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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. That's me, I no longer drink pop. That's midwestern for soda. When I was a kid, it was a very rare and quite special treat to have popcorn and split a Pepsi with my sister. Yes, but what would you say to a nice Irn Bru?
  2. @Grundoon59, I thought of you with the Michigan category. Don't take the TS fails too personally. My best friends live in Kalamazoo, I’ve been there more times than I can count, I’ve shown dogs all over Michigan and have been everywhere and to every city, but every time they showed that freakish hand with a dot on it, I was all WTH is that, and couldn’t answer any of the clues either. The guy who answered Green Bay did get a real DUH look on his face after he realized what he had said. I think it was the only “Bay” word he could come up with. “Michael Bay” would have been funny too.
  3. Just watched the second episode. I thought Cy was so pretty. Her first date, the photographer, would have been a great catch given his job (perfect for me!), then he revealed he’d never heard the Stevie Wonder song. Fail! I did catch that Cy was sent out to the location to practice, so that was a good reveal. Cy’s first dance, it seemed neither were in step and there were a lot of goofs that the camera skipped over. I never saw the moves Cy practiced with Travis, so I’m guessing those were fails too. If so, they would have been fun to see, even though that doesn’t fit the “perfect” theme of the show. I liked that the woman dancer working with Travis was shown more. Last week it seemed her face wasn’t allowed to be seen. I knew Cy would pick the second guy. It’s sort of a no brainer that the romantic slow dance makes the connection. Although laying down in the puddles at the end ... yikes! And was it raining during that dance? Ugh. Beau was really a Venice-Beach-type dude, I’m surprised he hasn’t been cast on The Bachelor/ette yet. He was good theater, but I hesitate to think his match will last. Again, the romantic dance made the connection. The end was slightly disappointing, both couples were not very definite about whether they are still dating. Like last week, I think it was Octavius who said they’d been on six dates already. This week, the follow up was a bit vague. I’m thinking there are several cameras filming each dance from different locations, then the film is edited together. I tried to see camera people in the wide-angle/aerial shots, but no luck. Next episode should be fun. I’m enjoying the brainlessness of it all!
  4. Mexican jumping beans being an answer sent me on a trip in the Wayback Machine. We had them all the time when I was a kid, but I haven’t seen them for years. I checked and they are available, but has anyone seen any lately? GFY has been replaced by “That’s great.” Alex Jacob’s GFY vid did the trick I guess. That was pretty snarky of AT to tell players, “That was the last Daily Double so you don’t have to keep fishing for them.” He never said that to James when he was board jumping. That would have been interesting if he had.
  5. @MrAtoz, I thought about you and others here who have been on the show, and wondered if you recognized a lot of staff, so thanks for your thoughts. It had to be fun to relive a bit of your history, it’s such a badge of honor to be selected to be on the show. I never thought of who was the very first Jeopardy winner, so that segment was especially interesting. I hope he gets more recognition now. Interesting side note: John McCain was a one-day champion after Burns Cameron in 1965, during Art Fleming days. It would be fun to see his episode. Meanwhile, I found this pic of AT in 1965 when he worked in Halifax, NS.
  6. It's kind of a brag, imo. While it’s a topic that has never come up, ever, in my social circle, I doubt I know anyone who has had only one soda/soft drink in his/her life. The most interesting part, and one I would have asked more about, is why the only one was a cream soda. I wanted to know the back story on that. If anyone found that less than interesting, blame Trebek since he is the one who chooses the topic from several provided by each player.
  7. I thought the show was interesting and went quickly, and thank goodness there was minimal Strahan. Austin’s interview was okay and made me like him maybe just a teeny tiny wee little bit more than I did, which was not at all. I wish the show hadn’t added in drawings of what he was miming so watchers would think “WTH” instead of “Oh, isn’t he cute.” But I’m guessing all that cr*p is why TPTB picked him to showcase instead of the many who won and done (!) more than he. The view into the application process was the most interesting, and I looked for familiar faces. I liked that emphasis was on how many times people try out to get on, so many think it’s a one-time deal, and maybe it is for some, but that’s not typical. It takes work. With the clues going through so many sets of eyes, I’m surprised so many poorly written ones get on the show. Interesting side note, Trebek’s adopted daughter from his first marriage is one of the show’s producers. AT has been married twice; the birthday of his first wife is impossible to find, it’s never been listed anywhere. I’m glad the topic of AT’s retirement and successor was brought up and a cap was put on both. And I swear AT stole his Betty White replacement joke from this site. So, Mr. Trebek: You’re welcome.
  8. I wonder if one of his assistants saw it here. Many shows troll the chat rooms. In any case, it got two thumbs up from me.
  9. NOOOOoooooo! I made a note that Kevin did the double finger guns as a shout out to us here since that was a special request we (well, I) made of @teebax when she appeared on the show. She did sneak a very small one in while in the back of a group shot, so Kevin "took one for the team," so to speak. Thanks, Kevin! I understand Linnaeus was a FJ in 2017, for anyone keeping track. Just last night a TV critic was on the radio discussing the best and worst TV shows of the year. Goliath he talked about as being one of if not the best of 2019. A nice coinkydence!
