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Everything posted by tomatoflyer

  1. As someone who's been quite critical of this show, this episode was a million times better. It flowed much smoother, we got more details on who these people actually are, and I actually felt suspense, instead of feeling nothing. I'm glad to have news characters to breathe some life in (especially Wilson Bethel). It's far from perfect, but I was actually able to sustain attention through the whole show.
  2. I think the problem is that Kring is just not a very good showrunner.
  3. The thing that really got me was Liv choosing Fitz - she always chooses him and she always pays while he is the one whose life gets to stay intact.
  4. I just didn't like this episode. The sex was just too much, and I've never ever felt that about this show before. Mostly it felt cheap and obvious. Too predictable.
  5. I just didn't find this episode as fun as last week's. Of course Lizzie wasn't getting caught, which is fine, but I really thought they were going to milk the Russian Embassy part some more. I didn't feel any suspense. Before, you knew the blacklisted would get caught or killed, but the actual stories could be quite interesting. Now the blacklist are people who aren't nearly as interesting (even if the acting is great). I've always had the hots for Ressler.
  6. I watch arrow but not the flash - I watched the first half of the first season, but it was so predictable and the characters so bland. Also I have Felicity, and always have.
  7. Yep, despite the PR speak in that article, Minority Report is the first casualty of the broadcast season
  8. While nothing spectacular, this show continues to be nice fluff, and sometimes that's all a show needs to be.
  9. Meh. I don't find Ren adorable at all. They need to give me some juicy information on Malina. It's all cryptic, because this show is a mess. Zachary Levi's character has been so predictable since day 1. I really, really wanted to love this. I wanted to give the new heroes a chance to shine in a related, but new story. At this point, I've given up on that ever happening. Just give me some camps with the originals, and that'll do. And to dissent again, I loved the Mohinder narrations, I find his voice so soothing and relaxing. I'm glad they're here too.
  10. I think my issue with Empire this season is everyone seems so restrained. At dinner, Cookie should have done more than just that gag with the tablecloth. Jamaal is just a whiny baby, and while I've always found him to be a whiner, he's getting even worse. I want him to do something. It's why I love Hakeem so much this season - he actually does stuff, and sometimes they are good ideas actually. I actually think he could take on Lucious, especially after he took Valentina. Overall, this episode was kinda meh for me. Felt like filler.
  11. tI thought I was the only one. Really took me out of the moment.
  12. I loved it as much as the pilot. I know these quirky comedies are never long for the world, but this is the only current comedy that cracks me up.
  13. I found this episode too predictable. I also found Vanessa's drum stabbing psychotic and I thought I was watching a completely different show. I did have a couple laughs (mostly in the first half) but overall underwhelming for me.
  14. I liked the pace too. I kinda, but not totally stopped enjoying this show and this season feels like it may be back on track.
  15. I will really miss Monaghan on this show - he was able to bring an energy that was desperately missing from season 1, particularly the latter part of the season. I'm afraid Gotham will fall back into being tedious, where it doesn't feel like there are any stakes at all. I hope the writers have a solid plan basically, to make this show fun and interesting, like it's been lately. I like Gotham most when it doesn't even try to stick to canon, but is bold and makes its own path.
  16. I like the supporting characters, but the chemistry between the leads sucks (not romantic chemistry). I get no pleasure watching them, and I really want to see Jane/Taylor interact with other besides Weller. I hate everything about Weller. My ridiculous hope is that this was a long con by Jane to wreak havoc on the FBI and gain access to all their information because she's a bad lady. Reade, keep fighting the good fight. Someone in the FBI has to have not totally lost their mind.
  17. I noticed this too - especially when she was getting the news about Hawkeye. Her facial read tion did not match her thought process at all. This show succeeds at being extremely average. Everything is as cliche I've heard a thousand times before. There were a few funny moments but they rush through everything so much you never have time to really enjoy them. I would like to see more of that humour incorporated so that this can be more than just another cop procedural. I also find the whole Hawkeye thing confusing. What is the point of civilian analyst? Wouldn't there be a huge legal battle with putting ordinary people without police training in dangerous situations (especially as they are employees receiving some monetary benefit? And why would the cop be choosing their analyst? For such a potentially dangerous job, where people with no training are doing these things, shouldn't a thorough background check and a real interview (not that lame interview we saw) be done? Furthermore how could MG's character think that's a good idea? That's only going to further raise suspicions? This show has some potential (though not in the ratings - it's the lowest rated show currently between Fox, ABC, NBC, and cbs, and it's dropped every week) but it just isn't well-executed or well thought out.
  18. The ratings are horrendous, I don't think it stands a chance anyway. I think it was the lowest rated premiere and the second episode did even worse.
  19. I'm black and I definitely was weirded out by Alex being described as dark skinned - her skin is olive to me. White people are so strange sometimes.
  20. This show continues to bore despite some things happening. It feels like the characters are all talking at each other. The balance of talking and action is really off. The ratings aren't good (far worse than Quantico) so I don't know if it will even get picked up for the back nine episodes, if it's not cancelled first. Also, I'm pretty sure there's an option between a crappy trailer park and some perfect house. It's just stupid to think those are the only two options. Of and the ludicrous things, this bothered me the most.
  21. Root on POI. Amy Acker's overacting makes me angry. I'll always cherish the pre-Root years.
  22. Rainbow sensation was the most hilarious thing I heard on TV all week. That is all.
  23. Meh, nothing special. Like every other medical show (yes, I've seen almost all of them).
  24. Correct. CBS really doesn't do the short season thing for fall shows much because they are a syndication farm first and foremost. This show has done fairly well in the ratings so it's almost guaranteed a back nine at this point. Procedurals especially can stretch out for the full season.
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