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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. It makes me happy just watching him dance on my teevee!
  2. Yes to all of the above. And so what that mom has a gun, loaded or not. What's the big deal in that. Some people have closets full of automatic weapons. This lady just had one hand gun, not the stuff of terrorist attacks. Since she wasn't accused of any crime (that I remember hearing about) it should be legal for her to have it. WTH people, leave her alone. It would be interesting if mom is playing a long con on Eve, setting her up to be Malcolm's new squeeze and all. That's a story line I could get into.
  3. Yes! Your score is now 4/5. Anyone else who knew it was the Jungle Book tiger but didn't count it, let me know and I will update your score. I'll even accept Chaka Khan from certain players.
  4. While Dada is a really good answer ... it's wrong, but a great answer (TM Says You!), I'm giving you Tiger from Jungle Book. So your score is recorded as 3/5. Yeay for you! @suebee12, I hope you are feeling better and on the mend. Stay well!
  5. I was flipping channels so only saw a few dances, then flipped away so I didn't have to listen to CAI and Bruno. They are so exhausting with their Look-At-Me OTT comments and flinging themselves around. I did tune back at the end to see who would be going home while Spicer stayed another week. I have to say, I was stunned, gobsmacked! I had figured him to win the whole thing. You mean now we have to actually watch and discuss the dances for real? Say it ain't so! Heh. I'm for Hannah leaving next. As someone who does watch that franchise, her expiration date is WAY past. And if she had a problem with her outfit, why not say something before the show, when she's being fitted, instead of tugging at her boobs and talking all about it during her interview. "Check out how my boobs are almost falling out, America ... look at ME!" Ugh. Can't stand her.
  6. She totally caught his thumb in there, and I laughed that the laptop made a "slammed closed" sound while he was removing his thumb so it really could close. Thank you police guy for asking who's been paying for that basement phone line for the past 20 years. Mom said bills just get paid, and this before auto online payments were invented! Amazing. I was waiting for Malcolm to do a star 69 to get the call-back number of the phone-calling killer, but I guess you can't do that on a rotary dial. Plus burner phone, I guess. I really want to be in a hospital where all the staff, including nurses and janitorial, go home at night and just leave patients on their own. I mean, no one is sick or going to die if staff leaves for the night, right? Not sure why the killer dressed up as a doctor since no one was there to see him anyway. I'd be fine with Ainsley being murdered. And put in a box in Mom's basement. I was flipping channels so missed Malcolm sans shirt. *sigh* Do those walk-through bar gates turn backward? I wouldn't think that'd be safe IRL.
  7. Just because I've seen those doesn't mean I recognize or have ever heard of Clancy Brown. The only character in this show who was familiar to me is Jo's cop partner (from The Night Shift), and now Kindred ... from LOST! a show I watched every week. I don't recognize Clancy from it though. I'm not perfect.
  8. I have not heard of that show, so thanks for the link. And of course it airs all over the place, even in Montana (!), but only one station in Illinois, at U of I. None in Iowa. But the archive page is fabulous. I just listened to the President's Day episode. Talk about an hour packed with smarts, plus really funny people too. I'll be listening as I work from now on. THANKS!
  9. Your Most Consistent Award has been retracted. *sigh*
  10. Dada was an excellent guess, so Good For You. As for Friday, I thought the same as you. I've never read The Jungle Book but saw the Disney film. I didn't realize the tiger had an official name, so I answered "The tiger from The Jungle Book that tried to kill Mogli." Fail.
  11. @Clanstarling, I know you're not easy. I mean, IT'S not easy. (Not entirely positive about you.)
  12. There was a scene mocking this in either a Monty Python film or an early Woody Allen movie. A woman is standing around a table working or doing dishes or cooking or something, and plops out a baby. She swoops it up and drops it into a crib without breaking stride in her work. I didn't realize when I saw that movie it was a lampoon of The Good Earth. I tried to find a video clip but was unsuccessful. Thank you for being green.
  13. Larry won the 2018 Teachers Tournament so had a spot in this ToC, but he died in January. I believe that was before Alex's diagnosis.
  14. Made me laugh. That's such a comic-book word.
  15. WEEK 9 — NO asterisk - ToC week 1 41. Ancient History. According to Herodotus, a messenger was sent 150 miles from Athens to Sparta, just before this 490 B.C. battle. 42. The 50 States. In 1840 this New England state was home to 24 of the 100 most populous U.S. urban places; now, its capital is its only one in the top 100. 43. 20th Century America. In 1939, turned down by 2 local theaters, Howard University was able to get an outdoor venue for this singer’s yearly concert. 44. 20th Century Art. A derisive description of the shape of the houses in the 1908 painting “Houses at l’Estaque” gave this art style its name. 45. Literary Characters. From an 1894 work, his name literally translates to “Tiger King.”
  16. I would have gotten this TS since I have an interest in that time period and early mountain men (Kit Carson!). Plus the Bridger Mountains are in my favorite state, Montana, and are named for him. They are near Bozeman in SW Montana, and also called the Bridger Range. Jim Bridger pioneered the Bridger Trail through mountains in southern Wyoming into the Bighorn Basin in 1864. Here's an event that was Before Our Time but worth noting: "On January 10, 1938, Northwest Airlines Flight 2 crashed in the Bridger Mountains, killing all 10 aboard. This was the first fatal crash of a Northwest Airlines aircraft." LOL!
