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Right?! I was thinking the whole time that condoms weren't enough. I don't have any issue with Charlotte and Lily talking openly about sex, in fact, that's probably how it should be. HOWEVER, never in a million years should Charlotte have gone out and bought condoms for them. She should have said, 1) If you are not responsible enough to get yourself condoms then you are not responsible enough to have sex and 2) If you have a problem with one pharmacy, WALK YOUR TEENAGE ASSES to another location. Do not make your middle aged mother go out in a snowstorm and get them for you! They don't live in a podunk town where there is only one place to buy them! It's friggin NYC! So the Miranda/Steve fight was basically both of them going for the jugular. Miranda with her comment about how she paid for the house and Steve with his comment about Brady. It might have been a good scene if it were better written and/or acted. As it was, I found myself laughing at Steve's yelling and Miranda's fake crying. Lisa's story was dumb. You're not going to hitch a ride with your husband in a snow storm because you want to "do it all yourself?" I mean, that is so over the top. Plus they already went over that ground when she was making the point that she could secure her own financing. We got it, she's a strong independent woman. Walking around alone in disastrous weather conditions to prove a point does not make you awesome, it makes you an idiot. There is no reason for Aiden to keep coming back to Carrie over and over unless he's some kind of masochist. Frankly though, I want to see John Corbett on the show so I don't even mind. Plus it will add a little spice to Carrie's story. So far I've been fairly bored by most of her scenes this season. Miranda and Che Che's relationship started with a bang and ended with a whimper. I have a feeling it's not over for them but at this point the whole debacle has made me hate Che. They were totally innocuous in their scenes with Carrie but I still couldn't wait to get away from them. It's the whole "Bitch be eating crackers" phenomenon for me.
I reaaally dislike how even in 2023 the message is always, Women: Lower your expectations and never Men: Be a better person The bar for men is buried 6 feet under ground at this point. I get that the dating pools shrinks as you get older but I don't think anyone should settle for something that they're really not into if they don't want. It's better to be single and content than coupled but miserable. George was A) generally flaky B) had a "life partner" who had to nag him to meet deadlines and send in his work and C) basically just didn't have his shit together and at a time in his life when he absolutely should. This kind of guy is basically a child that you have to take care of and Carrie was someone who never even wanted kids. So why should she sign up for one now at this stage of her life especially?
Harry dressed up as Matthew Rhys as Philip from the Americans is my favorite moment from this whole series so far. I also liked how Charlotte was able to talk him down at Rock's photo shoot. I'm glad there is one non-toxic relationship being portrayed on this show. I'm an asshole because when everyone at the focus group raised their hands to say something negative about Che Che Binks, I laughed heartily. I didn't feel bad for them at all. They are kind of boomer humoring in that sitcom, so Che deserves to hear the criticism, even if they are going to ultimately disagree with it. I think Miranda moving in with Nya is a good idea because they need a natural way for her to interact with the group more. I mean, it was a pretty big flaw, so I'm actually with her on this one. I thought the line the partner had about Carrie being there was pretty funny: "It's not NOT relevant!" Exactly where my mind went as well.
This is too good. Perhaps we should refer to them as Che Che Binks from now on. So strangely, I find myself disagreeing with a lot of the audience reaction so far. I'm in 100% agreement that Che is a total asshole and very unfunny, especially for a stand-up. A sitcom that no one will watch seems their speed, so that's realistic at least. @Penman1 covered how fucked up that whole threesome situation was so I won't go over that again, not that I have a problem if 3 consenting adults want to participate or that it make an LGBTQ+ some kind of freak if that's their jam. But the weed smoking? Like who give a flying duck? There are people in this show who drain copious amounts of wine but no one says boo about that. And I doubt if it were considered abnormal weed legalization would have so much support. It's been legalized in a bunch of places so far so it's totally mainstream now. I'm more offended by Seema smoking cigarettes, but mainly because she does it indoors and I think that's pretty gross. Why ruin all your nice things with nicotine stains and smells? Second thing I'm in disagreement about is Charlotte not wanting to get her tits jizzed on all the time means she's frigid or doesn't like sex or something. That's ridiculous! I'm not drawing a parallel between those two things at all. In fact, I thought the only funny part of the episode was Charlotte explaining how it was a "special treat" for Harry just because the language she used was so absurd and so Charlotte. I can totally see her not being that into it but letting Harry do it once and awhile since he is. Honestly, if women are supposed to just let men spew their jizz all willy-nilly nowadays or it makes them some kind of prude then go ahead and call me Grandpa Simpson. Another thing I was offended by was that they used a body double for Kristin Davis in the kegel exercise scene. Just let her be the size she is. It's hypocritical to make a whole story line about Che being a fat shamed TV actor and then do that. The rest of the episode was boring and offensively unfunny. At least give me a chuckle every once and awhile! Once per 45 minutes is not enough.
I call dibs on Sweater-Based Sex Scandal for my band name. They did mention that he was grazed by a bullet, so there could be blood from that. The detectives also seemed to think that he had been drugged-not that he took the drugs on his own. I don't know how they made that leap but if true, that was quite a night for Luke. Poisoned, shot and drowned. I like how the glass door at Luke's house shattered so easily. Total TV trope.
