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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Wow, Blake sweated right through the back of his shirt. Hope that limo has the air on.
  2. Sitting on laps, facing each other, inches away ... "Breathe deeply, exhale." I sure hope they both did the breath-mint thing before. This date is SO BORING but at least they walked out of the resort proper for the first time. And of course, Blake is all "We're so connected now!" and Tayshia is all "This dude isn't for me. Bye ... what was your name again? Oh yeah, Blake. See ya."
  3. Glad to see CH. I thought he was suppose to be gone longer. Bye Jojo. CH: "Where's Bennett?" Like you don't know.
  4. I got a laugh out of Aqua Net and got that easily since we used it on show dogs. Everyone had a can of it in their grooming box. Other than that, the clues were kinda tough. I missed the first half hour and only kinda sorta watched the second episode. Still, I noticed everyone pushing the inflatable banana out of the way last night, like last week when two players kept bending over it to get something off the shelves, and then left it on the floor.
  5. Paraphrasing: "According to AKC, this dog is the most popular breed in the United States yet it has never won a Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club." Answers: Bulldog, Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, Siberian Husky.
  6. I didn't know he hosted this show either, but that makes him an even bigger dumbass last night on the Kimmel version. But I guess he was so sure the German Shepherd had never won Best at Westminster. It's also not the most popular breed, "everyone" has a Lab. The funny part is, even though I easily knew the answer, I had just finished watching the AKC National Championship dog show, which ended a bit before Millionaire came on. I was in the middle of emailing friends who were traveling home from that show when the $32,000 question was asked of Cedric. Interesting coincidence, Best In Show at the Championship was judged by Jimmy Moses, a former professional show dog handler who handled the top winning show dog of all times, a German Shepherd named Mystic that won 275 Best In Shows. He also handled the GSD Manhattan, the top winning male show dog of all times and winner of Best In Show at Westminster in 1987. I know this show is taped much earlier, but it would have been cool if Cedric had been watching AKC.tv and saw Mr. Moses judging Best, and so learned his back story about GSDs and Best In Shows. And freaking answered correctly. I also never saw Toy Story 4 but it was pretty much a no brainer that Woody left with his girlfriend Bo Peep. The world isn't ready yet for Disney to hook Woody up with Forky.
  7. Stop over in the Final Jeopardy Contest thread. If the FJ stumps all three players, that's an asterisk clue, and if a contest player gets that answer, he/she gets an asterisk added to the weekly score. It's a badge of honor to have asterisks in your score, and it's another category for prizes to be awarded at the end of Season 37. Which you should have been playing. The contest I mean. Next season? Last week was a three-asterisk week! Yes, TJ was the player with the great hair and glasses. One-time champ, unfortunately, because he was good.
  8. At least I knew Wicked wasn't old enough to have a revival. I wasn't sure if A Chorus Line wasn't still playing somewhere, but figured since it opened in 1975 it was due for a revival, which is why I went with it. West Side Story (1957) I must say was Before My Time, although as I've already posted, we kids played the album over and over. The writers just picked the wrong song for the clue.
  9. Smarty pants stuck up. Didn't like our company last week?
  10. Your wish is my command. Lucky you! That it's called W&M is a plus, no? This is "William & Mary Sandwich Sauce, and it's from the William & Mary Cookbook. The subheading for the recipe says, "As inspired by the famous Cheese Shop sandwiches". 1 quart mayonnaise 1 bottle (8.2oz) Sharwood's steak sauce (or your favorite brand) 4 oz spicy brown mustard 4 oz hot and sweet mustard or honey Dijon mustard Mix it up and keep it chilled. I didn't not make a full amount but did fractions of the ingredients. It came out deliciously great. Now I want to make it again! It just takes minutes to whip up. Recipe is from a poster here a couple years ago, so thank you Original Posting Person.
  11. Not to get personal, but have you had your thyroid levels checked? I'd ask a doctor for a thorough blood panel workup after telling him/her about these whack sleeping habits.
  12. Worthy of a BMS according to this judge. Diana Nyad was the only TS I got. My brain is not especially sharp these days. And in support of Wicked, "Something's Coming, Something Good" would be a great song if you were a witch and more witches were coming. I still say that song should have been from A Chorus Line. Like I said, I'm not especially sharp lately.
  13. Not when you are sharing a table with Saber. I've been here so long, I'm wearing out my chair. I was so certain Friday's FJ was A Chorus Line. I was pumped to get another answer correct. At least TPTB threw me a bone by using a dog-book FJ so I could get a 1 this week. As for West Side Story, we had that album as kids and played it over and over on our little portable record player, the kind that you had to tape a penny onto the needle arm to keep it from skipping. Still, I would have sworn there is a song like that in Chorus Line.
