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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. The list has Kit Carson AND Moby DOCK! The description of this book, Olivia Bean, Trivia Queen, is pretty cool: "A kid gets to appear on Jeopardy! Pay no attention to the depiction of the father as a degenerate gambler."
  2. I wasn't even thinking in terms of advancing in the tournament, so your point is valid and makes total sense, of course. Looking at past tournaments would give a player an idea of what score could get them to the next round. Me, I was watching these games as regular games post James where there are DDs one might not/probably does not know. If I ever get on this show, I'm hiring you for lessons on betting strategy!
  3. Well, if lightning won't strike me, I'd volunteer to play the part of the oldest daughter. Smart men are HOT. *avoids lightning bolt*
  4. I missed the first half hour but I guess I didn't miss much. Lizzie running out of bullets, shouting "I'M OUT!" then standing up and waiting to get shot/killed (until Red came along) ... what was that, bad writing, stupid character, all of the above? None of it even made sense in an imaginary tv land. Laughable. And not in a good way. Red being the real Katarina would be The Best Twist EVAH. I would absolutely LOVE that reveal. The guy is suppose to go through all those spilled envelopes until he finds the one he mailed, all while everyone else just stands around and points guns at him? Alrighty then. Dumbasses. There were sure a lot of 8.5 x 11 manila envelopes in that spilled mail. Didn't see any 5 x 7 ones. And yeah, all I could think was a bunch of people aren't getting their pension checks and others are going to get their utilities cut off. I guess that scene was a good commercial for paying online and direct deposit. At the end when CIA arrested FBI, I wanted FBI to say, "No, YOU are under arrest." Then the CIA to say, "NO! YOU are under arrest" in a PeeWee Herman back and forth. "I know you are but what am I."
  5. Yes, crate time for the kid at next visit! Fact: Dogs shed when they are stressed. Have you considered taking her to a training class, like a novice/beginner obedience? Local kennel clubs, most of them, have training classes that are not very expensive. Most meet once a week in the evening. I pay $5 per one-hour class at one local KC and work with multiple dogs during that hour. My local farm store also allows dogs, as do some pet stores. You can just take her in and walk her through, then out ... before something bad happens! 12 pounds ... grab her up and make her sit on your lap. Or, next time leave her in the car until your appointment is called. Tip: Don't let dogs sniff each other anywhere, ever, especially in a vet's office where some dogs might be sick, the reason they are there. Sorry for your bad experience though. Thanks for sharing.
  6. James posted this on his Twitter and it made me laugh.
  7. What misdemeanor did she perform at the vet? Inquiring minds want to know!
  8. I would gladly hire on to oversee The Office of Duplicate Clues if the show wants to pay me what those clue writers are making to, you know, DO THEIR JOB.
  9. I am reminded why players don't go "all in" on DDs and bet conservatively. Watching the tournament, I realize I would not be able to play as James does.
  10. From @opus' link: "We’ll avoid clues that can feasibly have more than one correct answer.” Yeah, and good luck with that. It's also odd that we here remember the same clues/categories/answers within a short time span but the writers/show cannot.
  11. Yeah, I read that on Wikipedia afterward but it's still a term I had never heard applied to any war. I think the Jeopardy kid clue writers read too much on that site. Like saying Sacramento is Almond City when it doesn't even register as a major grower. But it's on Wikipedia so it must be true.
  12. Yeah, but other than that one thing ... The Dallas Symphony Orchestra, among others, lists CHIMES as one of its instruments. You know, those things that look like tubular bells. You must have been doing something else and missed them. Two women made it in, six women did not, out of 15 contestants. All seven men made it to next week.
  13. Well, technically it was WWII but your question is still valid IMO.
  14. WEEK 35 — ONE asterisk 169. Poets. A poem by him includes, “It was grassy and wanted wear; / Though…the passing there / Had worn them really about the same.” 170.Teachers. As a teenager, this woman regained her sight thanks to 2 surgeries in 1881 & 1882. * 171. Words from the Comics. Used to describe secrecy during WWII, this 2-word term had its psychological meaning popularized by Charles Schulz. * 172. The Cold War. The Cold War became entrenched in the mid-1950s after the formation of these 2 rival military alliances. 173. U.S. States. This state entered the Union in 1820 after separating from another state that began with the same 2 letters.
  15. I've been to Rosemont often but have never seen the water tower. So I looked it up. It is indeed very brain-like. LOL!
  16. I don't consider your "story" about you. Technically it is, but you are giving us an insight into what it's like to discover, treat and beat cancer. While we all vicariously "know" Alex Trebek, many of us -- if not all of us -- have friends or relatives who have gone through cancer treatment or have been lost to cancer. You and others sharing here help us better understand. And I, for one, thank you very much. Please don't consider your sharing being about you, it's about everyone these days. I am so happy you are with us.
  17. I've never heard of Atlanta being The Big Peach either, but I got that answer since it's a joke that so many streets are named Peachtree. As for Crabtown, the only thought I had was it must be some place in Nevada where prostitution is legal.
  18. Oh yes, what is wrong with me that I didn't remember that double penguin connection. Yeay @Toothbrush! Watching today's game, I thought it was good no one went "all in" on the DDs since no one knew the answers. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." TM Seinfeld.
  19. I need the HUG emoji for @bythelake and @j5cochran. The best I can do is give you both a HEART.
  20. Shout out to @opus, even if it was Mr. Holland's Opus, not Primetimer Opus. I got a kick out of Melissa, she was really invested in this game. I wish Sara and Conor were next to each other, because ... Sara Conor. What does a hedgehog have to do with a groundhog? That TS totally went over my head. I did get H.G.Wells and Time Machine. So GFM.
  21. Yikes! I kept staring at his hair during his GMA interview but figured it was just full of hair spray and fake color, part of his makeup. I was reading the other day that only Michael Landon didn't wear a toupee on Bonanza, Lorne Green, Hoss and Adam all did. Now I stare at hair when I watch an episode. Hollywood hair is actually pretty realistic stuff.
  22. I read this line right after reading @bad things are bad's "La Blow Him." I guess I'm feeling better since it made me laugh. I am 12 again!
  23. Is there an Alexa vs. Watson vs. James tournament scheduled?
  24. I thought that had happened when I went to TheJeopardyFan site this morning and Tara Baxter is listed as one of today's contestants. Alas, Andy just had the wrong players listed, it was not to be. But for a few minutes, I had hope.
  25. This probably may be could be the reason all Sharks passed on DoughP and the "obesity" reason was just a way out of not having to talk about the potential problem that people might be eating raw eggs and flour. I expected them to say that, not the "I don't want to get fat" excuse.
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