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Posts posted by ridethemaverick

  1. On 11/2/2020 at 11:42 PM, sATL said:

    Re: college pursuits -

    I thought Karen went to college? She dropped out to marry Ray?

    Robyn probably only went to chase after (or keep an eye on) Juan.

    Candy & Ashley probably went to get away from momma. College is a peaceful 4 yr freedom.

    Giselle probably went partially to fulfill family expectations. I think she did work a hot minute in her profession.

    Monique was too busy trying to get a record deal. I wonder how her former group mates are doing. 

    At least we can say Wendy is using her education professionally.

    Karen dropped out of college after being sexually assaulted. She just wasn't able to finish. She mentioned this on the show but I can't remember which season.

    On 11/4/2020 at 3:45 PM, gwen747 said:

    Wendy saying "I have four degrees" is the new Monique's mantra of "I own four homes".  

    But Monique only said it once and it was only after Gizelle asked if she was homeless LOL. 

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  2. 47 minutes ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

    I truly thought something was wrong with my tv. I was like wtf is that sound. 😂

    This episode was kind of lame. Wendy v Karen is not interesting to me. Also, Monique and her family are not interesting by themselves, so they can exit stage left.

    If I were Candiace (my autocorrect wanted this to be Candy ace 😂), I would be pissed about the counter-suit as well. You don’t get to just sue someone because they brought a lawsuit against you, dumbass Monique. Please Andy, let her go after this season. 

    Actually countersuits are pretty standard and in this case, it worked. I'm not team Monique but I'd want the best possible defense too and she got that.

    44 minutes ago, StillHere said:

    As Black American professor, I am tempted to start a petition demanding that Wendy Shut The Hell Up.

    I'm also a black professor and I'll be the first to sign it. 

    The degrees, the "in my culture," the chip on the shoulder... none of this is entertaining in the least. And the sad part is, I WANT to like Wendy because I like that she's a straight shooter and I loved her event. She just can't seem to stop being obnoxious. 

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  3. There's nothing anyone can say to make Wendy's little speech any more palatable to me. Maybe it's the fact that I'm also a professor (not at john's hopkins) who studies race for a living but...the idea that black folks should concern themselves with what certain people think, after all the bullshit certain people have pulled throughout history AND just this year alone is laughable to me. And sad. 

    I have standards. I believe in standards. But I'll be damned if my standards have anything to do with stereotypes which are themselves based on racism. Not a single one of these heffas even questioned the validity of the stereotype (spoiler alert: there is no validity to it). Dr. Wendy, if you're reading, did none of your academic institutions teach you to question assumptions before arguing against them? 

    Miss me with it. Now and forever. 

    Sidenote; I can't wait to see broke Chris and Michael crying on the reunion about how their behavior lived up to the stereotype of white men being violent. Oh, wait...

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  4. I think Monique was dead wrong. 

    That said, the rest of these heffas are getting on my damn nerves. 

    Well, not all of them. Robyn gave me life tonight. I thought she handled Monique perfectly. Facts, logic, and disapproval minus shenanigans (bodyguard? Really Gizzard) or concern that de good white folks are gon think bad bout us (really Dr. Wendy? Miss me with that shit you five degree having loser).

    I liked Monique but her refusal to just apologize and stfu has changed my opinion. Other women have fought on these shows and lived to see another day. There's a way to move forward and generate good will but girl, this ain't it. 

    Candace...ehhhh...she's a victim here but I think it's very telling that her biggest allies on the show have repeatedly said they find her annoying as hell and wish she would shut her mouth. It can't always be everybody else. Sometimes it really is your jacked up personality that sets people off. Do you deserve violence? Of course not. But like Ashley said, sometimes you poke the wrong bear. Not everyone will argue back indefinitely...

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  5. Re: Daniel,

    As fine as he is, and as much as I wanna see him again, that ship sailed last season when he smugly told Issa, "I always have to rush in to save you." That was the sentence that made her turn down head, sex, and free room and board. She ain't calling him.

    Speaking of fine...Bennett? I want him in it. I don't care if it's Kelly, Molly, Issa, or Ahmal. Somebody needs to climb that before the season ends.

    P.S. his name is Norman Towns. You're welcome.

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  6. For me, the fascination comes from the twists and turns. As a true crime junkie, the baseline is Person Kills Spouse for Insurance Money. This is that on steroids.

    Woman's brother is a backyard hitman who tried to kill her ex-husband and succeeded in killing her new one. And then woman joins a cult. And then the cult leader kills his wife for the insurance money. Then he marries the first woman. And then the first woman's niece's ex is almost killed, likely by the brother. And then the brother is killed. And then the kids disappear. 

