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Everything posted by IWantCandy71

  1. I'll pray for ya'll if this is true. I hated Courtney more than I can't stand Sam or Kristina. Although....Courtney and Kristina in one scene....HEH. People would be rushing to their pharmacies for refills *during the first show*.
  2. If they brought back JE for a temp stay to groom BL as a sort of protégé, I'd watch that. I had to put up with years of Alexis and her spawn, (none of them DEAD yet. Not a single one, and yet the Qs drop like flies). So, other people could put up with BL being in everyone's face. I don't think Adrianne Leon has the slightest interest though, if she even acts anymore. So a recast would be necessary. Or Hayden could be Tracy's daughter after all. She could be Liz's sister AND a Q. Tracy could have slept with Jeff Webber to get back at Monica, and Naomi lost Jeff's baby and switched them.
  3. All the dialogue in the movie was cheesy bad. The only bit in the movie that got me emotionally(and barely that) were the Charles/Jean interactions about her being "broken". As if Erik would have just stood there and repeatedly asked "whose blood is that?" knowing Jean came from where Charles and the others were. So dumb and OOC.
  4. I will say, I feel they played it more like - that kind of power in the right hands, is a good thing (what Jean does in the end). That kind of power in the wrong hands (Chastain's character) IS Evil personified. Or alien-afied. Whatever. They're not entirely wrong. Power isn't evil-but power mad people create evil when they aren't checked and contained.
  5. Except doesn't this version explain that Xavier lost his hair because of something to do with Apocalypse in the last movie ? I've forgotten. I just seem to remember the hair loss isn't because of age. Fassbender is definitely Robert Redford-ing it with the cragginess, but in 92, Eric is only about sixty(guessing, since he's a young boy during WWII). Plus, the mutants age a lot slower. So I'm good with it, James McAvoy looks okay bald, I'm not so sure about Fassbender. I can't quite picture him as a silver fox type. This movie wasn't good. It was still a better time than Captain Marvel, but that's not saying much. I mean, at least with X Men I like, and have even loved, some of the characters, and I was/am invested in some of their stories. James and Michael both seemed so over it all, and who can blame them. Jennifer Lawrence did as well, but she acts like that in every movie she's in, so I can't tell a difference. It was just so bland and lacked so much energy. And the best part of the X Men franchise-any Erik and Charles interactions-was just boring to me. I think the franchise has been over itself for a while now, though. It should have stopped with Days of Future Past.
  6. Yes, so much fun, still hoping for a sequel.
  7. Aren't most actors in comic book movies OTT in their performances these days, though ? They are either OTT or underwhelming. I think very few find that balance in the middle. But when you're playing a comic book character, I think a little bit of "look at me" is okay. I actually get the opposite feeling watching the trailer. I don't think you'll forget you're watching JP play a role-he just has that kind of presence. But the second time watching the trailer, I could feel more of the sad, mentally unbalanced aspect of the man himself instead of the persona of the Joker. The two times I've seen it, I kind of get an "American Psycho" vibe-and while that is way too violent for me now, it's one of Christian Bale's best roles and movies thus far. If this movie is even remotely like it in tone, the critics will love it, I think. Not sure about the general audience. It seems like a "niche" type of film, for sure. Probably polarizing- it'll be loved or hated by those that see it. Too bad, I think JP and RP could be good opposite one another.
  8. I think that's the point-were supposed to be somewhat horrified by what the character is doing. From the trailer though, it seems very respectful ? Guess we'll see. Yes, something fun and light, exactly ! Looking forward to it.
  9. I didn't see a topic for this, so: I am not even sure it's going to be wide release, but if it plays where I'm at, I'm going. I listened to the Beatles as a kid and this was always my second favorite song. Probably a hokey movie, but I'm okay with that. It sounds fun and light and nostalgic and at least there will be one movie this summer where stuff isn't getting blown up. Win/win.
  10. I can't argue with that at all. More suspense would have been great. I think a truly suspenseful movie that isn't blood or violence saturated, is a rare thing these days. Suspense/thriller/mystery is probably my favorite genre, I wish Hollywood would give us more of them.
