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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That's a real thing? Holy cats, I need to remember that on my next looooong road trip. Get the spittoon for SHD! Just kidding. Smack me down if I call any clue/answer Toddler Level. I prefer IEIYKI, no insult to toddlers everywhere. My 20-year subscription to The Scotsman newspaper served me well today. There's been a lot of hubbub about The Stone, including suspicion the Brits, those rotten conquering b*stards, kept the real stone and created a fake to give back to Holyrood. BTW, Stone of Destiny was also accepted as the correct answer. I liked Dhruv as well and was sorry to see him go. He looked so sad at the end. But hey, only one in three players can say they're a Jeopardy Champion, and he's one. No one can take that away from him, so there's that. I also thought his interview was cut and chopped rather unprofessionally. You sound-editing PAs, get it together better, okay? Meanwhile, what was up with Trebek saying Catch 22 was "a great movie." Yeah, maybe, but the category was Fiction. Although I guess the movie was fiction too. So nevermind I guess. (It is one of my most favorite books though.) I also got a laugh from Trebek saying about FJ: "This was a tough one." When I saw the category, I thought, "Oh, MERDE." Then the clue was revealed, and I was all "Oh, easy peasy! Toddler level!" (Ha ha, just kidding. That was for you, SHD.)
  2. As portrayed by Lee Marvin in Cat Ballou! Seriously though, thanks @MrAtoz. Danish names are rather fitting for naming things in outer space. "Tycho" sounds like a toy company, so there's that, too.
  3. Hadn't a clue - so for me it wasn't a stupid answer, though it may make me stupid...but I don't think so (Monk reference, sort of). Well, now I know why there's a Tycho space station in The Expanse. I don't understand any of this conversation so look for my name in a Stupid Person category coming soon to a Jeopardy episode near you.
  4. Blasphemy, all you grits haters. I love grits and never fail to order them in southern restaurants, especially cheese grits in my fav Louisville place, Lynn's Paradise Cafe. Which I understand closed five years ago. SO SAD! I say yes. I used to hold horses while the blacksmith (farrier!) heated the shoes in the forge and shaped them on his anvil to fit that specific horse. A full-time show-horse farrier friend is now doing blacksmithing and selling what he makes. He's still the same person though, a blacksmith AND a farrier, and uses the same tools. LOL! I need to come over for a cup'a. I did a binge watch of X Files, from S1 through to the end. I knew those names were used but, like the caller to Mr. Obvious always says, "Heh, I never made the connection."
  5. Another champion named Dhruv. I like that name. It must translate to "brainiac." I liked Trebek asking Dhruv about his last name. That's a first. Me liking Trebek is also a first. Shout out to Toothbrush for the TS of muffuletta. Ya'll gotta get one next time you are in NOLA. They be delicious. I not only got that TS, I got a muffuletta last time I was there. That's a win-win for me. I also got ocean (the moon ts), ways & means (DD stumper) and veterinarian. Google "spay tools" and prepare to be grossed. Finally, a FJ in one of my categories since I like birds. I easily got it, including the "Baltimore" part since I know there are eight kinds of orioles in North America while there are more than 30 south of the border. Interestingly, the orioles in the United States are in the blackbird family, along with red-wing blackbirds and grackles. Lesson over.
  6. Thanks @Trey for the Hannah joke. Yes, it was a pretty good one. But I thought players with the same name couldn't be on the same episode. I'm sure I saw that somewhere, from former contestants.
  7. There are software packages that create crosswords. You put in the answers and voilá, the crossword is created. Where baked whole human arms and legs are on the menu! I missed the first round and the interviews. Would someone share Trebek's story of Hannah being Erik, please? I could use a laugh today.
