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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. We watch the same newscast! I heard the R.Kelly interview on Chicago radio yesterday along with an in-depth dissection of it. Then, surprisingly, the Trebek announcement, the subject of which I already knew, made me cry. I follow WaPo reporter Dan Zak on Twitter. He has reposted a link to an interview he did with Trebek in 2012 when he was in D.C. to tape a Jeopardy series. It's worth a read.
  2. Just heard this on my local news. Interestingly, I work with one magazine editor who is in his late 70s and has survived prostate cancer. He emailed me last week telling me about a friend of his who is in his 80s, smart as a whip, and a pancreatic cancer survivor. Both men were treated/had surgeries at Mayo. So ... there is some hope. And I'm positive Mr. Trebek has access to the very best care to be found anywhere in the world.
  3. I was wondering who owned the car Kate was driving when her water broke because, eww, the owner will want to get rid of that vehicle asap after it's mopped out. Keep the windows rolled down too, because in that hot southern California sun ... pee-you. I'm also glad Timeless didn't destroy that time-travel machine so Randall could take it across county to get from east coast to west coast in less than five minutes. It's parked somewhere out in that hospital visitor's lot.
  4. Only missing @peeayebee's score for last week. *tap tap*
  5. My thinking is any weight loss is agent related. Can't continue as a Hollywood D-list famewhore if you are fat. To me he looked the same, except his hair was longer and more poofed up on top.
  6. I missed the first half hour, then watched the next half hour before This Is Us came on. Then I flipped back to WTA during TIU commercials. I quoted the above because I didn't recognize any of the women, and when CH brought Nicole up to be interviewed, my thought was, "Who is Nicole?" Then I heard that terrible focal fry/ nasal squeak voice coming out of Demi ... ACK! It seriously hurt my ears. I might have to skip BIP this summer.
  7. I'm finding it REAALLY hard to believe that Dad (and Mom) didn't know Cassie was applying to be on this show what with all the paperwork she had to fill out. She never mentioned it? Her parents never watched this show or knew what the premise is, that the F1 is expected to be engaged at the end? This was all a shock and surprise to them, that Colton was dating 30 women at once? They didn't know until hometown visits? Yeah, right. *sarcasm* Well, if so, those are some dumbass parents and a dumbass Dad. Of course Dad was all aboard daughter being on YET ANOTHER reality show and he could have a pretty good starring role in this one. I'll bet he's on a few episodes of her other reality show because Mom sure is. It's the same "is he right for you" drama on that show just like it's the same scripted "is he right for you" fake drama on this show. All this Dad talk is just BS. TPTB scripted every bit of this fakety fake drama and intervention by Daddy. Daddy did not buy that ticket to Portugal with his own money unless you count the cash he was paid up front by this franchise.
  8. I was in font mode for this question, not typewriter mode. So my thinking went through "six picas to an inch, 12 points to one pica," and I was desperately trying to dredge up the answer of "agate" when the real answer was revealed. Gah. There is a font "Elite" available for computers, it resembles the American Typewriter font but with different kerning and so forth. There was a big hubbub a while back about import tariffs being put on Canadian softwood lumber and Canada replying by placing tariffs on American dairy imports (milk). Still, I said "pine." Double gah.
  9. This is gold, @JenE4, GOLD I tell you. Of course TPTB on this franchise knew all about her other show and the (ex) boyfriend and yada yada. IMO, the big Cassie drama was scripted way ahead of time, dad flown in on the company dime to add to the drama. He could study his script on the flight over. I don't believe Colton was let in on the storyline, but hey, his six-figure paycheck for being on The Most Drah Matic Episode EVAH helps make up for his heartbreak. Plus I'm guessing he and Cassie get back together on that last episode. No spoiler, just MHO. For the Most DRAH-matic final rose ceremony/proposal EVAH. Disagree. Hannah's the big winner in all of this. She got a free vaca to Portugal (and everywhere else), doesn't have to put up with that stupid FS nonsense where she has to admit Colton is still a virgin after spending the night with her. Yeah, I'd say she comes out the winner in this situation. Maybe even next B-ette based on her not even getting a FS date. Bwahaha ha! They just need to leave the back door open so he can get back inside where that bowl of food is waiting for him. Oh, that ending clip was the worst. I'd bail on Colton after he tells me he won't eat apricots, thinks dates look like sausages so won't eat those, then admits cheese gives him gas so he's lactose intolerant on top of everything else. Me: "Bye Colton. See ya, don't wanna be ya."
