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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. I lost some of my sympathy for Brian Wells when he just would not stop with his "blame the black guy" nonsense. He had the opportunity to tell the truth and he didn't. 

    As for last night, what a senseless murder. Giovanni strikes me as a sociopath.

    • Love 5
  2. It must be slim pickings in that town because I couldn't see the good looking, charming, hot older guy everyone was raving about. Even in his before pic he looked like a smarmy asshole.

    I hope Britney gets her smile back.

    • Love 10
  3. On 8/15/2018 at 6:03 AM, renatae said:

    Forgot that I came here to talk about the "Evil Lives Here" episode wherein the boyfriend kills six women, but the girlfriend had no idea, mostly because she ignored multiple events that should have told anyone this guy was trouble.

    First, a young woman accused him of trying to kidnap her, but he said she "must have misunderstood" and the police let him go. Then her niece accuses him of inappropriate touching, and he once again says she must have misunderstood, they were just roughhousing. Then the niece goes missing a month or so later and no one suspects him? He wound up killing six women, including the 14 year old niece and the girlfriend's good friend. So tragic. The girlfriend's family blamed her and she blamed herself for bringing him into their lives.


    That one was rough. I kept trying to put myself in the position of a loving partner who doesn't watch ten hours of murder shows every week so I could understand her ignorance. Would I have suspected him? I like to think I would have. 

    Did anyone watch Bad Henry? It was really good, and creepy. I can't help but think about how many black male serial killers are out there going to town because people, even/especially police, don't suspect them of those types of crimes and/or don't bother to connect murders of black women. This guy actually killed his girlfriend's good friend and then went with her to the police station to report the friend missing. Then he killed two women in the same apartment complex while the police were in the area looking for him. Seriously creepy.

    • Love 8
  4. As I said in the 48 hours thread... I know that area. The only protection you need is to lock your doors and keep your windows up. What was the plan, to shoot anyone who got within a few feet of the car? Homeless panhandlers deserve to be shot on sight? Asshole.

    I think it was a crime of opportunity. I don't think he planned it but I also don't believe it was an accident. 

    I also think he may have gotten away with it if he hadn't tried to get the friend to lie to the police.

    • Love 18
  5. On 5/11/2018 at 7:57 PM, 2727 said:

    Re Skakel's conviction being overturned, how IN FUCK could everyone involved -- police, attorneys, investigators, Skakel himself, his friends -- possibly have overlooked a supposed alibi? "Gosh, should I maybe have mentioned that?" asked Skakel.

    I'm not arguing the merits of the case and haven't read Robert Kennedy's book, but that induces some top level eye rolling from me.

    Is anyone watching Evil Genius on Netflix? It's a four-part documentary series by the Duplass brothers about the death of Brian Wells (the pizza heist murder). It's well done and has some surprises for people who don't know about or remember the crime.


    I'm two episodes in and hooked. I'll be back with my thoughts when I finish.

    • Love 3
  6. One great thing about the old place is they would shut down the middle school-esque "haters!" and "just jealous!" foolishness. 

    Cosign everyone else who wondered why Luann's daughter looked unwashed. But she's rich and doesn't have to worry about being a corporate cog like many of us so more power to her if that's just her style.

    Also cosign the "wtf?" comments about Luann hugging her kid and then longing for a boyfriend. She's basically Lily Van der Woodsen but less classy.

    • Love 10
  7. Watching now on DVR. Carole is too damn old to be this naive about relationships. Carole, of COURSE Adam was perfectly happy to stick around and have sex without strings as long as you let him. I have yet to meet a man who WOULDN'T do that. She was what they call a "placeholder" and now she's pissed that she's no longer needed now that Adam found someone he truly likes. Again, she's too old/experienced to be all shocked and hurt by this.

    • Love 20
  8. 3 hours ago, Ohmo said:

    Yes, and since we're going there, I think we've gone too far the other way.  I understand that it is important to support victims of horrific events, but I think in trying to do that, we have not reminded/enabled people that there are things that they can do to make themselves less of a target.  People say, "Well, the so-and so shouldn't have murdered, raped, etc."  Absolutely true, but we don't live in a world that has no crime.  It can't just be that no crime should exist.  It is not possible to foresee everything.  For example, that poor woman in the Southwest plane couldn't have foreseen what happened to her.  However, for the things that are well-known, like "don't meet your ex in a dark parking lot at night alone," don't drink too much (or even go to a frat party" or "don't drive through standing water," people say those things for a reason...because they are things that you can do to prevent yourself from being harmed.  They are not a guarantee of safety, but at least you have done everything that you know how to do to protect yourself.

    I know it's unpopular to "blame the victim" and I don't think of it that way.  I disagree with the notion of acting like a crime is solely based on someone doing something to someone else.  Crimes do happen because people often forget to think about themselves.  I think not talking about both sides of the situation because we don't want to "blame the victim" makes it too easy for people to forget that there are things that they can do to reduce the chances of becoming a victim.  Tiffany was a victim because of what Kris did to her but also because of where she placed herself.  Going forward, she will likely never do that again, but it took this horrific act for her to learn that.  Warnings are designed to prevent situations like what happened.  It can't just be about the cops coming to save you.  You also have to be willing to take some responsibility for yourself.