  8. Same here. I like people who are different and not afraid to be that way, which is why I super dug his hair. I was sad to see him go, but wonder if this reinforces my theory of Three Game Exhaustion since it seems so many good players don't get past three wins. Even an excellent player we know personally -- well, as personally as one gets via online boards -- tapped out after three. The only redeeming thing about Erik leaving was a woman is now champ. She'd better stay around for a while. I missed all of the Jeopardy round. I overstayed my time outside sitting in the sun, enjoying what's left of fall, hanging with the pups, the only sound a distant combine in a field. I knew Erik was going to lose (I check results before the show, I hate stress so would rather know what's coming) and should have stayed out in the peaceful back yard instead of coming inside to see Double Jeopardy and his eventual defeat. 'Bye Erik. We hardly knew ye. I did a wild guess of Pasadena for FJ. I mean, there could be one of those in Africa, so why not? (Other than it's wrong.) Good thing I'm not eligible for the FJ Contest because I'm in strong contention for Low Score with 0/3 this week.
  9. Wow, @illdoc, you get extra credit for remembering. This is from today's TheJeopardyFan and in spoilers because it's not time to post about the show yet. It didn't say when Lisa's first game was though, and I didn't research that.
  10. Word. It's no more advantage than being a tenured professor or a bar-trivia champion. Or a software person, like Ken Jennings. Or a poker player like Alex Jacob. Or a bar owner like Austin Whose-It. Thank you. And thank you again. Obviously, none of you posters have seen the 2005 movie Beowulf & Grendel starring the Oh-So-Handsome Hotness named Gerald Butler. That DVD is in my extensive Butler Collection. What was up with Trebek skipping his accent for the Schwarzenegger clue. Because of that, I missed answering. Sure, he does accents for FJ but not this clue?
  11. I was listening, not looking, so got the answer correct. Of course, that did make me miss Checker Cab, I said Yellow Cab. Well, Checkers ARE yellow.
  12. When I first saw Erik Agard, he reminded me of one of my favorite players, Alex Jacob. Then I found this:
  13. I can't stand the little kids being on this show. Don't they have their own program? Are DWTS pros all over the place and in every dance on the juniors show? I ask because I've never seen one episode and never will. Hated every little kid who was on stage last night. I thought Milo's costume would have been cool if it was padded up with fake muscles, and the same with his partner's spandex costume. He looked nothing like a super hero and everything like a skinny teenager in embarrassingly skin-tight red tights. Which I guess it was. Adding giant muscles would have been cool and fit the character too. I thought DeMarcus looked great in his routine. I say "routine" since I didn't notice any dancing. I liked Juan Pablo's outfit and loved his ponytail. It suited him. And me. Anyone else irritated with Gleb ogling the camera every chance he gets? I'm surprised he can locate his partner after staring into the camera lens at every chance. Maybe he can see his reflection in it. The disappointment of the night was no elimination after those two were put in jeopardy. I was ready to see Alexis go home.
  14. Erik Agard. And a Happy Mole Day to you, @peeayebee! One has to have the correct kind of hair to grow a 'fro like that. I cannot, but would if I could. Maybe if I got a certain kind of perm, I could do it. I equate it to dog hair, which I am quite familiar with. Poodles have hair like Erik's, which is why they are used for grooming shows, they are easy to sculpt and shape. You can't do much with the straight, flat hair that a Cocker Spaniel has except brush it and let it fall straight. Anyway, the hair is washed and blown dry in layers and brushed while being blown dry. Once the hair is all straight and standing on end, take scissors and trim it by snipping any bits that stick up higher than they should so the finished product (Erik's hair!) is perfectly round. And there you go. Here's a Poodle in show trim. They do NOT come like that, this dog has been completely sculpted. Bathed, given a brushed blow dry, then shaped by scissors all the way around. Once the dog is in trim, only a little bit of trimming/snipping of stray hair is needed before each show. Or before each episode of Jeopardy.
  15. Trebek's pie dancing made me forget the other two interviews, which were quite good. The woman being on Art Fleming's Jeopardy was an outstanding story. I need to see if any of those old episodes are online. Yeah, $300 was a nice win, plus one could BUY THINGS! right there on stage during the end of the show. Like the $4,500 Dalmatian statue that was always offered for winners on Wheel to purchase. And the guy in the middle setting his face on fire. Big YIKES to that. But he came out of it pretty well, he looked great. Maybe I need to set my face on fire a couple of times.
