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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. In Tuesday's thread I asked this question: Will Simon change his shirt for tomorrow's show? The answer: NO. WTH. I hope the guy at least takes shower and brushes his teeth before he puts the same clothes back on. Although on second thought, I guess that doesn't matter to me.
  2. I believe they know the outcome of all the voting all season long. That's so they can have their scripted reactions and lines ready, and speeches prepared to give the winners/losers. It's especially noticeable on AGT when judges vote for those two acts "tied," and two judges vote this way, two judges vote that way. DRAH-MAH you know, as the credits roll. Which will get to stay, which will go? So predictable. There's no way TPTB would let the real stars of AGT (the judges) sit there unprepared.
  3. After a long season of dreck and terrible viewing, all of a sudden I found the finale to be ... wait for it ... good! 1. I couldn't believe or be happier that the singers were all trashcanned, especially Ketterer. I swear, he's not the nice guy he's been portrayed to be. But good on him for inviting Garth Brooks to perform at Ketterer's SOLD OUT show at Notre Dame. He's so generous. 2. I watch American Ninja Warrior and I can pronounce Akbar's name. Maybe Tyra should have practiced, or had it phonetically on a cue card or something. 3. I'm not sure what Akbar and Matt had to do with being part of Shin's card trick. It would have been hilarious if they had been commentators for Duo Transcend or Zurcaroh. I would even pay to see that. 4. Akbar is gigantic, as anyone who saw him run the ANW course knows. He made Shim look ultra teeny tiny in perspective during that act. Still, I loved it. I can watch Shin for hours. And, as another poster said, he would be great in a shampoo commercial. I'd watch that too. 5. Because Garth Brooks "wrote" that song (with "assist" from his song writer), I actually listened to it. I didn't like it. I didn't like anything about it. Maybe it needed Garth singing it. I did go to Amazon to try and find Garth's free download album and did not find it. 6. Ketterer against Courtney was a real WTF unbelievable moment for which I thank the show and the voters. 7. Duo Transcend got snarked on all season for being boring while they spin and somersault through the air and hold each other by the foot with one hand. That's so hilarious when I think about it, all of us being bored by and critical of their aeronautics while we lay on the couch eating Doritos. 8. I got a total charge out of Zurcaroh lifting Shin up and carrying him around at the end. I actually LOL'd at that, it was spontaneous and too funny. 9. And Shin doing his best Stefan imitation was priceless. 10. Thanks show and viewers for letting the finale save this ghastly season. See ya'll around the threads.
  4. I like runaways when my favorite player is the one running away. Not so much when he/she is not. I avoid stress whenever I can.
  5. And lots of pure publicity is what Trebek and the show got. It was everywhere. Well, for a day or two anyway. Good point about the bogus "vote for the beard" baloney. Those words made me stop and think and all I could picture were amber waves of grain, cornfields for as far as the eye could see and massive hay fields in downtown Boston. Yeah, I know that was a few years ago, but still. Then time was up and my electronic pen stopped writing before I could even venture a guess.
  6. I'm pretty sure neither Janis nor Mick know how to use an iPhone. Well, Janis for sure.
  7. In retrospect, the pornstache makes the beard look great. And yeah, what's up with Trebek not coming out and announcing how hot he is now that he has his 1980s 'stache back.
  8. I caught that too, Carpe. I missed the others because I pretty much blew off the interview portion. So I'm two drinks behind. I got "clang, clang, clang" (because I love old movies like Meet Me In St. Louis) and Elvis (for the same reason). I couldn't even come up with that name. Or any name. Color me an expert on Saturday a.m. cartoons though. My running score is 3/8.
  9. This post deserves one thousand LIKES and a gold star. And maybe AGT's one million dollars. I remember it quite clearly. I'll bet Courtney has it on VHS somewhere too. And funny you should say that because Joe Cocker is exactly who I was thinking of watching her. Belushi did it better. OF COURSE he did.
  10. Thanks for a great report Readalot. I hope the audience got to vote given the acts they were reacting to best. I wonder what's up with Howie watching Simon. (A bad thought about Simon's tight shirt crossed my mind but I kicked it out of my brain). It would be great fun to attend a taping and see all that goes on. Or doesn't go on! The change toward Courtney is interesting, I wonder if her voting is down so the show has dropped trying to make her happen. I guess we find out tonight. Will Simon change his shirt? Inquiring minds want to know!
  11. I was doing other things toward the end of this show, but did I hear Simon tell The Adoptive Father of a Zillion Kids that he needed to win the million bucks so he could give all those underprivileged children a better home? WTH show. While Vicki was on, all I could think of was she is the co-worker who, when a bunch of us go out for drinks after work, is the one who talks non-stop to entertain the table. She tells all the amusing stories while the rest of us drink, eat chips and chicken wings, and have a good time. A few margaritas will do that to a person. I like Shin Lim better when he doesn't talk and stays all dark and mysterious (it's personal, don't ask), but he hasn't messed up any of his routines (except I could see how he got the cards while he was at the piano). After hearing Simon's speech about giving the million dollars to those adopted children, I voted for the first time this season. For Shin Lim. My feeling is Courtney was given the GB so we didn't get tired of her routine, which it appears is happening to many of us now. Being a GB ensures that act stays fresher than the others so can keep going to the end. This was a set up from the beginning. A really deep, dark and black part of my soul wants Child Welfare to find a few of those adopted kids chained to boxes in Ketterer's basement. Now excuse me while l get struck by lightning.
