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Everything posted by hottesthw

  1. I don't know why I sit through a show week after week where I can't find one character I like. Well no, I kind of like Demetria. I like her work ethic, her no nonsense attitude, but like others said, she's kinda boring for reality tv. Micha just tries too hard all the damn time. I'm over her after one episode. Not as funny or cute as she thinks she is. Geneva, time to just move back to mommy's and give up the charade. While I hope Daisy is doing well with her health I'm really not going to enjoy a whole season of her saying Cancer. I smell a new drinking game Andy Cohen. I get it, it's the first episode and she needs to get it out there but enough. Let's just focus in on how and why anyone would put you and your purple/silver/gold eyeshadow their tv show as a style expert. I see Melissa the video vixen who doesn't want to be known as a video vixen is still harping about her days looooong ago as a video vixen. Her play, really, give it up. Kandi Burris you are not.
  2. IMO that's BS and just another excuse for Kim's bad behavior. It's thinking like that that gives entire breeds a bad name. It's noone but Kim's fault that she has a dog that she can not control. Not the dogs fault, not the victim's fault. All the fault lies squarely at Kim's feet.
  3. This! Her whole demeanor has changed since that night. Something was up with her, it wasn't just an epiphany she had overnight. She was covering her own ass and taking cues from someone.
  4. That's not how I saw that convo at all. Lisa was clearly there to discuss Brandi and only spoke about Brandi until Brandi turned the tables and brought up K&K. Brandi sat there all shifty eyed revealing Kim's secrets little by little. She could have easily not talked at all like Lisa did last night. She was more than happy they were no longer discussing her bad actions. As for the intervention, Lisa said they could NOT do something like that. Brandi was the one all gung ho for it, make the therapist the bad person. Again, not Lisa. Lisa's response was for Brandi to talk to Kyle.
  5. I'm totally on Team Rinna. Not only does Lisa have to worry about what fucking nutso Kim is gonna do in public if she gets mad, she has to worry about her own reaction, and how it is going to affect her family. I don't blame her one bit for backing down. She basically tried to tell Kim oh hell no, you told me not to talk to you about it so I'm not. Kim just wouldn't shut the fuck up long enough to hear it. I also don't blame her for the talk with Kyle. This is twice now Lisa sits down to discuss Brandi and the convo gets turned to Kim. That's not Lisa's fault. I mean she has to talk about something. I don't get why everyone else can discuss these two idiots but when Lisa does it she's the worst gossip spreader that ever lived.
  6. Kim flat our said she is estranged from her sister and she is fine with that. Doesn't sound like someone willing to work things out with anyone. And why would she? Monty is still alive and probably providing Kim with all the pain meds she needs. Why put a cramp in her style with all that silly sobriety talk she'd have to do in therapy.
  7. What I find odd is if you go to the agency's website and read the random bio's of some agents they almost all include some mention of sales, sales experience, sales goals. Except for JR. His is about his past as some talent agent or some shit. Made me wonder who is using who. Is he trying to use Brandi's character to up his own image in the entertainment industry?
  8. I caught literally like 30 seconds of her with Andy (about 28 too long) where she stated that SG has salad dressing coming out soon. My guess is this season will be about the NY women eating a lot of salad. No thanks, I'll pass.
  9. I'm already on the express bus to hell so I'll say it, he sounds like a big ole drama queen like his ex wife. No wonder they're such "best friends".
  10. Her face is frozen from all the shit she puts in it. It's physically impossible for her to smile like that anymore. She can plaster old pics all over the Internet and forums and she'll still just be a blonde bimbo California girl.
  11. But it is still expected that Kyle blindly defend Kim from anyone who even blinks at her.
  12. And why is her face gold? She reminds me of the MGM lion in Las Vegas. Kind of sounds like a big mouthed beast as well.
  13. OMFG! I have never, ever cared for Kyle but my god I feel bad for that woman having to deal with Kim for a lifetime. It's stuff like this that explains why we never see Kim with any friends. Who the fuck besides family could ever stand to be around her? I feel for her kids. Can you imagine the fucked up life they lived because of her?
