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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Okay, calling all cat owners. I belong to the Purina Pro Club. I just got an email, they are promoting their new cat food that fights allergens. Here's part of their PR statement: "Now you can reduce the major allergen in your cat’s hair and dander simply and safely, with the world’s first allergen-reducing cat food: Purina Pro Plan LiveClear. Take The LiveClear Challenge and discover the freedom you – and your cat – could have by this time next month." They are offering an $8-off coupon if you sign up. I got a $5 coupon a while back for PurinaOne dog food, which really came in handy. But me no have no cats. Here's the coupon link: Purina $8 cat food coupon
  2. Nobody really does. Says my mirror.
  3. I would put parts of the blast-off photo on layers, like smoke billows, rocket, stand holding the rocket, maybe even some sky, then adjust each layer. Some of my adjusted photos might have 10-12 layers. Then it takes a bit of care to combine everything back again and fix the edges so all looks natural. Every once in a while Pshop will do a good color adjustment with an auto-adjust but when the pic has difficulties, I have to put parts on layers to adjust individually. For instance, I create lots of dog magazines. i get photos of people wearing caps with the sun at their backs, holding a black dog or one with a white body and black head, also in shadow. These types of photos are more common than you think. Or, a win photo of a white dog that appears orange, with the judge's face bright red and blue. *sigh* Still, your photos are wonderful and greatly appreciated by me.
  4. I understand there is an opening in that caldera hot pool.
  5. @Moose135, your photos are spectacular, I really appreciate you sharing them. A little adjusting in Photoshop would make that blast-off photo pop. A friend in Indiana drove to somewhere in Kentucky for the day, to see the eclipse in 2017. He said tons of people were wherever he went. I found out about the free glasses giveaways too late and couldn't find any around here. So I tried the pinhole thing, which was a dismal failure and did not work at all, not even a tiny bit. I was extremely disappointed. So yeah @secnarf, you need to get to any eclipse viewing site even if it means taking a few days (and making a vaca of it). I admire all the astronauts but I guess my fav is/was John Glenn for so many reasons.
  6. If the weather report is for rain, take some extra days off work and drive, baby drive, to where the sky will be clear. That's why there are trees (and bushes) in the woods, girlfriend.
  7. I did catch the reveal that the one guy was selling horse sperm, and not just ANY horse sperm, Thoroughbred horse sperm. Dude, Montana is NOT known for its Thoroughbreds, I could only find two TB breeders in the entire state. But maybe the Gen Pop doesn't think Quarter Horses are as valuable as TBs when, in fact, in all but the most extreme cases, they are. Especially in that neck of the woods. Anyway, sperm is transported in big poly cases, insulated containers, and is chilled or frozen and kept that way for transport. Just tossing it in some jar in some case, the sperm will be croaked before it can be used. Plus it can only be used when the mare is in season so needs to be stored in a proper facility, not some motel room. Plus collecting one stallion is an ordeal. That guy had what, a couple dozen in that case? and all the glass vials BROKE because they were glass? I guess either the writers think all viewers are dumbasses or perhaps maybe too much knowledge is detrimental to hand waving this show. Maybe both. Agree that if these people would stop acting so creepy and dysfunctional and got some social skills, whatever scam they are up to or secret they are hiding would be much easier to keep secret.
  8. Either that or players thought it was spelled Peko.
  9. Shout out to @Browncoat with tonight's TS of Adélie. I had no hope when I saw the FJ category. So I answered with the only Shakespeare play I could think of. I'm so not smart that sometimes this show makes me look brilliant. Thanks, FJ clue writers!
  10. It was cool to have a contestant from Galena, Illinois on yesterday's show. Galena is worth a trip from anywhere, it's one of my favorite destinations. So many cool shops and so much to do and see. Highly recommend. Great eats, too. Plus, drive north from Galena and there's the Dickeyville (Wisconsin) Grotto, then a bit further north and voilá, you're at House on the Rock. It's a win win!
  11. @Moose135 you are too modest. Your photos are wonderful, I love them. They look just like the ones online when I check on upcoming celestial events. Thanks for sharing with us. @Clanstarling, no kidding about that perfect Jeopardy board. Except I'd have to replace some of those with AKC DOG BREEDS, KENTUCKY DERBY WINNERS, FARM LIVESTOCK and HAWAII FIVE-O REBOOT. Heh. I've never thrown my back out but that last category did make me laugh. Would love to see those clues! BTW, I easily got the astronomy TS in today's game. Some of you will know why it was easy for me!
