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Everything posted by HoodlumSheep

  1. It feels so good to have this show back. James' momma was being way too pushy. His dad was doing a much better job at reading his feelings. Oof. Tristan wwwhhhyyyyy. Can't believe he murdered that poor old lady's bird. Glad his not passing has finally been brought up. Couldn't keep it hidden forever. the war is coming :( James and his love for animals makes my heart ache sometimes. Glad the dog got a second chance.
  2. I wish season 1 Mrs. M could meet season 6 Mrs. C. Like, could you imagine how that showdown would go? Mrs. C is the definition of Growth™. Season finale: Geordie making my heart ache T︵T. I think it'll be good for geordie and cathy to have some time apart even though it makes me sad. Geordie's getting a chance at a fresh start: i hope he uses the opportunity wisely. Leonard: I wonder what they have planned for him now. Personally i'd still like to see him runaway with Daniel, but it almost feels like they're planning on him sticking around in some capacity. Season 6 overall: As mentioned before, the mystery half of this season was a total bust. None of them were very interesting. Heck, why even bother with them this season? (That's what it felt like at least). They felt very uninspired. Adapt some of the actual book mysteries if need be if it would help. And what about that librarian from whatever episode? Are we gonna revisit that at some point? I hope they bring back the journalist girl and more of the townspeople for season 7. That was something the previous season did right imo. A step down from season 5. * ignore the dumb empty quote boxes. Post went a little wonky and i have no idea how to delete them. :/
  3. Uuugghhh Geordie whyyyyy That was painful to watch. :( I don't like how he's spiralling back into season 2 geordie behavior. Not one bit. Poor Cathy.
  4. Geordie needs to just let it all out to someone, anyone (a therapist please) before he combusts. You can tell he's trying his best to hold it together when the war gets brought up. Leonard :( Me too, as much as i love him. It's time for leonard to move on (and get his happily ever after once this is all over). I'm beginning to think show!Dickens is immortal. How old is he now? The new curate Henry is kind of precious but i hate how he's been sent to basically spy on Will. Will and his step sis? Ick. Please bring back the journalist girl. And while you're at it bring back the boxing gym boys too. I wanna know how that one lad who was left in charge is doing. I feel like geordie and will are slipping (or it's a testament to how weak the mysteries have been this season) bc they didn't need to mull over 'who would be most disappointed?' in order to lead them back to the german girl. They should have been lead straight back to her the moment the one guy they questioned proved he wasn't at the scene of the crime, bc that means she LIED about what she saw. Red flags right there. Boom. Saved them a step. Also, was she not charged with anything? She helped cover up a murder. But we only really see them bring in the snooty and entitled jerkface. *is this season extra long then? Didn't it used to be 6 episodes per season?
  5. Tbh i've appreciated the Mrs. C/leonard stuff. I don't really see leonard sticking around after this season. Could it maybe be...POW camp???? Idk that look between them makes it seem like they experienced some sort of event together during the war, even if they weren't in the same regiment or whatever. ??? I feel like we need a clip reel of all the times geordie's mentioned the war thru out the series. Then i feel like we could piece things together. I suppose we'll find out eventually.
  6. Ngl i kinda giggled @ leonard sitting in the dark, smoking, drinking and listening to jazz. Leonard can do a pretty good Sidney Chambers impression. Leonard came off almost like a...whiny teenager in the beginning of the episode (i feel bad for saying it like that :/, but the sidney-esque behavior was a little much--my mom kinda giggled at it too), but that heart-to-heart with daniel was good, and i'm glad leonard managed to calm down. First ep of the season where the main mystery didn't get overahadowed by the leonard plot. It held it's own. Geordie is to be thanked for that. That poor secretary. Hope she got paid overtime. * I've been meaning to ask: has the journalist lady from last season been completely scrapped? Or did she leave at the end of the previous season and i just don't remember it? I keep waiting for her to pop into the story again.
