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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. So funny. I love her hair too but wasn't going to comment on it until I read this post. She's a favorite player because of it. So I guess by association, I like your haircut as well, @Trey. I also give high approval to women who have ponytails or a pigtail, my chosen hairstyle, and bangs rock. I got the Michigan fight song having lived in Columbus, Ohio, just off the OSU campus, in the time of Woody Hayes. One thing the J-Archive can't do is read a clue in the voice of Foghorn Leghorn. I answered that one before Trebek even got the second word out of his mouth. Trebek continues to be lighthearted and fun during the interviews and the show. I really don't miss the old snarkmaster. As for living in the time of Hammurabi, I wish we still were. I pretty much agreed with all his rules and regulations.
  2. A radio show the other night had people call in telling about what bad things they did at work, so bad they should have gotten fired, but they never did. I think Aram was one of the callers. So what that Elodie has a pre-nup. What difference does it make to anything. She could have knocked off hubbie ages ago. Aram slept around with a married woman with a disabled husband and that's okay, but now that she's going to inherit millions -- and probably won't let Aram impregnate her so he won't have the kids he so desperately wants (!) -- he will break it off. So much dumbassery. Ressler had the best line of the show, about Aram screwing a married woman. I guess no one else cares, including Cooper. Or maybe they just haven't noticed. Yeah, given it's the Crack Task Force, I'm going with that second thought. LOL that Aram goes skydiving before work, then rides his bicycle to the office. What, did he pedal to the air field with Elodie on the handlebars? The dog in the backyard was such a whack excuse given that the woman's back yard had no fence, adjoined a zillion other back yards, so any dog back there would have kept on going. But whatever. *hand wave* Park strangling Purcel ... what was up with Lizzie being all righteous and side eyeing Park when she should have been telling her THANK YOU for saving everyone's ass by taking Purcel out. The guy tried to kill Park, and when Park let loose of the rope, Purcel was just "Oooh, my neck hurts." He didn't fall unconscious to the ground, needing resuscitation. Agree that Purcel could have just moved instead of building some fantastic machine to kill a couple of people. Where I live, I can sit outside and all I hear are some tree frogs and birds. And at night I can see every star. March was great for night viewing with Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn easily visible. Just have to look up. Oh ... and after dark, even the birds and frogs are quiet. As for the happier goofy Red, I'm still irritated at him for killing Mr. Kaplan, this show's best character besides Dembe and Glenn. In Lizzie's mystery box ... was that a passport for Agnes? And why keep it hidden under the floor, like is she planning some major crime. And if that photo is young Ilya she's looking for *sigh,* show, just let it go. The woman she hired ... was that the woman actor/nurse from when Red was captured? Not that I really care. Cheap side note: Lizzie actually looks good in a stocking cap. Not so good without it.
  3. If anyone has been jonesing for some culture and wants to take a trip, The Guardian has generously gifted us with virtual tours of 10 of the world's best art and history museums. All are definitely worth the trip, and you don't even have to leave your couch. Or pay admission! Here's the link.
  4. Get yourself a side-opener can opener. After I filleted my hand on the lid of a dog-food can opened with a traditional top-cutting can opener (resulting in a trip to the ER and multiple stitches), I was justifiably gun shy about opening another can. So I bought a side opener and LOVE it. Not only are the dangerous hand-slashing lids gone, these lids pop back onto the top of the opened can so they can be stored in the fridge if contents isn't used all at once. Like dog food. It is a problem with tuna though, if one uses the lid to squish the juice out to drain the tuna. I did use my old top opener for tuna a while back, but was ultra careful with it.
  5. This obviously was written by someone who would lose sleep if one can was upside down. Or not facing the same way as the others. <more sarcasm> My spices are all shoved into a two-tier box in one cupboard, which is why I'll buy basil and then discover I already have three unopened ones. If I'm looking for a particular spice, the bottles will come tumbling out of the cupboard if I don't catch and shove them back in. Yes, my spice storage very much resembles my real life. I've noticed for a while that Trebek has been nicer, not snarking on or being rude to players. The interviews have been fun and lighthearted, and I'm enjoying Mr. Trebek again. He seems to be enjoying himself again too. So, whatever the reason, thank you.
  6. lol When I wrote that, I was totally thinking of the movie Sleeping With The Enemy. Well done catching the /sarcasm/ my friend. The Underwear Bomber ... because of the Shoe Bomber we all have to take off our shoes before boarding a plane. Why do we get to keep our exploding underwear on? I don't like to snark at players for answers, but I have to admit when I looked up FJ on TJF this morning, I let out a loud snort at the "Newfoundland and Labrador" answer. It cracked me up for so many reasons. I also was surprised FJ was an asterisk, but it figures because, since I live in Bizarro World, I easily got the answer. I didn't know Canada had a Four Corners, but I understand it's miles from any road or trail, in the middle of some deep woods. Not exactly a photo op. The Rainbow Bridge answer in Gifts for Animal Lovers made me start crying so I missed the rest of the episode.
  7. The middle player is the new champ. FJ was an asterisk and champ tanked.
  8. I checked President Eisenhower's page on Daily Motion, his episode posts there helped me through when my antenna dropped the station that airs Jeopardy here. But posts stopped mid January. Maybe someone knows where episodes can be viewed online to help those who are having their shows preempted? The show is being such a snot about letting episodes be on YouTube. I used to be able to catch missed episodes there, but that ended some time ago.
  9. Maybe that's why they were in the category SIMILAR Brand Names?
  10. LOL. Thanks for the correction. That will teach me to not fact check myself. It would have been a good clue in the category "Two of Saber's Favorite Edibles."
