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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I never found it cheesy, I can watch it over and over, imagining I'm Sally Fields and James Garner (age not important) is chasing/flirting with me while we train horses together. Talk about a good time. My imagination never fails to give me that. I agree! It's interesting how I see attractiveness levels differently now than when I was a kid or a teen. I agree Bart is a fine specimen of a future crush. Ha ha. Just like now I appreciate Hoss Cartwright more than Little Joe. Now I have to find a Bart Maverick rerun to check out his ring finger. Nice catch on that! My favorite Saturday morning show was Fury, which has never been on reruns, at least in my market. So I found some old episodes on YouTube. Gosh, talk about cheesy story lines and no attention to detail, or budget for detail. Like Joey rides off on Fury bareback and next scene the horse is wearing a saddle. But as a kid I never noticed. I also liked Sky King back in the day. I need to see if some of those are online too.
  2. Jeopardy is canceled here today so President Bush's motorcade/procession can be aired for three hours instead. So I miss two days in a row. *sigh* I guess you guys who live where it airs in the evening will be able to still see the episode.
  3. Thank you! My birthday doesn't change dates but my age does. Pretty soon I'll be Jack Benny's age. Again.
  4. I thought the switch was for my birthday, which was yesterday. I can pretend, can't I? Happy Hanukah!
  5. @opus, I don't recognize you any more. You got a face lift.
  6. @Toothbrush, you are in fast company with that five for the week. I gave you three *** asterisks since it was a triple stumper week. @biakbiak, you also got three asterisks added to your score. Just fyi!
  7. Great post, PW, and thanks for the link to Little Sorrel. His story is sure something, and sad that people today (probably) have never heard of him. Also interesting how people came to see him, I can't imagine anyone today looking up from their phones long enough to look at a "stupid horse." But that's how life was back in that day, of course he was a huge attraction. I recently wrote an article on Jay-Eye-See, a race horse owned by J.I. Case, the tractor magnet. He is the only horse to hold world records in trotting and pacing, and when he retired people flocked to the farm to see him, more than 300 people every Sunday, and he was a headline attraction at the state fair and other venues. When Mr. Case tried to pay by check at a New York store, it was refused. He told the store owner he made threshing machines. No deal, no check. But when he told him he owned Jay-Eye-See, the man welcomed him and told Mr. Case he could have the store. I wonder about Little Sorrel's remains being buried near Jackson's statue given the current atmosphere of removing Confederate monuments. We are twins about Saturday mornings, although I guess I didn't get up that early, but I sat on the floor watching the cartoons all morning. The westerns came on in the afternoon, so after lunch I would return to my floor space to watch them. My mom had a huge crush on Bret Maverick, so I understand what you are saying! I sort of felt sorry for Bart since when it was his week, everyone would think, "Oh, it's BART. Eh." Ha ha! I also wasn't much for Beau. But there was something about Mr. Garner, that's for sure. We watched Bonanza every Sunday night. Remember tv trays? We were allowed to set them up and eat our dinner in the living room so we could watch. I had a huge crush on Little Joe, but who didn't. Watching the reruns now, I see Hoss is the kind brother, nice and gentle, and he is the one I would marry if I had a choice between Hoss and Joe. But when I was young, it was all about looks. Hoss (and his hat!) were just there sort of for laughs back then I guess. You had a piano! An upright, of course! Everyone did. And I'm guessing Bonanza helped your Nana learn English. Thanks again for a great post and trip down Memory Lane.
