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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Or not. There are two who do not win every day on Jeopardy.
  2. I would like to know more about what it means to be a "sports gambler" as well. He lives in Las Vegas so at least he's in the correct city. I did wonder if he had another job (or jobs) and chose sports gambler to be the one used on the show. Alex Jacob played professional poker but I believe he also was a currency trader during his time on the show. (Don't quote me.) James does the "pushing my chips all in" for his DD bets; do sports gamblers use chips? I do know my nephew got kicked out of Vegas for counting cards, he got discovered after winning too big and was banned from all casinos within minutes. While I have no doubt that is his profession, I'm also used to some shows making up job titles for some people. Not Jeopardy. But enough other ones that I don't pay a lot of attention. He does wager like a high roller though, I'll give him that!
  3. Since @teebax is in the Teachers Tournament, she won't compete against him if he is still there. But she might get to meet him, which would be cool, if he is still there. That's approximately 20 games away (without looking at a calendar).
  4. LOL! Hee-larious. I expect he might have been called that a few times though. Well, 11 to go before you don't like it I guess.
  5. Yeah, I forgot too. And yeah, I was asked for a photo too. I believe that's so they can screen out the serial killers.
  6. Hemp and hops are two different things, but there are several varieties of craft beer made from hemp. Googling it will give you 29,300,000 results and lots of information on making beer with hemp. So yeah, they gave the guy on the end credit for hemp being used to make beer. Try one next time you are in your local micro brewery. What, he's not good looking enough?
  7. Oh, yes, you are correct. The Runaways woman is the one I remember failing for a physical reason. I don't always watch, I listen mostly, so I obviously missed the panic-attack person.
  8. Charlie looked pretty much like a regular hippie-type guy when he and his clan were living on that California ranch. After he got sent to prison and carved the swastika in his forehead, yeah, he sort of went off the rails. Ted Bundy looked like the guy you'd want your daughter (or you) to date/marry. Even John Gacy was a normal-looking dude ... when he wasn't wearing his clown outfit. And Jeffrey Dahmer blended in like any college kid. You just didn't want to join him for dinner.
  9. There was a multi-day champ who had a physical ailment come over her and she failed that day's game, it was like hypoglycemia or something. We all thought she'd get a do over like Ryan the Pyramid Puppy Player, but nothing happened from it. Taping had to be stopped during her episode because of it. Maybe that's who you are thinking of?
  10. Talk about the continuum of this show, there is a Forbes article online called: "Quantum Teleportation Versus Transporters." Sam Beckett vs. Captain Kirk! I'm guessing today's clue writers found the same article.
  11. "But dammit Jim, it's a Transporter, not a Teleporter!" Update from the Star Trek episode I'm watching now: Spock just got beamed up to the Enterprise and Uhura said to Kirk: "The Transporter Room reported Spock is now on board." Now, activate Saber's Cloaking Device.
  12. No way hose-A. I'm watching Star Trek now (Spock rules) and will be watching Next Gen next (gen) and it's a Transporter. You don't call a Mercedes a Volkwagen, even though they do the same thing. The Enterprise is equipped with a Transporter. "Beam me up NOW, Scottie!" -- Saber I don't think he is weird in any shape, way or form. I don't get all the gab about his face or his teeth or anything. I think he ROCKS. But I'll be very sad if he beats Ken Jennings' reign. I'm old school. Let him come close, then bring on Watson to send him home. Yes to this. I admire his play. He's there to play and win, not to make people at home like him. Although I sort of thought he slowed down a bit toward the end today to let the other two catch up a bit so they wouldn't be totally smoked. Event though they were. Smoked, that is. Because she got her ass handed to her. Speaking of asses, she was a dumb one because every time she actually got to choose a clue, she went up to the $200 or $400 one, even though she was getting a thorough thrashing by James. For pete's sake lady, grow some and try to grab some big money while you've got the chance. But no-0ooooh. If she had found a DD she might have bet a big $100. She deserved the ass kicking she got. It's so strange that when I see a FJ category that I know I'm going to tank, I don't know beans about physics anything, I end up knowing the answer easy as peasy. Thank you Sam Becket and Al Calavicci.
  13. I totally forgot about the test until I looked at the clock and it was 7:15, test was at 7. So I'll try (to remember) again tomorrow. It was a nice day so was outside playing with all the dogs before they go to bed for a nap. I even missed Wheel. Ha ha! There should be an Old Person's Jeopardy hour-long show where the clues are shown, then the following half hour is when contestants ring in with the answers. I'd totally ace that one!
  14. @teebax, so exciting to hear from you. I can understand the burn out, you studied long and hard for your Olympic Jeopardy medal; you have to be mentally exhausted. I hope it ends up being one of your better life experiences. Rest up so you can fill us in on the details after the May tournament. It's said television adds 10 pounds (20 for me), so Alex looking gaunt in person could just be normal. He's always looked like a slim kinda guy. That's cool he took an interest in you. But ... what's not to love? Welcome home!
  15. Amazing how good this show could be if the cutaways to the judges and spectator faces are removed, the sound is only the music with no "HEY! Hey! Heeeyyys!" heard, and we get to actually see the entire routine through the lens of one camera, not five shot from multiple angles.