No, I was fully expecting Kendall's body falling past one of those windows at some point. As terrible as I know the Roy siblings are, those scenes between Kendall, Roman and Shiv at their Mom's place were so adorable and charming. I couldn't help but like them in those moments when they were goofing around together. At the same time, I knew it couldn't last and the rug would be pulled out from us in the most awful way, which of course it was. Shiv was still so completely oblivious even after she found out she wasn't going to be Mattson's pick for CEO. "Mattson took me seriously!" Oh, you sweet summer child. She didn't know she would be reversing the power between her and Tom as soon as she told Mattson that Tom would "suck the biggest dick in the room." That was exactly what Mattson wanted and Shiv basically picked Tom out for him in that moment. And Tom was right that if it were the other way around, she would have totally screwed him over. Greg bitch-slapping Tom in the bathroom was pretty funny. I knew that Tom would keep Greg around even after betraying him. Tom needs his whipping boy. Tom may be a suck up but I have to admit that he knows what he's doing with regards to personnel. Eschewing Hugo for Karolina and trying to get Gerri back are 100% the right moves. Kendall hugging Roman and then fighting Roman moments later was an emotional roller coaster. And Shiv throwing in Kendall's face about the kid he killed! I'd forgotten about that but of course someone was going to use that against him at some point. Roman was right--they are all bullshit. They are all nothings now. Wait until Marcia sees it!
We saw him with a box of matches. But that's just because they were interrupted before they could even really get started. Plus Shauna didn't know better. There were at least 3 people who were an actually threat to her--Lottie, Van and Tai. I doubt Tai would have stopped Van even if she was just "going along with it". Shauna thought only Lottie was against her in that moment so she might have trusted everyone else to stop Lottie for her. I guess? Lottie had the knife.
If they decide to hunt him, it's not like he can run away on one leg. Killing them off gives him more a chance of survival than not! I wondered that too but they've still got to kill Akilah, Mari and the other new girl/not Crystal they introduced this season, right? I don't think they'd have time to do all that by the time someone noticed the smoke and got there. Pretty disappointing season overall. Maybe they should just lean into the camp of it all instead of trying to be serious. Because that hunt in the current timeline was ridiculous. They didn't give me any reason to believe that any of the characters would go along with even setting up the hunt much less do it, except Lottie. Making Nat the leader was more of a surprise than Nat dying in the current timeline. And the fact that she seemed to like it, even after she supposedly felt so guilty about Javi! Lottie is the only one who didn't know what really went down in the first hunt, yet she's the one picking the leader. And Travis paying his respects to Nat and eating raw Javi heart didn't seem to make sense based on his character, either. I'd have preferred if he joined forces with Coach Ben. Then the girls would have more adversity. I absolutely loved Coach Ben trying to burn everyone alive. After they all watched Javi drown, all the girls pretty much lost me so I like that there is someone fighting them. I was still on Nat's side since there are not many people who would just give up their own life for someone else so I felt she was least culpable. But then she became leader and liked it so... I guess we never find out what happened to Crystal/Kristen's body? I enjoyed Walter's antics but would have liked them better if he had been with Misty during them. The poisoning was actually kind of fun. The way they wrapped up Adam and Jessica Roberts all in one neat bow was dumb. Lisa knows stuff now. And Nat's dead so she is not going to like that.
IMHO, there is a huge difference between people like Bill Gates or Ewan and people like Murdoch or Logan. One uses their money to set up charitable foundations to fight the number one disease in the world, malaria, (or give it to Greenpeace) and pledges to give it away when they die while the other uses money to spread hate, disinformation and rhetoric to further their goal to hoard their money and give it to the next generation to continue the cycle rather than giving back to the community. Are they both capitalist pigs? Sure. But at least one side does actually care about humanity rather than just themselves.
Of course I forgot Conner's mother, just like everyone forgets about Connor! Thanks for the correction.
Apologies in advance for mentioning a controversial figure but I believe it was Chris Rock who had a bit about men with money and mistresses. If you are poor, you are too poor for a mistress but the richer you get the more likely you are to have one. And if you are filthy rich, like Logan, then your wife knows your mistress by name. That's what I couldn't help but think of when Logan's four women, first wife, first mistress, second wife and second mistress were all sitting together at the funeral. Marcia was surprisingly kind at the funeral, taking Kerri's hand and asking Shiv if she was OK and that she loved and missed Logan and he broke all of their hearts. A very succinct and trenchant point. Shiv asking Frank and Karl if Logan was a good man was interesting. A salty dog but a good egg. What else were they supposed to say? Did she think she'd get a real answer or was she just asking for reassurance? I loved Ewan's eulogy. A little bit about Logan's horrible childhood that maybe explains him a little bit but also not excusing that Logan was a horrible man. I noticed that Greg complimented Ewan after. He cannot help but suck up to absolutely everyone. I was amused by everyone sidling up to Mencken and trying to curry favor with him, including, of course, Greg. He did walk over to Mattson though, so that says something about Mattson's influence. I know Shiv led him over there but still; he went. And he told Roman and Kendall that he would "try" with the regulations. Oh, boy. And a little dig at Roman breaking down at the funeral. Kendall is grooming himself to be Logan's replacement. He said he hoped he was like Logan during his eulogy (Shiv's face when he said that!). Also, he's made Hugo his "dog" and hired Logan's bodyguard, Colin. Kendall's exchange with Jess: Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. Why did you tell me that today? I'm glad she's getting out and of course it's about Mencken. I wonder how long his wanting to get custody of his kids is going to last. He has enough money to make it happen but I assume he'll either lose interest or figure out it's in his kids best interest to stay with Rava. Otherwise he really is Logan. Ugh. Poor Tom is still tired. I do wonder if he's going to have a heart attack or something. Roman is losing it. I wonder if he's going to be OK, too. I'm excited for the final episode and how everything shakes out.
