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Everything posted by HoodlumSheep

  1. The selina/ozzy team up was a nice change of pace. Bullock had me dying of laughter when he answered Ed's question. He was so proud of himself. Alvarez's shoestring lasso plan got a giggle out of me two. Babs Jr. is on her way finally, i guess. Of course lee was chipped. Surprised ed didn't pick up on that possibilty when she first showed up.
  2. It's Harvey's turn for a speech! i'm finding this season rather on the slow side, but they're probably just taking their time in setting everything up so i'm okay with that. 'dead' jeremiah didn't last very long :P figured he wouldn't stay down for long. That ending scene was great. betrayal! Wasn't expecting that from eduardo (at least this soon) vengeance for jojo! Sorry ed, i'm on the rednecks's side with this one :P one of my favs is back! Always a pleasure to see Strange. I wonder what this means for leslie though.
  3. Zsasz!!!!!! It was so good to see him again. It's been too long. Mistah J and Puddin dancing & discussing evil plans...classic. Such an iconic duo. It was like I was watching the old cartoons for a minute. Doubt jeremiah is dead. Too easy. I'm not fooled. Jim and babs...meh. I can understand why...but at the same time i wish it would have had a bit more build up. You could tell they were slowly starting to reconcile, but the makeout session (in typical jim gordon fashion) was a bit much too soon imo. Glad to see ed and lucius paired up again. They had great scenes last season and it seems like the writers took note of how well they worked together and how much people liked seeing the duo. Probably the most enjoyable episode so far.
  4. Lol'd at the Penguin Choir RIP Mr. Penn. :( those were some great last words... Selina slowly going kinda bonkers...yikes. Cool claw gloves tho. I really haven't liked ecco so far but tonight made me warm up to her a bit now that we've gotten to see her act more like good ol' harley. She said Puddin'! Church of Jeremiah...lol! Of course. I knew the kid was going to bite the dust the moment he bonded with Jim...but the whole building????? I was not expecting that. Jim just looks so... :(
  5. An alright episode i suppose. Harvey was just so done after being shot at with arrows, lol! Jim made it outta all that mess almost squeaky clean except for a few scratches. I like ed's new biker friend. I wonder if he's just a one-off or if he'll show up in the background of a few more eps. Surprisingly, Ivy had completely slipped my mind when it came to the identity of the witch. I was thinking of lee or maybe a newbie. The jim/harvey stuff felt more like an irrelevant side quest, though. I feel like only one or two tidbits of that entire plot line were important. Probably didn't need to take up a whole episode.
  6. Finally got to see the premiere! The opening scene was great Babs' hair style...i do not like. Tabs :( i wonder if she'll stay dead or be revived. Loved how she cared about butch til the end, though. Those two were so sweet together. Sadly Tabs hasn't really had a proper storyline for what feels like ages, so i'd rather she stay dead unless they give something better to do. I thought bruce had something better than just a regular ol' chopper planned. The way he made it sound i was expecting some high-tech stealth chopper or something that would avoid being blown to bits I feel bad about selina's situation but i'm so tired of the neverending circle that is selina and bruce's relationship. One day they're friends, the next day selina's blaming bruce for something and telling him to leave her alone (it's almost always selina who breaks off the friendship too from what i've noticed), then the next day they're friends again and i'm just tired of how often they do this. It feels like every other episode. It's just too much. The witch??? Hmmmm they haven't shown lee yet so maybe????? The group across the river has me intrigued. Are they friends or enemies? Good to have gotham back! I've missed seeing the cast on my screen. I've missed Harvey, especially.