  11. Of course if one knows both things, it's a given that the person knows which is which. Long story short: I don't care in which/what order answers are given unless the clue asks the answer(s) be in a certain order. I also don't line up all the cans in my cupboard so they are facing a certain way. And yes, the Whopper/Whoppers was in the Add A Letter category. If I remember correctly. (I'm not looking up the proper category name.)
  12. That, plus a lot of "friends" disappear, either because they can't deal with someone's illness or don't know what to say or dump the person because now that person is a downer because they're dying. Wow, horrible and yes, ripped from the headlines. Although the headline in that story link made it sound like the family was crushed, not the little boy.
  13. It's not a bad sentence if one adds "doing" and a question mark to the end.
  14. Wow, thanks for the trip down Memory Lane. Use the voice: "Little Tom-meee ..." My local NBC affiliate must have gotten smoked last week when it dropped Jeopardy in the middle of the episode to broadcast that (fill in the blank) press conference. Today it ran a scroll at the bottom of Jeopardy saying the press conference was being carried live on its channel 6.3. Which mean Little House fans were pitching a fit. Heh.
  15. And since I sort of know you, my butt is now two degrees of separation from my dreamboat-on-a-horse's butt. You've made my day. Thank you. I also got The Show, being just a general fan of baseball overall. Grand Ole Opry was easy since I've been to the Opry when it was the real Opry, at the Ryman. It was a great show, and I do love me some Goo Goo Clusters. When the radio call letters came up, I was sure either WLS or WGN would be one. Or both. I used to listen to WLS non-stop, before it went all crazy-ass far right-wing controversial. Now WGN is my station. So I knew The World's Largest Store is Sears. And The World's Greatest Newspaper is the Chicago Tribune, if anyone asks. Side note: The Sears Tower, sold and renamed Willis Tower, has been sold again. So far no one knows if the name will be changed again, since almost everyone still calls the Willis the Sears, including me. I also know the Coit Tower is in San Francisco, although yesterday's prediction about a FJ fail came true. I know ... not a surprise. The only coast of England I could think of was Dover. I would have left my answer blank if I had been on the show so you guys wouldn't all rank on me for my stupidity and how could I even make it onto the show if I'm such a dumbass.
  16. I ate at Vegas' Stratosphere some years ago, and I remember the outer tables, the ones by the window, rotating, albeit very slowly. I was seated in a booth opposite the window tables and I remember those window-table occupants being different after my meal. According to its website, it rotates a full 360 degrees every 80 minutes. It also says this: "A circular area of the floor next to the windows is all that rotates." I guess we hand wave the super speed of this show's revolving restaurant, just like we had to hand wave how a fire axe broke those lag bolts with a couple of whacks, freeing up the table so it could be moved. Thanks @iMonrey for the tip on how to score some free desserts. LOL!
  17. Unless it's the real and proper name of another quite different book or movie.
  18. Waiting for all the complaints about Pluto's vocal fry.
  19. McGruff is enough. Score Monday as a You Got It for the FJ contest. So says Da Boss. Not feeling real chatty these days.
  20. Still, Red knew Tom and hired him to watch over Lizzie, so if, as Red said this episode, "her husband was not who he appeared to be" and was such a huge problem that Red had to come out of hiding to protect Lizzie from the man he put in her life, that's all kinds of whack thinking on Red's part. Why not hire some nice guy to watch over her. Since, as we all know, no man could resist falling in lurve with her. I think the show writers conveniently forgot that Red put Tom in Lizzie's life to begin with. Because that would make him a dumbass, and this show, run by Spader, would never do that.
  21. Didn't she grab it out of his hand before he could open it and reveal the earrings? So it's not like he GAVE it to her ... And a big no to wanting my anything filmed by strangers and posted online, or sent to RTM for teevee viewing. I hate all those filmed "surprise" proposals and hate the gender-reveal ones just as much. Everyone is so "It's all about me" these days. If the bad guys hold 9-1-1 hostage, their partners can rob a bank or a bunch of stores and no cops will come. Everyone will be calling 911 and getting a big nothing.
  22. Leverage did something similar in its episode The Run Down Job. The 911 center was to be taken out so the bad guys could release a bio weapon in the city. Just sayin'! I thought last week the guy who got beat up on his movie date was a dumbass for not reporting it or ID-ing the two perps. I mean, who gives a care that he got suckered or someone laughs at him. We all knew something worse was going to happen because of his stupidity. Some of these accidents are really hard to watch, like the bowling-alley arm. And the nail gun ... for cripes sake, I kept yelling to unhook it or put it down or SOMETHING because I knew one of those two was going to get nailed. I saw a real x-ray of a guy who shot himself through the head with one of those, and he lived. I wouldn't like to try it myself though. Where is a rotating restaurant in whatever city they are in. I thought they were in NYC but maybe it's Seattle? Or Vegas? Not that anyone's eating in them now, but next time I'm in one, I'm not sitting by the window.
  23. Cassowary was a clue/answer not so long ago. Its picture was shown then too. I believe Trebek even commented then that the cone thing on its head is the give away. Tug's brother. Another easy Monday FJ for me. Although if this follows tradition, it will be my only FJ for the week. I guess its the one good thing about Mondays at the moment.
  24. Still waiting for @Sharpie66 to report in (Hope you are okay) but this week's co-winners have been chosen. Congrats to astral twins @biakbiak and @PBnJay who have mirrored each other in totals for the last four weeks. Congrats to you both. May you have many more nice weeks.
  25. For some reason, I thought of this in the middle of the night and started laughing. So, thank you for that. It's the posters here who make this show worth watching.
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