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Everything posted by HoodlumSheep

  1. I think this show is hilarious! This family is so quirky! Some of the stuff does make it seem a bit unbelievable that this is set in the 1930s though, but I don't really care! Or maybe I don't know anything about the 1930s. *shrugs* The mom and the son have been in stuff and I can't think of any of it. My favorite characters so far are the mom, Jerry and his new fellow animal enthusiast friend (I don't know his name :P). Spira (?) is pretty great too and the new old housekeeper (?) is totally going to be a hoot. I really need to learn the characters' names! **Looked up the names and apparently Jerry is Gerry and Spira (?) is Spiros. I was close :P And Gerry's friend is Theo.
  2. This is very late (I was gone on Monday and I've finally gotten around to watching it), but here are my thoughts: Harvey continues to be too good for the show and everyone. Keep being awesome, Harvey! I'm kind of sad Alice had to die so soon. She's one of those characters I wish could have hung around a few more episodes. Like raptor-claw girl. I miss you, raptor-claw girl! love the orange spray tan on penguin. Lol! Nygma and Butch duking it out in a battle of the besties. Looks like Butch lost. I hope he goes back to Fish, though. He would be an odd man out (having no super powers), but I always loved the Fish/Butch friendship more than the Penguin/Butch stuff. looks like we're also heading towards a battle of the Bruces For a street thief, Selina keeps adding to her terrible track record of getting caught. Count me as one of the people hoping/wishing Jim should have told Lee that he did show up at her doorstep. I was waiting for him to drop the mic on that conversation, but he didn't. Does Lee remember he was in jail for however many months? And when he got out he was shortly and technically on the run, and then he had to deal with the hugo strange stuff? I feel bad because I feel like I'm being too harsh on Lee, but unless Jim just up and abandoned the city, he didn't have a whole lot of time to chase after her. I don't know. I know Lee must have had a terrible time with stuff and they kind of left on bad terms, but :/. At least they're starting over as friends so that's good. I didn't like Bab's hair tonight. I think it was because it was straightened I found the shape to be a bit weird, but oh well, that's just my opinion. i see they look to be setting up Barnes' goodbye. His time is up.
  3. Still don't care for Kenny's dad that much. And the other captain sounds like he loves the sea/fishing more than his fam, too. I don't like him either.
  4. Pretty spooky how the boat that wrecked this time was the one put in charge of hauling in the rest of the Eagle's (or whatever the name was) pots.
  5. This episode reminded me much more of the season 2a and 2b openers (when the joker and mr. Freeze we're introduced). I think this could have served as a stronger opener (theoretically if you didn't have to worry about certain plot points not making any sense from where the show left off). I'm getting tired of Jim's lone wolf act mainly because Harvey's been basically tossed aside at this point. I miss the buddy cop dynamics. And at this point Harvey's too good for Jim, sadly. He deserves better. the Mad Hatter is a lovely addition. He was fun. alice is also quite disturbed so I hope she gets help vote for Oswald! nygma's free lol at Valerie dropping Jim like a hot potato PLOT TWIST! Lee's fiancé is Falcone's son!!!!! also...FALCONE!!!! I always love it when Falcone shows up. I scream his name every time he appears. The actor who plays him is great. Falcone just has so much presence when he shows up. It's amazing, really. I really miss having him around like he was in season 1. Hopefully Lee doesn't get choked like that other girl. :( not!Bruce is trying to copy Bruce. He learns fast. alfred gets beaten by a pre-teen/teeny bopper clone. Alfred:0, Everyone else:482929 (okay, Alfred has one maybe one or two fights, but he has the worst track record ever) next week looks like we're finally getting a little more harvey. Yay!