  16. I remembered reading about his death too, AFTER I settled on The Little Rascals and stopped thinking further. 1939 should have told me it was a Munchkin, not a Little Rascal. The answer reveal was a "DUH" moment. There's a big PRIMETIMER banner at the top of my forum website page. But no ads on the side right now, so posts go clear across my rather large computer monitor. I'm fine with that. Plus it's still PTV. LOL! Although his death is not funny. But we did discuss Mr. Berry here some pages back, when I noted that he went to high school with my (much) older big sister, she had a crush on him. She took me to get his autographed photo when he came back to town for a meet and greet ... at Sears, of all places. Somewhere I have his autographed F Troop photo. (Maybe) Sears shoe department is also where, that same day, the salesman told me to "ask your mother" about shoes I wanted, which made my sister SO mad. It's one of my favorite memories. There should be a tracker somewhere that tracks what people wager on DDs. I swear, $2,000 is the norm. I love a gutsy wager ... when it pays off, of course, and it has been for James. Of course, one has to have the knowledge to back up those wagers, which he does, so I'm good with it. And I like runaway games, I'm the person who does not like stress. Although I don't care if James or anyone else wins lately, I don't have any horse in the race. Not until the Teachers Tourney, then I'll care. If they are going to do that, then make them stop letting players do mimes, dancing, hand gestures and other "fun-to-that-person" things during their intros. But the show loves it, how many times have we seen Austin do some mime over and over on the Jeopardy website, he's become a GIF. Plus this isn't College Bowl, the show is suppose to appeal to families at home testing their smarts against people who really are smart. This show loves the flamboyant player, whether its rules do or not. Kit Carson. Same here. I think Maryanne just didn't have the story rehearsed enough since she called the blind date being with her husband instead of future husband, and insinuated her friend was cheating on her man. Which, I guess, maybe she was and Maryanne saved her bacon by going out with the boyfriend/future husband. Hopefully, the friend stayed engaged. Or maybe hopefully she didn't, if she was skipping around. Not that any of it matters!
  17. Going back a couple days, Anna the vet probably was so stunned that she got through first on the buzzer that she forgot the finer points of the Blitzkrieg clue so Britain just fell out of her mouth. I'm thinking she was so used to buzzing in for every clue and never being first that she was gobsmacked for being chosen to answer. So, I forgive her incorrect answer.
  18. I completely agree with @torqy that Red could have asked Aram if he'd ever visited Scotland, then shown him the door. I wouldn't be lipping off to Red while a passenger in his jet. Or any time, really. Red would tell me some entertaining story, offer me a drink, then shoot me point blank. Dead people don't get to enjoy their last words. I KNOW! WTH was that. The truck pulls behind him and he sits there, all, "Well, I guess we're done." Geesh. Even Lizzie didn't do her "FBI! MOVE IT!" That would have been AWESOME. If only. Hey, it was a Mercedes. I'm guessing the antenna on the top center front of the roof was the "broadcasting" antenna. Except it's the radio antenna and is on all Sprint vans. Interestingly, I drive a high-top black Transit with tinted windows, it's a twin for Olivia's Sprint in every way (even the antenna placement) except it's smaller ... and has a Ford emblem on the nose, not a Mercedes. Olivia could have hired me to run decoy.
  19. Well, yeah. But Aram told Lizzie he was broke, didn't even have enough money to buy a pitcher of beer at the tavern. So he was living paycheck to paycheck I guess. I'd think he'd at least have a few bucks in his pocket. Or maybe that was just his way of getting Lizzie to spring for drinks. I'm not so sure he still has those. I think they shriveled off somewhere over the Atlantic.
  20. The team should have called on the Leverage team. They have experience finding buried-alive team members. I had this episode on but barely watched. I knew they would get Jane out at the very last minute. *yawn* Everything else was just filler.
  21. Would someone explain the bank-transfer stuff as I tuned in a bit late so missed if Aram was draining Red's account or did Aram have an off-shore account too, where he'd been stashing cash? And why now is Aram broke, did Red steal his money? And the interest accrual, why the different amounts? And don't banks just insure up to $100,000 or some such, not millions? Or was Red making Aram pay for the jet ride around the globe? That has to be expensive. (Was Dembe flying? Ha ha!) It's too weird that now Lizzie is all, "So my mom might be alive but I don't care, she's not a good person, I don't want to know her." WTH show. Did Lizzie get a brain transfer during that week off or what. Actually, I think she did. She and Ressler did a brain swap when we weren't looking. You know, using those tin hats connected by a curly wire. I do hate that the show tricked us into thinking this was going to be a big fight episode between Aram and Red. Psych.
  22. Yes. Remember @teebax is going to do the double guns during her intro, then blow smoke off of them, all in tribute to us here.
  23. Oh, gah. You are correct. Even my made-up stuff doesn't work. Good for your friend. Jeopardy can keep the brain from atrophying totally. But IMHO, old people are more inclined to watch Wheel than Jeopardy. Okay, so lately I've been watching Wheel too. Which, on second thought, just reinforces what I wrote. The Forrest Bounce is when a player skips around the board from category to category and amount to amount with no rhyme nor reason. James has consistently been starting at the bottom and working up, leaving some categories complete until players have to go to them. For some reason *cough* I think he will be around for a while.
  24. With Reddington giving himself an injection like that, it made me think he's diabetic. He needs to watch what he eats and drinks. And that's all I've got right now. Except for this hysterical line: Lizzie saying to Ressler when Ressler now all of a sudden is all hot to find out who Red really is: "Best thing is to just let it go." You know, like viewers are suppose to just let the main plot of the last six seasons go.
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