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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I tried to trick it by going to the home page, doing a search for Brad Rutter, then clicking on the story link. I thought it was going to let me stay, but the subscriber-only block came up after a bit. If someone scrolls and reads very quickly, they might make it through before being blocked! Maybe it just doesn't like people from the Midwest.
  2. I beg to differ. I'm in the country, on a farm, with water and woods everywhere, and so many mosquitoes you cannot be outside for more than a minute. Bump some greenery and a zillion mosquitoes will swarm out -- and onto you. I mix Skin So Soft with some water in a spray bottle, spritz myself (arms, legs, face, neck) and then I can stay outside for hours, groom dogs outside, clean the yard, work with my horses, with nary a skeeter near me. It also works to keep gnats away, which can be horrible in the spring here, swarming your face so that you can barely keep your eyes open or breathe without sucking in a horde. I also spray the underside of my ball-cap visor, which helps keep gnats and skeeters away from the eyes. So to that someone somewhere who "tested repeatedly and it absolutely does not work:" I invite that person/people to my house this coming spring and summer to sit on my deck and swat gnats and skeeters while I watch, bug free thanks to my Skin So Soft repellent. Call it a myth? I call it a fact. SSS also smells great IMO. I like to use the spray after taking a bath/shower to combat dry skin. I don't use it for dry hands though. Jergens is my choice for that. (A favorite of another poster here.)
  3. It's a "Subscriber Exclusive" story and you have to log in to read it, which I did not do. So thanks for the blurb outtakes, Fellaway.
  4. Thanks, you saved me from looking it up. In my mind it was the most easterly, but i guess I was laying down when I pictured it. I would burst into tears at my first wrong answer. Or first right answer. Or just being on the show at all. Gah.
  5. I watched the Richard Pryor special on a competing station, but turned over during commercials so saw a bit of this. They are still all in with the backlit scenes so viewers feel like they are looking into the setting sun with no visor to shield their retinas from being burned out. Plus the hand-held camera work, camera held by an epileptic with the DT shakes, was still there. Then the washed-out color, what's up with that. It's like all the outdoor scenes are yellow and brown besides being so under exposed. It's horrible, show people. What you are doing is not "art." I did see the end where Stephen and his wife are riding horses, then get off and walk away from them to stand and emote over the LA skyline. All I could think was, where were the horses, they just left them there, no ground tying and no tying at all. I get off my horse and walk away, and he walks away too, in the other direction. WTH was up with that stupid make-believe scene. Although I guess it matches other make-believe scenes, so there's that. I don't care enough to watch online, and maybe I'll watch next week. If some shiny object doesn't distract me.
  6. She might be thinking of applying to be on The Bachelor since that's what every b-ette does every few seconds during any conversation. Confused? Can't think of what to say? Feeling sexy? Time to pet your hair. I noticed it too, and wanted to tell her to knock it off, she's better than that.
  7. So big deal. Grey gets murdered and Miles feels bad about it and goes on with his life. Hardly even-steven IMO. I didn't get the 13 percent thing either. 13 percent of what. And if it IS stolen money (which these guys don't do, they boost cars), does the police department take cash out of its coffee fund to pay Grey? Does law enforcement have a snitch fund they all contribute to? And yeah, the owners of that coke are going to be looking for their stolen haul. So Dex can walk unannounced into Grey's apartment whenever she likes? That could be ... AWK-ward to put it mildly. Especially with Ansel meeting up with his upcoming soccer girlfriend. Plus dudes don't always dress "the best" in the morning. Dex either needs to learn to knock, or Grey need to learn to put a lock on his door. Does Grey live above Bad Alibi? So multi doors are open for anyone to walk through? Yikes!