  11. I couldn't remember- it's been so many years. I don't think the ring remark was about VIctor Jerome though, because from what I remember Lucy and Alan's part in his death was not revealed for a very long time afterward. In fact, wasn't part of the reason the Alan/Lucy affair began, was that Lucy was trying to seduce Alan, and up until that point, he had resisted. Lucy thought the anonymous gestures from Victor were from Alan, and when Victor choked, she called Alan, and the two of them trying to keep the secret is what led to them having the affair in the first place ? So I don't think anyone knew by the time of the wedding, that Lucy and Alan disposed of Victor's body. But again....long time ago, and all that-I really can't be sure. I loved all the AJs the same. I doubt this is technically an unpopular opinion here, since I think most posters never watched his AJ-but I loved Gerald Hopkins as AJ just as much as Sean or Billy. I think in fact, I loved Gerald's just a wee bit more. He had that broken hearted, tragic, sad sack persona down to a T. I can't honestly imagine Sean or Billy's versions trying to commit suicide the way Gerald's did. Speaking of actors playing the Qs though-unpopular opinion for sure-I think Edward should have stayed dead when David Lewis retired the first time. Nothing against John Ingle, but he was never Edward. If they needed to fill the male elder void before Alan was ready, they should have had John be another male Q cousin. Jed Allan, age issues aside, was a better fit as Edward than JI, but yeah...Edward should have stayed dead. JI was some pod person, NOT EQ.
  12. Not only do I not particularly like Lucy, I hated how she was shoe horned in to the Qs storylines to the point of marrying Alan. Even Alan, who had a fling with Susan Moore, should have had better taste than that. Then again, Lucy/Susan Moore are sort of peas in a pod, or at least, on the same row of the vegetable garden. But that red wedding dress was HEE larious. One of the funniest moments on this show, ever. And wasn't it Tracy's fault ? SCORE. Tracy just didn't expect Lucy to wear it(and I admired her for having the guts to do it).
  13. And see for me when I say "hype", I mean that as a GH viewer I always felt pressured to like Robin or any of the Scorpios. And I was never really given a reason I could believe in. I don't find any of them particularly interesting-though Robert and Mac both were semi cool for maybe the first year or two ? IDK. That's what I mean by hype. Like I was supposed to like Lucky just because he was Luke and Laura's son, as another example. I don't work that way. Every character is stand alone for me, and has to prove their worth individually. I mean, I love the Qs as a family unit, but you better believe there are some as individual characters, that I just don't care about. And some (Jason and his spawn) that I don't consider Qs at all, blood or not. I think it's also because the very word "hype" automatically triggers a gag reflex in me. I will go anti hype as I can, unless I am honestly genuinely interested in a character or a story all on it's own merits. And that's any form of story telling or media, not just GH. Hyping something up will make me avoid it like the plague and may make me hate it before I even watch it or read it. It just does, IDK why. Probably because rarely do things and people live up to the hype, I guess. I am not an acting expert. For those who like KMc and think she's great, that's your right. But I do judge by the little things. If I've taped a show, do I pause and rewind a scene multiple times because the actor's moments in the scene are just that good ? I've never done that with KMc, ever, unless I had to rewind to hear something Robin said because of the already stated mumbling. I've done it with Jane Elliot, with Christian Bale, with Zachary Levi, with Tom Hiddleston, with Anne Hathaway, with Judy Garland, with Claudette Colbert, with Vincent D'onofrio, with Clark Gable, with many actors over the years. It's not even necessarily about talent-it's about the ability to wring some kind of emotion out of that scene-and it's about making me believe there's more going on there that what is written on the page. THAT for me is acting. I don't get that with KMc. But in fairness, I can count on both hands the number of GH actors I've ever gotten that from. I've even gotten it from Genie Francis, and I don't particularly like Laura, so it's also not about being a fan of the character. I've gotten it from Maurice Benard and I can't really stand Sonny. Eden McCoy. She's a current young actress, and her scenes during Oscar's last week, I did rewind. She runs rings around anything I've ever seen KMc do. And that's not going back to a Robin/Stone thing and the comparisons of the story. It just means I think Eden is a much stronger, natural actress than Kim is. Personal take. *shrug*
  14. She seems like a cool person IRL, I agree, and maybe directing or whatever is more her thing ? IDK. I just know I've never gotten the hype over that character and honestly couldn't care less about Robin at all.
  15. Thank you for the information UYI and dubbel zout. I may look for it at the CVS here, or see if they can get it in but I don't think it's the kind of thing I'd order online just to try, though.