    As was said in the Dateline thread (not by you, but by someone), it's can't be as simplistic as "blaming the victim."  I actually agree with that, but I also feel that the victim's decisions have to be part of the conversation and we can't continue to act like those decisions don't matter.  It needs to be a broader conversation that includes the fact that criminals should indeed be punished for crimes AND that people need to be encouraged to be agents for themselves.  That type of questioning or wondering about why more people don't do that is now seen as "victim blaming." and I think that's unfair, negative, and hostile.   Encouraging people to listen and make different choices so they aren't victims of crimes to begin with should not be seen as a bad thing.  I understand the desire to be supportive, but I think there has to be some way to gently and respectfully encourage people to listen and not do risky things which are known over and over again to produce negative outcomes.  If we can't get more people to think of themselves to begin with, crimes like these are going to keep happening.

    We're going to disagree, and that's fine, but this is how I feel.

    I understand what you're saying and agree that it's hard to talk about these things because the kneejerk response is so strong. I know I always roll my eyes at people who don't lock their doors but I keep my mouth shut because no good comes from trying to convince them otherwise. It always ends with them refusing to live in fear like me LOL.

    When I heard "he told me to come alone" I thought about the dateline discussion because for me, that would have been a red flag and a flashing neon sign to do the exact opposite, or not meet him at all. Now, I will say I don't think this guy would have ever stopped trying to kill her but that particular situation absolutely could have been avoided.

    • Love 4
  9. 11 hours ago, Ohmo said:

    When Tiffany said that Kris kept telling her to come alone, I'm like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  Don't do that!  I hope Kris's ass stays in jail, and Captain Davis is awesome!

    Do you think she is partly to blame for what happened? I'm asking because I know how you feel about that kind of thing from the dateline thread. 

    • Love 2
  10. As soon as Jemichael said "she was a great girl, I loved her" I knew he did it and I'm quite certain the detective did too but since this is dateline, we needed red herrings and distractions. Then later we find out that Jemichael was never cleared and had failed a polygraph early on. It's Dateline MYSTERY so I get why they do it but it irked me a little.

    I could also tell that Jemichael's mom knew he did it as soon as the body was found. Ber language in the police video was telling. She was fishing: "Some people might think you did it since the body was found by our house...but we still love you" and then the crying shortly after. But any sympathy I had for her evaporated after she smugly asked the victim's family for forgiveness and mercy. I'm glad Danie's mom got to go off on them.

    It did sound to me like Danie was stalking Jemichael and likely cooked up the pregnancy scheme to keep him in her life. She had no idea what she was dealing with.

    Jemichael was a smart kid. Too bad he used it for evil instead of good. 

    • Love 13
  11. 18 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    Maybe the new house has been planned as a flip all along, and for some reason Kyle didn't want to say so? Possibly they could not afford the old house and the new one at the same time? I'd assumed Kyle and Mauricio are flush with cash, but maybe not enough.

    During his lean periods Jeff Lewis (L.A. house flipper) could only afford to live in the house he was renovating. He'd sell it and then immediately move into a new flipper, repeating the process.

    I've seen speculation about this on another forum...that perhaps the robbery was an insurance scam and that Kyle & Mo aren't as well off as they appear to be. I don't buy that BUT it did seem odd that she showed zero emotion.

    • Love 1
  12. 4 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

    They were afraid of Black people in the Piedmont Park area. Are you kidding me? She handed him the gun when they thought they were in a bad area of town.  I live in that area, honey it is ritzy.  Not nice enough for them I take it. 

    I was cracking up. You do not need a gun to drive through any area of Atlanta that's not the Bluff. Locking your car doors is enough defense against whatever he claimed to be afraid of.

    Glad his ass is locked up.

    Also, no not everyone in the south has a LOT of guns. Most of us are sane. Why does a lawyer need an arsenal of 30+ guns? 

    • Love 16
  13. Oh man, hearing Laffy Taffy brought back so many memories. That's a dance floor classic. Don't @ me.

    The only school I know of in Statesboro is Georgia Southern (the fake GSU) so if that's what they were going for, they nailed it. Also, the segregated parties and the white frat guy having no idea there was a major pajama jammy jam happening 1000 feet away was so real.

    The pledges, the rebel flag, the guns...it was all so surreal.

    I felt bad for Earn for about 30 seconds but he really brought that all on himself. A random Instagram chick? Come on, man. 

    I'm still ruminating...

    • Love 6
  14. 52 minutes ago, Lollo22 said:

    You've said it better than I could! Kim did not pull her weight, did not do her job and got rewarded. When others on the cast did it, they got punished. 

    As for Kim not wanting to film, TamTats is saying Kim does not trust the producers anymore because she believed she would get a good edit and flipped off when she saw they actually showed what she said. I believed much of her dog whistle racist comments throughout the years were left on the edition floor, so she believed she could do and say whatever she wanted with no repercussions.

    BTW, did anyone see Kyle saying Kim wasn't a racist and she was welcome to join the cast of RHOBH? Ughh

    I hate that Kyle inserted herself, and that she's liking questionable comments under her post. I WAS a fan but not anymore.