  10. That's the shot Kimmel played on his show last night, only he showed the "PAs" waving at him to get back to Cassie, then all of them yelling NO! and then quitting and walking away after Colton tells Cassie she's the one and his F1. I did LOL during Kimmel's recap. He did not show the fence jump, however, so boo to that. My first thought was "WHAT? He DID? When? Where is he? What's up? Why? Is your whole family here?" Well, those are multiple thoughts but all are more logical and realistic than Colton's complete lack of a reaction. Bad acting, Colton, bad acting. Nice observation. And I'm positive now a body double was used. I did laugh at CH wearing his Ninja-all-black outfit so he wouldn't show up in those night shot. When does CH ever wear all black, even casually? Yes, def above Flapjack. At least I don't want to barf when I look at Colton. But I don't want to do anything else either when I look at Colton.
  11. That fence-jumping gif is golden. Thanks.
  12. Do you mean rewinding the FJ? Ha ha ha ha!
  13. Just knowing Colton was leaving the show was hot IMO. Harrison can finish out the series as the step-Bachelor! Now CH is a bachelor I could "get into" if ya'll know what I mean. Okay, now THIS made me LOL so loud and for so long, I had to make myself stop out of respect for the chair I'm sitting in. You win the Internet today, @JenE4. Oh, snap. You KNOW it's going to be on. Plus Kimmel tonight is going to be a must-see. He always recaps the show and has clips. It's been so boring this season that I haven't bothered to stay up to be bored again by late night.
  14. Oh, nuts, sorry. I spend WAY too much time in the Jeopardy thread where FJ is Final Jeopardy so typing that is automatic. Please substitute FS for this show, I meant Fantasy Suite. My apologies! Although Fence Jump is pretty good. I think I'll use that.
  15. Well, previews ruin things but prove I'm right about my theory. And Dad is there to hold the Neil Lane ring when they get engaged. Poor third b-ette. I hope Harrison sends her room service or something, and let's a PA take her on a tour of the town as a consolation prize.
  16. My vote: Cassie comes back for the final show and they get engaged. This is all scripted for her. Bet my paycheck on it! They didn't bring pops over there for nothing.
  17. Isn't there suppose to be another FJ date after this one? Isn't there one more b-ette in Portugal? I think so but can't remember her name. This is the talk they should have had in the FJ but Cassie got too upset about her dad not approving of Colt-ton that she can't proceed. My quess: BIG DRAH-MAH. Then the fence jump. Then next week they get engaged. Meanwhile, that third b-ette is waiting for her date. *tap tap tap* Yes, AWK-ward! Yeah, being F1 screwed her chance at real fame, being the b-ette. Col-ton saying he chooses her NOW just screwed that pooch.
  18. Dad: "blah blah blah blah" Cassie: sniffle, snot, sob. Me: Time to go make a sandwich.
  19. You make a great point. I don't see anything attractive about C or even any of the b-ettes. It's just this week that I could even name the three women. I think all are too young or something ... maybe not good enough actors for the scripts they are given. C has too much of a little-brother vibe for me, I don't find him the least bit attractive, even in the shower. Even seeing him with a shirt off is off-putting to me. Now Arie, on the other hand ... (well, before his season that is.) So surprise, that talk about Cassie's dad was just one big set up for TPTB to fly him to Portugal. Dad playing along with the script just paid off big for him! (Plus I'm sure the rest of the fam is stashed away somewhere in the Algarve.) WIN!
  20. Oh no, is the Arie-up-against-the-wall kiss now in every script for this show?
  21. I'm not all that happy watching people I don't know waiting to deflower this doofus. That gets my vote too. Exactly my thought too, that sneaky PA. I'll pass. But maybe there is a volunteer here somewhere ... I just looked in the mirror and my face has the same expression. *ugh* "There's a possibility that at the end of the evening we will be in love." Okay guys, is that how it works with you? It takes me more than a couple hours for that to happen to me.
  22. Oh no, bad mojo for Taysha ... she's "walking him out." That's the line right before the rejected one gets in the Limo of Shame for the ride to the airport. And C admits he's "thinking about the other two relationships." Bye Taysha. See ya in Paradise.
  23. Oh oh, C says he enjoyed their "conversation" and T said she enjoyed their "private" time. It's all clues, people, clues! And no "physical intimacy" per T. Colt-ton lives to be a virgin *drink* another day!
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