  16. IDK about that. One of the criticisms I kept seeing is that people didn't go into it wanting a character study. I don't know why anyone would think it would be an action filled type movie, since the first two weren't ? I liked it, it's certainly far from perfect, but I do think it's one of the better films out of this year thus far. I don't know if that's high praise. Other than one or two movies I've seen so far, I haven't exactly been blown away in 2019.
  17. It honestly just looks like a "bad seed" kid story, where the kid just happens to be not from this planet. Is that really all it takes these days to be called a superhero movie, and does everything have to be a superhero movie to get people to buy tickets ? It seems like it's sort of a manipulative advertising campaign-to stress it as a "evil" or "anti" version of a superhero movie-when really it doesn't seem to be that at all. I mean, they didn't call any of the "Alien" movies, "superhero" movies. Even though personally, I feel Ripley absolutely is a hero. Just not other worldly powered. And I am sure the mom in this-Elizabeth Banks-will be a hero in the end, too. It almost seems like a cash grab on the superhero craze, and that's kind of sad. Lots of movie going audiences like horror. Not my thing at all, so I won't be seeing it. I do think this will do okay financially (especially since I think the budget is less than $10 million? ), but I also think some will expect a lot more out of it, with the superhero association, and some will come out disappointed. I will say, after seeing the trailers attached to "The Hustle" this week, that I think 2019 might be starting out to be one of the most lackluster years for movies. I liked Glass, I loved Shazam, and Run the Race. But overall, almost every trailer I've seen for other movies has just been so......meh. I just hope this isn't too disappointing for those looking forward to it.
  18. Yeah, I was afraid they were gonna take full advantage of the PG 13 and have Rebel letting loose with any and all she could get away with, potty mouth wise. But, they didn't. The movie wasn't that bad, it was a fun distraction from a bad day and I actually laughed out loud at some moments that were not in the trailer. I don't think I've seen anything else that Alex Sharp has been in, and yet he looks so familiar. I think the character of Thomas was the highlight for me actually. Wasn't expecting him to be the grandson of Medusa, though. Oh, and Dean Norris. I kept staring at his face, wondering where I knew him from. I never really watched Breaking Bad, but I do remember him from Sons of Liberty as Benjamin Franklin. He's a fun actor to watch !
  19. I've never cared about any of that family, TBH. They bore me. I can't imagine it's magically gotten better in the two years I really haven't been watching. I find Anna and Robin to be so unbearably self righteous. That's like, my pet peeve in a fictional character. No thanks.
  20. But you agree she mumbles some of her lines though, right ? 🙂 I used to want KMc to speak up and enunciate until I realized Robin had nothing to say I wanted to hear. *shrug*
  21. Purpose face wash ? I guess I don't know that brand, do they still make it ? If they do, I wonder if she still uses it. But yeah, she's got great skin.
  22. She said once in an interview that she uses Aquaphor face cream. IDK if she still does, but she isn't wrong-that is good stuff. I believe Nicole Kidman and several other actresses have admitted to using it. Very good for dry skin all over, and the delicate skin on your face, neck, hands, around your eyes, your décolletage area, etc.
  23. BRS isn't any less talented than what her on screen mother was at the same age(and older). And I say that as someone who hates the very sound of that little girl's voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard for me. But her on screen mom, KMc, even had/has a similar mumbling/doesn't enunciate all the way, thing when she delivers most of her lines. So maybe BRS picked it up from her. She certainly didn't pick it up from Jason Thompson or Finola Hughes. Or even Tristan Rogers, who I sometimes cannot understand.
  24. The Joker has never been one of my favorite characters, and I probably won't watch this. I will say, JP is phenominal, and he truly gave me the creeps here. I think it's going to be sad, but a gripping movie in the "can't look away even though I'm horrified" sense. I mostly came to comment though, because if it's true that Robert Pattinson is going to be Batman(I know people are freaking about that already) I can see the two actors in a scene together, and I don't hate the idea. I think their energies could mesh well. But then I think this Joker version isn't supposed to bleed over into the other DC movies ? Not sure.
  25. I want to try this, will have to watch on YT though as I already subscribe to Hulu and Netflix and barely watch those. I don't really want to subscribe to something just for one show. I don't think I would watch anything else.
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