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Everything posted by Akenta

  1. Thanks for letting me know. I watch the few minutes on both of those and then clear up my DVR
  2. Not sure where to ask this... I noticed my DVR recorded a new episode of Orphan Black. I didn't watch it yet, but the description mentions five years later. Is this really new?
  3. I enjoyed this episode, but are we now supposed to start to feel sympathetic towards the dad?
  4. I thought this was one of the best episodes. Rog and Trish were great with how they dealt with RJ. I love when they have Riggs working with kids. Reminded me of the original MacGyver, whenever they had children they were usually my favorites.
  5. If it's anything like my cats, Pine is trying to make an escape :-)
  6. I agree with everything Happy had to say. I finally figured out what has been bothering me about Trish the last few episodes, and this part of it. I like her when she's a defense lawyer, and not this lawyer for some rich guy.
  7. Once again I'm left sitting on the fence. Most of the episode I didn't care for, even the mom's scenes weren't doing anything for me. But I stuck it out to the end and there was something (I'm not sure what) that will keep me watching.
  8. When did Riggs start drinking again? I'm guessing it's remembering his childhood.
  9. I don't think kids get textbooks any more. Everything is going digital or handouts.
  10. I failed that test :-(
  11. I normally don't get a chance to catch up with this show until Monday night, after thinking about I remembered I did see it yesterday. Guess I'm still not impressed with it, but can stick it out for the remaining two shows. When Max was dreaming, did he admit he was responsible for his parent's death?
  12. I always start each episode wondering if I'm going to continue. By the end I find something that keeps me going to watch the next week. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm thinking it's the mother.
  13. I always thought Foggy and Karen would make a good couple. I don't care for the women Foggy was with last (not sure if they are still a couple)
  14. I didn't have a problem with this. Reminds me of the movie Bloodsport where he is trained to be able to fight blindfolded.
  15. Be neat to see "After the Black" with each of the characters talking about their experience working on the show and having to deal with each other. Maybe a DVD extra.
  16. Helena is the last clone I worry about...
  17. Yep, I missed that :-(
  18. I actually was curious enough to check it out too. I was actually impressed I didn't see any obvious spelling or grammar errors.
  19. are all the episodes for the season going to be discussed here, or will they be broken out per show? I don't watch them all at once and just want to avoid spoilers...
  20. I thought they had great chemistry the first time she was on the show. This time felt way too forced. Hoping the writers figure out what they want to do with Riggs.
  21. I enjoyed this season. I just wished all the episodes were not bunched together in one topic (I don't binge watch and can't remember all the things I wanted to comment on at the beginning). One thing I've noticed with Degrassi is they don't have any characters stay unlikable. They all have character growth for the better. When they introduced Esme, you knew her character would change the most. It's still only about halfway there, but I expect her for be a favorite before she graduates. With the first episode I was surprised how much different and older all the characters look. In one of the episodes, it was mentioned that Zig had a brother. I don't remember seeing him, but will he be part of the school in the future. I was happy to see Katie, but really expected to see Owen. The whole coma story was interesting and I wished they gave more information on that. Locally, we had a girl here was in a car accident on the day she way supposed to graduate high school. She's still in a coma but reading about her progress on facebook I didn't realize there were so many levels a person can be in. Looking forward to the next season.
  22. I was real disappointed when the cast asked the audience if they had any questions. Almost everyone raised their hand, but when they were picked, the cast asked the question and not the audience member. The bay window for the audience was a nice touch.
  23. I thought there was a series (as opposed to season) finale years ago. Luckily for all the wonderful people hear making the sacrifice to watch the show and report on it, I've been able to stay away. Thank you all :-)
  24. Riggs was supposed to take Ethan to foster care, but he took the kid home instead. something I see Riggs doing. I really like how the two bonded with each other and would see more of it.
  25. I didn't think he was being mean to the foreigners. He asked them to move down the beach and they kept on insisting coming back and playing their music really loud. They could have been nicer, but they were just as obnoxious with their acts.
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