  14. And both women stated that their daughters acted as realtors for the transaction and shared the listing didn't they? So maybe Kim should be asking Brooke what the hell went wrong and why she was so screwed in the deal. My guess is Brooke probably handled a lot of transactions for her mother in those days and knew quite well how incapable her mother was at the time. We know she's taking them from Monty. We only have Kim's word that Monty actually gave them to her. And c'mon, with the impression he gives on social media about how much he adores Kim are we really to believe he willingly gave her cancer meds to ease her coughing pain?
  15. Considering Kim can't remember what day it is while "sober" I'm not willing to bet her recollection of what went down years ago when she wasn't "sober" is accurate. Get over it Kim, you drank and sniffed your house profits away long ago.
  16. Ehhhh I don't know. If he didn't know the guy and was going off of the show only I'd say he was out of line. But since B had no problem making her dying father a part of her storyline (not to mention the raised by wolves reference we listened to ad nauseum for years basically bashing both parents) I think anything anyone else wants to tell is fair game. Her story isn't the only story to tell I guess when it comes to B's dad.
  17. Bobby must be used to getting punched around if he's been with Asifa for any length of time. Bitch has a big mouth and likes to throw insults and nasty comments around but thinks she's too special to have anything done in return to her. Bobby's bruises prove she ain't that special though. They should have made Anita the new shah and skipped over this trashy chic.
  18. For a bunch of supposed actors I think the problem with this group is they are really bad actors. The 4th wall is their biggest problem. Jax can't lie or act but his lies/stories are so ridiculous you almost could hear him thinking tonight "guys, it's in the script, I had to say you had sex or else there'd be no show". And the way even Lisa cut off Andy from hounding Schwartz about proposing, it was like her saying "no no, don't give away next season's storyline". It's all just so bad yet I can't look away.
  19. No, actually that would be Kim using Kim's issues as a storyline all these years. If her sobriety and her kids were so important to her she would have forgotten about this show after making a fool of herself in S1. Instead she came back again and again so we could watch her ride around high as a kite in limos and crawling around hotel rooms looking for drugs. Kim doesn’t give a shit about her kids and how embarrassing her actions are to them, ever. So Kyle can cry all she wants if Kim decides that now, during her sons serious illness that she's going to cut Kyle out for her own good. It's not about her right now. But that's not something our Kimmy is able to understand.
  20. Except in this case it isn't about Kim. But in usual Kim fashion, as stated by your post above, Kim makes it all about her. Never mind her son who for all we know has a very close relationship with his aunt, but thanks to mommy drunkard he can't see or speak to her.
  21. My guess would be her BFF. Or Kim herself. She has no shame and it would be just one more way to prove to everyone how Kyle isn't there for her in the way Kim expects. Amen! Making excuses for her by saying she's mentally ill is just that, excuses. Kim is a mean junkie, end of story.
  22. Exactly. And i can sit here all day saying I've never punched anyone, and teach my children to never punch anyone, but if I'm jumped and attacked in a club and haul off and punch you in the face, that hardly makes me a hypocrite. I reacted to a situation I've never been in before in the best way I could think of at the time. That's why I give these women a pass and not that scum K&B. I doubt Lisar has been at many dinner parties where another guest started screaming at her and then started yelling lies about her husband. How can she say for certainty how she would react to that before it ever happened? She's human and make a mistake and I'm willing to bet learned from it. She is far from hypocritical. Unlike those other two shit stains who just keep plowing thru life hurting whoever they feel like at the time and then crying when someone dares to lash out back at them.
  23. That's how the mob acted many moons ago. As evidenced by Renee's father, ex husband and Karen's father, the more recent mob doesn't hold the same standards. They're all cowards and rats.
  24. I made it through about 15 min of this shit show. What I did take away was that if you call 1-800crimestopper you are a rat. If you tell the police where the person is who attacked you, you are a rat. If you cooperate with authorities and squeal on your friends to avoid jail time you're a stand up guy. So based on that stupid fucking theory, Renée basically went on Chopped recently using domestic violence as her platform, but really looks down on those women who turn in or report their abusers. Nice Renée. Victims everywhere should heed your advice. This women need to get off my tv once and for all.
  25. The way it was explained to me was that after surgery only so much food will physically fit in their stomach (carbs, soda etc expand & take up space) and the most important food to get in needs to be protein. So you eat the protein first and fit the rest (greens and veggies) if you can. A healthy mix is obviously best but if it can only be one or the other it has to be protein.
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