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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. My thought exactly. And Jo sent her away before the others thought she should, if I read the reactions correctly. Jo was pretty much "Let's get you gone now, lady." It would have been funny if she vanished into thin air, like the two pseudo parents from an earlier episode.
  2. OMGosh, that is so funny, or maybe not. I have two friends, one is Eileen and the other is Elaine. I have to be careful to not call them by the opposite name. The other day I stumped myself trying to remember which was which. So yeah, I'm not surprised I messed up Benjamin's girlfriend's name. Thanks for clearing that up. Now if I only can remember it ...
  3. @Prevailing Wind, I gave myself a vacation for a few hours so spent my lunchtime reading your trip report, and I enjoyed every word and every photo, and was only disappointed the few times you did not have a photo to illustrate your words. I LOL'd at several of the RGB photos, like her on the bell and on the foot of the puffin to name only two. She was an excellent travel companion and it was nice she approved of all of your meals, but hot dogs two days in a row seemed to press even her good nature. Your neon-red 'dogs would have benefited from some of the day-glo green relish popular on Chicago dogs. Very Christmassy. Big Guy needs to be a future avatar. Just sayin'. Meanwhile, thanks for the vicarious trip. I always planned a honeymoon camping in Maine in October. I'm still waiting.
  4. It was during the party held for Ben after he came home after graduating college. Here is a 15-sec. clip of the scene. I looked up the AFI list. Rosebud is No. 17. Plastics is No. 42. "Stella" was a great guess (wrong, but a great guess!) except the entire quote is recorded as "Stella! Hey Stella!" and is No. 45. "Attica" and "Toga" could have been answers except they were said twice for the list. My "You're trying to seduce me" quote is No. 63, and my fav quote, "I'm walkin' here," is No. 27 (Midnight Cowboy). Side note: Hoffman totally improvised that line, it was not in the script. Interestingly, I've seen all but maybe five of the movies on the list. For the record, I don't think "Plastics" is as well known as the "Seduce me" line from that film.
  5. Thank you Sharpie66! Everyone is now caught up in Contest totals. Happy Turkey Day to American contest players and lurkers, and Happy Thursday Day to everyone else!
  6. For some reason, I was imaging the single-word movie quote was from the end of the movie, like "Rosebud" is. I've seen The Graduate multiple times, including when it was a new release in the theaters (it was quite controversial at the time ... "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me ... aren't cha?") so my takeaway one-word quote from that film is "EILEEN!" as Dustin Hoffman is trying to break the glass in the church. At the very end, there is no dialogue. Long story long ... I didn't get FJ.
  7. I watched the rerun of this episode last night after only partly watching the first time, and caught a lot more and, frankly, enjoyed it. The flipping the live scenes into comic graphics before each break seems to have been dropped in later eps. I also caught Dex saying her former squeeze was female, so her hooking up with that (gross) rock star later should come as no surprise. I liked getting to know how Dex and Grey got together, didn't mind they were a one nighter. I don't see any love triangle coming, for which I'm grateful. Not everyone on tv needs to hook up. I hope it stays that way. Ansel was also cool in his scenes with the Gold Tooth guy, and this time I looked for the gold tooth in the dead body at the end whereas first time I had to find out here who he was. It was a good setup for episodes to come. I don't remember if Dex ever got her thousand bucks though. And yeah, I figure the con woman skated free with the best set up rich guy ever. She ended up being the winner of this episode. And Cameron tells Dex to get her PI license. Alrighty then!
  8. I'm voting with this theory, that the Piper in the photo wasn't child Emily. It could have been our Piper, or another version of Piper 1.0 prototype. And Emily's "mom" might not be who she says she is either. In fact, she was so glib, I suspect she's another ... "other." Remember Piper's "parents" who came to claim her one or two episodes in, the pair who disappeared into thin air out of Jo's office? I say Emily's mom is not who she says she is. Mom was pretty cool with those family heirloom photos, with Jo taking them without her saying she could have them (that I remember anyway). And why would she even bother bringing a 20/30-year-old photo of Emily anyway, if not to tempt Jo with the Piper likeness. I'm also voting that Piper overruled the golden wrist disk once it revealed what she is. I'm wanting her to be a Jo family member, so I'm cool with that if true. ETA: I, too, caught a flirt vibe with the FBI guy toward Jo. That ended once he realized she was ahead of him in the investigation and got to Emily first. He was good in that role though, another excellent actor.
  9. I always watch Kimmel but I'm the only person in the world who doesn't like Hanks so missed that segment. Thanks for posting, Opus. It clarifies that Mr. Hanks was not "sad" he was a TS, but he was PO'd. Maybe he was kidding; maybe not. 1976 Trebek was sure sporting some Alex Jacob hair. Great pics, catlover79.
  10. Other shows I watch, I will jot down notes when some stupid scene or dumb thing happens that makes no sense. This show I watch straight through, no note taking. Funny that a show about a kid who is part AI isn't stupid or dumb IMO. Of course it will be canceled just for that. I don't care why Alex and Jo are divorced. Just because they aren't snarking on each other about him having that affair and Jo taking a trip to the Caribbean when she told him she was going to a conference in Newark doesn't mean they didn't have reasons to get divorced. It's nice to see adults act like adults. Who cares about that murder Alex committed that Jo covered up, or that Chris is Alex's illegitimate son from Jo's sister. The little girl who plays Piper is a stellar actor. I liked her scenes with Alex. Dad sort of took off and disappeared early, although that crab was still on the fridge. I did wonder how that guy got back to the motel so quickly on foot. I guess he left the door open, or they didn't check out when they left so he still had a key. And the journalist guy ... I hope his phone still works for when he comes to, if he does.