  7. Of course they had the invisible wife and kids leave, only to return an episode later. Pretty darn cliche. What are the chances that she and the kids will be made visible next season? 5%? Poor Louisa does deserve to find love though. She's been emotionally kicked to the curb all season. I also feel a bit bad for leslie. I had my suspicions back when daphne conveniently announced her pregnancy and then there was the doctor's checkup where leslie couldn't make it, but the way the rest of the episodes went i honestly thought they were diverting the whole 'not really his baby' thing. But i guess not :/ It really was a bad day for love for the durrells. Margo and zoltan breaking up was kinda a bummer too. They were oddly sweet together and the doll house gift of the durrell's house + aunt hermione was super sweet. I love it how larry's always there for louisa. :') They're my favorite relationship on this show. How did the group of people stay hidden around the corner when louisa and spiros were kinda saying goodbye to their short-lived romance??? Kinda awkwardly placed, imo. The durrells opening a bed and breakfast? I can see it. I hope this means more wacky guests. Second episode in a row that was a bit of a downer (and the season finale to boot). I still think the best episode of the season was the one with Prince and the Cap. It was probably the most feel-good episode of the season and it just felt magical.
  8. First of all: NANA POOOOLLLDDDAAARRRRKKKKKKKK YEEEEEESSSSSS Back at it with her future sight thanks to her handy dandy tarot cards. The fact that her words have haunted george all this time...such a queen RIP Elizabeth. She had her ups and downs but she was fine this season, i think. I think it helped that she was mostly content and settled, instead of being wishywashy with all the boys. George :'( he wanted to rule the galaxy with her at his side. George and children are my weakness. You can bet your boots he's gonna love the heck out of his kids after this. Were my eyes just going bonkers or were caroline's eyes brown in the carriage scene and then back to blue later on???? Morwenna and drake are *finally* married so i'm happy we can finally move forward with their plotline. The evil lackey dog chase through the woods was wack. He was supposed to make sure she left the premises, not hunt her down with a pack of dogs. Ross haunted by the duel (and hugh still)...good. He deserves to suffer after being an idiot. All in all though it felt like not much happened this episode. The ross/demelza storyline this season was kinda a flop and boring and i felt like half their scenes ended up with them making out or doing the do which I have no interest in. :/ Thst last scene with george...what kinda evil things will he get up to next season, i wonder. That small flashback was nice. Seeing nana poldark and francis again was pleasant. I'm surprised we got so little reaction to elizabeth's death in the case of jeffy boy.
  9. I'm an idiot and keep forgetting that elizabeth isn't actually a poldark, so i'll throw all that out the window, so excuse me on that and thank you for correcting me. I'm probably reading into the jeffy-boy scene too much, and like you said he's pretty clueless about the real situation, but i still feel like this show is trying to push the whole 'he looks like a mini ross' thing which flat out doesn't work in this case because he looks like he took after his mom's side of the family (elizabeth, her mother, her cousin morwenna to boot). :/ it's very irksome. Had elizabeth been blonde or something it would have worked better.
  10. Not really impressed with the writing this episode. I've honestly gotten really tired of the 'oh my gosh, valentine looks just like ross!' nonsense they keep shoving at us. Is it because they share the exact same hair-do? Like, does everyone in the show just ignore the fact that his mother has dark curly hair and verity has dark hair...and that he might just look like a poldark instead of just ross??? Heck if i saw that kid the first thing i'd say is that he got his hair from his momma. George throwing those coins in ross' face...oddly enough, i'll allow it. He loves elizabeth and valentine very much, so him continually hearing these things probably hurts a great deal. One of the good things left about his character, imo. Ross accepting the duel was dumb. Especially his non-chalant "i'll just practice tomorrow," attitude. He had pretty terrible aim. Yes, adderley was a creep, but i did like the fact that he held true to the rules of the duel. I was half thinking he'd be one to turn and shoot early, so good on him and his second for keeping their word. Demelza, girl, you open the door only to see adderley waiting for you, and what do you do? Instead of immediately turning around and leaving you decide to enter further into the room and close the door behind you??? Glad to see demelza leaving london. I kept thinking about the poor children and townsfolk suffering while ross and demelza were waltzing around, acting like a giggly pair of newly weds eating strawberries. It could have to do with differing fortunes, but notice how george and elizabeth brought valentine with them instead of ditching him...
