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Everything posted by hottesthw

  1. Brandi admitted on a game during WWHL that she basically has done every illegal drug under the sun. I guess we're to believe this is all since the divorce? And only on weekends that she doesn't have her kids? I don't understand how Eddie hasn't taken over full custody of these boys by now.
  2. If scheena was having a private event I would give her an ounce of sympathy (no, not really). But she's not. She sold her soul to Bravo and is having her most important day filmed for some piece of shit reality show. Without the other assholes running amuck noone would care about her or her dumb wedding (as it should be). So Scheena can take many seats with her fake tears.
  3. I can't stand Ashlee/Ashley but I felt incredibly bad for her watching her asshole mother berate her, put her down, embarrass her and chew her out on national tv. A nice person doesn't do that IMO. Jac is mean on a good day, I can only imagine what she's like after a few drinks. Back when she said it I'd believe the house was worth $5mil. Now, not so much. It could also be a simple reason of paperwork not being completed. The folks at BOP don't work at lightening speed that's for sure. And if you ask they'll just tell you it will be done when it gets done.
  4. How does this dumb Tara bitch sit here on tv claiming to be doing all this with this scumbag "for her sons"? How fucking confused are her sons when one day dad is gone and the next day dad's taking us on vacation with mom. How does she think her sons feel when one morning dad is there and the next day he's not. She's the one who keeps bringing him back around. He's a piece of shit. If he wants to be gone let him be gone. This back and forth only fucks up the kids. And she's only doing it because of some infatuation she still has for him. God, women like her piss me off. Selfish actions all under the guise of "for the kids". Tara is obviously as mentally challenged as that other idiot pregnant by him.
  5. If her max out date is Feb my guess is she'll be in the half way house by the fall. And in all honesty if I were her I'd just stay in Danbury till the end. Those half way houses are often times more disgusting and difficult than prison (especially a camp).
  6. If she is ordered to pay restitution to someone then a small percentage of what she earns every week (from work and from family) will be sent to that "victim". So essentially if her family puts money on her books they are helping pay down her punishment.
  7. Is she that damn annoying whiny one? I rarely watched the original show way back when but even then one of those little twins was so damn annoying. From the commercials it looks like one of them still is whining and crying as a teen.
  8. But Andy could easily back her up and chuckle along with "oh that Brandi, her and Jeff got me good". If anything it would make his show seem less scripted, like he has no control over what his wild and crazy guests will do. Andy and Jeff's silence thru her declaration of the "joke" speaks volumes.
  9. I've watched some of Jeff's show and the one thing that I found annoying was that he's such a bad "actor" that you could easily tell when thr show would go from real to scripted. I just lost interest watching him try to yell or be serious thru a smirk. Jeff was not acting last night. He didn't know what the fuck was going on. Maybe Brandi planned it but noone else was in on it. She's just changing her tune now probably because she's realizing noone is on her side from her WWHL or RH appearances last night. Notice how early in the show she told Andy she hadn't even watched the RH show yet for that week. Suuuuure Brandi, sure you didnt. She just didn't wanna take the heat.
  10. An STD that we only know about because she put it out to the world in her book. It was fascinating enough for her to talk about but noone else? I got the impression all thru the show that Andy is not a fan of Brandi's. God I hope that Eddie guy fights to take those boys away from her. And i hope he wins his alimony money back. I could sit and watch Eileen and Lisa smack talk people all day long. So far I'm liking the new additions. They class things up a bit. With the exception of the 2 drunks, we're finally getting a peek at how BH lives (house porn etc). Yolanda is annoying at times but I could watch an hour of her tinkering around her house and closets and pool and grounds. As kyle would say, yea I'm jelly.
  11. No she's not getting special treatment. Visitor lists can be done ahead of time. When they can start going who knows, I guess that's up to the prison. From what I know they work up to 40 hours a week just like you and me. Whether inside the prison or outside in local areas. She's basically living a normal person's life now just in a shitty dorm room instead of a gaudy mansion.