  8. I could have helped with that. I'm a visual person. When going someplace new, instead of writing down directions, I will draw a map. If I see it in my head, I can see it IRL. Plus, being Swedish, Danish drawings would make even more sense! I totally thought the same thing, jinx. What bad timing on my part as well, to have read that link before watching that episode. I saw Andy's comments before watching the show, and agree wholeheartedly with what he wrote. Anyone who can do it better, let us know which day your episode will air. My day is the Twelfth of Never. (Johnny Mathis shout out.)
  9. I was all pumped since Prospect Park is in my hometown of Moline, Illinois. Then they had to ruin it by putting New York in the clue.
  10. I wasn't paying much attention to the beginning of the game, but ended up with fog, nor'easter, aluminum, New Mexico and Texas Rangers. For FJ I said Belmopan. I'll have to look to see if maybe it's the second farthest east. Probably not. I felt so badly for Priscilla. Just know, if you are reading here, that you made it onto the show and I never will. So, you are a winner in my book. And on a shallow note, you have beautiful hair.
  11. It'd be worth a trip to Best Buy or Walmart to get a strong antenna just in case. Because ... nothing ventured. Wish I could loan you one of mine, I have five of them. If you even brought in one channel -- the one showing Jeopardy -- it would be a win! I'm 40-50 miles from a big city/broadcast tower; you must be closer to civilization than I am. Of course, there is always online teevee watching.
  12. I missed the episode with Ted, I'll try to catch up with that one. I did see Danielle and Jordan. Again, both people chose the partner who had the slow romantic dance. Come on show, you are making this a no brainer. Of course the pair who has the lifts and long, slow holds as they stare into each other's eyes will be the "winners" over the pairs who do goofy jumping around. I wish everyone would do the same dance, either fast and goofy or slow and romantic, just to make the competition more equal. So of course Danielle choose the "personal assistant" (what is that, a secretary) over the pilot who used to fly military jets and now flies commercial. Sure, Mr. Pilot's haircut was to fit his occupation, but you gave him the stupid goofy dance so of course he lives to date another day. The guy Danielle did choose looked like Nathan Fillian from one direction, then not that good looking from another. Sort of like the two-faced Seinfeld woman! But he was big and tall and strong and could lift Danielle up. So, good luck to them. Meanwhile, I'll be giving that pilot a call. I hate the clothes the women wear for the fast dances, little girl shortie dresses and glowing white tennis shoes. Makes them look like pre-teens. But maybe that's the point. It was fun to see Sharna this episode. And Jenna looked beautiful in her first segment, wearing black, and a more pinkish lipstick. Okay, so it didn't last, but she looked super for a few minutes. Jordan ... it was not said why he has a daughter, if he was married/divorced/widowed, nor was it said what his occupation is now. That I remember anyway. I would have chosen the first woman, she was so pretty and I liked her back story, but again, she had the goofy dance and stupid little-girl outfit and clunky shoes. And after he kissed the second woman, the one who had the beautiful gown and romantic dance, it was a no brainer which he would pick. Again, the ending was a little sketchy about if these two pairs are still dating. But whatever I guess. Being on the show has to be fun. The dances actually are pretty simple, and it would be a fun experience even if the dating doesn't work out. This episode I saw a PA inside the building on the Universal back lot NY street, and got a glimpse of a camera man during the Hollywood Bowl segment. Spotting those two background people was fun. I do like this show, it's a mindless good time. I'm guessing casting calls are put in local newspapers/Variety as well as online on casting sites. Almost all the reality shows post casting calls, especially online. There are sites for that, people looking to get on teevee.
  13. I was thinking, since Dex is bummed about living alone and it sort of freaks her, Liz would make a great room mate. She might be looking for a place to stay for a while. That would be awesome IMO! Another corner added to the love quadrangle.
  14. Apologies for my OTT hate for mac and cheese, especially Kraft. But it also sends me down Memory Lane, and those memories aren't so great. Hence, the hate. It's strictly personal.