  6. I felt like this was some twilight zone/opposite day episode: Francis is just so happy and enjoying life. Watching him play with his son was adorable. But he still worries me. Ross had too much to drink and was google-eyeing Elizabeth hard. He was also ignoring and disregarding Demelza. Demelza was incredibly moody (and not in her usual fiery-spirit way). The reasons why are obvious though with al the crap she was dealing with. George is learning how to box and I think it looks hilarious. He looks so awkward it's kind of adorable. George's henchman Tankard is beginning to out-evil George by trying to straight-up murder Jud. He even has his own henchman now. Speaking of Jud, how is he still alive? He got nailed in the head and kicked viciously (it sounded like his bones were breaking). He should have several broken bones. But instead he's running around looking like a ghost. I actually would have been fine if he stayed dead. i like the miners/servants as the cute/funny group they are when they hang out together. The wake/burial stuff was cute. elizabeth still a queen everything was darkly lit
  7. Nana Poldark (aka Aunt Agatha) continues to slay everyone and everything. Long may she live and reign. And I'm now 100% certain she's an actual witch. She totally knows what you tried doing Francis. She sees and hears all. Speaking of Francis the walking Human Disaster, :(. There was good stuff and obviously bad stuff going on with him. Him confronting George: Woooo! Go Francis!!!! Him attempting suicide: Nooooo Francis!!! Like I knew it was going to try it sooner or later. I always thought he'd jump off one of the cliffs, though. I'm actually fine with Francis refusing to make peace with the sea captain. Is his refusal dumb? Yes. But at least he's staying calm and not going wild like the last time. i like the Francis/Dwight interaction. Maybe they'll become friends. Maybe Dwight can try helping him. I don't like Caroline. Should I be quick to judge? No. But 99% of the stuff coming out of her mouth was distasteful imo. I totally wanted to slap her when she was talking about the trial being good entertainment. I don't care if it was her putting on an act or whatever. She's low on the totem pole for me right now. George was, as usual, his fabulously evil self. I kind of like watching him crush on Elizabeth, though. She's the only one he's somewhat nice to (despite that he ruined her husband, tried to get her cousin executed, etc.). He's at least not directly evil towards her.
  8. Not really fond of the new ivy. :/ I know it's only her first episode, but meh. that Oswald/Fish scene was absolute perfection! good to see Hugo Strange again! I love the piece of music they play for not!Bruce. Why won't they release an OST? :'( Lee returned to Gotham like a majestic goddess. Too bad she'll probably be wasted on love triangle stuff...unless maybe we'll see her interact with not!Bruce? Maybe? One can hope. here I was hoping they were finally going to revisit the Fish/Harvey plot point they left hanging in season 1, but I see we'll continue to have to wait. they're going for the 'Penguin runs for mayor' plot aren't they? Next week looks like a good episode for Halloween. I guess it'll be airing in October, so close enough :P
  9. Not liking the father as much this episode. Complaining why his son wasn't out there risking his life in obviously bad weather for some crab. Captain Kenny did the smart thing and just waited for the bad weather to blow over. There's no way I'd have tried passing through the bar with those waves and weather. I'd say Captain Kenny is my favorite out of the bunch so far. I also like how he really wants to be there for his daughter as much as he can. We've seen how the crabbing lifestyle can wreck havoc on your homelike on the mother show. and sheesh, I can't imagine seeing some dead bodies at the age of 8/9. Lastly, one thing I'm digging about the show is that the lady deckhands (I think there's two of them, the captain's sister and another one on his bro's boat--I think?) are treated as typical deckhands, unlike on the main show where when Mandy or that other lady came on, the producers/whoever were pushing the whole, 'she's a girl!!! There's a girl on the boat!!! Can she handle all the manly men stuff the men have to do????wooOooOoo!!!!!?!!?!.' I like how they're there doing there job, and there's no nonsense to be had about it. Not sure if I miss seeing a crab count near the end of the episodes like on the mother show. I know, it's a different show, but it would make more sense to have a crab count on this show due to the derby style, instead of the quota stuff which renders the crab count to being practically useless because you can't compare the boats when they all have different quotas to fulfill. On second thought, I don't really miss it. I do hope they give us the salary numbers the deckhands earn though at the end of the season.
