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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. 1 hour ago, Lady of nod said:

    I couldn't agree more. I can't stand Ryan or his nasty mother. I don't know how Eddie puts up with either of them. Tamra's got her orange (unfortunately) so I guess we're stuck with her, but there is no reason we have to be subjected to Ryan at all, much less his therapy sessions. He's an asshole, always has been. I worry about him having alone time with his daughter. His baby mamma, who probably isn't much better, should seriously think about supervised visitation He scares me..

    That whole "isolating himself with his daughter" thing set of little alarm bells for me too, honestly. 

    • Love 12
  2. Every time I listen to the intros, Shannon's makes me stabby. Bitch, you are not dancing on tables so STFU. The one time you did, it was one of the saddest things I've ever seen on TV.

    Eddie, tell us how you really feel about loserboy.

    "A doctor, a lawyer, and Kelly!" Lmao Emily. I see you. But seriously, it's nice to see her with a friend other than Gina even though we all know the clock is ticking until Kelly punches her in the neck or something.

    That's all I got. Zzzzzzzz

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  3. Never been a Kenya fan but I was kinda happy to see her. Wtf.

    I like her budding friendship with Porsha. That's a power team if I've ever seen one, and it will be interesting to see if they can keep it going.

    All the babies are adorable but the relationship stuff is not. 

    Eva cracked me up with "this will be my first baby in wedlock" LOL.

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  4. Country club community, huh? I grew up in one that billed itself that way. It was a regular middle class suburban neighborhood with a golf course, pool, tennis court, and clubhouse. 

    Kinda like your average apartment complex.

    There was no exorbitant fee to be a member; all you had to do was live there. If I had to guess, I'd argue Candiace lived in a similar neighborhood and hypes it up to sound classier/wealthier than it really was. 

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  5. 10 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

    I don't know.  The crying jag manipulated Tamra into dropping her line of attack.  I'm not shocked that Bronwyn did show recon before starting to film.  She is transparently thirsty about being a reality star.

    I agree with this. I think she manipulated the hell out of everyone. She was exceptionally quick with the self-awareness and psychological analysis of the root of all her issues. "I'm so sorry, ladies. You're 100% right. I messed up, but I'm so glad it happened because now I know now that I need to work on myself!" 

    Tamra has met her match.

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  6. I just can't get over how "lived in" this show feels. Everyone (main cast) is so natural and the dialogue is so true to their characters. I love it, and I hope they get a full season next year. 

    • Love 12
  7. Re: Evil Lives Here, I, too was horrified to see that father/son bonding moment. Why give a clearly angry and unstable young kid who doesn't hunt a HUNTING KNIFE? 

    Perhaps I don't understand weapon culture, or male bonding, but wth? A few months ago I asked the same question about the dad who gave his unstable son a gun as a present (said son went on to shoot people). I will never understand it.

    • Love 13
  8. 8 hours ago, Vixenstud said:

    Gizzard, you ain't shit! 

    LMAO. I can't even remember what I came here to say but this sums up where I am with Giz. I WANNA like her but I just can't make that last little leap because she stays starting mess. 

    Robyn's passive aggressive ass dethroning her bestie...I see you Beaky. You ain't shit either but it's nice to see you know how to annoy Giz occasionally.

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  9. Hmm...I don't know if the cure for jealousy is imagining all the bad things that may befall the person you envy lol. What happens if Monique's kids grow up to be gorgeous doctors with equally gorgeous families and no major setbacks or problems?

    Jealousy must be cured from the inside. Giselle is miserable and misery breeds jealousy. That's a personal problem. But I agree that she should be thankful that she has three lovely children. In fact, she should probably put in a little more work with the jaded one instead of being messy all the time.

    • Love 11
  10. Original watcher here. I had no idea this was even happening until two hours ago. I saw a comment on Twitter and ran to Hulu to watch.

    I loved it!

    Maybe I'm easy to please but I thought the writing was on point and the chemistry was clicking. I'm in for the season.

    • Love 13
  11. On 7/5/2019 at 7:41 AM, kokapetl said:

    You’d think the daughter of Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke, two strikingly attractive people, would be super attractive. I don’t get it. 

    Ok good, it's not just me.

    That said, I like that none of the cast are beautiful. They all look like they could be found at a mall in middle America in the 80s, plain and nondescript. So great job to the casting directors.

