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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Wow, I did not know that sad news. What a crummy day it is. Damn that Jeopardy Curse.
  2. I didn't know. In the first episode, Mom was on the front porch ranking on Ronald for being a trucker while all her friends were bragging about what great jobs their kids had. It was an extended scene, with Ronald reacting rather harshly while his back was turned to Mom. That was sort of a lot for a dead imaginary mom to go through. But hey, this show ... maybe Ronald is regretting turning down that Montana U teacher's scholarship. Darn that Hollywood plastic surgery!
  3. I watched Tangled Web last night, and it was familiar so I guess I saw it on Dateline a while back. Just a bit into it I knew Liz was the "person." I still don't know why she was all whack sending messages as Cari when she had killed Cari and the guy was dating her again. Maybe the texts were to keep the boyfriend scared and dating her? But geesh, three or four years of it? I'm surprised they didn't use an insanity plea, burning her house and killing all her pets, shooting herself ... wow. Although the one police saying Liz was the type that if it was 2 in the afternoon, if you said it was 2 in the afternoon, Liz would swear no, it's midnight. I have an ex like that. He could be holding an apple in his hand all while swearing he'd never seen nor taken an apple EVER. Those people believe everything they are saying. (BTW, ex was arrested just like Liz was.) Those cold-case cops are heroes, finally paying attention and investigating. The rest of the police force ... what a bunch of losers on the taxpayers dole, doing nothing. How many others have been murdered while their families' requests for help have been blown off. I wish there had been a search for Cari's remains. If she had been stuffed in a trash can, a SAR dog might have been able to locate remains in a garbage dump. They can sometimes find human bones buried many feet deep. I feel really sorry for the boyfriend, who did nothing wrong, but he is ruined for life. I'm glad they let him say that at the end because I was thinking it. I missed what sentencing Liz got. I hope it was life. Wish it were more.
  4. Gah, good luck with that nightmare. Three years ago I bought a property in SW Missouri to move near my best friend. Long story short, she ended up not being not so nice, so I sold that acreage to someone who called me out of the blue and wanted to buy it. Even shorter story, I was just going to sell everything here in an auction. Let the guys carry everything out of the house and barns, auction it all, and send me a check. At least you have help (I hope!).
  5. Oh, DUH! I didn't even know the category. I tend to forget Category once the clue is read.
  6. Paper maps for me too. I love looking at maps and love those atlas books with maps of all the countries. I like to visualize where I am going. People who drive by a GPS voice telling them to "turn here" end up stranded in the middle of snow-closed roads, Death Valley, and places they shouldn't be. Dumbasses with dead brain cells. Once I followed friends to a dog show in downtown Chicago. They got off the expressway and turned right, at the direction of their GPS, while I was behind honking and flashing my lights at them to stop, the show building was right there ... to the LEFT. I'm checking out that puzzle as a gift to ... ME! Thanks @Bliss.
  7. Friday's opener was a younger AT with a darker grey mustache. I was happy to see the Great Lakes category since I'm familiar with all of them and have touched a toe to each one (except Huron). Did anyone else think the Edmund Fitzgerald was going to be a clue again? Just me? I said Hundred Years War for that clue answer and don't have any reason why I knew that, except that it's a common answer on this show. I also know Cancer is the moon sign, but was a little uncomfortable when AT pointed to himself and said he was Cancer. Side note for the last clue revealed, answer: Canaan. There is a Canaan dog, approved as an AKC breed rather recently, in 1997. It is the native dog of Israel. I came up with some wrong (again) guess for FJ, but after the answer was revealed, I was with @Trey, Malta is a go-to answer on this show and I should have remembered that. You know, like the Hundred Years Wars. And Hamilton in Season 36.
  8. WEEK 12 • Nov. 30, 2020 — ONE asterisk * 56. Comedy Movies. In the original script for this 1975 film, the title object was finally found in London’s Harrods department store. 57. Aviators. Roland Garros, for whom the French Open stadium is named, gained fame with the 460-mile 1st solo flight across this body of water. * 58. Novel Characters. This character from an 1851 novel “was intent on an audacious, immitigable, and supernatural revenge.” * 59. 19th Century Americans. In 1858 these 2 men faced each other in Alton, Freeport, Galesburg & 4 other nearby towns. 60. Island Nations. What’s now this nation resisted naval sieges by the Berbers in 1429, the Ottomans in 1565 & Axis WWII air assaults.