  10. It's not that I'm not fond of Babs, but I think so far I still liked her best near the end of season 2 when they were playing coy with how much she was 'cured' of her craziness. I think it's because I keep thinking about how on earth they're going to justify Jim's daughter being named after her (if they ever decide to take that route or even reach that point). I don't know. I'm a little disappointed. Stabby Babs can still be fun, though. Sad about Jim and Lee, but I'm glad that Lee appears to be happy. eta: another thing that's slowly starting to annoy me a bit as well (besides the Butler beatdowns), is Selina always hanging out with whatever villain group of the week. I get that she floats around, but it just doesn't quite work for me anymore. Oh look, it's Fish and co....and Selina. Penguin and Butch! And Selina. My biggest issue with it I think is that it's never really explained why she's hanging with the different groups on a week-to-week basis. She's just always sort of there. People can probably argue that it fits her character, but I need a little more substance at this point to her just randomly tagging along with the top dogs of the week. *shrugs* I know I'm probably being nitpicky.
  11. Not quite sure what to tackle first, so this will probably be a bit of a mess: Pros: -I liked that we got to see the entire cast this episode. If I remember correctly, the season 2 premieres (fall and winter) only had half-ish of the cast active in the episodes, so it was good to see everyone. -I like Jamie Ching as Valerie Vale, and her character! She brings a lot of energy to the role, and I hope it continues! I'm also hoping she stays recently relevant and doesn't get pushed to the side after a while. I wasn't the fondest of how Lee was pushed to the side/'girlfriend' role last season (she could have been utilized better). -I like how it's been officially established that Penguin and Butch at are friends (or friends enough that Penguin is respecting Butch's feelings for Tabs by not murdering her until his say so (if that ever happens). -Harvey said he loved Jim like a brother!!!! Such a cinnamon roll. Cons (I guess?): -?? I don't really know where I'd rank this premiere in terms of the season (fall and winter) openers...I think I liked both of season 2's better, but this episode was still pretty decent. -I know Penguin/Nygma interactions are a fan-favorite thing, but I never really got sucked into the hype. They have wonderful chemistry and their scenes are fun, but I hope they don't start having obligatory Nygma/Cobblepot scenes every episode unless it's relevant to the plot. -Sweet dreams, queen. You'll be missed Ethel Peabody! ? -Babs completely reverted back to crazy, which is disappointing. I had liked the angle they were playing with her last season with the whole 'is she still crazy/will she reform?' Stuff. Kept it interesting. -not enough Bullock, as usual. -Captain Barnes is having some health issues I see, I'd be fine if they booted him at this point. -So that's how Ivy is getting aged up. Okay. Not sure how I feel about it. Gonna miss Clare Foley. -I'm actually starting to get annoyed with all the Butler Beatdowns at this point. I love Alfred action scenes, but he gets stabbed/shot/knocked-out almost every 2 episodes. What's his win/loss ratio at this point? They need to balance out his win/loss ratio in my opinion. Give the man more wins. Lastly, still no released OST yet, I'm still waiting.
  12. Isn't that one of the reasons why king crab, etc. fishing switched away from derby style? Safety issues? Besides the decline in crab numbers, also. I can't remember if it was stated on the main show or not. I only jumped on during season 6 or 7. Yeah, it'll be interesting to see if they keep the derby style.
  13. I liked it well enough. It reminded me of the earlier DC episodes (when they weren't as staged/scripted as much). they use such tiny pots! And the boats are so small too! I'm so used the bigger boats on the main show. not a fan of the closing song though. The voice was a bit grating.
  14. The 3x01 premiere sounds good! Both season 2 openers (the season premiere and the winter premiere) were great imo, so I'm hoping for the best! the Bruce doppelgänger stuff is what interests me the most out of what we know from the spoilers.
  15. I'm actually surprised with the lack of time they spent on Sig's heart attack. I mean, they spent time on it, but I was expecting a very Sig/NW heavy episode. Anyways, I still can't believe they didn't show Norm at all (not counting the very end) or the nephew (who I had completely forgotten about up to this point?) we got lots of Nick though. *shrugs* I cackled at Casey's, "he kinda started applying himself." I feel like that's some lowkey shade on Casey's part. It only took how many years? :P Sean and his momma are precious. I'm also surprised we didn't see any of the captain's reactions to Sig's heart attack (in show--I don't watch The Bait, so I don't know if they dwelled on it at all there). Granted, I guess it's none of their business, but I'm so used to seeing all their reactions to news like that. This leaves us some questions for the next season (if this show gets renewed): -will Zack be back? Also, what about Nick? He showed initiative to do captain stuff, so will Bill let him try to do more captain-y stuff? I don't know. -how much longer until Casey cuts the leash completely with Josh, or are they forever glued to the hip until this show is cancelled? -this probably means more Edgar in the wheel house. Hopefully.