  16. Oh, yes. Big credit to Michael for being nicely dressed. He reminded me of a recent discussion I overheard about when people used to get dressed up to fly while now everyone pretty much wears pajamas. So I appreciated Michael's Old School properness. When showing dogs, even in the heat of outdoor summer shows, the unwritten code is if the judge is wearing a sport coat and tie, exhibitors should as well. If the judge takes off his jacket, then exhibitors may also remove theirs. I sort of hold Jeopardy and its contestants to the same code. Well, the male players anyway.
  17. I'm now an even bigger than gigantic Erik fan. He jumped to my top shelf when he asked Trebek, "Do you have a pie?" Unfortunately, Trebek ruined it by HAVING a pie ... that kept dripping over the side and onto the floor. WTHeck kind of pie is made of liquid? And so much WORD to Trebek stealing the interviews once again. Which no doubt contributed to $4,200 left on the board. But Good For You Erik for helping write a puzzle that made Trebek mad. There's another star I put by your name. Yes to the above, which maybe is why I kept thinking Erik being a professional clue writer makes him a formidable Jeopardy contestant. I'm crossing my fingers for ToC. And I am totally LOVING his hair. Très magnifique! So I was doing other things and didn't hear all the clues, but I did get moccasin (snakes are a specialty since I've had personal interaction with so many different kinds), John Travolta and Gene Autry, the "Singing Cowboy." I also got spider, and since did some research into the sort of spiders that can be found in bananas. Just ask; I'll be happy to share. My Girl Scout troop visited a grocery storage room where our guide told us about spiders and other creatures that come in their shipments. Yes, I remember being a GS! For the 5 & Dime clue, I answered Kresge's. I totally forgot about Woolworth's. I used to walk downtown as a kid to buy 45s at Woolworth's. They had a pet store in the basement where a spider monkey for sale peed on me through the bars of his cage. That might have started my dislike for all monkeys. I didn't have a clue in the world for FJ. I grabbed at Martha's Vineyard knowing it was wrong but at least it was an answer all you FJ Instaget smarty pants could make fun of.
  18. Wow. This qualifies me to type that much-over-used word: AWESOME. What a fantastic trip. And when you come back you will kick butt in those Jeopardy categories "Metropolis by the Acropolis" and "Athens Fashions." Can't wait! (Color me jealous.)
  19. Have a most excellent trip. Where to, if I may ask? So I can travel vicariously with you. Meanwhile, safe travels, and your FJCS* can be updated when you return. *Final Jeopardy Contest Score Hey, a prize is a prize!
  20. LOL, you couldn't wait for Alan to be gone and your wish was granted. What, you have a monkey's paw or something? Ha ha!
  21. That's hysterical, a great story. When we were handling a bunch of dogs, we had a Papillon, pronounced pappy-yon. I started calling the dog a pa-PILL-yon as a joke around the kennel. Next dog show, I went to the ring to pick up the number for the Papillon and said, "I need pap-PILL-yon number 12." The ring steward gave me my armband without saying anything and I left, highly mortified after I realized my slip up. I stopped calling the dog that that very day. And yeah, I remember Zayre's. I'd call it ZAY-ree's in your honor if there were still one around. I guess it's good they're gone. I do. They are all Jeopardy categories.
  22. I'm watching the SNL rerun with Tom Hanks as host. They just played the Black Jeopardy skit. I about lost it when host Darnel Hayes (Kenan Thompson) gave contestant Doug (Tom Hanks) a Good For You. The link.
  23. Yes, there was, because I was waiting for Trebek to say what INF stands for. This could be part of The Jeopardy Curse. If true, I want to volunteer to write some clues. I'll do it for free. In fact, I'll pay the show to let me write some curse clues.
  24. Did anyone watch the Pizza Bomber episode Friday night? I kept doing other things so pretty much missed most of the narrative after the sequence of events was figured out so was hoping to get some insight here. (I guess I can google it, duh.) I do remember seeing the pizza guy with the bomb around his neck on the news though. Nightmare.
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