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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. People who are rich and successful can still be mean spirited, rude and hateful to others they consider less than them. It takes a "bigger person" to be polite and courteous and kind to others less fortunate. Even Ken said "Ouch" to James' slash at Brad's score. I found this and thought it was interesting, the only comment like this I've seen: I got the TS of Jesus is King. TMZ can help a lot with Jeopardy! clues. I laughed at Ken's Charles Lindbergh grasp. I found it easier to come up with the answers in that category without going through Roman numerals then initials then name. He was trying to come up with any C.L. name, and it's better to answer anything and hope than say nothing and know you're stiffed. (I didn't know it was Courtney Love either, not that that's big news.) As for none of the players being old enough to remember Lawrence Welk, they aren't old enough to have known Napoleon, either. I hate when AT says "It was Before Your Time." Thank you for not saying it last night, Mr. Trebek. I watched LW every week with my mom, yet I couldn't answer that TS either. Not that that's big news. I hope networks paid attention to the great ratings this tournament got, and how everyone was and is talking about it. I wish there would be more similar shows on instead of all the drecky brain-dead fake-and-scripted reality shows that are everywhere. Not all tv watchers are drooling morons. (Just some of us!)
  2. For all the Alex/Jo shippers, I got the impression from their convo the next morning that they did have sex, or at least got frisky, in Jo's bed. I didn't see the problem with Alex taking that DC job since he could fly home Friday night for full Saturdays and Sundays with Mia. And Jo. Until Piper happened, I was thinking that was their arrangement anyway, except it was every other weekend. There'd be no reason Mia couldn't fly to DC to stay with dad during summer vacas too. So not a big story plot line for me. I haven't seen anywhere if this show is canceled or renewed. I was starting to think FBI Brooks is an eye-candy hottie, so of course he'll be dead. When Jo was looking for a computer guru to translate the binary speak, I thought of the Goth daughter of the woman who was killed in Benny's car. It's good the hospital had no autopsies scheduled and that doctor woman had no patients scheduled so they could all hang out in the morgue for a night and day. I don't know who is doing the fridge drawings, but I couldn't see the big crab any more. Instead there was a drawing of an orca or porpoise, I couldn't tell which. Orca, I think. Do these AIs have super strength so the head woman could just walk out of the big twisted metal mess Piper trapped her in? Benny's in the hospital. Will the AIs goo him to death? Tune in next week to find out!
  3. Or from the name of a hilarious British outer-space comedy from the '80s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Red_Dwarf_episodes
  4. I said Antarctica. ETA: They are really dumbing down J6, I got another 12/12 today. I'll have to quit bragging if this keeps up.
  5. At first glance, Marlan looked a bit like Roman on Blindspot. Speaking of, that dude was TALL. Marlan, not Roman. His riser needed to be a sinker, there was such a disparity in contestant height this episode. Shout out to DRYAD/@Driad! I'm glad Marlan got credit for something borrowed, something blue. There were no TSs in the J round! Four TSs in DJ. I got Red Dwarf, thank you PBS.
  6. Thanks for your insight @illdoc. These extra games weren't scheduled before, so I hope you are correct, to keep us guessing. Or in my case, depressed! And I agree that the last season of the Winchester boys is muy important. There are such things as priorities!
  7. It has gotten great reviews. I listen to several hours of movie reviews/recaps every week. I won't say more, but my guess is you will enjoy it. I've not heard any negs about it. Have fun! And pick up a new DVR on your way home.
  8. Never fear! The tourney is posted on the ABC site: https://abc.com/shows/jeopardy-the-greatest-of-all-time My tv has the show scheduled through Friday night, which makes me very stressed about who is winning what. Regular games are posted a day or so later by my friend, former President Eisenhower. www.dailymotion.com/President_Eisenhower p.s. What movie?
  9. Scores for Week 18 are recorded, and I'm pleased to announce @Browncoat as this week's individual and very special winner. Congratulations!
  10. All I could think of was where did all that glass come from, and how did it all get put in the huge building without breaking. And talk about a full-time job for window washers!
  11. My saying the players were confused by a five-letter word in a four-letter category is no more a false assumption than you saying it is. Let's change it then, to: "It's my opinion" that the players were confused by a poor choice of clue/answer. There are two people in my life I tease as being old fogeys ... with an e. Based on posts here, more besides the three players and me were stymied by the bad choice of clue and answer. I still say the writers could have picked from more than 250 other four-letter F words. That they picked one that can be a five-letter word too was ... well, stupid. A category for words that can be spelled two ways but pronounced the same could be a fun category. Fogy/fogey could be a clue/answer in that category. I loved the map category and would like to see that again. Or better, more often!
  12. I knew it was blue "something." So exciting! I'll watch for you; that will be me waving back. Have fun!
  13. I agree, the clue wasn't badly written. But it was a poor word choice since the answer could be a four- OR five-letter word. At least three other people agree with me since it was a TS. According to https://word.tips there are 267 four-letter F words that could have been clues/answers. Yet they chose the one with two answers. Big fail in my book. LOL at Crystal Palace being a TS, and AT calling it "the world-famous Crystal Palace." Eh, Mr. Trebek ... it's not as "world famous" as you think. AT got to say his two favorite non-French words to Daniel: "Jeopardy James." Good For Him. I got the TSs of toothsome and Avon. And @Clanstarling, Avon Skin So Soft was/is THE BEST. It works to keep mosquitoes off too.
