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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Lucy fell out of my good graces when she murdered that soldier in cold blood. Because if she didn't, someone else would? Right ... great reason for becoming a murderer. Why not let someone else carry that burden. Plus now she's all verklempt because "she killed someone." Geesh. No kidding. I, for one, am not forgiving you Lucy. It's also curious how they aren't suppose to change history, yet killing innocent bystanders doesn't change anything? That murdered soldier could be MY grandfather. And if they didn't go back in time to save grandpa, why does everyone exist now? Who saved him in real time the first time? If he had died, none of them would be here now. I know, stop trying to make sense of this.
  2. It was great to have ANW back, and I like the vs. The World competitions and learning about competitors from other countries. The Latin American guys were at a disadvantage, never having been on a ninja course before. It's like the first years of ANW where no one could make it up the warped wall. So yeah, the American team was at an advantage since they'd been on these obstacles before. Although that final course was so impossible, I don't know how anyone except some Marvel superhero could finish it. I wonder how they picked the American team. It was fun to see Jessie and Capt. NBC in the audience. I might have missed others. I wish they would do more of these vs. competitions with different team members. One year, the three announcers picked teams and competed against each other -- that was great fun to watch.
  3. Excuse me while I giggle behind my hand because I'm 12.
  4. I recently saw a Jack Benny episode that featured Mel Blanc in his famous "Si" routine. He was introduced at the end as Mel BLANK. He appeared on David Letterman in 1981 and was introduced by David as Mel BLANK, with Mel sitting right next to him. However, there is a YouTube "How to Pronounce Mel Blanc" video where the "a" is given more of a "blonk" sound. So, long story long, I guess it's either way, although Mel pronounced it BLANK. Mindthinkr, did you get the TS of horse? Yes, so did I!
  5. I went through dcalley's link and was amused by this topic link (which made me think of us): I HAVE AN IDEA FOR A CATEGORY! We appreciate your creativity, but we are unable to accept unsolicited submissions.
  6. Amen to that. Agree 100 percent that because people say (or do) something repeatedly doesn't make it correct. One glaring example is the use of "over" instead of the correct "more than." "This thread has over 90 pages to it." GAH! Every time I hear it on tv or radio, or read it anywhere, I mentally correct it to "more than." That keeps me busy pretty much all day. And night. My new pet peeve is the constant use of "absolutely." Everyone is saying that now instead of "yes." "Are you going to the movie?" "Absolutely." "Do you have the traffic report?" "Absolutely." That one drives me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY. So ... (ha) there you have it. Grammar lesson for today.
  7. How does the show know someone is a teacher? I wasn't asked for my occupation. Maybe those who get asked for the second round have to list a profession? (I just answered my own question, I believe.)
  8. Teebax, I'm so excited for you! And if your friend is correct in number of test answers missed, maybe I'll get a call too. (Doubtful though.)
  9. Amber made FJ easy peasy for me, too. It was a major plot line in the movie, plus it stuck in my mind because of Dragonfly In Amber, the second Outlander book. That amber stuff rocks in many ways. LOL, I read this and thought "Alex wasn't wearing Wranglers, he had on his safari khakis." Then I read it correctly, thank goodness, so I didn't have to post my stupid thought about Alex's safari wear. (This post will disintegrate in five seconds, should you choose to read it.) Someone answer this question from AntiPam!
  10. Those are their bodies Red is keeping in the cooler in case he has to burn down the grooming business after all.
  11. She got to be on Kimmel's show, something that will never happen to me in my lifetime, and how many other talk shows. Plus magazine covers. *coughfamewhorecoughInstagram money* It's pretty simple, really. (pun intended!)
  12. I know, right? One can always spot the American tourists. All that was missing was his pith helmet, which I'm sure was just off camera. "And TOOTHBRUSH is the winner of the Internet. Carpe, you can go back to your seat now." I think one can miss two and still make the cut. But I'm rooting for you, Teebax. Keep us updated on what you hear. I took the first night's test and am positive I missed more than four so you guys will have to continue on without saber to kick around in your online posts. I did, out of curiosity, take the Teen sample test and thought those questions to be of the same difficulty as those on the show. I guess Jeopardy is no fun to watch if contestants just stand there mutely ... like during that football category a while back.
  13. Yes. If she is smart enough to get one. Catrice2, your entire post ROCKED. Thank you.
  14. Thanks. You win tonight's Internet.
  15. I was one who was OTT pumped at Arie being The Bach, but by the second episode I wondered WTH happened to the guy I crushed on in Emily's season, and by mid season I didn't give a care who he picked or didn't pick. Still, I stuck around just because, and for the snark here. But whether Arie gets married or not ... meh (TM Arie), it just doesn't matter to me. This is the first season (and I've been here since the beginning and for the odd spin offs) where everyone in the show made me not care. Yeah, Arie was a dick for what he did to Becca, but since he's a man, it didn't surprise me. In fact, I sorta expected it.
  16. Hey, we all watched five hours of this Final Rose nightmare, didn't we. That wedding would be The.Most.Dramatic.Wedding.EVAH plus would prove TB works in finding your true love. ABC would promote the heck out of it and it would "break the Internet" (TM Chris Harrison) plus probably be the highest rated show that night, depending on which night Fleiss tells them to get married. Yeah, people are gonna watch that wedding, for sure. Including most of us here. Because: Wrong reasons, you know.
  17. Rainsong's posts are the best part of this thread for me. I get more entertainment from them than from this dreck show. So I hope he/she does enjoy watching and keeps posting into the Becca Season.
  18. Rushing into this marriage only proves the point that ABC will televise and pay for it. Just like last night's proposal meant TPTB/Neil Lane comped that engagement ring. Not one dime will come out of Arie's pocket. Or Lauren's. Plus getting paid for it is a fame whore win win.
  19. They did the same big announcement with Rachel, including bringing on some of her bachelors. Maybe this is going to be the new standard.
  20. It was a tie. I can't help myself, I can't stop staring at extensions. I don't even see faces, just extensions -- which is why I can recognize Bekka.
  21. Count me among the posters who think the entire thing was scripted for ratings and to "blow up social media."
  22. If the audience boos, it's because the "applause" sign told them to since Kimmel is filmed before ATFR aired. Kimmel is given info and clips to incorporate into his monologue. I'll catch it online if it puts Arie in a bad light. Otherwise ... no thanks. Don't wanna ever see him agan.
  23. I have a horse named Mickey, and used to have a horse named Alfonso, Alvin for short. And a pony named Robin. Nothing wrong with a horse named Blake. I usually watch Kimmel, but I have no interest in seeing jackass Arie. I refuse to support any show that promotes him. Well, now that this dreck season is over. Heh.
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