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Everything posted by hottesthw

  1. Funny that's how all of Brandi's apologies go though. Or no, she's also the queen of "I'm sorry. Now are you gonna apologize to me". That's our Brandi, never admitting fault without pointing out someone else was equally at fault.
  2. Watching this again just pisses me off. It's been reported long ago that Kyle got her sister this HW gig. Why? Your sister was a full blown alcoholic at the time. Now if you thought it would lead to some therapy and help that's one thing. But they spent the first 2-3 seasons pretending Kim was normal and hiding the truth. Totally insulting us as viewers. And then when the shit hit the fan and Kim should have taken a step back and focused on her sobriety, her and Kyle reportedly threatened to leave the show if they both weren't brought back together. So fast forward to now and watching Kim on my tv clearly high as a kite just makes me want to banish this show from my DVR. Wasting our time with Kyle pretending she doesn't know what's going on, kim pretending she's normal. It's bullshit. If you're so worried about protecting your secret phone calls, why the hell are you on a reality tv show!
  3. What I don't understand is why are "their gays" more than happy to prance around like little puppies on leashes? I cringe when the women say it but then I think both sides are wrong for keeping it going.
  4. Oh i can only hope so. I don't get the impression that Yo, David or Mohammed will take kindly to Brandi dragging down one of the kids. I think Brandi knows her end is eminent and is just trying to go out with a bang. She is making a fool of herself left and right. I'm sure like Nene, she think Mr Trump is gonna continue to write checks to her and she no longer needs her original gig.
  5. I agree. Something was up with that though because as fake as the party seemed, the shit between sisters seemed real. Kim is a fucking crackhead, drug addict and watching Kyle lay in to her finally, had me cheering at my tv (and I can't stand Kyle). Kim is as evil as her trash bag BFF.
  6. I hate to say it because I am loving her, but I don't think Eileen will be back for a 2nd season. I don't think she thought things would be this fucked up. Her reactions are priceless though.
  7. When a family member had this surgery years ago we went to many, many drs ahead of time for consults before deciding on one. Every single one required a session with a psychologist and every single one of them required at least a 25lb weight loss on her own before agreeing to do the surgery. So all of that is pretty standard stuff. Due to privacy and all I'm guessing the psych part of things is left out of the show. Plus it's probably not all that interesting. And in our case, it was one appointment with the shrink who then gave a yay or nay on the surgery. They strongly suggest continuing care but it's up to the person to follow up, not the surgeon. The only show participant I think probably should have been denied was Penny. I saw through her BS from day one, not sure how a mental dr let her slip through the cracks.
  8. The way I see it though is that the Juicys did not set out to hurt anyone. Greedy, stupid, selfish. Yes. But i never got the impression that they sat down filling out loan docs while saying "and we'll stiff this guy and screw that guy, let's take him for a million". They thought of themselves and themselves only. Compared to Brandy who actually sits down and conspires to hurt people. Whether is slashing tires, making false claims against co-workers, planting fake stories about cheating allegations against friends. Her goal in life is to hurt whoever she feels has wronged her. Or who won't do what she wants (wine throwing). Brandi is mean and malicious in addition to being a drunk and a slut. The Juicys are idiots and criminals but I don't believe for a minute are as black hearted as Brandi.
  9. I'd throw a parade for Theresa before ever saying a nice thing about the disgusting trash that is Brandi.
  10. So based on what we've seen on the show, Karen comes from a family of rats. That she constantly reminds us of since she has nothing else to talk about. And Karen has proven herself a deadbeat mother when she packed up and left her poor young daughter years ago to come to NY and make a fool of herself on tv. So why is she so mad that someone is now just basically calling her out on info she herself put out there for the world to see? Karen can take many seats. Along with Renee. Very sad and pathetic women. I'd watch a show with Ang and Drita all day long.
  11. And there you have it! Lisa and a Ken are using these stupid shows to promote their businesses, point blank period. I've never gotten a warm fuzzy feeling of real friendship from either of them regardless. And we've seen proof of what an asshole Ken is towards his staff and his son. So if Ken wants to sit his grumpy ass home during parties, so be it. Lisa is the employee.
  12. Brandi admitted on a game during WWHL that she basically has done every illegal drug under the sun. I guess we're to believe this is all since the divorce? And only on weekends that she doesn't have her kids? I don't understand how Eddie hasn't taken over full custody of these boys by now.
