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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I think she said she was in the second round, so Tuesday. (Don't quote me.) Monday's player pics are up at Jeopardy.com. Tuesday's won't be until, well, Tuesday. ETA: Oh, DUH! I clicked on @Driad's link and I see one can click under the player's photos to see who is playing each day. So Tuesday is correct, I'm just a moron for not figuring out the J website. Gah.
  2. And what was the other partly that caused you to get it? Inquiring minds want to know.
  3. That would be so cool if she won the buzz in every time and picked all the 1000 clues first, then bet it all on the DD.
  4. I got my butt kicked in this game, barely made it into the double digits. Eh. I totally could not believe Josh, when he won the buzz in, selected a 200 clue. Then Jessica did the same. WTH players! Pay some freaking ATTENTION to the guy who you've been told has won 20 games. LOL at Jessica's buzzer technique. Nothing like making it obvious when you are trying to ring in ... and not trying. At least with James we don't have a clue what his clicker hand is doing. And I thank him for that. James' interview and Alex's reaction and reply was funny, it made me laugh. Well done, Mr. Trebek. James plays it close to the vest but he has a nice sense of humor. FJ was an instaget for me. Another case of EIYKI, I try not to be surprised when players miss what is so easy for me. (Because I sure can miss what is easy for them!)
  5. Naperville! I've been there often! ETA: That way, your boss(es) get to watch Jeopardy and no one can say anything about it since you all are allowed. Smart!
  6. Just to clarify if anyone has questions, the contest will continue non-stop through the Teacher's Tournament that starts Monday. If there is a FJ, we'll play it. Good luck everyone (especially @teebax).
  7. Where you come up with those things is beyond me @Driad. But never quit. Basket case!
  8. I was so grateful the draft didn't preempt Jeopardy here. I dislike football with the strength of a zillion suns, so at least I didn't have a stroke about that. So far, so good with the local NBC affiliate. *knock wood*
  9. While I did get FJ yesterday, I'll admit that when I thought of The Four Horsemen, Notre Dame football did come to mind.
  10. The cat DNA testing was lacking in its presentation IMO, although it would sell to pet people. There has been a dog DNA ancestry test available for some time. Its accuracy is questionable yet probably fun for owners of pet dogs. Show dog people, however, have been breeding to pedigrees for decades, I can trace the pedigree of my show dogs for a hundred years, back to the beginning of the registry/parent club for that breed, the 1800s. The DNA test is also misused by the average person. A local person is suing a pet store for selling her a French Bulldog when the DNA test she did on it showed a Boston Terrier as one way-back ancestor. Fact: The Frenchie was created from the Boston. Most AKC parent clubs have Health Foundations that fund grants to study diseases that breed might be prone to. Blood draws are done at national specialties to add to the blood bank for these studies. Some years ago, a DNA marker was discovered for Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in a breed I have, and the parent club helped pay for the cheek-swab tests, the swabs sent to England where they were analyzed and dogs declared affected, carriers or clear of the disease. Breeders now are able to use that information to chose future breedings with the plan of, hopefully, eliminating POAG from the breed. Some rando DNA test telling my dog's "heritage" isn't going to tell me any of that. But I can give people a multi-generation certified pedigree AND the POAG test results with every dog I place. Show breeders guarantee dogs they place and stand behind their health clearances. All of the horses I registered, again, purebred show horses, all had a blood draw sent in with their registration applications, DNA is already on file for all horses in that registry. The thoroughbred race horse industry is just as rigid in its registry requirements. However, owners of "generic" horses might have fun trying to figure out what breed(s) their horse is. But show-horse and race-horse people (and show-dog/show-cat people) have no use for the test, they already know what they have.
  11. I haven't seen this article here yet, from The Atlantic. It talks about how if and why the show would try to get rid of James and might answer some questions PTV posters have had on that topic.
  12. Here's an article on how to be chosen to get on a game show. It can help those who actually make it through the online test and get an audition.
  13. @Moose135, after James' brother Ian was interviewed on Chicago WGN radio and said James was a Die Hard Cub's fan who knew all the stats, it was tossed out that the sports guys at the station, all of whom have connections with the club, should inquire about getting James a job with the Cubs. That was met with a resounding NO WAY. (WGN used to carry all the Cubs games.) Maybe that might change down the road, but there didn't seem to be an "opportunity" for him at this time anyway. I think this site needs a "HUG" emoji. If it did, I would give one to you, @j5cochran.
