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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yes, Josh Blue was the comic I liked so well in the past. Thanks, Ohwell. You would maybe have a different viewpoint if you grew up when it was against dress codes to wear a pantsuit to work, women had to wear dresses, and girls in school HAD to wear dresses/skirts, too, except on the one day a year that was "casual" day or "Bermuda shorts" day. Those skirts had to touch the floor when you knelt down, and they had regular checks for that. And the only professions open to women were nursing and teaching, but that didn't matter since the only reason girls went to college anyway was to find a husband. Then there was the fight for equal rights for women, the ERA amendment, which we fought for because some of us wanted to be more than housewives, we wanted to be recognized as real people with working brains. (BTW, women still don't have equal right, not really.) I wore the first pantsuit in my office back then, after it was made "legal" by corporate (there were strict details about how the top and bottom must match), and I remember to this day the verbal abuse from my boss and the other men in the office for "daring" to wear that. I spent most of the day in the bathroom, crying. Yeah, misogyny is not a new word, it's been around a long, long time. And it's why I don't find Ian Bagg even slightly humorous.
  2. Who knows what TPTB told Samantha when she was asked to be on this show. She got not one word of dialogue or any screen time during Chris's season so, basically, she was a non-entity. If she wanted to be a reality tv star, she needed to "make her mark" on BIP. It appears to be working.
  3. I remember one season, many years ago (I'm THAT old that time runs together!) when I voted for some comic name Blue or something like that. I was really invested in him winning which, I think, he did. I THINK! Although a lot of good it did for me to be able to vote for my winner since I can't remember his name these years later. ACK! So I guess Wanda has told the judges who will win. Knocking out some of the (viewer) favorites in this past round clears the way for whomever Wanda wants to take all in the end. It's her show, I guess, so she gets to pick whomever she wants to take the cash and some role on some sit com ... maybe.
  4. I saw that TMZ episode where Jenner was busted for the lie about why she couldn't be on AP. They had photographs of her the day before and the day after, and there was nothing wrong with her face. The TMZers SAID it probably was a botox gone wrong, but IMO she bailed because ... she could. Maybe AP wasn't going to pay her enough or whatever. What? She might give credibility to BIP with her appearance? Yeah, there's that to consider as well, as hysterical as that might sound.
  5. Ian Bagg was on the Bob and Tom radio show a couple weeks ago. I listen in the morning when I'm still in bed. All I heard him say is, "I'm still on" when asked about LCS, and I missed anything else he might have said, including some of his crass "jokes" if he told any, since I mercifully fell asleep. So I don't have any more input from that appearance. It is possible he does win it all since I also find the show's Bagg love sorta fishy, just like LADreamr. Maybe we should start a "who wins" pool here.
  6. Okay, so I watched the repeat last night, which was a first viewing for me. None of the "things" that happened to the victim were told on this episode, nothing about the broken arm, bag over the head, hands bound ... I learned that from the posts above. The convicted killer said he agreed to a polygraph; the detectives said he wouldn't take one. Then the narrator said they just never got around to it. WHAT? Dogs were used to scent vehicles, including the husband's, but no dog was used to scent in the janitor's red truck? WHAT? How can salaried employees "double dip" or triple dip by using a time card? Is that place so large that a fake employee has been fake hired with the salary going to the janitor's fake bank account? How can that happen? Another big WHAT? that was not explained. A janitor would have keys to offices, right? Then why not come in EARLIER or LATER than some shift to steal time cards, IF that is what the motive was. Although I find it really hard to believe someone was stealing time cards to cover up a triple or double dip. There are payroll records, right? Did no one check those? Why would a husband come to the wife's work to kill her where other people were around? Wouldn't that extra vehicle be on the video camera? Did anyone search the janitor's house? Take a scent dog in there to sniff for blood? Of course not, because by the time they thought he might have done it, if he did, all evidence was long gone disposed of. Did the janitor's wife also work there? That was not revealed on this episode, unless I just missed it. Torn pants ... WHAT? How did he tear them, and where are they? Threw them away? WHAT? Can't sew them back up? If I'm at work and have to go home for something, like torn pants, I tell a co-worker, hey, I'm heading home to change THESE that I just tore. Be back in a few minutes. I can do that because I'm salaried and don't have to punch in and out. So he didn't say anything to anyone about leaving WHY? I thought a perfect reason for leaving would be to run to MacDonald's for a breakfast biscuit. Do the drive thru, keep the receipt, then say he went to a park to eat breakfast, some place where there was no CC. If janitor DID kill the woman, he would know he would be a suspect so that receipt could be his alibi. Especially since his wife wasn't such a great one. In all, a very unsatisfactory episode. So much left out, which is becoming a Dateline trademark. I get the feeling prosecutors want to just put someone in jail to make their quota for the month and, thereby, keep their own salaries coming in for doing "good work."