    • Love 4
  12. On 7/3/2019 at 10:40 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

    Those boys are all awful, completely morally bankrupt. Robert was indeed a part of this frat and likely almost as terrible as the lot of them. Laying with dogs one gets fleas. I feel terrible for his family and it is too bad he hung out with that lot of sociopaths. 

    I couldn't stop thinking about how if the victim had been some scholarship kid with no pedigree who had died under the same circumstances, Robert's mom would be using her money and influence to help cover her son's ass just like the other frat bros. It just so happens it was rich kid vs. other rich kids this time.

    That said, I do believe they killed him in the process of hazing/punishing him and I hate that they got away with it.

    • Love 9
  13. Did anyone else catch the male defense attorney slip up? They were addressing the double dipping and he jumped in and said "oh please, it had nothing to do with that...uh..." and then he rambled a bit. He seemed rattled like he knew he messed up. It may have meant nothing but it struck me as his subconscious thoughts about his client making themselves known. Like yeah, of course he did it, but not for something as stupid as that LOL.

    • Love 2
  14. 56 minutes ago, langford peel said:

    Unlike most people Denise is as dumb as she looks. She brought nothing to this season except her friendship for Rinna and Brandi.

    Light up another doobie and have some snacks while your new husband takes care of your kids. The adult are talking here.

    *Pulls up chair*

    I agree. She has been a big fuckin' (because that's the only word she knows) disappointment to me. She's not witty, she's not smart, and her face looks like it's going to slide off any minute. She can follow LVP right off the show and I wouldn't be bothered at all.

    Welcome back, Camille! I'm finally entertained. 

    • Love 13
  15. I've never had any issue with Andrea Canning but I was annoyed that she used the word "literally" two or three times. It's a pet peeve.

    And yes, the vocal fry on one of the friends was grating as hell. Sorry, I know that's petty but it was bad.

    I had never heard of this case but I'm with the parents and their outrage. The ball was dropped with Goldsby.

    • Love 6
  16. 53 minutes ago, missyb said:

    WHat exactly is Teddi's point of view  here? Just what is she so confused about ? Why Riina wanted Erika Jayne to call Kim a "C"? Because Teddi thinks that is so insulting to Erika? She needed to take her cue from Erika who said she didn't care.  It wasn't her. So Lisa Rinna, one of the biggest mouths ever, claims to be to scared to say it as herself. Crock of shit but, who cares? You either believe that is something that Erika would do or you don't. Nothing to be confused about.  She used the most, well second to herself, over the top outspoken person to say what she wanted to say for two years.

    However, next week, when Kyle saysI feel like you really dont want to be around us, I think she is right ! EJ or EG has a short fuse and it has been lit.


    Erika has annoyed me in the past but I loved her tonight. She saw right through Teddy's passive aggressive "explain it to me" bullshit and wanted no parts of it. 

    Unpopular opinion: the trip looks boring. Everything they did there they could have done in their own homes (besides the food, obviously). The place was beautiful and all but it seemed more like a honeymoon spot or summer getaway than a place to go with your girlfriends. And how are they not embarrassed to get all dressed up to walk from the sitting room to the dining room five feet away? Trying way too hard. 

    Also, I don't miss Lisa. 

    • Love 13
  17. 8 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    That speech was amazing (I'm surprised we didn't hear Mauricio say that!!) - but not in a good way.

    It was filled with "I's"....I can't believe I have a 30 year old, I'm so excited to have a wonderful daughter, I, I, I......how about talking about Farrah - the actual birthday girl (who looked gorgeous, by the way - in fact, Kyle and all her daughters looked beautiful!) 

    I wonder if her daughters notice it too. All I could think about during her speech was how many times she said I but Farrah's face didn't give anything away. If I were Kyle's daughter, I feel like I'd have a bet or drinking game on nights like that. "Every time Mom says 'I or me', take a shot." 

    • LOL 8
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  18. Anyone else get a creepy feeling when about 20 minutes into one of these shows, you know you've seen the case before? And I don't mean that you recognize the victim's name or face or other details. I mean you're watching and you suddenly think to yourself "I believe this was the black guy with the chewing gum." Because that's exactly what happened to me and it weirded me out, especially since it came to me before they even did the DNA sequencing.

    That poor girl. Molested by a trusted family friend and then murdered by a seemingly harmless classmate.

    I don't know what made him believe his story was the least bit plausible but I guess he saw the writing on the wall and figured he'd take a shot. Glad he pled guilty.

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