  14. Some time back here someone posted the recipe for Cheese Shop House Dressing. I made it, and it was delicious. If you are interested in giving it a try, I can post the recipe since, of course, I still have it.
  15. No, no they don't. But you win Week 13's Smarty Pants Award for even knowing that word and what they are.
  16. WEEK 13 • Dec. 7, 2020 — THREE asterisk *** * 61. Fantastic Beasts. Symbols of strength in the Bible include Behemoth & this horned creature, perhaps an extinct wild ox, which the KJV mentions 9 times. * 62. The Ancient World. He got to propose his own sentence & joked that since he was actually a benefactor of the state, he should get free meals! 63. American Lit. A book by him says, “From the forest came the call…distinct and definite as never before–a long-drawn howl.” * 64. European Geography. Once a residence of rulers of Austria, this city on the Danube less than 20 miles from Vienna became a national capital in 1993. * * 65. Broadway Revivals. Ads for the 2020 revival of this musical said “Something’s coming. Something good”; a new movie version is also coming.
  17. YES! I knew you would come through, Mindthinkr. You are the BEST! I hope we are at the same table this week!
  18. Oh, you are mean. First BBQ, then eating a Cheese Shop sandwich while Grundoon and Saber sit and watch and imagine how fabulous it must be ... I must get @Mindthinkr to cook us a great Belated Bday Dinner.
  19. @Grundoon59: Everyone here got together to record a song and video in celebration of your birthday. Just clip on that birthday link! We are sorry we are a few days late, but we mean every word of our song. We are glad you are a member of this Jeopardy thread and we wish you nothing but the best, always.
  20. LOL! Go ahead and eat. As soon as the pic came up, I said, oh, a King Charles. And of course it's a spaniel. I just wish this show would get better dog pictures because that King Charles had legs that were WAY too long. This is what one is suppose to look like: Side note: The Cavalier King Charles is a toy dog, not a hunting spaniel, a lap spaniel. Meanwhile, the sporting spaniels (Field, Clumber, Sussex, English and American Cocker Spaniels) are out working for a living. Baxter appears to be a popular CKC name.
  21. I made a note to complain about the 12 Apostles having "dozen" in its clue, just like yesterday when "Long" was in the clue for Long Day's Journey Into Night. What's up with that happening so often. I think Minnie Pearl's hat was a TS because no one could think of an official name for a straw hat. That was my problem too. I can clearly picture Minnie in her yellow straw hat with flowers on it and a price tag hanging down on its right side. But what's the NAME of the hat ... bowler, derby, fedora ... go figure that it would just be a plain old STRAW HAT. And what about boater, it looks like a boater hat. Or sailor hat. Conclusion: Not a good clue. I got Beat Shazam and The Day of the Locust, and no way in h.e.l.l. I would ever have gotten FJ.
  22. I get FJ from TheJeopardyFan.com in the morning before the show airs here. You can also get today's FJ tomorrow and the next day and the next. Just sayin'. I never count on me being able to watch this show live every day. It's the only way I can keep the contest up to date. I also like reading Andy's detailed info about the answer, once I make my guess. For me, FJ is between me and my brain, not any of the show's players.
  23. A TS/DD of Catch 22, one of my fav books. I'll never lose my mental image of Yossarian sitting in a tree. You can't get out of the service for saying you are crazy, because if you know you are crazy, you are not crazy. Side note that a Doberman named Vendi Vidi Vici was a multiple best-in-show dog and ranked top in the United States for a spell not that long ago, so I easily knew that answer. It's odd that parts of the answer are now routinely found in the clue, like "Long" was in the clue for "Long Day's Journey Into Night." I have no idea why I knew the TS of Hamburg. So a FJ clue concerning a book about a dog. Of course Saber got that one. I read COTW and White Fang when I was still in high school. Did I see the Harrison Ford movie? No way in hell. One minute looking at a fakety fake CGI dog is an hour too much.
  24. I hope @peeayebee will be able to join us and catch up on answers here so we can continue with all of our players. But right now, I am focusing the spotlight on one very special player, the outstanding player of Week 12, the player who got a first-time perfect week, the player who scored a 5/5 plus asterisk, the player who is The Winner of Week 12 ... and that outstanding individual is ... @Grundoon59. Congratulations to the best player this week, our Wolverine friend Grundoon. Take a bow! *applause applause!* Yeay Grundoon! Congratulations, you brainiac!
  25. Yeah, this show isn't exactly great PR for Montana tourism.
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