  7. I'm wondering if the budget is so small, that by the time the judges and Jeselnick are paid, there isn't much $ left for a summer fill-in show. This way they don't have to pay for a house or weekly salaries, just a few overnight rooms and flights for the incoming/outgoing. One plus is that the show does give exposure to comics. Comedy clubs used to be all the thing, but the ones here closed years ago, and this is a pretty large metro area. Major cities like Chicago still have them, but otherwise, everyone else has to drive to see a stand-up show. Peach, your entire post is so interesting, and I believe all of it, and that Jeselnick is upset at the editing and who is winning/losing. I got the same viewpoint from comics I've heard on the radio talking about being on the show in the past. I guess it's just another reality show after all, with the "reality" being created by the editors. So much THIS.
  8. Thanks, Frankenstein (hee hee!) for the voting info. Yeah, I'm positive viewer votes are counted and apply to the winner(s), yet TPTB can manipulate votes by putting acts first or last, giving them a terrible review or a glowing one, making one backstory more sob-enducing or making the act appear like it doesn't need the win ... whatever. Editing and product placement. I don't vote either, just because I don't want to be actually "invested" in any act and thereby get all in a tiz when "my" act doesn't go through. Or I can be happy when "America" agrees with me and my act wins! I do like coming here to see what everyone else thinks though. This thread makes the show so much more fun for me.
  9. Probably because of what I've heard from comics who auditioned in the past ... they were treated so poorly and insulted during auditions, no one wants to go through it again only to be treated rotten again. Even comics have feelings. But, as DrSpaceman points out, the few who do get through and the even fewer we find funny, can get exposure and become a bit more well known from the show. I do enjoy watching a show that's suppose to be funny with no stress. Then the judges go and ruin it all for me!
  10. You've answered your own question! I'm positive TPTB already have a winner picked. This weekly voting is just lip service. Or vote service! to make their winner win.
  11. This episode showed up as "new" for me, too, so I watched. I remember seeing some of the Amber part, the killer leading the detectives to where she was buried. However, that show (whatever one it was) did not mention the lamb/FFA school connection, I def would have remembered that, plus the Chelsea part was all new to me. I would have remembered the mud-covered killer being found at Hernando's Hide Away. Amber's mom going to talk to the killer in prison also was new. I could totally relate to her actions, reactions and feelings in wanting to know what happened. Not much mystery to this episode. It just left me feeling depressed, that someone can do what this guy did. So many people like him are "out there" these days, he's becoming "normal" in our society.
  12. That's where Piff lives, so you'll be able to see him regardless of the outcome of AGT! The washing machine would replace the scrub board and bucket of soapy water all housewives use to wash the hubby's clothes. I like Piff too, saw him first on Penn and Teller's show. At least I'm certain he wouldn't be wiping away tears and giving a TH about how this show is "his dream" and "his whole life" and he needs the win "to support his unborn child." He'd probably have a pizza delivered for him to eat while the judges prattle on about whatever.
  13. Peach, do you know which comics will be on that tour? Maybe the ones you want to see will be included. GAH, I HATE Axe Cop. Sure, Ian Bagg can be complimented for including the audience in his act, and being able to "bring them in," but that has nothing to do with the subject of his "jokes," all of which, so far, have been based on degrading women. I mean REALLY degrading women. I'm with LADreamr 100 percent: "Where's the loud-mouth, opinionated Roseanne of years past? That's who we need here." Of course, Bagg could be "the chosen one" by TPTB. Does the misogynist Mike Fleiss have his fingers in this franchise too?
  14. Ha ha, yes, and the prize was typically a WASHING MACHINE, because, you know, that's what every woman wants.
  15. Count yourself lucky. Although I have to admit that I mind-wandered during her set last night, so I pretty much can't remember any of her performances, either. I DO remember Ms. Pat talking about wanting more chefs to talk racist so she could get their pots and pan on cheap sale. Although you'll have another chance to see Dominique next week (heh) since she WON! her set last night. (Ugh.) The only other LOL I did last night (other than seeing the above beat Sheng) was the guy who had the shampoo that could also be used on horses. Having horses, that struck me as funny. I totally relate to sharing shampoo with the "kids in the barn."
