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Last Time Lord

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Everything posted by Last Time Lord

  1. That looks really cool! *Remembers that design was made into a suit in the late 1980s* That probably turned out unfortunately.
  2. “Take My Breath Away” has never been so sad. :(
  3. I had planned to catch up on the whole series before the new season began. I did not, but jumped right into this, anyway. I think my favorite thing was how Jake kept calling Amy “Holly Gennaro” while she was in the shockingly accurate get up. Edit: 20 hours later, I finally noticed a particularly awful typo...
  4. Oh. So that’s Mother and Orphan. In retrospect, Ivy being The Witch makes the most sense. I hate that Bruce and Selina’s relationship is doomed by canon and that just makes me sad.
  5. Does Facebook count as Media? The Doctor Who Facebook page has this video with two clips of The Doctor, the first has over it “Me on Janruary 1st” and is The Doctor giving a speech about how we’re capable of change. the second clip has “Me by Janruary 6th” and the clip is The Doctor saying “I love biscuits!” I just thought that was cute and funny. I love you Probably one of the defining Dalek moments was from The Dalek Invasion Of Earth with Daleks rolling down the street with their plungers raised at juuuuust the right level to look like the Nazi salute. I’m glad you mentioned the Happiness Patrol. I’ve never actually seen that one, but the overt political nature of it is known even to me. Remberence Of The Daleks, the final Dalek story of the classic series even had Ace looking at a Whites Only sign in utter contempt.
  6. Oh, my beautiful, beautiful, insane show is back, and I could not be happier! Holy crap, this episode just flew by! I needed to leave the room, so I paused Hulu after Tabathia got stabbed (R.I.P. Tabby) and was shocked by how little time was left. I am loving this whole Dystopian Wasteland movie thing going
  7. I have wanted Luke Smith to show up on Doctor Who as a somewhat regular character ever since Sarah Jane Adventures was forced to end due to Elisabeth Sladen’s passing. It seems to me like he’d be a perfect fit, just character continuity wise.
  8. The current one is always deemed the worst thing to ever happen to the show... until the next one.
  9. Same here. Hopefully I get to actually watch it before Easter.
  10. I get the feeling like this is going to be like The Last Jedi, I end up wishing I could put half the time and energy into something I like as people do into something they don’t.
  11. Exactly, this. I don’t know where I will rank 13 after her tenure has come to an end. Hell, I still don’t know how I rank the ones that come before. All I know is (striking speaking since the revival), I thought 11 has had the strongest debut season, and 12 had the weakest. 9, I would rank just above 12’s first, but 9 is the odd one as that was his only season, so it is easily for 9 to get overshadowed compared to others who had multiple seasons. BRB. Laughing hysterically at the mental image this provided.
  12. One of my favorite things about this past season is how they didn’t reuse any classic monsters. A special like this, IMO is the best way to use them.
  13. Finally got around to watching Twice Upon A Time. It was fine. I liked how they worked the WWI Christmas Truce into things, but as a whole, it was... fine. This just confirms my thoughts that overall, Twelve was a waste of Peter Capaldi’s talents as an actor.
  14. Just finished. I loved this episode. I loved this season. I love these characters. I’ve missed the feeling of fun that this had that has been missing since Matt Smith’s first season ended, and I am so glad it is back.
  15. I love that even when being told she’s just a construct, Grace was still so polite and cheerful about it. Grace truly was too pure for this Earth. I love the frog. It’s so classic Who special effect that doesn’t quite work, but because of that, it works amazingly. I don’t know, some of the shit I’ve read online...
  16. I was under the impression the show had had been since its revival in 2005. Is this not the case? Has it still been the submission/commissioned style this whole time?
  17. Only episode I actively hated was Tooth And Claw. I was was not amused.
  18. And looking at the state of things, lately... we need that now, more than ever...
  19. I grew up in Massachusetts, and admittedly, my 10 year high school reunion is a few years in the rear view mirror, but... I really can't recall being taught much about the Jim Crow era south. Civil War was covered. Reconstruction was covered. Civil Rights was covered. Outside of stuff like To Kill A Mockingbird (which was covered in my Honors English class, not History) I can't remember learning much about that era. It was only in the past few fears that I actually realized just why the crows in Dumbo are the blight that they are
  20. I know I did! I’m visiting my family for Christmas, which is allowing me to catch up on the show, since I wasn’t able to watch when it aired. It is just so fresh refreshing, as a whole. It’s like, the fun is back in a big way. Seems like this season has more emphasis on stories set in the past than it has in a while. I really liked Krasko as a villain in Rosa, and would like to see him show back up later on. I liked how how, Yaz, the police officer was quickly able to restrain Charlie. Sure, he escaped, but the fact she was in it was nice to see. One of the others should have provided backup support.
  21. I demand time displaced from the 1990s pre-teen Donald show up in more episodes. The other side of that, however, is OH, GOD, THE '90S ARE A PERIOD! In some folk lore, Wedigos were people that were possessed by spirits and became monsters after resorting to cannibalism. Merry Christmas. :)
  22. Sabrina magically changing her clothes in front of a mirror is straight out of the Sit-Com's intro, wasn't it? Cherry Bomb worked so well as a song for this.
  23. This was so much fun. All I knew about Harpies before this is they were super annoying enemies in the original God Of War games. Storkules' "That was most unwise of me" seems like it'd be the perfect reaction .gif or short video clip.
  24. I'm with you. I have always liked the character, as far back as the sit-com. I'm unfamiliar with this actor, but I'm going to try to keep an eye on his work, because I've been impressed. I don't know how I feel about Sabrina being manipulated into signing the Book Of The Beast in order to save the town, but I'm pretty sure I hate it.
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