  8. Ward Bond! Ronald Reagan! Twenty-mule-team borax!
  9. Oh yeah. Whatever happened to that daughter? Not that I want her back. WTHeck about that huge FBI warehouse having just one guy on the gate and no one else anywhere. I guess everyone goes home at night, leaving the sole guard with no coffee pot in his little guard hut. Got a laugh out of the bad woman doing full makeup, including glitter eye shadow, before heading out to kill people. I always wonder why the bad guy threatens to kill the good guy if he/she doesn't open the safe, take them to the money, give them the combination. I mean, if the good guy is dead, isn't the bad person dead ended anyway? Do we know what was in the stolen case or is that all a moot point now that it's blown up. Got a kick out of Weller and Jane/Remi having their discussion about married life while they are trying to survive/thwart a bad-guy plot. Geesh. And yeah, no one in that office noticed Rich digging through concrete during work hours? Who knew it was so easy to find a super hacker via the Dark Web. That'd be funny if the super hacker turned out to be Rich.
  10. WEEK 12 — THREE asterisks *** 56. American Authors. The 1877 novel “Garth”, about a New Hampshire family cursed by an ancestor’s crime, is by Julian, son of this novelist. * 57. Actresses. In 1997 she became the first to win an Oscar for a film directed by her husband; her brother-in-law produced the film. * 58. Historical Firsts. In a tribute with no precedent, the band played this at the Buckingham Palace Changing of the Guard on Sept. 13, 2001. * 59. Catholicism. A liturgical year begins on the first Sunday of Advent, which is the Sunday closest to the feast day of this “first apostle.” * * 60. The Old West. On Oct. 27, 1881 this town’s local newspaper reported on “a day when blood flowed as water. ” Tombstone, Arizona * Note that clue numbers have been off in previous FJ clue posts; the site will not allow me to go back and fix them. This set of clues is numbered correctly.
  11. I missed yesterday's episode and now will have to watch it online since clues were related to my specialties of dogs and horse names. That picture of Lee on the grey Traveller is famous. At least to me. Lee did have other horses, but Traveller is the well-known one. From age five on I saved every penny I could to buy my own horse. (Which I did 10 years later.) Westerns were the big deal on television then, and I watched all of them, memorizing horses' names, of course(s). So FJ was easy peasy for me. I knew it was the shootout at the OK Corral, which means Tombstone. There was a tv show "Tombstone Territory" back in the day. I still love those old BW westerns. This is new news to me! So thanks. I need to check that out. I have seen Trigger, stuffed at the Roy Rogers Museum in Victorville. The Rock Island Arsenal museum used to have stuffed horses posed pulling a caisson. Moths eventually won that war and the horses were removed years ago.
  12. Some day the show will have a "Sounds The Same/Spelled Differently" clue for horse-sound nickers and golf-pants knickers. You guys will thank me then. There is a Necker's Jewelry shop near me. Not that it means anything here, just sayin'. Because I can.
  13. Horses also nicker. Mine do when they see me coming with their dinner.
  14. Better writing from the the show's writing team. Obviously, MMV.
  15. Let me flip that for you: My bottom line is I could care less about the sexuality of any of my children, female or male. It just doesn't matter to me. Period. I just want them to be happy. What partner they chose is not a big deal IMO. Or if they chose no partner at all. I hate that this show is making it like being gay is some horror.
  16. The Randall-must-quit-the-election story line is so OTT. He was given the results of one poll, and based on the 2016 election, polls don't mean anything. And if the poll is correct and he's going to lose, then why withdraw from the race? Just give a concession speech when election results come in and be done with it. And WTH Beth, you can't wait a few weeks? Kick Randall out of the house if he wins the thing. Meanwhile, you can sleep your ass on the couch. Wait! Don't they live in a gigantic house? There is no guest bedroom? Geesh. So much needless drah-mah. Nothing can make me like Kate. Nothing. And her telling Rebecca about Tess didn't change my negative opinion about her. She is such a waste of space on this planet. She and Toby are perfect for each other, I dislike them equally. Then the Tess scenes. Geezy pete, go moping around like your dog just died. What's up with that? I can see her doing the moping though after it sunk in that she shared a secret with Kate. THAT'S a huge mistake for sure. Meanwhile: You are in middle school, who gives a care about whether you like boys or girls or neither. Do kids really dwell on such things at such a young age? I was so busy with doing things that I never gave sex or boys (or girls) a thought even during high school. And her "reveal" to her parents was a big WTH for me. Neither one said anything comforting, just "ah, um, well, we love you ..." I wish they would have said whatever path she chooses in life is fine with them as long as she is happy, and they'll always be there for her regardless of what the future holds. Instead Tess got pretty much nothing. No wonder she didn't want to talk about it ever again. I wouldn't either. Personally, I'd rather have a gay daughter than a straight daughter. Times ten. Not sure what's up with Alive Nicky. If he were fake dead, why live in Pennsylvania and not Canada somewhere under an assumed name. Jack did try to take him to Canada so there's that. I guess that's a wait-and-see thing. He'd be pretty old now though, 70 something at least. Still wearing glasses though!