    • Love 8
  15. 2 hours ago, Stampiron said:

    There must be some rights issue with it where they can't post it. It sucks that this just happens to be an episode that got partially preempted. I wouldn't have bailed on it if I'd known it wouldn't be going online.

    I've looked for it elsewhere and haven't had any luck, but I'll post a link if I find one.

    Ugh, that sucks! Thanks for this. I guess I'll just watch my partial recording then.

    • Love 1
  16. Echoing the sentiments here...I think it's probable that Norman did it but there just wasn't enough information for me to say definitively. I also noticed he had a type, and sadly, it fits with the stereotype that black guys go for heavyset white women/white men's castoffs (gross, I know, but it really is a common stereotype). I also agree that he was no prize at all having nothing to offer but, well, penis. My ears perked up when his alibi was that he was sleeping over at one of his gf's homes (to escape that basement, no doubt). I bet he got sex and a hot meal there, too. Ladies, we have to do better.

    Quick question; Trump had a press conference which interrupted the first 15 minutes of Cold-Blooded, which aired on the 13th. I have been waiting for NBC to post the episode on their site but for some reason they have posted every episode BUT that one. Does anyone know anywhere else I can watch?  

    • Love 2
  17. 54 minutes ago, Queena said:

    Wow, that's so not what the original meaning of the term Bebe's kids. Who wrote that??? 

    Now sis... you know. LOL

    I was never on the Kim is racist train not because I thought it was impossible but because I just didn't care enough to think about it or her. But tonight Andy put it right on out there for the world to see. He could have left that on the cutting room floor but he made sure to show us. That tells me he's over her.

    I'm just trying to understand why she thought the other women had it easier. Porsha, Kenya, Nene, and to some extent Cynthia had to answer some hard personal questions. But like Andy said, Kim spent the entire season not being shit. And I peeped his use of "combative." Good work, Andy. We see eachotha LOL.

    Anyway, bye wig. Glad to have that trash off my screen.

    • Love 22
  18. On 4/16/2018 at 1:56 PM, walnutqueen said:

    Wow.  I had a totally different reaction to this show.  I saw a younger famewhore ex-cop with an older famewhore ex-cop who consistently belaboured the most disgusting salacious points of a poor young child's degradation & torture in an inappropriately lurid manner, all for dramatic tv posturing & self aggrandization.

    It wasn't just you. I was so uncomfortable by the way they questioned the mom and her victimized daughter and the explicit discussions of the way the children were abused. Who is the target audience for this show? Because as a victim of childhood sexual abuse, I was triggered and disgusted. It was too much. I've watched a million true crime shows but this is the first time I've ever felt the storytelling was gratuitous and voyeuristic, and that's saying something given the softcore treatment ID often gives its shows.

    Eta: I turned it off 2/3 of the way through so I missed the end part with the mom. Sounds like it was for the best. 

    • Love 9
  19. I...enjoyed this episode. Something must be wrong. Kim killed my enjoyment at the end but the first 40 minutes or so, I laughed.

    Something must also be wrong with Kenya and Porsha because their snipes were a lot less mean spirited than in the past. And lo and behold, they both defended each other on social media after this episode.

    I kinda get the feeling they all put aside their differences in order to push Sheree and Wig out. It will be interesting to see the dynamics next season given the (seemingly) clean slate. I think I would enjoy a season of playful shade and banter, rather than the heaviness that's marked the past several seasons. 

    • Love 6
  20. Congrats to Kenya on the baby. And I hope nobody threatens to assault her while she's pregnant.

    No, but seriously, it was refreshing to see her admit to her shitty behavior with so many of the husbands in the past. Still not a fan but I do wish her the best.

    Good riddance to Sheree, Kim, and hopefully Marlo. 

    In a first for me, I thought Kandi's hair and makeup looked the best.

    • Love 6
  21. 6 hours ago, Colorado David said:

    Funny, I saw this as acknowledging the other shows, rather than simply ignoring them. 

    It's a ymmv thing but apparently there has been some backlash regarding the line so it might have been better for her to ignore rather than to dismiss the shows. They've been doing just fine without her "acknowledgment."


    Among those who weren't pleased with the joke was "Bob's Burgers" writer Kelvin Yu, who wrote in a series of tweets that "at the very least, it's reductive and belittling."

    "But the real kicker is when Roseanne says: 'They're just like us. There, now you're all caught up.' Which implies that the point of any show about a minority family is simply to normalize them," Yu wrote. "That's it. The stories, the humor, the characters... not important."

    He then said he wouldn't expect Barr and Goodman's characters to watch series like "black-ish" or "Fresh of the Boat," but contended there was no reason to make the joke in the first place.

    "Consider what exactly the audience is laughing at," he wrote. "What exactly is the punchline here? I'll tell you what it is: it's an endorsement of dismissiveness and disregard. It's a familiarity and comfort with the culture of objectifying and demeaning people of color."

    "The nerve of roseanne to take potshots at black-ish and fresh off the boat," tweeted Zoe Owens. "We never needed another roseanne. we DO need diversity on television."

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