  7. So leonard is arrested...and is immediately shown to be out of jail the next episode? So does this mean he only gets a short sentence or did they somehow wrangle a house arrest situation for him? Time skip? Is he out of a job then? ??? So far the mysteries have been lukewarm this season. Not too interesting. Proud of leonard tho. No more hiding. It's a necessary step forward imo.
  8. A little late to the latest episode discussion, but-- @ leonard and will u dummies, why would you pay Brian the blackmail money then never follow up on whether he destroyed/handed over the supposed (or very real in this case) evidence!!! The leonard drama definitely overshadowed the murder mystery this week. I didn't have much interest in the case. Overall a kind of blah episode. I'm leaning toward this too bc as i see it there are only a handful of ways to tackle this storyline (with varying results): 1) daniel has to go (probably forever) 2) leonard has to go 3) they both go 4) the town and church and leonard all hold hands, sing kumbaya and decide to turn a blind eye to everything (watch my faith in this show vanish instantly if this issue is wrapped up neatly in a bow) 5) leonard (and possibly daniel) actually serve jail time, eventually get released but then have to deal with the town, etc. Knowing. I'm not sure taking an extended vacation will enough at this point. Same with leonard and/or will possibly breaking thru to brian and him retracting his accusation. Like, if the previews are anything to go by, the damage has been done (or is going to be done). If i'm forgetting a possible end scenario please feel free to chime in. :P
  9. Enjoyable episode! Mrs. C is really letting loose now. Showin' her legs off like that lolololol. Hey! It's that guy who was just on the latest season of Unforgotten! One of the dirty cops! No longer the killer, but the one killed. How the turntables. Jk jk I hope they don't keep geordie's daughter as a moody teeny bopper all season. So leonard's storyline is gonna be blackmail, huh. That photographer is so petty. Interested to see where this goes tbh. I feel like the leonard/daniel storyline is starting to stagnate at this point tbh bc i feel like we're getting the same thing from them every season now, so i'm wondering what's in store for them (Breaking up (like for good)? Moving away?). I'll be disappointed if this storyline gets wrapped up in a tidy bow by the end of it without any major developments/consequences. Fingers crossed for another season that's at least as tightly written as the last!
  10. We just finished watching this! Excellent acting. Really enjoyed this one. Super happy to hear there's a second season in the works. If there wasn't I don't think i'd be satisfied with how it ended. I don't want this story to end until sheila gets some sort of comeuppance. Technically she's the root cause of this whole shebang, so to have her get away with everything would be mildly infuriating. We watched it over 4 seperate (non-consecutive) days and i think it really helped add to the show imo. Gave us a lil time to theorize and discuss, which was pretty fun. Helped build the anticipation, even though we still watched the series within the span of a week and a half. :P Not sure i would have enjoyed it as much watching it in just two blocks of programming though. It'll be interesting to see how things end up with max. They all ganged up to pin everything on him but he just knows so much and was so involved with everything...I kinda hope he turns around and manages to one-up them somehow haha. *Also, i'm surprised there was so little...death? Walter (if you count him) and probably tina. That's it. We were kind of expecting one or two more to kick the bucket at some point so that kept us on our toes a bit.
  11. Finished rewatching season two and about halfway thru season 3. Season 2 still holds up just as well as season 1. Fantastic. I feel like i appreciated hugh a lot more the second time around. After sven i feel like the writers really went out of their way to have louisa's new beau be very much the opposite of sven. Inverted vs extroverted, but he had his own charming qualities about him. Hugh failed to see the biggest obstacle in his and louisa's relationship though: It was never him vs spiros. It was him vs Corfu. At the end of season 2, imo, louisa wasn't quite romantically interested in Spiros yet (even though there were more and more characters making lil comments here and there). If anything season 2 reaffirmed that the true otp of this series will forever be Louisa x Corfu. Tbh I almost feel like they didn't get the closure they deserved. Sure they got to have a convo, but then Hugh gets stabbed and the last thing we hear about him is that he's been whisked away to a hospital and that he'll pull thru and that's the end of that. *shrugs* I forgot how annoying zoltan was when he was first introduced. Dang, they did a good job of turning him into a very enjoyable character down the road. Gerry is still tolerable by this season. Season 3 is where his character takes a big nose dive for me. Season 3: I said it once and i'll say it again, the beginning of this season was very much 'kick louisa while she's down.' Daphne's character worsens knowing what happens. Sven and the countess appearing less and less over the course of season 2 and 3 is highly noticable. Makes me sad. I know louisa's and sven's relationship and storyline were wrapped up, but i still wish he could have shown up a bit more even though him *not* showing up fits his reclusiveness and situation. Lastly, i picked up on the hints alluding to the spiros and wife situation a lot more than when i first watched it when it was airing.