  11. This was a pretty good episode except for the crime of the week, which I had absolutely no interest in, didn't care why it happened, didn't care it was solved or the how or why. Plus it reminded me so much of a similar group that was the subject of a recent Blacklist. Made me wonder if the shows are sharing writers. Or have spies in the writers' room. I once was taken on a date to play pool, and I hated every minute of it. The most horrible date EVER. So bad, I can't even remember the dude's name who thought it was such a super idea. No way was that a great first date IMO. Now Malcolm can read people as well as or better than Sherlock Holmes. I was waiting for him to tell Eve she's left handed, likes to write with a blue Sharpie and owns a Persian cat that eats Meow Mix. At the murder scene, did I see correctly that the cop picked up the pill bottle with his right hand using a glove, then touched the pill bottle with his bare left hand? Alrighty then. The woman was walking down the street talking on the phone to Malcolm when she gets knocked down/knocked out. That's the end of the phone call. Yet Malcolm knows she's "been taken." WTH. Now he is omnipotent and can see into the future? Malcolm and Eve have sex on the floor, then fall asleep there. No pillows? One or both of them will have bruises where there shouldn't be bruises. Eve's head is on Malcolm's chest, yet she doesn't wake up when he puts her head on the pillow-less wooden floor? That must have been some outstandingly amazing sex. How does Malcolm put his restraints on and off if they don't let his hands/arms come together? Inquiring minds want to know. And where did that 'keet come from? Did we miss a scene where Paul gifted him with a bird? And LOL about the new words Petey the Keety learned last night. In other news, why is Malcolm's last name Bright?
  12. Thanks PW. I've been waiting for your road-trip recap.
  13. That is the most hilarious thing I have seen in a long time. Thanks much for posting that photo. Give us more, if you have them. Saber could use some laughs. p.s. Your truck-stop dogs look delicious, but I can see RBG disagreeing.
  14. I blame all of you with your triple double extra whammy curses ya'll put on Elise and her clothes by talking nice about her. You know this thread applies bad mojo to fav players. The year probably threw Elyse off so Uber wasn't a bad answer ("It was a great answer, it was wrong, but a great answer" -- tm Says You!). This is from TJF.com: Even though the company was founded back in 1853, Levi Strauss & Co. (LEVI) first went public in 1971, but was taken private in 1985. It went public again in March of 2019, going public this time in order to fund both its wishes to expand overseas (especially China), as well as purchase current trendy brands. Being a jeans girl, I was able to answer this FJ easily. I know ... shocker!
  15. I think it sounds awesome and now I want to see a picture. I'd love to steal someone's g. gnome and take it on a vacation and send photos. Such a fun prank. Now watch, one of Her Majesty's gnomes will disappear and I will be blamed.
  16. LOL. You took the words right out of my keyboard.
  17. With so much spec that Alex will announce his retirement after the big hoopla of K-B-J since it's on a prime time network, I can't see him leaving in the middle Season 36 unless things are really bad. Alex gets mega coverage on all networks and national newscasts. Even Dhruv's FJ comment got more publicity than Kanye West's revival. It's not like it's some one-time window of opportunity. JMHO.
  18. You guys are so funny. Every single one of you got a better score than I did this week. Not that that's anything to brag about.
  19. I feel your pain. I'm close to saying "Don't have a clue" before I even see the clue. I swear, my brain cells aren't dying, they are all dead and gone. Hoping for some FJs about dogs, horses and farming.
  20. Especially since that state is NEW JERSEY! JK, JK. (Sort of.)
  21. I'm some four weeks behind in watching this show. I've discovered that reading here is better (and more fun) than actually sitting through an episode.
  22. Terra cotta made me say flower pot. Garden gnomes are creepy and not part of my world. But it seems no FJ answer is part of my world these days.
  23. WEEK 11 (Week of Nov. 18) — ONE asterisk * 51. U.S. Cities. Celebrating electricity & tech., an exposition in this U.S. “City of Light” in 1901 was overshadowed by another major event. 52. Business & Industry. Peaking at 9,000 locations in 2004, this chain of stores was down to one in 2019, located in Bend, Oregon. 53. Movie & Book Titles. This title of a 1962 novel & 1975 film refers to the direction the last of 3 geese took in an old nursery rhyme. * 54. American History. One a Civil War hero & one a U.S. Senator, bros. with this last name were both considered for the 1884 Republican pres. nomination. * 55. Home & Garden. In 1847 eccentric horticulturalist Sir Charles Isham popularized these when he imported terra cotta ones from Nuremburg.
  24. @BuckeyeLou, that is the coolest thing ever! I hope your husband eventually got a car and healed from his bike accident. That would be the best interview story when you get on Jeopardy! ETA: How much is a year's supply of cookies? One cookie per day? Inquiring minds want to know!
  25. Betty White is all kinds of awesome. I can imagine her reading Jeopardy! clues as double entendres.
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