  15. I read this as "The Phantom Toothbrush." I blame the FJ Contest.
  16. I totally did not get the adopted man's hate for his adoptive parents. WTH was that about. Seems he got raised with love, he's healthy, got an education (I guess), and he pays them back with full-bore hate because they didn't tell him he was adopted? WTH! He didn't know he was part of the buying-a-kid scheme until Dex found out and told him. He was just a hateful, hateful, ungrateful snot to his parents, who were obviously heartbroken at being treated like criminals by the child they raised. What was that locker where bio mom's stuff was all kept? If the tribe loved her so much, wouldn't her belongings be with the aunt or gramps or someone in the tribe? The tribe people are so tight knit, yet when one of them dies, their possessions go to some public locker somewhere? I have a friend who gave up her baby at birth. He found her 35 years later after adoption records were opened. He loves his adoptive parents and he now also loves his bio mom. No need to hate anyone, adopted kids. Somehow, I think adopted man will be a new squeeze for Dex. Love triangle, quadrangle, polygon ahead! Besides the ultra-stoopid COOW, the rest was pretty good. I like Grey's new eye-candy partner in crime, but of course that's not going to go well for any of them. I also still like Ansel, and Dex was even pretty good (in her Eric Clapton t). That, plus Tookie!
  17. Raises hand. When I hear children's literature, I think of children, not young adults, and "A Wrinkle in Time" is a YA book. Because of the science references, I said "Good Night Moon." That after I kicked out "In The Night Kitchen." Go ahead and laugh. ETA: Not everyone gets tv channels MSNBC, CNN or CBS. Or PBS or CW. Just sayin'.
  18. Is this the shirt everyone is ranking on? Obviously, YMMV from mine since I love it and would buy and wear it myself. In fact, when I get on the show, I'll wear mine just so you guys know it's me. As for Schiff, I watch four hours of news every day and had never seen him before the impeachment hearings. Again, obviously YMMV, as did the mileage of the three players. This is just another example of IEIYKI.
  19. From @MrAtoz's link. I hate that this happens, and still happens: And then the internet made fun of my face. So that was great. Yeah. The response was pretty mean. It was super mean.
  20. Yeah, all over the news for the months AFTER this show was taped. While my house isn't great, it's no cave, and I wouldn't have been able to identify him -- or most other state representatives -- before the televised impeachment proceedings. As I posted upthread, I don't blame nor am I surprised Schiff was a TS.
  21. I won't touch mac and cheese, and never ever would eat a bite of the boxed Kraft garbage. I was stunned AT even brought that cr*p up to someone who makes the real deal, except Kraft is perhaps one of his sponsors, so $$. I wouldn't eat the homemade prize-winning mac and cheese either. Its the opposite of comfort food for me.
  22. I totally caught that and totally agree. Plus she did not say the D word. SAD is a big problem where I live, I'm very familiar with it. I spent a lot of this episode fooling with my antenna, which requires standing in two doorways with it over my head, and moving it fractions of an inch left, right, up, down. Very tedious. And I'm not looking forward to "rescan day," which is two days away. If the wind is blowing, I'll lose all the stations on my rescan. Back OT, I love me some Mads Mikkelsen, so I was pleased he was a DJ clue. If this had been taped this month, Adam Schiff would not have been a TS. I'm guessing all viewers got that one. That is, if they have been watching tv stations that carry the news. Meanwhile, I got Rio Grande/Colorado and Pacific. It was a good water day for me. And a GFY day for the middle player. Yeay for her! ETA: I've never heard of a pepper tree. Pepper grass, yes. Pepper tree, no.
  23. I wondered if it would make you go 100 percent bottled water now.
  24. Good guess. That's the name of another Kanye album that, for "some" reason, rhymes with "another" name. ETA: I did laugh at the close of the finale when Brad and James lifted Ken and his trophy up, a la DWTS. If only the GOAT trophy had some glitter, that would have made it the perfect ending.
  25. Absolutely yes, if only for using Yeezy in your answer.
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