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Last Time Lord

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Everything posted by Last Time Lord

  1. Coincidentially, my mom and I just watched those for the first time last night.
  2. When they had the close up on Emma holding Henry's hands like that, I though she was going to magically restore his memory completely on accident. I liked that he called Emma on the BS at the beginning of the episode. I don't trust Hook. At all.
  3. Until proven otherwise, I'm choosing to believe Cyrus freed Amara with True Love's Kiss.
  4. We all have certain things that we want to happen on the show. I, myself would very much like to see Jafar show up, providing her actually survives In Wonderland. I think the interactions with him and Regina and Rumple would be amazingly fun. As the song goes, a dream is a wish your heart makes. What are yours?
  5. On my mother's third or so of re-watching the series, she reveals to me that she's just now getting why Dr. Hopper's dog was named Pongo. Oh, mom...
  6. I've always beleived Emma's true love is and should always be her son.
  7. Series had a slow start, but once it got the ball rolling, I've really enjoyed it.
  8. I was actually kind of tempted to to register with my Facebook or Twitter log-in, but decided to stick with the TWoP. Though I will say, I believe I saw a "quote this post" button, which TWoP did not have, outside of mobile on my iPhone, so I like that.
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