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Everything posted by LydiaMoon1

  1. Not me. I say RETCON AWAY. Season One quickly became a plodding, utter bore to me. I didn't even last until the end. To my surprise, I've found this season interesting and exciting and I look forward to more. I'm especially looking forward to some moustache-twirling by David Keith playing Calderone. I expect his raised eyebrow and silky baritone to be an improvement over last year's hyperbaric chamber-loving mystery dude. In fact, every change they've made (especially cast changes) have worked for me and gave me more viewing enjoyment, soooo.....yeah. Proceed.
  2. ITA about Lucy's casual killing and the humans applauding. In fact, I was thinking, "You idiots! Considering that both the aliens and the humanics (sp?) are more powerful than you, you do realize you're applauding the fact you've fallen to number three, right?" So much THIS. I was very critical of Halle's acting last year, but I believe she really kicked it up a notch this year. For me, she's sold so many of Molly's emotions. Molly has been alternately crazed, fierce, desperate, depressed, confused, etc. She's shown so many differents facets of Molly's personality, and she's done it well. I may be quick to criticize sometimes, but I also like to give credit where credit is due. Halle's done a good job with season 2 Molly.
  3. Co-sign. I enjoyed the first three shows, but the show has already forgotten what made the first few so entertaining. At this point, I'm just bored.
  4. IA that Nigel's comment was unneccessary, but the rest of your assertion is just....no. Race will continue to be an issue as long as it's an issue (whether you talk about it or not). For instance, I thought from the beginning that the only reason Burim and Asshat made the top 20 was because they were white. IMO, betters dancers were cut in order to keep them because the show felt they needed to have more than one white, male dancer to attract an audience. Actually, better dancers are STILL being cut in order to keep Asshat around. His dance ability is limited, his personality grates, and he can't learn choreography. Why is he still there? He's certainly not being allowed to continue to take up space on merit alone.
  5. My reaction was the complete opposite. I laughed and laughed at the "terrifying" prospect of a colorful alien future, as opposed to the typical predominately white future usually presented in movies and tv. I thought this gave that notion a good poke in the eye. And I also thought Molly chose humans over aliens, esp. after the Offspring showed how callous he is regarding human life.
  6. So much truth. I thought that insult was dickish and unneccessary. All that congressman did was acknowledge that he'd been out-fought by a deep-pocketed agribusiness conglomerate. There was no reason to attack him, especially when all he and that idiot reporter had was their flimsy conclusions and untested hypotheses about the lion's food. In fact, I find Billy Burke's character AND that silly reporter to be deeply unlikeable. Exactly.
  7. It seems like Amber's voice is fine and sounding better than ever following her surgery. PRAISE! http://amberrileynews.com/post/122372346333
  8. I normally don't pay attention to Darren, but the article links posted here are comedy gold.
  9. I didn't watch Game of Thrones any more after the first ep. It's a decision I don't regret.
  10. Amber's movie sounds right up my alley, because I LOVE Christmas movies. They make me happy. There's way too much "dark and edgy" on TV these days to suit my tastes . I can't watch most of it. I'll take hopeful and inspirational any day over violent and anarchist. ETA: I left out the "d" in edgy.
  11. Season 3 has dispelled my fear that I would binge-watch the episodes too quickly and blow through the season too fast. I just finished episode 5 and so far it's been a struggle;Piper/Alex. Red/Healy, Bennett/Daya, Flacca, Norma and the Santaria. Boring. Boring. Boring.
  12. I don't watch the Braxton Family reality show either, but from what I saw on Celeb Family Feud, I don't want to see any more of them. All that hair-tossing and lip-smacking and posing and strutting (cough**Tamar and Towanda** cough cough) was embarrassing. Other than Toni, they seem like a charmless bunch, and ALL of them looked like they applied their makekup with a trowel instead of a brush. They were insufferable. Meeting them was not a pleasant experience.
  13. They're own inflated egos? LOL Gleaning from various comments made by Ryan Murphy over the years, I suspect that the jackasses who wrote and produced Glee think that they consistently delivered a product that is just a shade below Shakespeare. If you don't agree, you simply don't understand their genius. <snark> In all seriousness though, it really wouldn't surprise me to learn that these idiots sincerely believe that the crap they churned out deserved to be rewarded.
  14. Yes, that "looking for Shawn in the cage scene" is exactly the scene I was looking for. CR was so bad in that scene that she made the actress who played Jan Spears (who was really good, in my opinion, because she actually made that ridiculous storyline work) come completely out of character and give her this look that was so full of WTF that, to this day, I can't remember it without cracking up.