  10. You are no doubt possessed by demons. Smart demons, but still ...
  11. That's a great point, so I looked it up. Her real name: "Monique Angela Hicks is known professionally as Mo'Nique." So, maybe yes, maybe no! As someone else posted, she was all the talk before and after she won the Oscar, she was everywhere. Then she dropped out of sight. So I read more and discovered she says Hollywood "blackballed" her because she refused to do PR for the film because she wanted to get paid to do promotions. Then she refused to do a Netflix comedy special because she was only going to be paid $500,000 and that wasn't enough. Because of all that, she fell right out of favor with Oprah, Tyler Perry and others behind her being cast in Precious.
  12. The only answer is grouse because the pictured bird was a SAGE grouse. While I am a lenient Jeopardy judge, grouse is the only answer accepted. Side note: I work with sporting dogs that hunt (point and retrieve) sage grouse. Sage grouse population is dwindling and they are endangered due to habitat loss. Because she spells her name Mo’Nique, could that be considered two words? @opus, how did you do in the Comic and Graphic Novel category? Part of my job here is to make other posters feel sad. And smart. You're welcome.
  13. As did I, and I'm not embarrassed about it. (You can see me standing right behind Bernie in an online video of one of his Iowa speeches.) I actually was surprised to learn someone had served longer.
  14. That's beautiful, @Prevailing Wind. I would love to make a string of lights with pot-pie reflectors, except pot pies are all in paper cups now. Sometimes progress isn't all it's cracked up to be.
  15. @Quickbeam, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother’s illness. TV dinners must be happy and sad memories for you. The original dinners we made were turkey and gravy, stuffing, peas and mashed sweet potatoes. I remember the turkey and gravy coming with mashed potatoes and corn. They were a special treat, one dinner cost 98 cents, a big expense when one could get a McDonald’s burger and fries for a quarter. But what a treat they were. We would set up the tv trays in the living room (everyone had a set of those) to watch Ed Sullivan or Bonanza while we ate our meal. Those were good days. When we added desert to the tray in 1960, I was skeptical at best. How on earth could THAT work. I remember apple cobbler being in the center of the back row, and it passed muster. In fact, all the frozen dinners passed muster back then, they were actually good, real food, not the small, overly processed stuff found in today’s frozen dinners. And yes that our tv dinner fried chicken tasted just like restaurant southern fried. So good!
  16. I missed the first part of the episode while I was standing in a doorway holding the antenna over my head so that station would come in. Once it did (after the interviews), this was the best.episode.EVAH. I got TSs of Brinks, Charlie Puth (He was on Songland, guys), moose (because this show loves calling them the largest elk), @Grundoon59's hometown of Dearborn (which I said before the clue was even finished being read), Cleveland (again, before the clue was finished. I show at the Western Reserve Kennel Club dog shows.) Then FJ put a HUGE smile on my face. I couldn't believe this year ended with the best FJ EVAH. It was a total shout out to me, me, me. Because when I'm introduced to people, I like to say that I'm the frozen-food heiress. BAM! Typically, that's met with a blank stare, the same look I'd get from everyone here who did not answer FJ correctly today.
  17. Nice catch! Yes, I thought of that after I posted, but was too lazy to go back and fix it up more better.
  18. "Windmill" was trending last week, and I thought for sure it was about Windmill Peter Pilot. It was not.
  19. I'm glad you found this thread. Some of the posters here are past Jeopardy contestants. I hope you become one as well!
  20. My first thought for FJ was Teddy Roosevelt, but then I didn’t think he was giving many interviews in 1950. So Ronald Reagan went through my mind, but he was more California. Plus wouldn’t the category be U.S. Presidents? So I ended up with Ernest Hemingway, even though the category should have been American Authors. Those writers, always trying to trick us. Anyway, it was a good start to the week, even though I couldn’t watch the episode.
  21. I didn’t mean to imply the grands are slackers. Christie’s sold a Van Gogh in 2017 for $111 million. So four grands could receive almost $28 million each from the sale of your one Van Gogh. Three grands get $108 mil! That would cover a college education and set them up for life. They could work, own a company, be a philanthropist or do nothing at all. Hopefully, you will have put the Van Goghs still hanging on your wall into a will so they do not end up in an estate yard sale or the corner dumpster. “Grams and her old ugly paintings ...” Unfortunately, since Timeless was cancelled, the Flying Eyeball is out of commission, so any of us grabbing those dirt-cheap impressionist paintings won’t be happening any time soon.
  22. They could all get doctorates and then never use them, they would be set for life (if they didn't go crazy spending the leftover cash.) Or put all Gram's "old paintings" in a yard sale after you pass on, knock wood and heaven forbid.
  23. The wind is blowing here like a banshee so no Jeopardy for me today, seven stations have been blown off my tv reception, including the one that carries Jeopardy. I did get FJ online earlier, so will be back to brag comment on getting one correct for a change.
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