  14. True this. It's on at 4:30 p.m. here on an NBC affiliate, which was nice during football draft when other people couldn't watch it since it is on ABC in the evening. I'm five hours north of St. Louis though, odd it airs at the same time there. It was nice before tv went digital, I would listen to Jeopardy on my car radio driving home from work. That might be why I don't care about board jumping or what people look like (much) since I'm used to listening to the clues/answers, not LOOKING at the clues/people. I also didn't know any of the contestants for the same reason, and only heard of Ken Jennings when I had a day off work and was at a friend's house. She insisted on watching because of Ken, and told me about him. My thought exactly. So I guess he hasn't changed his view on that. LOL!
  15. Tonight's Nightline is about Alex, and others who have battled pancreatic cancer.
  16. LOL! I just "ass"umed he accompanied her to those 14 since she is only 4. It could be he has been to dozens more than that. But now that I think about it, maybe he hasn't been to any, just his daughter has. Gah! I don't know anything anymore!
  17. James has been to 14 countries. That speaks a lot to me.
  18. If my tv were bigger, I would have been able to answer that clue.
  19. LOL, that was the only clue/answer in that category that I knew. Lithium is old, and there are many jokes about it and what it can do, which is how I knew it. And again contrary to popular belief, I am not bipolar.
  20. Contrary to popular belief, I don't know everything so I double checked in the Mod thread. Here is the posted rule: "Jeopardy! spoilers: Since the show airs at different times in many markets, please avoid posting information about any new episode of the day before 7PM ET / 6PM CT / 5PM MT / 4PM PT. If absolutely necessary, you can spoiler tag it. This allows for posters to watch it in their own local TV markets. Thank you." I'm central time, but I don't post about the day's episode until after 7 p.m. central. Just to be safe.
  21. We get a Jeopardy rerun late night Sundays. I watched this week and agree completely with you. Starting at the top and working down, a $2,000 DD bet is extravagant. And that show was SO BORING I couldn't finish watching. I hope future players adopt James' style and continue to kick the board's butt and move things along. *raises hand* I didn't. And don't. Because it's an animal. Animal categories are the bane of Jeopardy players. Last zoo I went to, I sat and watched the aardvark for ages. I also remember The Ant and the Aardvark cartoons. For the Triple I answer of initiate, I said indoctrination. It fit the category, just not the sentence structure of the clue. I did get the TS of ratification. I misread FJ and thought they were asking for the one that was INexplicitly named. All I could come up with was Death, and didn't know why that was a name that didn't suit, but I couldn't come up with any of the other three. I guess because none of them were explicitly named! So, I got FJ totally by default. I lost the game, however, by one point. It's okay to talk here about today's show after 7 p.m. eastern. Before that, no. Tell your friend! Drinks all around on @Browncoat!
  22. We could keep each other company in that Math Prison Camp. I'd get a life sentence.
  23. I thought Alex looked different in the GMA interview, then figured it out that we (I) always see him face on during Jeopardy, he seldom turns his head. In the Robin interview, he was three-quarters to the camera. I also thought he was wearing glasses at the end of Jeopardy today ... maybe he wears reading glasses? I hadn't noticed before. David Muir's ABC national news is rerunning part of the interview just now. Someone noted way back in the Season thread that Trebek looked like he had lost weight, this after his announcement of cancer. Interesting in this interview he said he had not. And yes, I rank on him often but can't imagine Jeopardy without him. I don't want him to ever leave, for any reason.
  24. That looks like enough for me. What would everyone else eat? (Looks WONDERFUL.) Lucky you ... that I was not there! I like Katy Perry and I love Pitbull. Too bad about the Stones, it would have been something to see Mick. Maybe they can be there next year. Tell your mom not to throw her underwear at Tom Jones. Unless she wants to. What's happened to the Quarter? I haven't been there for some years. Went to Mardi Gras once, then was there for business. Less drunks and "handsy" guys on the business trip.
  25. @Mindthinkr, it's such a relief to hear from you, I've been thinking about you and, frankly, Mom was worried. Glad you made it home okay. Airline travel can be exhausting when it ends up being hurry up and wait, then hurry up ... and go back to your hotel. Or grab a seat in the concourse to take an overnight nap. Welcome home! Rest up, watch tonight's show from under a blanket on your couch!
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