  14. Yeah, it's SO much better to be rejected by an electronic object than to have your human, living, breathing life partner say, "Not tonight, honey." Even old people can communicate. How many voiceless electronic rejections can you take until you explode and stab your dearly beloved to death. That thing was stupid beyond words. So irritating that Barbara bragged about making that girl cry, then claiming she could see "the real person" after she was a rude snotty mcsnot rag to the poor person. I guess if she were living in a box near the subway and supporting herself hooking nights and weekends, then she'd be a successful entrepreneur in Barbara's eyes. I can see adding a Just Dates to the product line, but the flavored ones were fine with me. The price point was high, but so are prices on almost all the ST products. The socks kids were awesome. That group dance sold those socks for me, I'd buy a pair, plus make a ST deal with her, in a heartbeat.
  15. Thank you, Your Majesty, for letting us know. Yes, I do worry about ya'll when someone disappears, like our long-lost @Toothbrush. Still waiting for @Fex and @Minaboo to report before I name this week's unofficial winner. Will we see you on teevee like last year when your group wore blue sweaters and sat in the second row (if I remember correctly)?
  16. I'm curious as to whom @lb60 would be.
  17. It's to let us know how brilliant he is, plus what an a-hole smart-ass jerk he was/is, and why TBC came to hate/stalk him. So yeah, flashbacks are needed. This is episode one of a stand-alone series, not a continuation of a movie, and reading the books is not a prerequisite.
  18. Heh, I guess some people watched this after all. I came here after the show aired, and *crickets* I hate that Simon is still on this show, Such a self-absorbed jerk. Someone put glue on his X buzzer and paint some expression, any expression, on his immobile face. This was The Heidi Show, she was the judge leading all the commentary, and I was okay with that. I still don't know who the new Judge Of Color is, not that I particularly care. I might have enjoyed Han's act if 90 percent of his time wasn't spent showing the judges and audience instead of Han. When the blond boy singer came on, I immediately googled "Lips." Glad I don't have to see him again. I liked the Golden Buzzer singer girl. I liked the trapeze duo. No need to do a routine, just stand around and you get my vote. I liked the magician. Maybe she was my Golden Buzzer. I thought the kid shadow group was fine. The comedian is doing better off this show than on. I liked the weight-lifter singer guy okay, but what was up with Howie being all fakety fake scared of him. Did he get a threatening email or stalker DM from the guy or something? Say what you will, this show is still better than the ABC show on at the same time on Monday nights.
  19. That went through my mind, and I'd vote yes for it if he were from the palm of Michigan.
  20. I found Wednesday's episode online, the one with the infamous Shaun. I guess because I'm a supporter of the odd man out and underdogs, I liked him. I thought his interview was funny and self deprecating (He always wanted to be smart, but the fact he is on the show means there was a clerical error). Then for some odd reason, he bet $400 on a DD, saying "What is 400," which again I thought was funny. What wasn't funny was that low DD bet. If he had bet $4,000, which he had, he would have won the game, given that he was the only one who knew the correct FJ answer. Meanwhile, I got the TSs of bison, endorse, do not go gentle and DeLovely was Cole Porter. I cap DeLovely since that is the name of one of my dogs. The litter of four girls all had De names in honor of their sire, with DeLovely and DeLightful based on Cole Porter. All four became AKC champions. (Not-so-humble brag.) The video locked up with five minutes to go, so that's all the game I saw. Count me as the only Shaun fan, although I do wonder what his job title, "serial entrepreneur," means.
  21. Plus those flashback scenes would be rather difficult to film.
  22. While I've heard of The Bone Collector, I've not seen the movie nor read any of the books so had no expectations. I might have disliked it more than I did, if I had. First, Lincoln is suppose to be so freaking smart, yet he keeps talking to his intercom while sneaking up on the bad guy in the warehouse. WTH. That was so stupid, anyone would have heard him coming, he might as well have been wearing tap shoes and danced his way along the metal platform. Plus he's so awesome he couldn't wait a few minutes for reinforcements. He deserved to die in that fall, not just be paralyzed. Plus all cans everywhere are plainly marked in huge letters as to contents. Not in my world, and "fool you once" if you believe everything that's written on a can. Amelia yells at a subway train to stop and then fires her gun into the ceiling, neither things the subway conductor could hear, when she was holding a flashlight that she could have used to signal the train. Light in a dark tunnel, THAT'S something the conductor could see and respond to. Then she keeps standing on the tracks and shields her face, like that would protect her from the oncoming train .... what a dumbass, get off the freaking tracks. I don't know what that white cloth thing was on the train rail, but it looked too much like a used feminine hygene product for my enjoyment. Amelia's lip liner was rather distracting. I missed some dialogue while staring at it. The woman in the box ... so the digging and banging on the box and opening the box didn't wake her up, but someone touching her neck made her jump and come awake? Right. As soon as it was revealed Amelia has a sister, I knew sis was in jeopardy and would be kidnapped. That was a no brainer. Amelia has the drop on the bad guy and keeps telling him to not shoot while he draws his weapon, raises it and gets ready to fire and would have freaking shot her to death if the other cops hadn't come along to save her ass. And Amelia is the new brains partner for Lincoln? Pickin's are slim in that force. At the end when sister is shown going underwater, feet tied to the metal bar at the bottom of the tank, and Amelia is just getting on the rooftop to save her, I got up to pick up something and returned less than one minute later, and Amelia and sis were standing on the roof hugging. How did sis get rescued? Does Amelia carry a knife? If so, how did she know sis was tied at the feet? And what if she had been chained at the feet? I found Lincoln to be an insufferable smart ass in his flashback scenes, so too bad, so sad you're confined to bed. There being more people in his bedroom than in the U.N. during session is ... well, hard to believe. No wonder he's such a crank.
  23. Maybe I'm just old, but I found both posts to be rude and in poor taste. I've never liked bullies or blow hards. That might explain why Ken and Brad have been filmed together multiple times by TMZ whereas James is nowhere in sight. I wouldn't hang with him either. "Hey James, the Jerk Store called, they are all out of you."
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