  12. I didn't see yesterday's (Tuesday's) game, but Alex shaving is at the top of jeopardy.com. It gives one the option of clicking on the video, I guess it is. I did not partake. I can't even wrap my brain around someone caring if I shave or not, then me posting a video of it online for everyone to see when I (partially) do. But I guess that earns Trebek a GOOD FOR YOU. It's Wednesday and jeopardy.com is stuck on Monday again for the NYT FJ and J6. WTH show. Even I can do a website better than the IT jackasses that work for this show. I guess being a brainiac doesn't apply to the hired help, just contestants. ETA: I hate the pretentious goatee and soul patch even more than I hate the lazy-ass full beard.
  13. Easy peasy for kids who grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons. But it could be Before Your Time for some of you young'uns so all is forgiven if you missed it. I always laughed when the shipment box arrived from Acme. I was slightly disappointed when I saw my first road runner in the wild, IRL.
  14. I would have could have gotten FJ if the clue was about a movie. I know East of Eden as a vehicle for James Dean. It didn't even register that the movie was taken from a book. And the movie was 1955 while the book was 1952. That should count as a close-but-no-cigar thing. Shouldn't it? No? Alrighty then. It's never too late to comment.
  15. Oh, my, I'm so honored. This is the best day of my life. Wait ... I have a speech here in my pocket, let me find it so I can read it, it's only two pages, wait ... okay, here it is: "First of all, I want to thank ..." *music begins playing and Saber is escorted off the stage by security*
  16. Don't let your clicking finger get muscle bound! Do stretches on off days.
  17. Same here, which is kind of like coming up with "Where is Notre Dame located" for the Ronald Reagan FJ last week. A close-but-no-cigar kind of thing. I was stunned that this didn't irk me. I attribute that to having downed a couple Mt. Dews before the show started. I guess I need to watch this show highly caffeinated. It evens out my bad temperament. I got Blackjack Pershing. And a laugh out of Jude the Obsure since one of my favorite PTV posters is JudyObscure. I hope she was watching. What was up with Kyle giving the three Baltic state names and Trebek telling him he got the last one in "in time." What, if the answer is multiple words you still get X seconds to pronounce them all? Even on Family Feud they give the second person more time on that final list of questions (forgot what it's called). Jeopardy.com has calmed down a bit and the NYT FJ question is back. J6 works pretty well, except the last two DJ questions go spazzy so I'm not able to answer them. But anyway, here's where I can find FJ if that helps Secnarf.
  18. Zoey, great score. Consider yourself in and presently tied for front runner to The Big Prize! Bliss, we are on The Honor System here so score yourself and post accordingly. And yes, I am aka dog person. If you show dogs, you might know me IRL. My updated score is now 2/6. Thank goodness I am not eligible to win anything in this contest. Like The Biggest Loser Prize.
  19. Welcome Queen! You are No. 18. Heh. That rhymes.
  20. WEEK ONE contest update: There are 17 competitors so far. Others can join later since some of our regulars aren't here yet and new people are always welcome as the season progresses. FJs will be posted here weekly so new players can catch up. Just be sure to note which week your scores are for. So far we have two leaders for two of the prizes. In the middle are three tied with 1/5, eight people are tied with 2/5, and four smarties have 3/5. Note that middle-of-the-pack people are also eligible for prizes so don't give up. WEEK TWO starts today! Good (or bad) luck everyone.
  21. Hey, who you calling pathetic?! (lol, my score too, and one of my weaker weeks, I think - I haven't really kept track) This made me laugh because 2/5 is one of my best weeks ever. Last season I posted "0" after every FJ. When I finally got one, I about fainted, and then started to worry about the writers. I'm already working on prizes and the season just started. Gah! Right now I think there will be four, categories to be announced at the end of the contest. FYI, I am not eligible to win anything. Not that I would.
  22. This made me LOL because of what I'm posting next. But with all due respect to Opus, no one is allowed to say "I'm OUT." We are all within the confines of The Honor System here. *snicker* Your week just got better because one of those spectacular prize gifts is within your grasp.
  23. I started a Final Jeopardy Contest thread. To play, all anyone has to do is update their win/lose FJ totals daily or weekly. Two prizes will be awarded at the end of season 35. Yes, real tangible prizes purchased by me and sent to you. More prizes might be awarded as the mood strikes me. I'm going to post FJs weekly so even if you go on vaca or your station wants to play football instead of Jeopardy, you can still keep up with the contest. I posted my first-week score so if the rest of you don't get in the game, I'm winning everything. Don't let that happen!
  24. Here's a new contest to keep track of how many FJs you get correct vs. don't know for this season. Prizes will be awarded for at least two categories, most correct and least correct, and maybe other categories to be decided as the season progresses, so keep playing. FJs will be posted so if you miss a day or two, you can still keep score by updating all at once instead of daily. Have fun, and good -- or bad! -- luck everyone. Here are the FJs for week one: 1. To set a record for longest solo journey by kayak, 2,010 miles, Helen Skelton traveled through this nation for a month. 2. Switching the syllables in the German word for building of a home gave this design & architecture school its name. 3. In 1789 this doctor proposed 6 articles on penal reform to the French Assembly, including one on capital punishment. 4. On Oct. 4, 1940, for the premiere of what’s been called his most famous movie role, Ronald Reagan was in this city. 5. POSTHUMOUSLY, AXEL PAULSEN WAS AMONG THE FIRST GROUP OF INDUCTEES INTO THE WORLD HALL OF FAME FOR THIS IN 1976. I will post each week of FJs so everyone can update their scores if they miss a day or two. My score is 2/5. Come on, everyone can beat that on both ends!
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