  11. I love how sven always seems half-amused by everything, even when stuck in jail. He has a very chill personality. I admire that. Funniest part of the episode was when larry and co. dressed up as lawyers, slow-mo'd their way down to the police station, got in a few angry lawyer-like lines and then larry blows it by forgetting the key (or was it the lock?) to his chains. Wish we could have seen sven thank louisa as well for making up that story and flirting with the police officer to get him out of jail. Too bad about the inheritance falling through. That last shot was beautiful. The camera work this episode was definitely more...adventurous? with the swooping and such.
  12. Lol'd at elizabeth and george's exchange when she told him about the pregnancy...to paraphrase: "When are you expecting?" "Uh--does december sound good?" "Sure, works for me!" George doesn't even question it. Lol. It was sweet of how happy he was though, and how he wants a little girl, but then the uncle had to ruin the moment :( Jeffy boy, get it together! Nana poldark did not raise you to become a francis 2.0, she raised you to carry on the cromwell line! Bah! Ross and demelza happily ditching their kids for a month--no way would those kiddos be that happy to see them leave. Unless they somehow know this means their lives should be relatively drama free for a month now that their parents are away from them...
  13. Hmmmm...probably my least favorite episode of the season so far. Between a depressed spiros and gerry hitting adolescence...kinda a dreary episode. Something that's been bothering me all season: has the makeup person for keeley changed??? Because she's been looking extremely orange this season and with the darker lipstick...it just hasn't looked the best. Sven!!!! So does everyone at the party know he and the other dude are an item or are half of them still under the assumption that they're just friends...??? Because last week even the newbie italian family somehow found out about him. I was just kinda surprised sven and what's-his-face were talking about sven's creaky knees during the night hours to the doctor so casually. I thought they were still supposed to be on the down-low. Although i guess the doctor might be in the know, but what about the people not as familiar with sven? Jealous of gerry's bunny cake. I could be 80 years old and i'd be ecstatic if someone made me a bunny cake for my bday. of course best son is the first to comment on lugaretzia's red scarf :)
  14. Ossie's dead!!!!! Aaahhh!!! Excellent. The actor seems like swell guy so I wish him well on whatever comes next for him. Rowella's husband reminded me of a red-headed Francis in terms of how he carried himself. Of course they'd try to blame drake for ossie's death. When something goes wrong he's always the one being blamed. Good on elizabeth for telling george to drop it (wish he'd listen though). I'm on the side of supporting demelza in her choice to tell drake about ossie and morwenna. It was gonna be an extremely sucky situation either way, but i think this was for the best. Rosina deserves better than someone who's still yearning for his old love (no offense, drake). I wouldn't want her to be trapped into that kind of marriage. I do agree with others that drake needed to chill and not scamper after morwenna so quickly, though, especially because they're both emotionally compromised at the moment. More ross/caroline scenes, please. They're a good pair. I completely forgot about them knowing each other before all of this until it was mentioned this episode. Like, we see them interact at her and dwight's house, but them being high society acquaintances back in their youth never really dawned on me until seeing them together tonight at the parties and parks. Jeffy boy...let's hope this is a phase.
  15. ^ woo! Glad we finally got a date (and 2 extra eps!)
  16. :'( and now he's officially emotionally cheating on her (unless we haven't been clued in on something that would make those circumstances less awful). Not cool. More info on the wife would be appreciated though. Spiros easily giving away a good chunk of money was kinda weird. Yes, he's a very nice man, but it just came off as strange somehow. Loved theo popping up out of bushes to give gerry, his new friend and us some animal facts. Lol! Larry actually beat leslie at something physical. I'm surprised he didn't gloat more about it. I wish the italian kids confronting their father wasn't all off-screened.