  15. ICAM. I've said this for the longest time. ABC apparently doesn't believe me.
  16. THANK YOU! I have seen many a bad actor over the years, but NO ONE could hold a candle to this chick. She literally was...The..Worst. Looking back on it though, I wish Days had kept her around longer. She made that soap appointment TV. I wasn't about to miss that that trainwreck. She gave me some of the best laughs of my TV-viewing life. Come to think of it, now that I know her name I'm going to Youtube to watch some clips. ETA: Unfortunately, it appears that the best videos of Charity Rahmer's "acting" have been pulled (http://daytimeconfidential.com/2009/06/14/the-best-of-charity-rahmer). That makes me sad. Comedy gold like that should be allowed to live forever.
  17. Well, when it comes to his treatment (or mistreatment) of women and minorities, the only thing I can't accuse Ryan Murphy of is inconsistency.
  18. Just because they're so cute! http://amberrileynews.com/tagged/Chris%2025th Amber and Chris on his 25th birthday.
  19. IA. All of these pronouncements about who will and who won't be successful or remembered post-Glee just strike me as ridiculously premature. Glee just ended. Time will tell.
  20. I haven't decided if I'll watch it or not. The trailer looks promising, but I'm soooooooo tired of superheroes. Leave it to Hollywood to run every good idea into the ground.
  21. For real. All of this death and destruction just so Olivia can win a pissing contest against her Dad. UGH! And really, Fitz. Moral Outrage from you? Righteous Indignation? The guy who, when placed in the exact same position as Mellie, murdered Verna in her hospital bed with his own two hands. He needs to GTFOH. Yeah, Jake. Whatever. Just leave already. And Huck killed a busload of people to protect his family? Really? ‘Cause I seem to remember that it was made perfectly clear to him from the beginning that the way to keep his family safe was to keep his mouth shut and to keep pretending to be dead. RME And Olivia’s mother was absolutely right in everything she said, except for using the work “uppity” to describe Olivia. That was unnecessary and offensive. Olivia has every right to aspire to whatever heights her opportunities and abilities can take her. What she doesn’t have the right to do is (just like her Mama said), cause all these problems so that she can “fix” them. What was the purpose of bringing down Hydra, er, umm, B6 whatever? If the Agents of Shield, er, umm the CIA, wanted to get rid of them they would have. Who asked her and her band of psychotic misfits to blunder in and interfere? You won't be alone. I'm right there with you glad that he's not dead and hoping to see him again sometime in the future. I have no doubt that he’ll be running his prison inside of 6 months and have a whole new cadre of operatives to run. Even so, I do hope Shonda has finally decided to move on from Alias-lite. I've had quite enough of murder and torture. I hope she's going back to original formula Scandal, cause this past season wasn't worth 2 cents. Overall, the finale was MEH. it just leaves me in the same place I was before the whole season started: hating Olivia and Fitz, separately and together.
  22. Yeah. THAT. Stuff like that is why I can never completely exonerate Chord in my mind.
  23. ITA about the above. It also didn't help that the self-described "true Sam fans" were being particularly assy to Amber/Mercedes/Samcedes during that time and the timing of his comments made it feel like he was piling on by helping them justify their hate. Now, I doubt that Chord meant for it to be taken that way, but that's how it felt (to me) at the time because feelings aren't always rational. I must admit though, I've never been able to completely shake feeling some residual resentment for him from that time. Actually, I suppose I'll always feel that way about much of Glee and a big chunk of its fandom..so...... <shrugs>
  24. More Susan Ross, please. And MUCH more of Cyrus Bean being completely discombobulated by her honesty and integrity. More good cases of the week. The military rape case was timely, believable, and it had enough dramatic tension to make it emotionally-compelling. Plus, it had a reasonably plausible resolution. Best of all, it didn't feel like useless filler. That hadn't happened in a while. You know what did feel like useless filler? The torture porn. Please, stop it with that mess already. MORE Daddy Pope. I waited the whole show for his bloviating badass to show up. Can't wait to see what he has up his sleeve. Other things I liked: Fitz and Mellie's partnership Mellie's campaign The fakeout with the incompetent Naval attorney-didn't see that coming at all. Other things I didn't like: Jake's still alive Huck's still alive Jake saying Russell is good at what he does. Jake's still alive. Clearly, Russell is incompetent.
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