    Honestly, you could remove the kids and I'd still watch every episode ever done because I know more fuckery is just around the bend.

    Niece's new husband is lucky to be alive after that wire stunt. He might wanna watch his back. 

    • Love 13
  7. 2 hours ago, qtpye said:


    I think the issue with Lawrence is that he always feels like a bit of a passive character. Both Issa and Lawrence are good Betas that kind of need Alphas in their lives.


    I think I posted in one of last season's threads that Lawrence is the type of person who stuff happens to. He never means for things to happen, good or bad, they just do and then he either acquiesces to the good or moans and whines about the bad.

    I love this because it's so true to life for some and because the characterization for him has always been consistent. Chad is a go getter. Condola is a go getter. Kelly is a go getter. Lawrence is an "I guess"-er. 

    The only reason he got off Issa's couch is because she (and Tasha) encouraged him to. The only reason he took Tasha on a date is because Chad told him he should. The only reason he dated Aparna is because she pursued him. And on and on...

    The only reason he and Condola had a convo about their relationship last night is because drunk lady made him think about his position. He knew from jump she was divorced so he could have BEEN asked her those questions but that's not his way. Bless his heart. And now he's gonna go sniffing back around Issa only because things with Condola are uncomfortable. 

    Chad ain't shit but I'd date him over Lawrence any day.

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  8. I think the ladies were conflating some issues. African American women have the highest rates of infant mortality and adverse birth outcomes when compared to any other group in the US, even after controlling for SES, education levels, and quality of prenatal care. We're also more likely to die in childbirth and less likely to receive adequate pain management (because doctors don't believe us even we say we're in pain. It's a statistical fact). So the birth stories were very relevant. The miscarriages, maybe not so much but it seemed to be cathartic for them to share those.

    Cynthia and Kenya's wigs were atrocious.

    Porsha looks amazing in hot pink.

    Nene cannot stop wearing white tees. I guess that was her semiformal tee she was wearing at MOD.

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  9. Rant: what do some officers have against the word "rape"? 

    At least three times over the past week or so, officers on various shows have said the perpetrator tied her up or stabbed her or whatever it was, "and then had sex with her." One was even referring to an underage girl.

    It's RAPE!!! R-a-p-e. I'm sorry but that really bugs me.

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  10. Nah, fuck Carlton. Any sympathy I may have had for him abruptly ended when he reached into his misogynist toolkit and pulled out a double: first, he called her a bitch and then he insulted her appearance. The only thing missing was "I didn't want you anyway."

    What makes that ironic is he called HER stereotypical when he's the one who acted like a typical raging male who feels threatened by a woman.

    So yeah, it's fuck his feelings on my end. And btw, this ain't his first rodeo. There's footage of him being nasty to a woman on a different reality show floating around in the web.

    He's a piece of shit.

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  11. 8 hours ago, talktoomuch said:

    The problem wasn't that Diamond cursed at Carlton. The problem was that the insult she threw at him was that he was waiting for (or should be waiting for) the "next dick." That is an insult that many bisexual people have expressed is demeaning and minimizing. It feeds into the assumption that bi people can't make up their minds or be faithful or find love with one gender if they've ever been with another.

    This is not me taking up for Carlton. I'm not in any way. Just trying to explain why what she said is not so innocuous in the LGBTQ+ community. And I do think Diamond really regrets saying it.


    But that's not what she said at all. She was quoting Beyonce lyrics. "You ain't married to no average bitch, boy...you can watch me bounce to the next dick, boy."

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  12. 6 hours ago, Axie said:

    Given the beastiality rumors regarding Dennis, Porsha probably shouldn’t have mentioned that she was glad Dennis didn’t go on the trip because of the number of cats that were there.

    I think that was the point. She's been low-key shading him ever since they got back together LOL. Which...it would be easier just to dump him but I guess she's committed to this whole "kids having the same father" thing.

    Kenya...I don't care. No sympathy, no glee, just indifference. She's treated almost everyone and their man on this show like shit so *shrug*

    That room shit...just no. I'm 40 years old. I'm not competing for shit. 

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  13. I cut Gregg slack. As a pp mentioned, he just beat cancer. And he's also retirement age, as far as I know. He financially supported Nene for years, even rescuing her from the pole when she had her original face and teeth.  So imo, Gregg doesn't belong in the same ballpark as the rest of the losers.