That gave me some unpleasant flashbacks. I had to keep reminding myself it was fiction. Scariest part? The fact that Mencken was so articulate. Tom and Shiv play so many games with each other that Tom didn't even believe Shiv when she told him she was pregnant with his baby! I can't wait to see it hit him for real. I didn't know Conner's slogan was Enough Already! LOL. I also liked Frank, Hugo and company joking "Conner's running for President?" It is fully Shiv against her brothers now. God it was awkward watching her try to talk her way out of it after Kendall found what was up from Nate and Greg. And Greg is such an idiot--he looked right at Shiv when he was talking to Kendall so that she would know for sure that they were talking about her. Of course Greg is going to spill the beans to whoever is in his face, especially if it's Kendall or Tom. Those are his boys. I hope that ATN loses all credibility now but it doesn't look like that will happen. I mean, if all the other news outlets followed suit and called the election along with them, it's like putting toothpaste back in the tube or something. Roman is the worst "we just made good TV; nothing happens." Yeah, to you, you tool. Maybe Tom will take a hit at least and lose everything. I kind of want a pair of Mattson's pants to hang around and watch election results in. Inevitably it will be Roman vs. Kendall. I hope Mattson and Shiv weaken them somewhat or Mencken screws them over in a different way. As in, he will honor their deal but do something unexpected that really screws up their plans. Only two more episodes!
Agreed. She's either trying to find out what really happened to Travis and why and/or to get revenge. I was thinking that an animal may have dragged it off. The most disturbing part of that to me was that everyone else just watched it and no one stepped in to stop it. I'm sure I was supposed to be disturbed by that but it also goes to show how much of a hold Lottie has over everyone. That voice message that Misty left Walter was really awkward at the end. "You hang up, no you hang up!" *Maniacal laughter*. Plus everything inside of Misty's head was a trip including a human version of Caligula! I LOLed at Jeff's phone call at the end when he was trying to talk in code but it was so obvious what he was talking about. Next time use a burner phone, Jeff.
It is true that the vast majority of people are already decided or have already voted for one of the main 2 candidates. However, if Connor released a statement that he was dropping out of the race, that would anger some of the "Conheads" and they would presumably vote for Mencken instead. It's also worth noting that more Democrats vote early while more Republicans vote on Election Day. Hence the term, the "red wave" that you may have heard during the 1/6 hearings or otherwise.
Just going to include a quote from myself at the bottom from episode 1 in order to congratulate myself. That's right, I called it. They want Connor out of the race. Too bad it turns out that all Mencken was willing to give him was Oman and Willa "his woman" is not down with it. OK, now that I'm done patting myself on the back on to the rest of the episode. When Tom gave Shiv a scorpion for a gift, I thought, are we sure you thought this through Tom? If Shiv is a scorpion, then who's the frog? Tom, possibly? Yes, turns out he was because Shiv was ready to go along with him getting fired. Of course, it's pretty obvious if Mattson got a hold of ATN, he'd want to drain the swamp so Shiv would have had to really fight for Tom, something I'm not sure she's capable of. I think once she asked her dad not to fire him, maybe. And now we know why Mattson wanted to make the deal so quickly. His numbers from India were falsely doubled. Kendall knew he was a bullshitter! Takes one to know one, Kendall. And now Shiv has to re-think her whole plan. All the tension between Ebba and Mattson made me nervous. I was a little skeptical that she'd open her mouth about India to Roman and Kendall but I guess she already has her golden parachute out of there in February? The Tom/Shiv fight out on the balcony (those balcony doors deserve praise for keeping the sound out) was amazing. I pretty much agreed with both of them. Shiv is selfish and Tom married for power. They couldn't keep their marriage of strategic convenience up through one measly party. Gerri really brought it tonight! She's going to get eye-watering amounts of money and control the narrative or she'll release Roman's dick pics. I really enjoyed that scene. Roman was so dumb to fuck her over. Their business partnership really could have been beneficial to Roman. I liked that there was one person at the party who wasn't willing to wheel and deal--Nate. He did say the one thing to Kendall that Kendall would not like, that he "wasn't Logan." Of course Kendall wants to be the one head with the one crown. He might be making a Faustian bargain--his siblings for the crown. And we know his ex-wife and probably his kids hate him, too. You should have a coffee. Oh, then you wouldn't be able to sleep later. THINK!