  17. Does anyone from the Philly area know if that festival where teacher's wife bought the earrings is a real thing?
  18. Yes. Rebecca and Kevin were in line when she said let's go get lunch and Kevin said they'd lose their place in line. So he stayed and Perfect Mother Rebecca bailed to go to the food court because she would absolutely DIE if she postponed eating some mall burger or pizza slice for a half hour. It obviously would have killed her to stay with her son while he met his idol, then have lunch with him afterward. As far as I know Rebecca isn't diabetic and has to eat at a certain time. She could have packed a couple of granola bars in her purse if that were the case. I remember that episode because it showed not even his mom cared jack about Kevin. I imagine he had to make his own peanut-butter sandwich lunch after they got home.
  19. Now that you've posted that, I do remember that scene. Thanks for the reminder. So yeah, nothing like getting off to a great start meeting a new family (and maybe future inlaws) ... NOT! Yeah, that whole episode was AWK-ward. I don't drink, but I might have hit Beth's hidden bottle if I'd been at any of those dinners. I did guess exactly when the baby was going to start crying though. Heh.
  20. I wondered why the giant crab drawing was so evident in the background, I kept looking at it wondering what it meant, it had to mean something. Now I know, so thanks! (Have never seen SpongeBob or heard of Clancy Brown until this show.) That was the social worker, she was inputting Piper data in her phone when it exploded. Story was, the battery blew up. We know Piper did it. Batteries are still metal I guess.
  21. Well cr*p, I was going to post about the show, but if it's cancelled, WTH. As others have posted, all my fav shows get trashcanned, while shows with dreck writing and young, beautiful actors fill the time slots. Shows I don't watch. Gah.
  22. I didn't say it wasn't a proper or good name for ANY boy, and not just an African American boy. It would be Japanese boy's name too, or a Native American. I just said it reminded ME of the demon on Sleepy Hollow, nothing more, and I never said it was "wrong." Of course, as always, YMV. I thought Beth (and Randall?) gave the baby the side eye when Malik carried her in, like she wasn't expected. Just my take on it. It sort of reinforced the story line that they are not happy Malik has a child. If Malik hadn't been involved with Deja, I'd expect everyone to gather around the baby and make over how cute she is. Instead, she was ignored. Darnell taking his shirt off to display his tats surprised me since I didn't see any tats peeking out and I didn't see Randall trying to see them. Since everyone has tats these days, I don't see them as any big thing. Back in "the day," only Navy guys got tattoos (I know, I know, that's a cliché) but now even girls have sleeves and it's no big deal. I was good with the visiting family saying grace and thought that was nice. While many families don't regularly do that, it is still done at (some) family gatherings, makes it sort of a more special event. The show, however, seemed to want us to think one family is do gooders, the other is full of pagans. There had to be a TON of leftovers from all those dinners. And people say family Thanksgivings are bad! When Beth right away offered Malik's parent wine as soon as they came in and they declined, she turned into a cr*p host by not offering them a soft drink, fruit juice, water. With three kids, there had to be some alternative drink besides wine. How about a cup of coffee then. And maybe the scene where Malik's mom gave Beth the pie she brought was cut since I don't remember her getting a thanks. (Or I dozed off.) I also think Deja looks older than Malik, but that fits with how kids grow, so many boys are still dorky qawky kids when girls the same age look like beautiful adults. I don't find him good looking, but I like that this show portrays him as an average-looking kid who can get a girlfriend by being a good kid, not just jock handsome. Although I don't believe him when he says he has "no game." Every boy/man has "game."
  23. I think of the devil demon on Sleepy Hollow every time I hear his name. Okay, so that was Moloch, but this show should have picked a better name for this kid who obviously is going to be around until the end of time.
  24. Kevin's "Holy crap, he's like a grown up Randall" made me LOL. I also got a laugh that Beth cooked Cornish game hens for dinner. Made me wonder if Props Dept. had them left over from Rebecca's debacle dinner last episode. Which makes me think ... if invited to dinner by any of these people, DO NOT GO. School skip is one thing, but Deja and Malik would have gotten home WAY after dark since they viewed that light show in the pitch black night. I'm surprised both of their ultra-responsible parents hadn't called the police for missing/abducted kids. I thought it rude (not that it was the only rude thing) that no one asked the baby's name, nor was she acknowledged, when Malik carried her into the Pearson home. Otherwise, I kinda liked this episode, but maybe that's because no Kate (except for one view of her teen face at dinner) and no Toby. Thanks show, I needed a break. Meanwhile, maybe talk to Deja about birth control and how babies happen instead of grounding her for a decade. We still don't know what happened to Malik's baby momma do we? I thought he might reveal she's dead or something similar. Partly or mostly dead maybe.
  25. Not so odd IMO since Little House is rerun for three straight hours here every afternoon and has been since forever (or so it seems). Charles and Caroline! More difficult would be his middle name, Phillip.
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