  12. I was glad this show was coming back, then missed almost the entire two hours since a dog decided to go over the fence and I had to keep going outside in the pitch black to search for her. But ... I was glad to see Ronald back. although I found his choice of disguise as 1970s John Denver curious. It kept me wondering if a writer or show runner was a fan and it was a shout out, even if Ronald is in the wrong state. No one notices Ronald sleeping on his dead mom's grave? Alrighty then. But I guess the cemetery has CC, so there's that. Or maybe I missed how they got the pics of him there. Not sure what's up with the FBI guy or whoever he is. I had to force myself to watch the scenes he was in. I totally did not get what the second part was about, too much looking for my dog (that did come back, thank the gods). I do know I loved Montana when I was there, it's my fav state, but this show sure is no promo for tourism there, that's for sure. I really like Jerri/Jeri, hope she gets more screen time. I didn't catch the flying-up part, but thought it weird that they just bent down to pick them up and set back on the fence again. I've done a lot of can shooting and that's not how it works. I also wondered about the camera being right in the line of fire. Strange choice if one remembers Brandon Lee.
  13. Photos, please. Let us be the judge whether impressive or not. (Side note: Impressive was the name of a famous Quarter Horse stallion that was bred a zillion times, producing a bil-zillion foals. Later it was discovered he had Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis or HYPP, which causes muscle spasms and trembling, and he passed it on to his offspring. It's now called the Impressive Disease.) Glad to know you are not an axe murderer. Yet anyway. I'm telling your GF to hide all potential weapons. And to watch "So I Married An Axe Murderer" as a PSA.
  14. I took notes this week as I still don't know who everyone is. The goat challenge was interesting. I bred and milked a herd of dairy goats for many years. They are wonderfully peaceful animals. It was interesting one groomer said goat hair was like a terrier's except harsher. "Like goat hair" was used to describe the coat of one hunting hound in a breed magazine. I told the author I knew what he meant, but how many others had ever touched a goat. But I digress. The Flame Goat made me laugh, with the spiked ridge of flame down its back. I also liked the Mardi Gras goat and the leopard one. I did not like Blake and Bobby's green goat AT ALL. Ick. I also did not like the winner. I guess I don't qualify for being a judge on this show. When Blake told his LBGTQ story it was tear inducing, and I thought wow, if this were The Bachelor he is going through to next week FOR SURE just based on that story. Those kind of stories always get a contestant one more week on that franchise. That Standard Poodle was gorgeous when it was brought in for the elimination round. That was a competitive show dog for sure. Once again, someone gets the huge Poodle and someone else gets a tiny Japanese Chin. What's up with these freakishly disproportionate dog assignments. I was glad the woman who did the color under the coat got acknowledged for it. That dog ended up very pretty. If I were its owner, I would def keep that. One contestant saying LBGTQ people are drawn to dogs because dogs love you regardless of who you are was a great statement. I hadn't thought about it before hearing that, but the dog-show world is full of gay people, and they are accepted there by all the people, too. I have more gay/lesbian friends than straight in the dog world and never gave it a thought, I just hung around with the people I liked, never giving anyone's sexuality a thought. The dog-show world also is a place where a person living in a van can compete -- and win -- against a bank president. It's the dog that makes the difference. As for the ending ... I guess Blake's story didn't make up for his dog that looked... well, not so good. I agreed his was the worst groom, so bye Blake. I'll miss your great outfits.
  15. While I am pleased at your success @Mindthinkr, I am vaguely disappointed that those of us at the T41 will be going hungry, a better option than me cooking for the table. My cooking is a sure-fire way to lose that pandemic weight! But glad to know football agrees with you. Just be glad no more doctors are in your future. At least not on Jeopardy. Let's drink a toast to our continued health in the J threads!