  12. Not a fan of sidney so i won't miss him. I do like what theo james had to say about the end of his characters' journey, however. It'll be interesting to see who all returns for the show and who doesn't. Maybe we'll get a new hunk that just so happens to be a long lost parker bro...who wants to get even with the uppity side of the fam after years of being shunned due to the scandalous nature of his birth. Just spitballing here. Sounds soapy enough. I'd still prefer a sensible match between charlotte and young stringer tho if it was written well. I still think they'd be a good match. Fingers crossed for young stringer's return!
  13. Heard the news. Can't say i'm overly excited about it tbh? It'll be something to watch at least. Not sure i'm ready for more Coke 2 Darcy. Maybe there'll be less yelling this time around. And actual character development. Also #JusticeForYoungStringer #YoungStringerHappyEnding202x Young Stringer got the short end of the stick in terms of how his life was going at the (now former) end of the series. He deserves a happy ending whatever that may be.
  14. I was shocked to learn it was the season finale. I was expecting one more episode bc it started a week after All Creatures Great and Small, but then it dawned on me that the season finale for ACGS was technically the extra christmas episode they sometimes do for certain series. Threw me off. 6/7 weeks flew by like nothing. Tilly's a fierce one. Yikes. Kinda hope rupert doesn't get stuck with her. Lots of great scenes between william and eliza and moses. And as always i love the scenes ghost Henry. That whole scene with tilly talking about another dude creeping up the stairs made it feel like we were missing a scene or something. It was a bit unclear. I feel like they could have executed that bit better. Happy to see the duke's boss dead and gone tho. Incompetent fool.
  15. Lovely season finale. Ready to personally fight Mrs. Hall's son. That old couple...so adorable! 40 years and in that time period! That's the definition of true love. Tristan was so good with that kid. The piece of music that played while James was leaving town and helen was heading to her wedding was simply gorgeous. *and yay! The wedding was called off!
  16. Enjoyable episode imo. The mystery surrounding her father's death is getting twistier and twistier. More Moses incoming! Yay! Was gonna say something last week, but considering he's hanging out with the herr hildegard (? Is that his name?) and his daughter again: Not sure i like how rupert *seems* to be targetting that old guy's daughter as a possible marriage prospect (or at least that's how i see it). I get he's stuck between a rock and a hard place, but i don't like the idea of him leading the lady on with any false hope, ya know? I just don't want it to go that way, if anything comes from it. So far the old guy and his daughter seem to be there to add a little comedy/light-heartedness, but still... Pointed out that henry scarlet was Mr. Moselely to my mom tonight after she finally spoke up about Neville Longbottom being in All Creatures Great and Small. Lol. She didn't connect the dots at all concerning kevin doyle. He plays his part well, imo. Was wondering if the the Duke's boss could be involved in this fraud stuff but the way he acts throws me off. He's either super incompetent and in no way involved, or he's an evil mastermind. Either way i can't stand him. 😠
  17. Dang. Poor James is having it rough. I just want to give him a big ol' hug. Especially after helen broke the news about her and hugh. Watching him just stand outside, trying to keep it together...oof. It's seemd like it's always the cows that give him the trouble. They're like his achilles heel or something. At least he was able to save dear sweet Strawberry. That family deserves all that is good in the world. tristan continues to prove himself. I love his friendship with james. They make a great team. Already forgetting her name, but that girl tristan had been seeing...maybe she shouldn't have told him what they had was nothing serious if she's gonna act all huffy about him moving on?? I can't believe next week's already the finale. I'm not ready for this season to end 😞
  18. Still loving eliza and rupert's friendship. Loved their chat. Just two friends hanging out; so good. When rupert suggested he and eliza get hitched just as a cover up, i found myself saying, 'why not?' That'd be an interesting dynamic. Lol. I think eliza's right though, they'd eventually drive each other crazy. I feel like i would have liked the Duke's newspaper apology a tad bit more had it not come immediately after him getting slighted by that lousy boss of his. I enjoyed that scene between them, regardless of my nitpicks. I hope this is a turning point for Wellington tho. Hopefully he won't spend so much time trying to please his ungrateful boss. That poor White Rabbit clerk. Lololololol. Missed Moses but i'm sure he'll show up again soon.