  13. If scheena was having a private event I would give her an ounce of sympathy (no, not really). But she's not. She sold her soul to Bravo and is having her most important day filmed for some piece of shit reality show. Without the other assholes running amuck noone would care about her or her dumb wedding (as it should be). So Scheena can take many seats with her fake tears.
  14. I can't stand Ashlee/Ashley but I felt incredibly bad for her watching her asshole mother berate her, put her down, embarrass her and chew her out on national tv. A nice person doesn't do that IMO. Jac is mean on a good day, I can only imagine what she's like after a few drinks. Back when she said it I'd believe the house was worth $5mil. Now, not so much. It could also be a simple reason of paperwork not being completed. The folks at BOP don't work at lightening speed that's for sure. And if you ask they'll just tell you it will be done when it gets done.
  15. How does this dumb Tara bitch sit here on tv claiming to be doing all this with this scumbag "for her sons"? How fucking confused are her sons when one day dad is gone and the next day dad's taking us on vacation with mom. How does she think her sons feel when one morning dad is there and the next day he's not. She's the one who keeps bringing him back around. He's a piece of shit. If he wants to be gone let him be gone. This back and forth only fucks up the kids. And she's only doing it because of some infatuation she still has for him. God, women like her piss me off. Selfish actions all under the guise of "for the kids". Tara is obviously as mentally challenged as that other idiot pregnant by him.
  16. If her max out date is Feb my guess is she'll be in the half way house by the fall. And in all honesty if I were her I'd just stay in Danbury till the end. Those half way houses are often times more disgusting and difficult than prison (especially a camp).
  17. If she is ordered to pay restitution to someone then a small percentage of what she earns every week (from work and from family) will be sent to that "victim". So essentially if her family puts money on her books they are helping pay down her punishment.
  18. Is she that damn annoying whiny one? I rarely watched the original show way back when but even then one of those little twins was so damn annoying. From the commercials it looks like one of them still is whining and crying as a teen.
  19. But Andy could easily back her up and chuckle along with "oh that Brandi, her and Jeff got me good". If anything it would make his show seem less scripted, like he has no control over what his wild and crazy guests will do. Andy and Jeff's silence thru her declaration of the "joke" speaks volumes.
  20. I've watched some of Jeff's show and the one thing that I found annoying was that he's such a bad "actor" that you could easily tell when thr show would go from real to scripted. I just lost interest watching him try to yell or be serious thru a smirk. Jeff was not acting last night. He didn't know what the fuck was going on. Maybe Brandi planned it but noone else was in on it. She's just changing her tune now probably because she's realizing noone is on her side from her WWHL or RH appearances last night. Notice how early in the show she told Andy she hadn't even watched the RH show yet for that week. Suuuuure Brandi, sure you didnt. She just didn't wanna take the heat.
  21. An STD that we only know about because she put it out to the world in her book. It was fascinating enough for her to talk about but noone else? I got the impression all thru the show that Andy is not a fan of Brandi's. God I hope that Eddie guy fights to take those boys away from her. And i hope he wins his alimony money back. I could sit and watch Eileen and Lisa smack talk people all day long. So far I'm liking the new additions. They class things up a bit. With the exception of the 2 drunks, we're finally getting a peek at how BH lives (house porn etc). Yolanda is annoying at times but I could watch an hour of her tinkering around her house and closets and pool and grounds. As kyle would say, yea I'm jelly.
  22. No she's not getting special treatment. Visitor lists can be done ahead of time. When they can start going who knows, I guess that's up to the prison. From what I know they work up to 40 hours a week just like you and me. Whether inside the prison or outside in local areas. She's basically living a normal person's life now just in a shitty dorm room instead of a gaudy mansion.
  23. The original story didn't even sound remotely believable so this isn't shocking IMO.
  24. So noone is allowed to mention the rat's daughter and her rat family but Sammy the Rat is Karen's entire story line and all she talks about, as if her murdering father is some kind of hero? Oh ok. Makes perfect sense Karen. And for god sakes, could someone please inform Karen she's on Mob Wives, not Love & HipHop. The tough guy rapper street talk is hilarious on a chubby middle aged italian lady.
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