  16. You guys are amazing with your stories and photos, Moose. I did see the ISS once, we were leaving a dog show in Pennsylvania after dark, and driving out of the grounds the ISS was in the sky in front of us. There were a bunch of us in the truck, and someone spotted it and said "Hey look! It's the ISS!" So those of us riding in the back clambored to the front and got to see it. I've also seen the Northern Lights, again while driving to dog shows in the middle of the night. That helped keep us awake at 3 a.m. with many miles left to go. A while back they were suppose to be visible here on the northern horizon. I stayed out a long time waiting but did not see them. There are thick woods in my north pasture so if the Lights were there, the trees blocked them. It was also common to see the rando shooting star during overnight drives to dog shows. Once I swear to god I saw a UFO. And another time a bear in far southern Illinois during an all-night drive home from Georgia. Both possibly could have been real. Or not. Interestingly given where I live, I get freaked out in the dark. Even when I go into the fenced back yard I take a dog with me and a small lantern, and I do the same when I sit in the pitch-black front yard. One time I drove down my road, a very deserted one-lane that no one lives on, and sat in the pitch to watch a meteor shower. I have to say, I only lasted a few minutes, I kept anticipating Freddy Krueger or something to break through my car door and ... well, do whatever Freddies do. If I had another human with, that would make all the difference. I would def go with one of you to your astral viewing places, no dog needed. I kept trying to see Elon Musk's Starlink satellites but finally gave up. I had a directory of when they would be visible here but I guess they shut their lights off while over my house. I can always find and see Orion though!
  17. I'd love to be able to look at the night sky through some industrial-strength telescope. A close college has one and used to do meteor-shower viewing parties before, well, you know. I just never went to one, for some dumb reason I can't remember. Maybe because even the close colleges are frigging far away from my house.
  18. He is making no secret of the fact he can do both, and wants to do both. I mean, play football AND be the permanent Jeopardy host. He's even got the football vs. J taping schedule figured.
  19. It's predicted the Packers TS clip will be all over the news and radio later tonight and tomorrow. More great PR for Jeopardy and Aaron. I admit Aaron got a laugh out of me about it. While I strongly dislike football, I easily knew the answer since no one can live where I do and not constantly hear about the Bears and the Packers before, during and after the season. Whether they want to or not. Meanwhile, FJ was a literal instaget. I love star watching and am out in the pitch black of my property for every meteor show and other cosmic event. Every time I'm out at night I see Orion, the only constellation I can easily see (well, besides the dippers). I don't even know where Sagittarius is, even though I am one.
  20. I guess we bid adieu to the chance for a SEVENTH week of the same score. You had a great run. Meanwhile, it's time to announce the clear and far away winner of Week 30. Behold, the brilliant player who went from Zero to Hero to reach the pinnacle of glory this week. Let the spotlight shine and shimmer and light up the magnificent player, brainiac of the week, known as @Mindthinkr. Ride the wave of your glory for as long as you like. Or, at least until next Tuesday. Honorable Mention goes to two players this week: @secnarf, for having identical scores for the past three weeks, that's no easy feat, and @illdoc, for having three weeks of fun scores that read like a countdown to blast off. (Insert your own joke here.) As a token of appreciation, here's a little something for your trophy wall, Mindthinkr.
  21. My boyfriend used to hitchhike from Illinois to Ohio to see me when I was in college. I'd make him a sign to hold showing his destination, making it easier for people going that way to pick him up. He'd flip it to the other side when he got halfway home, each side had a destination for half the trip. It was common to see hitchhikers back then. I did it myself when I put my car in a ditch, I hitchhiked a ride back home. Those were the Good Old Days and a common means of traveling on a budget. I liked Fox's story and thought, "Cool, man" when he told it. I am sure he learned more in that time than the rest of us did sitting around at home ... as proven by him on Jeopardy and me sitting around at home.
  22. Well, good luck on Saturday's FJ. I'm rooting for you!
  23. I know, right? I went through at least three different identities on TWoP. It was a harsh place. But I met some posters who became good friends on the Prison Break thread, we exchanged Xmas gifts and visited each other IRL, and would call each other just to gab. Remember phone calls? And it was a TS. I guess those that can, get on Jeopardy. Those that can't, post online. But man, that site was THE BEST. I went back to the read-only some time ago when I needed a trip down Memory Lane. Don't know if it is still there. That clue made me pretty sure show runners/PAs/writers lurked there, and now hover around this site. The champ makes me think of Heisenberg.
  24. Season 1 Ep 3 and 4 played here today. Season 2 is rerunning on another channel. I will try to watch S1 E5 or 6 tomorrow to see if my heart is broken or if he just makes me irritated. I'm sort of leaning toward that second choice, but we'll see. I like to watch the first episodes of long-running shows to see how much changes over the show's run. Or, more accurately, how much the writers forget or just change, depending on what they need that week. I actually was sorry I missed Monk's first ep, I would have def watched that.
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