    I wish Porsha would cut her losses with Dennis. There's just nothing there worth saving. 

    Hubs and I went to premarital counseling but it wasn't for issues, it was just general what to expect, what's your communication style, etc type advice. It doesn't bode well for the Chills that they wanna go for their existing problems. Does Cynthia still have that "you bug dummy" t-shirt? Cuz...

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  14. I don't do this often but I agree with Nene. I like Ken, because "Ken shuts the fuck up."

    I don't get abusive from Marc. Asshole? Yes, but so is his wife. What I see is a man who doesn't know how to play the reality show game and who refuses to go along with his wife when she insists on playing the villain. 


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  15. 1 hour ago, amarante said:

    I watch too many of these as I DVR and then use them to fall asleep 😴 

    I have seen several where it is suspicious because there is no activity on the phone when a person normally is actively texting all the time. 😆 So leaving phone on and home with no activity is not enough. I think there was one where they had to break an alibi where the guy knew enough to attempt to fake activity in the computer


    Yep, that was the young black kid who had gotten into West Point, I believe. His ex lied and said she was pregnant so of course he had to kill her but he was smart enough to leave his phone at home and auto-schedule several text messages. 

    As for Abduction, I watch too many of these because as soon as they randomly mentioned pregnant Megan, I knew. And I also knew it was likely about a man she was trying to hang onto and sure enough...

    In other news, I expect to see the case of the cult couple very soon (the one where both of their spouses are dead and her kids are kissing...sorry, forgot their names). It's got Dateline written all over it. And it needs a full two hours!

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  16. 14 hours ago, Razzberry said:

    I wonder if "People Magazine Investigates" actually investigates anything.  I don't think so, or they'd realize how many other shows have already done the church lady and insurance salesman bump off the husband story. 


    I swear I've seen this on Killer Couples, Forensic Files, and a few others.  Enough already!  Sick of this cheap recycling the same old stories when I know darn well there's hundreds or thousands of stories out there that no one's heard of.  But that would actually require some investigating and new footage. 


    This guy looks.. interesting, what's his story?  He's got a trial coming up on Court TV but I'm not sure what it's about.   Love the suit and tie.


    Re: PMI and the church murder...I always wonder if that time period after the murder is like the day after Christmas. I bet they built up the moment in their heads during all their clandestine sex meetings and thought how much better life would be once he was gone and they were 800k richer and then...reality. They had to take the kids and go on the run to Mexico.

    How unsexy that must have been! Holed up in a hotel room with grieving children and no privacy. Then the police froze their accounts so they had no money. I delight in the fact that they must have been absolutely miserable down there and regretting everything.

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  17. 10 hours ago, amarante said:

    Regarding Kenya's hair.

    When she first started on the show, I am pretty sure that her hair was really her own. Of course hair is to a great extent genetic and so she won the hair lottery - as did I :-). While cuts and color make a difference, product really has very little impact on my hair.

    However, it made sense for Kenya to start a hair care line as she at least is (or was) a great model for what her products "theoretically" could do.

    Now it seems as though she is using extensions, weaves and wigs and it's no longer her own hair. At least to me Kenya and fake hair seems to be off brand.



    She's definitely using extensions. I would guess her hair is thinning a little due to the natural effects of aging but her real hair is still long and fabulous. And I agree with you, when I see extra hair on her, it doesn't quite fit her.

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  18. I guess I'll address the elephant in the room (no pun intended). Most black women have no desire to be rail thin. Especially in the south. Our men generally like us thick and curvy and we (general we) have never been beholden to the predominant Euro standard of weight. 

    Yes they've all gained weight. And also yes, they're all still confident and meh about it (except maybe Cynthia, who worked in a eurocentric industry for years) and that's because our community supports us and finds beauty in us even when we look like "heifers."

    I watch OC and there was a scene with a hw who's a very pretty attorney. She was on the scale crying because she had put on weight. You will never see a scene like that on RHOA. We just don't have that level of insecurity. Thank goodness.

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  19. On 11/26/2019 at 9:46 AM, Jeanne222 said:

    I'm pretty much done with all the housewives shows.  Used to watch them all but I'm down to Atlanta and New Jersey!

    I think I'm going to scratch Atlanta.  They are so fake with all those horrible weaves and blown up lips and tons of makeup.  They are hard to watch.  The game fights just NO!

    Nene back as a movie star returning was the last straw for me.

    Stick a fork in me I'm done with Atlanta!

    I'll give you the weaves but blown up lips? Black women's lips are naturally full. You sure you're not mixing them up with Orange County? LOL

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