  9. For @Bliss, because I can't "do" or see emojis. I would love that kid-friendly world puzzle. Your grandkids are lucky.
  10. A cartoon tribute to Alex.
  11. Wrong Douglas/Douglass. Lincoln debated Stephen, not Frederick.
  12. Thanks for the nice wishes @peeayebee. Good luck with that move, although I'm not sure about the thinking behind moving from southern California to Colorado in December. I work for a client in Denver and one in Fort Collins. They both are actually farther south on the map than I am. So there's that. Can you maybe grab a cheap antenna at Walmart to bring in some local channels? I hope your arm continues to improve and there is some nice eye candy at your therapy sessions. Okay, so maybe that's just me wishing for the eye candy. Once the nightmare of moving is over, life should be vastly improved. I was moving to Boulder after graduating college but came back to Illinois for my boyfriend. Wow, talk about a bad decision all the way around. Safe travels, and stop in when you can and say HI. We'll need updates!
  13. Well, I got all you guys beat. I live smack in the middle between two of those FJ towns, and have been to the third multiple times. The last dog show I went to before COVID-19 shut down was Freeport Kennel Club. And Galesburg is a great place to catch Amtrak to Chicago. But my first thought was a duel, then I thought well, the duel wasn't that good if they had to redo it all those times. Then I thought, "Hey, you mean another state has a town named Galesburg?" Then I noticed Alton, and said, "Hey, that's a town in downstate Illinois." That's when my brain cells kicked in and I knew the state was Illinois (Hello! Duh!) and the people were Lincoln/Douglas. I was even more certain I was correct than I was certain Tuesday's FJ was the English Channel. I also got some TSs but didn't care enough to make note of them. In defense of the Wyatt Earp/Doc Holliday answer, the clue just said "these two men faced each other." And Wyatt and Doc faced each other a lot ... over Faro games, coffee, what have you. Wyatt/Doc was actually a pretty good wrong answer. Opening sequence was AT with a Galapagos tortoise!
  14. Bless you're heart, @Mystery Author, your the BEST. And it's so good to see you again, it's been like ... forever! Welcome back. Try sticking around for a while. We've missed you. You have the honor of wearing the Smartest Pants in this thread! "Good for you." TM AT Well done!
  15. Yeah, we know the quote is from the book (and posted over at TJF, thank you Andy) but obviously no one remembers that small sentence. How many here knew it was Moby Dick, raise your hand ... *crickets* Plus it was an asterisk. So, a pretty obscure clue all the way around. But, good for you, Jeopardy writers. Nicely played.
  16. Geez, welcome to my (sucky) world. Maybe the doc should have given his monster a name then. Guessing he did not know his mythology. Me, however, I know YOUR name is @Driad, so be afraid. Very afraid.
  17. You no doubt also saw a lot of silver reflective reclining ladies. I got Peterbilt over on the Archive. For future reference, know that trucks with a bulldog logo are Macks, with the Mack word also in an oval. Peterbilt's founder, Peterman, made me laugh. (Seinfeld reference.) I read Moby Dick and saw the old movie, but I'm with @Driad, I have no clue why Ahab would have said his chasing the white whale was "supernatural." I think The Invisible Man was a good wrong answer, he was quite supernatural and a very bad person. I first thought Dracula, he's pretty evil and supernatural both, but I thought the year was wrong. So I went with Frankenstein, and yes, the doctor, not the monster, who really had no cognitive thinking ability to say he was out for revenge. Dr. Frankenstein never got around to giving the monster a proper name, more's the pity. Not surprised FJ was an asterisk.
  18. Good point, and IMO you are correct. I didn't see the part where the fisherguy's body was dumped, I just thought it was weird they left him laying in that river with an arrow in him. I guess the cop who shot him would be the one called to investigate the crime, so there's that out. But yeah, I've been to Yellowstone and they aren't fooling about all the "Stay On The Path" signs. I just wonder how they keep getting into Yellowstone without paying the gate guards. I guess locals know all the elk and buffalo trails.