  16. Well, that makes total sense; good thinking, Dirtybubble. And she had to be a "real" virgin since Sean already took the "born again" role. I'm putting $ on every season having some sort of "virgin" from now on. It gets people talking and posting about it. A win-win for Fleiss.
  17. Yes, that's him! (I will never remember "Jeselnik" though.) Thanks! I do like him, he's snarky, although I get the feeling he would really "let it blast" in a live unscripted show though. But he's a good fit on LCS IMO (So many initials!). I thought he was funny trying to get Andi off the stage.
  18. I believe you are thinking of Ms. Pat, not the completely unfunny Dominique. You know, Ms. Pat, who did not make it to this week. I guess it doesn't matter who was paired with whom since I am positive TPTB if not the judges made the pairings and the winners were pre-determined. I agree with the poster who said the host was the real winner, with the best lines of the night. HIM for the win! (Okay, so I can't remember his name. You guys know who I mean.)
  19. Good video, backformore, although I almost didn't watch it because this guy makes ME want to barf. But now that I know he isn't really "regurgitating," I can watch for the slight of hand. Gosh, he was YOUNG on Maury's show. That must have been 70s, maybe 80s, based on that woman's hairdo.
  20. I love this comment. Maybe because it's TRUE? Yeah, this actually made me, sitting in my living room, feel uncomfortable.
  21. I'd click on that link except I'm afraid it would lead to more of the insufferable Ian Bagg. I just ... can't.
  22. This. See my posting in the media thread for what past contestants have said about their experience on LCS. I've come to the conclusion (real or imagined) that my sense of humor is so vastly different from the rest of the world's, including that of the judges on this show. The biggest laugh of the night was my guffaws from my couch when Dominique won her round. I didn't like her last week and liked her even less this week. Then she WON! Most hilarious moment EVER on this episode. The only set I agreed on was the last one, Clayton. But by that time I didn't care who went through. I've discovered Norm is offended by anything that doesn't align with his views of religion and politics. Don't you DARE make fun of a conflicting view, or you are toast. He clearly was "burnt" by Andi's political wing joke. I'm guessing he was the Jesus arm with the gun. Ouch, Norm! I hated Ian Bagg last week for his entire set consisting of "jokes" (I'm being generous as NONE of it was funny) about punching women in the boobs. This week I would have castrated him for his entire set being about saggy vaginas that make noise when one of his audience members (whom I assume made the mistake of PAYING to see him) went outside, and physical "comedy" about popping a baby out ... "Look, I'm so funny, this is how I birth a baby!" "Sploosh!" I was offended by Roseanne laughing at his "joke" at her vagina's expense. I'd LOVE to see Bagg do a full set of old-man-limp-penis-and-saggy-testicle jokes. Turn about is fair play, Bagg you cretan. Bring it on. Bye, Sheng. You are too good for this show.
  23. I have to say, this made me snort coffee through my nose, just imagining this happening ... Okay, so I missed the first elimination, which turned out to be Ira. Can anyone tell me who Ira was up against and what happened? Was it an audience vote or something? I became an Ira fan after Howard's dissing and X-ing during the live performance. When I saw Drew up against Siro-A, I figured he was doomed, so was shocked when he won. He appeared shocked as well, and I do have to say that his comments about Siro-A being so great were humble and heart-felt. Made me take back my bad thoughts about his "I'll try not to be so funny" comment on Tuesday. TOTALLY could not believe Benton won that vote thing, but tl613 probably has it correct: "America seems to love mediocre raspy-voiced male singers." Glad CraigLewis squeaked through, however, as they are the only singers I don't FF through.
  24. My interpretation of AshleyI is nowhere near as deep or complicated as what I am reading here. IMO, her "goal" is to be a reality tv star. She's the female Chris Bukowski as far as I can see. The virgin thing is just her hook for more exposure. Simple!
  25. Morgalisa, interesting post. Just how does one get an eye infection anyway? I've been putting contacts in my eyes (spitting on them, falling asleep in them) for more years than MelB has been alive, yet I've never had an eye infection. And I, of all people, should have. I missed a lot of contestant wise-assery it seems, by my habit of flipping channels as soon as the first judge starts to speak. So all the comments here are interesting, especially those about the clean-cut Drew. And yeah, tampon jokes are NOT family friendly. I'm rooting for Ira. I know, I surprised myself!
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