, hell, I am gonna miss it.



    Totally agree with number 1. I'm really trying to stay in for the season but between the "take a knee" crack from episode one and the comment you mentioned, I have a nagging uncomfortable feeling about this iteration of Roseanne. And in my opinion, the two families she so easily dismissed aren't just like the Connors, they're better, which is probably one of the secret reasons Roseanne Conner is conservative now.

    • Love 11
  3. As for the spanking debate...I have never spanked my kids but I could see myself in 30 years speaking generally about "parenting these days" and how spanking is seen as a capital crime, yadda yadda, referring to general permissiveness and letting kids run the show. So that line coming from Roseanne didn't strike me as odd. I see it as being in the same vein as "y'all are so lazy, we used to walk 10 miles to school with no boots in the snow."

    • Love 10
  4. My unpopular opinion is that Roseanne is being vintage Roseanne. She was never a stellar actress and from season 5 on, she was screechy and loud. In fact, after I watched the premier, I told my husband Roseanne was the only one who seemed exactly the same. 

    As for this episode, what I liked and what rang VERY true for me was that the last straw for Darlene was Harris mouthing off to Roseanne. My mother and I have different parenting styles and we aren't super close but the one thing that makes me see red is my kids being even slightly disrespectful toward her. 

    I also loved the shower bit and the chair scenes we're LOL funny for me.

    • Love 7
  5. Agree that Luca negs Zoe and I can't stand his too cool for school attitude. But whatever, it's just tv. If she were my friend though, I would have suggested she either pull a Kelly Taylor or just date them all casually if they could handle that.

    None of it rang false to me though. When I was in undergrad we juggled school, boyfriends, jobs, and family. I assure you we were all smart young women but *gasp* we also enjoyed sex and dating too.

    • Love 6
  6. Classic episode. And yes, we do all know a Bibby. Always on some bullshit, always hustling and lying, gaslighting tf out of you LOL. That cut was nice though. Poor Al having to start over, he looked so dejected at the end. It's like that though.

    I laughed so hard I had real tears. Whoever played Bibby was amazing, just so REAL. And BTH playing the straight man was perfect. 

    • Love 14
  7. I knew instantly I had seen this story before because Froggy Bottoms rang a bell. Once they mentioned the bartender living in the woods it all came back to me. 

    I also remember being slightly creeped out by the private eye. I know Kelly's family is thankful and he absolutely did a good thing but...thousands of personal man hours and $40,000 of your own personal money and you're not a cop or relative of the missing girl? Weird, sorry. If I was his wife I'd have been wondering why he was so obsessed.

    • Love 15
  8. Re: last night's See No Evil

    The detective was all shocked because this seemingly harmless little old lady committed a murder but I was more shocked that this little old lady was cruising and picking up a random young stranger for hotel sex. Not knocking it, just didn't see it coming LOL.

    • Love 11
  9. I thought the GS series was very well done. All I have to say is I don't blame the people who obscured their identity one bit. We're talking about a person who was so vindictive he deliberately attacked a man who spoke negatively about him in a community meeting. If he's alive, I wouldn't put it past him, even at an old age, to hunt any of them down and try to scare them, at least.

    Him being dead makes sense but I want him to be alive because I really want his victims to get the chance to face him in court.

    • Love 8
  10. 15 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    I think Porsha's apology was real but she waited for the cameras to be present to do it. That said, I don't think Kandi would have met with her or taken a call from her had the camera's not been present either. Of course Kandi doesn't have to accept the apology, that is her decision.


    Thing is, Kandi made it a storyline, not Porsha. Porsha brought it up once, Kandi laughed it off and said it wasn't true, and then Kandi continued to bring it up throughout the season. Porsha was wrong for repeating that she heard it, but beyond that, I don't know what they want from her.

    Kandi has everything right to never deal with Porsha, but if she really didn't want to talk about the situation anymore she would shut down messy folks when they bring it up. She enjoys it and that's fine, but for someone so image conscious, she sure is blind to how much favor she's losing right now.

    • Love 12
  11. 51 minutes ago, Fiero425 said:

    We can say the same with Nene who's just gone nuts covering that nappy head of hers! She's just plain ridiculous after reading Kim for filth over all her wigs over the years! Now this b!tch can't go out to get the mail without wearing hair down to her waist! Idiotic! ;-)


    Nappy? Can we not?

    A trip without Kim and Kenya is a-ok with me. 

    • Love 23
  12. I cringed a little when Bill said Jason was his favorite, but I didn't hold it against him.

    Why? Because unlike that arrogant asshole mom from a few weeks back who stole a ring from her daughter to give to her favorite son, Bill actually felt some responsibility for how his son turned out. You could see the pain and shame which is rare on these shows. I don't believe for a second that he had anything to do with it.

    I really enjoyed the background about their farm and the specially made tractor. They seemed like a sweet couple.

    • Love 22
  13. 5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

    Kandi had an interesting take, she was proud and wanted everyone to be there, Porsha just can't stand the fact Bravo wants Kandi more than Porsha.  I get Porsha's feelings were hurt but at some point she needs to take responsibility  for what she did and stop blaming Phaedra. Porsha went hard after Kandi and Todd and it backfired.   I find it refreshing in the franchise of RH that some deeds do not get forgiven.  Porsha is one of those annoying gnats that wants the show to be about her and she is just not that interesting.   The vegan cooking episode-who makes soup in a frying pan? Let her have her Dish Nation and see if she can make her mortgage payment with that pay.  Porsha of all people should not be talking about made up men for the show-did we ever see her benefactor that paid for the $80,000.00 Birkin and Rolls?  Of course not.   The woman is pushing forty and acts all of someone who is in her early twenties.    