  16. Sig looked grumpy on that stretcher. He just wants to fish, darn it!!!! He's gonna have to go through some massive lifestyle changes after this. And poor Edgar, you could tell he was worried just by how twitchy he was. and Nick, come on! Sig's obviously suffering but you just tell him to calm down and get something to eat?? Where was Norm in all this? And I think this is the first time I've ever seen Sig's other daughter. She's so tall! I didn't realize Mandy was so short compared to her mom and sis! Out of the bunch I'd say Jake is definitely the next in line for a possible heart attack/stroke if he doesn't manage the stress and his temper better. Proud of him for staying calm tonight, though. 30,000 lbs shy isn't all that bad with the short notice they were given. Zack is totally his mother's child. You could tell that from day one. Wild Bill needs to accept that Zack is nothing like him. It's been obvious for a number of years that he doesn't want to be a captain but wanted to please his dad. Didn't he join the crew to basically spend time with his dad in the first place? It had nothing to do with wanting to be a crab fisherman or anything of the sort if I recall it correctly. But then again, it's been a while so my memory could totally be fuzzy. Sean and the Brenna A have definitely been a bright spot this year. I loved how chill they were and Sean is extremely likable and sensible to boot. He's a definite keeper. and I'm glad that momma 'possum Johnathan got a good end to his season. The mohawks worked their magic. A $60,000 cut is great! I don't like clowns either, Jon! They freak me out! Looks like Josh's luck ran out. *cackles*. I feel like Casey could sense that they were going to end up short. Glad that Monte and the Wizard finished strong.
  17. I was surprised that no one else was in the wheelhouse with Sig too when he went into the harbor. It might of helped relieve some of the stress of the situation if he had another person to help scout out the waves? I don't know. Maybe he doesn't trust anyone enough to do that. It's been almost 12 hours since the episode aired and I still can't get over how stubborn Sig was being at the end. By golly, he was going to do that interview segment even if he was getting chest pain and arm "cramps." He wasn't dying! The Jake/Tommy stuff was a bit confusing for me too because I was thinking that they were done for the season, but that doesn't make sense because then Jake wouldn't mention having to go out of his way. If he was done fishing he would have been heading back to Dutch anyways. And yeah, I would have dumped Tommy at St. Paul and told him to find and hitch a ride on a boat that might be heading to Dutch Harbor.
  18. Missed you all these past two weeks! We were camping and then we missed last week's episode and we thought we could just catch up online, but nope. Apparently, they don't have the full episodes on their site anymore. Lame. The NW: -30 knot winds? Ick! Creepy background music to accompany it. That's one thing I still enjoy about the show: the score/background music (excluding some of the ridiculous "cool" songs they use in certain montages). Glad that Sig decided to avoid the weather. -Norm spoke one line! I'm always up for more Norm sitings. -And then the anchor cable snapped? Poor NW has had it rough. Glad that they could retrieve it. -going into the harbor: you can see how crazy-stressed Sig got. With all this crazy stuff happening you can see why he had a heart attack. Good job getting into harbor, Sig! -I can't believe Sig burned half of his log book. Like, doesn't that help you determine where and where not to fish on future occasions? -I didn't expect Sig to have his heart attack after they're done fishing and heading to Seattle. Typical Sig. In denial about having a heart attack. Too stubborn. Despite the situation, I got a chuckle out of his, "we're having an interview, I'm not dying." So stubborn. You kind of are, mate. Yes Sig, there is something most definitely wrong. Wizard: -Monty's piloting so obviously I missed when he and Keith switched. Saga: -dirty crab. Yikes. And Jake's growing a beard! And those crazy numbers! Wow! Tommy should have told Jake sooner that he had to leave early. Oh gosh, Jake's trying so hard to not blow up. He's just so done with everything at this point...aaannndd he blew up right at the end when Tommy wasn't doing his job. Knew it wouldn't last. -Stop hiring your friends! CC: -contaminated water! Literally every time Bill mentions things are going decently well or at least holes they do...they don't :P -I don't know why Zack even tries to speak at this point. Nothing's ever good enough. He suggests something and Bill knocks him down for suggesting doing a half-job. Even if it was a half-job, at least he tried to suggest something for once? Instead he's stuck just watching. I wish Zack would just quit. Say screw you and leave to go do something he might actually like doing. -"Nicky" (since when does Bill call him that?? Did I miss something in the 2 weeks I missed? ) Nick is definitely the favorite.