  17. Dwight and Caroline will never catch a break, will they? Jeffy boy nooooo don't leave us! You better pop up in london. Ooooh the hubby spotted the vicar...please end him.
  18. I keep thinking about how we were freed from two flamingos this episode only to gain a sloth :( That's still technically -1 animal, but still...
  19. Pretty delightful episode this week. Surprised we didn't get any heavy scenes after Cap opened up to larry near the beginning, but i'm glad that he's trying to give up the drink and trying to get back up on his feet. Really loved all the guests this week; Prince was a total sweetheart, Cap wasn't too bad, and we even got some delightful Albanians. Felt a bit magical, really. I think this is the first episode of the season where Louisa hasn't been emotionally dragged through the mud too much. Last week she was still dealing with aunt hermione stuff and the relatives. This week she finally got to relax. Leslie not ratting out daphne's dad...hmmmmmm
  20. Baby sarah :( it does look like it could be a vision problem. Hopefully it's not something worse. Didn't comment on last weeks episode, so woohoo! We're free of Teeny bopper poet boy!!!...is what i'd like to say if he wasn't being mentioned every two seconds. :/ Verity!!! Miss you. Jeffy boy's momentarily back from hogwarts! Hurrah! Glad he gets to see ross in london. Don't take after your father too much, now. Enter another mustache twirler! Will he be george's new evil bestie? That fight on the beach felt so random and misplaced. Some old guy sent some cronies to beat up the pirate. Okay. I guess something was needed so ross could re-bond with the boys, but it was so awkward. Morwenna's sis continues to be awful. She and Ossie should just run off and be awful together somewhere far away. Introducing (?) his mom for just one quick scene in the beginning was pretty awkward too. What was the point? Stop trying to force that girly on drake. Just back off please. Demelza needs to take some advice from verity and elizabeth and vow to not meddle.
  21. The poor donkey :'( glad it's okay. So that guy was in Indian Summers? My mom and i only watched like 3 episodes of that show. Was he the brother? Thought he looked familiar, but i was thinking more along the lines of him having showed up as one of mary's one and done suitors back in season 1. Lol. This is more of the gerry i prefer. Just showing his genuine love for animals and not back-talking his mom and others 24/7. Hopefully leslie can do well at his job once he actually starts. Not sure about the superior officer though. Seems a bit corrupt. Accidently shooting someone shouldn't really be the norm... Not as fond of spiros this season. He feels like he's coming off as much more...macho man-ish? Frat boy-like? this season (or at least moreso this season- I know he was always a little bit like that). Like the way he's carrying himself this season? I don't know. Points for multiple people calling Louisa pretty this episode. She really is. :') so does this mean louisa's due for some cash from aunt hermione soon? Any inheritance?
  22. Aunt Hermione noooooooooooo :'( I was not expecting that, especially after she had just changed her tune and seemed to be fitting in quite nicely. Leslie really is the problem child of the family. My goodness boy, first your jail drama and now this. Let's see how this goes now. Spiros nooooooooooo no no no. Now that it seems to be officially official that the wife seems to be alive... :(. The way he worded it, i wonder if the wife was pregnant with his child or someone elses when he decided to marry her. And now I wonder what she thinks of spiros hanging out with the durrells and co. practically 24/7. Spiros is emotionally cheating on his wife at this point. :/ although I feel like the love vs duty thing is eluding to a marriage out of duty with spiros...hmmmm everything's kinda muddled now. I need more deets please. Lugaretzia mentioning she's gonna start on making baby clothes...she loves 'best son' so much. :') i'm feeling really bad for louisa this season. Only two episodes in and i feel like she's taken a huge emotional beating. She looked so sad and lonely at the end of of last week's episode when she was looking around the table at all the happy faces and now auntie is dead, she's now possibly gonna be a grandma and her son is now a messy ball of emotions and now she has to go back to the place she escaped from. She just looks so emotionally drained at this point. Please let her rest.