    She has a lot of fans so someone finds her interesting. 

    Frankly, I don't find any of them interesting anymore and the show just seems like a money grab because I don't think any of them actually like each other in real life. I can still watch NY and BH with interest because the relationships actually seem genuine one way or the other. ATL and OC? Fake, and mindnumbingly boring these days.

    • Love 7
  14. 1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

    Porsha went to the party because her bosses in production told her to. No other reason. I can’t believe a word that comes out of her stupid mouth.


    They aren't forced to go to every event. I've seen plenty of housewives beg off various housewife events across franchises. Why would Porsha be an exception?

    • Love 1
  15. On 1/28/2018 at 11:25 PM, KellsBells said:

    Oh, it's even worse than you could imagine. 



    I was actually rooting for the little cretin at one point though...when his stepdad got into that stupid pissing match on Christmas morning. You're a grown ass man trying to "win" against a 10 year old. Pathetic.

    But then mom just continued to coddle him and fix everything and I ended up hating them both and rooting for Bob when he got the hell out of there. And poor Maisie.

    • Love 3
  16. Kandi may not tolerate false accusations about herself but she sure doesn't mind if they're made about others. She allowed her own mother to accuse her husband's parents of being sex workers on national tv and allowed her kkk and her mother to dog out her husband on national tv. I'm over her and her whole squad. Forgive, don't forgive, whatever but can we move on? That rumor was the only storyline most of them had last season and the reunion was a zzzzzfest until the rumor came up. I think Kandi knew that too which is why she continued to bring it up throughout the season. 

    Stick a fork in this show, it's done.

    • Love 13
  17. After watching Married with Secrets, I think I can say I've truly seen it all.



    Husband cheats on his sick wife with a married co-worker. Coworker stalks the wife when husband won't divorce her. Sick wife ends up beaten to death. Police suspect co-worker but can't prove it. Case goes cold. Later, co-worker's husband's girlfriend tells police he admitted to helping his wife kill her lover's wife. Even the police were like 'WTF?'


    I'm almost never surprised by these shows anymore so this one was a good watch. 

    • Love 9
  18. I'm kinda disappointed in Eva for joining this shitshow. She's pregnant and engaged to an actual educated, gainfully employed, respectable man. The peach and check just aren't worth it imo, but she's made her choice. I truly hope her relationship doesn't suffer.

  19. 1 minute ago, drivethroo said:


    Everything if you're on a show called "Real Housewives of _____________________."

    Production has been trying every trick in the book to bait Kenya into bringing her husband on the show.  That's why they have Kim Z questioning his existence so hard.  Then they decided to cut her weekend with her husband in NYC short by making her film in TX.

    Kenya is not pals with Shamea (didn't Kenya put her off the boat?) and is friends with Porsha so Kenya probably suspected a production set-up and that's why she was very dismissive of Shamea.

    Kenya took her frustrations out with production on Shamea directly and the rest of the cast indirectly.  I think she thought she could continue to film on RHOA without having to bring her husband on the show.  She knows that to bring her husband on the show would be the kiss of death to her marriage, just like everyone else's marriage.

    So tonight was the beginning of the end of Kenya Moore on this show.  I doubt she'll be back for Season 11.

    I also doubt Kim Zolciak will be back for Season 11.  Eva Marcille will probably end up with Kenya's peach, not Kim Z.


    What I meant was I don't understand why her being married precludes her from having a conversation. There have been lot of on obnoxious "my huzzbin" moments on the show but this one was probably the most random LOL.

    And so what if they set her up? Everybody gets set up because it makes for good tv. Is she suddenly above that now that she's married? After all the drama she's stirred up during her time on the show?

    That said, I hope you're right. I will be happy to see her go and she can take that walking blowup doll with her.

    • Love 1
  20. On 1/9/2018 at 3:24 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I like that the show isn't depicting a squeaky clean version of college (see: 90210 of yore). That alone is worth something already. I think it's unrealistic that Zoey has such a black and white view of drugs because I'm sure that her classmates at her fancy private school were doing the same, but since ABC only delved into that in a single episode (when she took Junior to a party), they are taking the opportunity to depict her as the good girl having her eyes opened (see: Julie in the first season of The Real World).

    The show also gets points for visible diversity. I know some people have said they're not surprised by it since the show is set in LA, but given how many tv shows are set in LA and show a stunning lack of diversity, the bar has been set pretty low.


    Her being a good girl initially didn't surprise me. Black kids are less likely to do hard drugs, and her experience mirrors mine and those of my friends who got our first real exposure in undergrad. 

    I liked it well enough. I thought I would have it since I find YS's acting and monotone voice very snooze inducing (and that crying scene showed me she hasn't improved). But there are enough interesting secondary characters to keep me watching so I'm in.

    Loved the freaknik reference. Atlanta was so lit back then.

    The Charlie thing just didn't work for me.

    Luca is giving me Jaden Smith vibes. Not a fan.

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