  17. Francis McDormand is stellar, one of my favorites. She was excellent in Fargo, but she is even better in Three Billboards, my fav movie of last year, even though it's not a Coen Bros. film. One that is, and one I highly recommend, is Burn After Reading.
  18. Trebek enjoys doing crossword puzzles. Just fyi.
  19. I believe it's an additional tournament that will be on regular Jeopardy during the week for everyone to see. Here are upcoming dates. The Fantasy League should be interesting. I choose Ken, Brad and Alex for my team! December 3: ENTER: All-Stars Fantasy League Sweepstakes (Draft your own three-person dream team in the Jeopardy! All-Star Games Fantasy League and Sweepstakes for the chance to win a trip anywhere in the world that Lindblad Expeditions travels.) February 20: WATCH: Jeopardy! All-Star Games May 6: WATCH: Teachers Tournament I think the answer of speaking five languages is non-specific. If he speaks five, including English, does it mean Spanish, Italian, Russian and Swahili (the ones he "gets by" in) are in addition to the five he speaks? So the five might be English, French ... and three others which would be ... I don't know, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese? (I just made that up so don't quote me.) More research is needed.
  20. From parade.com, November 27, 2011: Q. How many languages does Alex Trebek speak?—R. Compton, Bridgeport, Tex. A. Five, including English. “I can get by in Spanish, Italian, Russian, and Swahili,” says the Jeopardy! host, 71. “But don’t expect much in Hawaiian and Welsh.”
  21. In your defense, Moscow was a much better guess than Milwaukee.
  22. Reading here, I wonder why Miguel and Rebecca hadn't hosted a Thanksgiving (or some other) dinner on an off day and invited Miguel's (adult) children and Rebecca's three-plus. They could have had a cook out picnic at a park (because it never snows or is cold where they live) or a potluck or just a family gathering since didn't the kids know each other when they were little and both sides had two parents? I know, I know ... it wouldn't have drah-mah if everyone liked each other. And had manners.
  23. @Browncoat: I don't have your score for last week. Would you repost for me, please? It's Week 10 that is missing. Ten people have dropped out so odds of winning a prize are getting better for the regular players. Just sayin'. As always, those late to the game can still get in and catch up by playing the posted clues. I have the answers if any one needs to check. Just ask!
  24. WEEK 11 — ONE asterisk * 35. American Writers. In a twist of irony, he accidentally set fire to some 300 acres of woods at Fair Haven Pond near the Concord River in 1844. * 36. Americana. It’s the official fruit of the District of Columbia. * 37. Presidential Irony. 1 of the 2 Presidents who offered Daniel Webster the VP slot; he declined both, thinking the job went nowhere. 38. 1980s Movies. Ebert: this film “works as science fiction, it’s sometimes as scary as a monster movie & at the end…not a dry eye in the house.” 39. Olympic Cities. Of the 4 “M” cities that consecutively hosted Summer Olympics in the 20th century, these 2 aren’t national capitals.
  25. But Toby is married to Kate now so I expect he will be in most upcoming episodes. I'm laughing because I'm imagining all the men reading here thinking, "Gah, they're talking about that once in a full moon girl stuff thing again. Just STOP!"
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