  19. The old Jake would have tried fixing the hydraulics system or something. Now he just sits in his chair and does nothing. And was that subtle shade thrown at Elliot??? Hate to say it, but Elliot would have at least been out there trying to fix it/ find a temporary solution. Yay for Edgar fixing all that stuff!!! Not gonna lie, I enjoy it when they have to manually steer the boat with the old steering wheel. It's so ol'-timey and I love it. Sad that they had to shut down operations for a little while. i liked Wild Bill's and Zack's chat. It was nice that Bill didn't yell. Also, I'm still 100% positive that Zack doesn't really want to be a captain, despite him talking about. His heart's not in it compared to how Jake was when he was jumping on every he could get to learn the captain stuff.
  20. -mama opossum Johnathan -yay! That dude got voted out of the hippie circle! They don't need those negative waves messing with their mojo. I've figured out that Sean's group reminds me of Oddball's hippie group from Kelly's Heroes for some reason. Glad the guy got fired. He cost them a lot of money, although some of the crew should have been on top of the cotton stuff too. -a fire to end the night? That's exciting.
  21. That's too bad about the Ivy recast. I loved Clare Foley, even though her screen time is limited. So does that mean we're in for a major time jump? I figured we'd get a time skip by the way they ended things, but to go from what, 13ish to 18? While Bruce and Selina stay relatively the same age? That's gonna be hard to ignore. I just want my psycho bby Jerome back! Please! I'm also worried they'll turn him into the Mad Hatter, and if they do I'll riot and actually consider bailing even though I love this show to death. Don't mess up the amazingness that is the bby Joker! Also, loved Jamie on Once Upon a Time so I'm sure she'll do great as Valerie!
  22. ^ That "good" scene is still one of my favorite CS moments, despite all the great stuff we've gotten since then. That one word had a lot of weight to it, imo.
  23. The Brenna A finally faced it's first but if drama: a bothersome deckhand. It only took almost the whole season for the boat and crew to finally have any problems. I lol'ed at Sean's comment about plotting a way to get rid of the deckhand. Also, I love how Sean's angriness isn't very angry. I mean, you could tell he was angry, but his voice has the same monotone sound as how he regularly speaks, with some extra swearing thrown in. I love it. Feel bad for the 2 grand wasted with those lost pots. Sig's hit great numbers! And they made it such a happy ending for him too this episode in light of what happens next week. Keith got saddled with some lousy greenhorns. Glad to see he's keeping his temper in check still (compared to a couple seasons ago). you could tell Josh's plan was making Casey nervous, and Casey had a right to be imo. Josh managed to get the needed number, but it was a pretty close shave. How much leeway does a crab boat have for going over/under quota? Any? like, do they get fined if they're literally one crab shy/over? looking at the numbers, the time bandit looks to be in a pinch.
  24. Jake needs to find himself a crew like the Brenna A's. They're just so...mellow. They're so mellow, that my brother has deemed them the "hippies." that way Jake would have less to stress about. But yeah, hopefully Sig's heart attack acts like a wake up call for Jake to do something. He needs to de-stress. Quit smoking, take up yoga, anything.
  25. I missed parts of the episode. I love Johnathan's and Keith's friendship. Hopefully John hits the right kind of crab. Zack finally got in the wheelhouse for a string. The Swedish twins have had a rough year. Missed some of the stuff with Jake, but Kenny needs to be rid of.
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