  23. This episode felt so empty without my beloved nana poldark :'( I wish her tombstone would have cracked or something just to let us know she's enjoying the afterlife. I'm gonna miss her witchcraft. Now my only hope of seeing her again is possibly haunting george's dreams or something. Pretty please? I still want her to somehow make george rue the day he ever messed with her. I know ross' speeches are a ridiculous staple of the show used to fill out our bingo cards nowadays, but i'm just getting tired of them at this point. Not a single care is given about the teeny bopper poet extraordinaire. Zacky broke my heart. Was Jago in season one or anything? Because i don't remember him at all. No Jeffy boy this episode either :'(. Hopefully he's studying hard at hogwarts so he can carry on nana poldark's will. At least take up the tarot cards. I know this show owns up to some of it's ridiculous antics, but is it necessary to use slow motion every 5 minutes? Slow motion ross walking out of the water, slow motion ross riding his horse, slow motion ross burning some twigs???, slow motion ross riding his horse again, slow motion demelza running to her brothers...it's a bit excessive at this point. Overall a so-so season opener.
  24. It feels so good to have this show back on air :') I've missed it so much. I look forward to this show more than poldark nowadays. Well, Leslie being ditched by all three girls in the end was pretty predictable. Waddya think was gonna happen? Surprised that Lugaretzia's niece?relative showed back up with Leslie though. Though based on the previews that might not last long either, maybe. This is actually the first time Gerry's behavior towards his mother really, truly irked me a bit. I was fine with it was when he was younger, but now...please respect your mother a bit more please. Like, Larry and Leslie have their bratty moments when they squabble with their mom, but i feel like it never quite crosses the line, you know. Gerry's just blatantly ignoring his mother's wishes at this point. Theo is as adorable as ever. Surprised at how Louisa's friend behaved. Yes, a new baby is exhausting, but I wasn't sure at first if they were gonna aim for a postpartum depression storyline or what, because even Louisa seemed thrown off with her friend's behavior in that first scene. Nanny Margo to the rescue I guess. I couldn't tell if it was just our tv or the makeup or just how it was filmed, but did anyone think they all looked extra fake spray tan orange-ish in every other scene? Hmmm... And as always, the new opening credits are delightful as ever. It's so fun to point out the stuff that'll end up being in a future episode this season.
  25. I feel a little guilty b/c i haven't posted in the episode threads for like 3 weeks now, but anyways...NOOOOOOO BUTCH NOOOOOO way to break my heart, show. I loved butch and tabs together :'( If he's truly dead then RIP to one of my last remaining faves. Harvey's all i got left at this point (in terms of truly favorite characters). We even lost ra's this episode too :'( I'm in the camp that says this would have been a really unsatisfying series finale. Sure we got more villains introduced and the precursor to the bat signal, etc. but i just don't think it had enough. It was too unresolved, imo. I actually think the season 3 finale worked a lot better as a possible series finale (you could tell they set things up in a way that showed they were unsure of renewal even at that point), if we're comparing the last two finales we've had. A lot of the storylines in the s3 finale were set up well enough where you could see the dots connect from where things were left hanging to when batman finally becomes an actual thing. Does that make any sense? You could argue that this finale did somewhat the same, but things and events just didn't click and connect as well, imo. This finale didn't have me feeling oddly in peace with the possibility of cancellation compared to last season. But of course i'm super stoked for season 5! Season 4 thoughts: I love love loved the first half of this season. Probably my new favorite season if you count the fall and spring halves as kind of their own seasons (not counting s1 for obvious reasons). I thought 4b took a bit of tumble right around the middle as i lost interest, but i still think it turned out decently solid. 4a>4b. The ra's al ghul storyline, queen sofia and the pyg sealed the deal on this one. I feel like i need to rewatch season 2 now to see which season i enjoyed more. 4a or 2b...hmmmm
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