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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. LOL at Arie's flop sweat meeting Lauren's family. That's the first "real" moment the guy has shown us. And it's hilarious. Becca's family is the only one I would be comfortable with, without having to be worried about being murdered in my sleep by one of them. Or poisoned during some family get-together. Or have my brain turned to mush by their constant improper use of pronouns.
  2. Yorklee, I did the cut/paste from your post so you get credit for it. Look, here's my post you just quoted: See, you get credit for that one, too, since it's taken from your post. That's just how this site works. Doesn't bother me. And JudyObscure, will you forgive me for this site crediting your words to someone else? Please and pretty please please?
  3. I yelled "STOP IT!" at my teevee in the middle of Rob's backward alphabet song. One more win and R (insert smiley face) B is in the T (insert smiley face) C. The TSs I remember were Malta, Chinatown, The Exorcist and (yes, I'm a birder) grosbeak. I had no clue for FJ and won't embarrass myself by posting my guess. At least Rob didn't do any pantomimes or other tricks besides Alex setting him up for that dreadful alphabet song. That WAS Trebek's fault, you know. I blame him.
  4. If all these parents and siblings are going to be all "Oh, no you DON'T" to the Bach, then they need to stop their daughters/sisters from going on this shit show to begin with. That, or STFU. (My vote: STFU) All this "I'll kill you if you hurt her" is such scripted BS. You let her go on this sleaze fest, now live with it. This family crap happens every season. It's so predictable. Do all dates get grilled by these dysfunctional family members? Man, I'd be moving to the other side of the country to get away from them if I were some of these b-ettes.
  5. Yorklee2, the quote I copied was your reply to Judy's original post. So yeah, I did quote you. I was just creating the third reply to Judy's call for Clare's shop names. I haven't looked at West Point, but it's a free ride at the Air Force Academy if you get in. You just have to serve in the AF for a set time afterward ... plus cannot be married or have kids. Rules are strict, but it's all free and a great education.
  6. Awww ... I love your husband too, Mrs. Hanson!
  7. Thanks, ByTor, for the link to Clare's shop. This, from that site, made me laugh: Bang trim/Neck trim Complimentary "Bang trim." Because I'm 12.
  8. How about "Ettes and Sets." "Cuts by Sluts." "The Trim Shop." (Using the Urban def of "trim.") "Reality Hair." "A Roll In The Hair" if she sells pastries too. I'm not feeling very witty. Does anyone know the real name of her place of business?
  9. Thanks Chocolatine. Was Clare the one who braided all the gal's hair on BIP? I remember someone doing that, which kept us from having to look at long, stringy, humidity-filled extensions for a while.
  10. I missed Rob's hammock-and-dog story, but in civilized states hammocks are brought inside in bad weather and especially during winter. Not that Minnesota is full of lazy asses, but still ... The J!6 Reality TV question/clue was about my favorite tv show (well, after Jeopardy!). The multiple choice is so easy peasy. It will make you feel smart(er)!
  11. Amen to that. Especially scripted was Clare's rose ceremony ... the last rose, this after her TH that no way would she accept Christian's rose. Then the looooong MOST DRAH-MATIC pause ever, while tv viewers are on the edge of their couches, before she says yes, of course. Because yes, of course, I knew that's what she was going to say. TPTB are not done with their favorite character yet. For some reason, Ashley is also TPTB's favorite. WTH is up with that? Does anyone know what Clare does IRL. You know, when she isn't appearing on some Bachelor franchise?
  12. I don't have any problem with snakes, except when I'm startled by one and it makes me jump, like when I'm stepping over a log, look down and there's a snake looking up at me. I have tons of snake stories that I won't treat ya'll to here. But they're GOOD stories! I'm just irritated that I said "python" for that anaconda. My brain is so much smaller than Carpe's! Oh, and the yellow frog ... so cool. Frogs appear here in summer, out of nowhere. They'll be in the horse water tank and even in buckets of water. Of course, they are the green, not yellow frogs. But I do have tree frogs, they will cling to my screen door and "croak" at me. And the toads startle me when I lean down to pick up the little pile of "whatever" and it jumps away. That makes me scream like a little girl. p.s. Dogs will eat frogs but not toads. There's another future J! tidbit.
  13. But when she went to Europe, the Italian cats called her Bella.
  14. Forget Clare, Benoit is exactly the kind of guy I need. Clare was my favorite at the beginning of this show, now I don't like her at all. Boy, that was fast. Only two episodes in and I'm fine with her leaving.
  15. Opus, you have just revealed how closely I was paying attention. I thought that category was untouched, even though I remember answering The Voice to SOME clue. Me = DUH.
  16. So much THIS. Thank you, Jade, for expressing exactly my thoughts.
  17. I know, right? And I was going to rock that category. But one good thing: It's still a full category so can appear in a future game, untouched.
  18. All of you and Alex Trebek too. (Heh, I'm a poet.) This win my Funniest Post of the Night Award. You're welcome.
  19. Browncoat, here's what I found about the FJ category: "It was originally going to be called "Never Never Never Land," but J.M. Barrie (the author) trimmed it down to "Never Never Land" by the time the play was first staged. In the novel, he called it "the Neverland." Disney refers to it as "Never Land." So it seems any combo of never and land would have been accepted.
  20. This is an insult to drag queens, who are typically gorgeous! I'm thinking Ashley, at least, has taken over the Ringling Bros. circus-clown makeup budget, now that Ringling has closed down. That would explain her gigantic, bright-red clown lips.
  21. I ignored Rob's Carol Burnett ear tug yesterday, but he'd better not do it today.
  22. Proof that even in Michigan store apples are one year old and have been kept in a gas-filled storage room for that year. Doesn't matter in what state they are grown, it's the one-year-old (or more), kept-by-gas thing that makes store apples crummy. It's just hard to find apples to pick directly from the tree when it's 10 degrees outside with three feet of snow on the ground. At least where I live.
  23. You forget that her "beau" was the reticent Luke, who is always trying to avoid having to speak about having real feelings, human or otherwise. I quite liked Stassi after she "snapped" the snow. She called Luke out on his BS behavior. If only she didn't have lips bigger than Billy Bass's.
  24. This made me LOL, peeayebee. I can picture it quite clearly. But now watch, someone reading here is going to steal it. And we'll all think it's YOU! I hope we like your pretender. I wondered about that starting-in-the-middle-of-a-category-and-working-up method too and wondered what the concept was behind it. Seems logical that one would work down from the middle. Or just freaking start at the top. I've not noticed how Alex pronounced years, but I'd say nineteen seventy two for 1972. No "hundrit" needed. But now that you've pointed it out, it will bug me for sure. (When writing a check, I would write that sum as nineteen hundred seventy two.)
  25. Thanks GreekGeek. I was never in FFA (that was for boys who raised and showed livestock) but I was in 4H for years (horses). So my thinking is still from "back in the day" when both organizations were strictly for farm kids. You know, to help get us civilized enough that we could appear in public as not rubes. Spring roll ... judges might have accepted that.
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