  19. That would be awesome if the trucker opened the trailer and there was a Hulk-like Jerri, fully bearded, massive muscles split out of the dress ... "Jerri MAD."
  20. Actually, this show is turning out some good snark here, sort of like The Blacklist, so I'm in for as long as you guy keep posting here.
  21. I'm still pondering the first episode, where the two girls are put into the semi trailer and find the hooker wrapped up in plastic, sealed with duct tape. If the idea is to sell girls, why kill the hooker? Then, after X hours/days the teens open the plastic wrap, do a couple of chest compressions and the hooker comes back to life? What am I missing? This episode, the escaped girl takes off her boot and leaves it on the ground? WTH was THAT about. Put the freaking boot back on, dumbass. Then she's running through all those river rocks barefoot, like she can't feel anything? Please! Agree that the fisherguy would be all "Shhhh, can't you see I'm fishing?" when the girl started screaming at him. But she needed waders to cross that tiny creek of a river? Yeah, don't think so. Big stall. Too much of a big stall. I also wondered about the logic of trying to chip through concrete (it takes cons in prison MONTHS to do that!) when the board floor/ceiling above her head was so gapped, light was shining through. Plus the barn is made of wood, as in wood walls. She could have kicked her way out if she left her boots on. My frustration that the girls are not able to jump together and beat the crap out of the trucker guy is beyond comprehension.
  22. I developed the photos from @Clanstarling's birthday celebration. The first one is Clan with the great cake her family made for her. The next one was taken in Clanstarling's back yard, the morning after a night of hard birthday partying. It's like we were there! Hope you had a good one, Clanstarling.
  23. Well, at least you got to see some repeats. Today NBC aired a football game all afternoon, pre-empting Jeopardy again. So out of three episodes this week, I got to see one. No one knows what tomorrow might bring. Yesterday, I thought the Cartwright's cook would be a clue in the HOP category. I got Hoppin' John, and know that bad luck befalls anyone who does not eat their black-eyed peas on New Years Day. I also got Snakes (not literally, although I thought about catching the one in my front yard last week). When I was a kid, sparklers, snakes and caps were the only "fireworks" we had. Snakes were kind of expensive and left black marks on the sidewalks, much to the frustration of our moms. More plentiful were caps. We'd get a roll, lay them out on the sidewalk and go to town with a hammer. Back then all of us kids had cap guns to play cowboys, and it was easy to buy cheap rolls of caps. I was sorry to see Ryan go, he was a good player and a favorite. Hope he makes it to the TOC. When I saw TJ's photo on TFJ site, I stopped to look twice, I thought he had a scrubbie on his head. I have a pink one, would love a purple one. I have to say, he was a good player and I loved his 'hawk. Congrats on his win, even though he beat my fav Ryan. FJ was an instaget: English Channel. What, you mean it isn't that wide? I guess Tuesday was yet another case of "fool me."
  24. I think that's backwards. I imagine the PAs planning all the gifts for the box, creating the box, wrapping it complete with bow, then saying, "Psst, hey Bennett, step on over here buddy, and look what we've got for you. You'll be THE STAR of this episode!" Because I multi-task while this is on, I missed Bennett's art project. So no comment on that. But while I was driving today, a couple hours on the road, I tried to think which guy was going home, Bennett or Noah. The show is really working on making Bennett some sort of villain or something, so they might want him to stick around. But then the show is also making him sort of jerky, so maybe they think his time is up, so bye Bennett. I see no connection between Bennett and anyone, especially Tayshia. Even if Bennett never opened his mouth, I don't see the connection. Maybe with Clare. Maybe. But not Tayshia. Noah is just another dime-a-dozen dude. So I figure Tayshia will keep him since she can tell him to shave his 'stache and then do it for him. He's more her type of guy. Meanwhile, Bennett is way up on my chart while Noah doesn't even register. But I just watch this for eye candy and snark, and Noah is no eye candy IMO.
  25. I wonder how much of Bennett's words/actions are prompted by TPTB to play into the edit they have for him. Because ... it's in the script, guys. Gotta create the drama somehow. And the water-cooler and online chat. I don't trust this show as much as some do!
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