  19. That poor dog had a high fever *and* nearly crushed by a pumpkin. 😞 proud of James for going off on the townsfolk. I cheered when the goldfish won first prize. The way James' face lit up when the boy started talking about his goldfish was wonderful. I also loved the expressions from james and tristan when they were watching helen and hugh thru the window. Some great stuff. hugh dropped the "L" bomb and it seems like helen isn't gonna entirely push him away for it (and the dumb stuff he keeps doing)...hmmmm...still so many mixed signals. Same! I feel like i'm in the minority here. Haven't read the books or watched the previous version of the show so i'm pretty out of the loop on things, so 'Leslie' starring in it was the biggest draw for me.
  20. I wanted Moses to sock the Duke in the face so badly during that scene. The Duke's boss (?) seems like such a wonderful fella /s 😕 This show is still kinda so-so. I'm enjoying it for the most part, but i still feel like it's a step down in quality compared to other shows for some reason.
  21. Tricki woo was great this episode. Lololol. Helen and Hugh: I know she said nothing's going on..but does hugh know that? I feel like james is struggling to get a good read on their relationship, and i can totally see why. Everytime that guy with the german shepherd showed up i kept thinking, 'if only james wasn't busy," bc he seems to get along with dogs the best out of the three guys. I know it was to add more humor, but siegfried not giving the german shepherd a full check up...you're a vet, dude. Not a good look. And then he chastises tristan for not giving the dog a full check up as well. Tch. Mrs. Hall is the glue holding the household/vet clinic together.
  22. He's at least been outed to the police/authorities involved in the case i presume. Unless the Duke decided to sweep eveything under the rug. Which is also a possibility. I just wish they clarified that whole part a bit more.
  23. I very much had the urge to leap inside the tv and sock that old lady farmer in the jaw. Leave poor james alone for crying out loud. His diagnosis was right. A big win considering his track record's kinda sketchy so far (due to lack of experience). I'm enjoying james' and tristan's friendship. Siegfried seemed more mellow this episode. It's the first episode i wasn't sitting on pins and needles while watching him. Proud of him for siding with James.
  24. i kinda want that lil girl to show up again just to cause Ms. Scarlet more trouble. Lololol Kinda figured her friend was into dudes. I love their friendship so far. It's very genuine. I'm glad Moses is joining the team!!! Yay! He's an interesting fella. So Teddy gets off for murder, but i don't get why Ms. Scarlet would say he's free? Wouldn't he still end up in jail now that he's been outed? They really ran with the blue theme for this show.
  25. I think the two leads have good chemistry. Ms. Scarlet didn't spend too much time in mourning based on how fast her outfits transitioned back to blue. 😛 Tho i guess that goes along with Ms. Scarlet being quite the modern gal... almost a little too modern maybe? Idk. that was totes morwenna from poldark though, wasn't it? She has a pretty recognizable face. That baddie. My mom and I immediately pointed out the fake beard he was wearing but just assumed it was a make-up/costuming thing and not an actual genius disguise. Overall there was something that felt a little off but i can't quite put my finger on it. Still enjoyed it for the most part.
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