  12. The original story didn't even sound remotely believable so this isn't shocking IMO.
  13. So noone is allowed to mention the rat's daughter and her rat family but Sammy the Rat is Karen's entire story line and all she talks about, as if her murdering father is some kind of hero? Oh ok. Makes perfect sense Karen. And for god sakes, could someone please inform Karen she's on Mob Wives, not Love & HipHop. The tough guy rapper street talk is hilarious on a chubby middle aged italian lady.
  14. How sad and pathetic of a woman she is that she has to strip down naked to show others she lost weight after her pregnancy. Big fucking deal. Lots of woman do that every day and yet manage to keep their dignity by not posing nude. Kanye just needed another piece of porn to jerk off to, that's why he convinced his insecure wife to do this for him.
  15. Let's not forget Taylor and Russell in BH then either. I totally disagree that any of them (the "real" criminals) are making the others look bad. They look bad because they are bad. The rest just look like desperate famewhores, which we all know they are.
  16. I make sure to fill up every time I'm about to cross the bridge to PA. I'd be screwed. Can't fault Theresa for that.
  17. I think they should get Rino into Top Chef some how. I'd love to see more of him on tv without his screechy wife.
  18. Martha didn't have 4 small children at home with Christmas right around the corner. For all we know Teresa wishes she could just go and get it over with like her husband keeps saying but in the end this arrangement works better for the kids. The prison also can't take her till they have a bed for her. So there's that to consider too. Teresa has no say in any of this.
  19. That's not really an ultimatum. Dina stated she wouldn't film with them. Production didn't have to invite her back ever. I never got the impression Dina spent the last few years knocking down Andy's door waiting for a chance to return. It was the other way around. That's not her fault. I applaud the fact she didn't cave in for money the way the Gorga's did.
  20. I guess because I live so close I continue to miss what the big deal is about the pictures. I grew up going to Seaside for vacation every year. I watched Jersey Shore almost religiously for a while. I despise all of those people on that show yet one day, while down the shore, sitting across the bar from one of the guys, we went along with the rest of the crowd and took a pic with him. Big deal. If I had run into Snookie at the next bar I probably woulda took one with her too. It's just the point that they're on a show you watch, and then the next day they're in your mall. It's fun and stupid. Who cares. Bobby isn't hiding it so obviously he had fun meeting them. Or maybe he wanted to he the next car dealer the Gorgas featured as part of their story. Maybe he's a shrewd business man. Or maybe he just wants to be on tv. Wasn't it admitted by tiny Jim that at the very start they didn't even know which show amber was accepted to because she had auditioned for 3 of them? Now that's a famewhore IMO.
  21. I thought Jim made himself look like an ass with his photo evidence. They looked like pics taken off of Facebook. Obviously Bobby wasn't too concerned with hiding the fact that he's met the HW at events. I don't think it makes him crazy at all. A few of the HW appear at a club minutes from my home quite often for meet & greets. Lots of my friends have those same pics on their Facebook pages. They aren't crazy stalkers. They went for fun because it was local and they got to meet "tv stars" in person. Who cares. And if one of them end up on the show I'll laugh and assume they're doing it for fun. Not because they are obsessed lunatics. Jim is taking reality tv waaaaaaay too seriously.
  22. I doubt any of them own the gowns they had on or dressed themselves. If they all had to dress within their means they'd all be wearing their Juicy sweatsuits.
  23. LOL I wondered if anyone else caught that. Good job there Nicole. Stop giving legal "advice" now.
  24. Based on what we saw, the Gorgas set the tone for the season at the christening. For new characters they sure started out with a huge chip on their shoulder. Without fighting with Theresa the Gorgas and Wakiles wouldn't be on the show at all. And without Theresa a show featuring Jac and Caroline would have lasted about 4 episodes. I don't think the need to express gratitude lies on Theresa's side at all.
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