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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I know, right? She not only didn't get any questions correct, she thought there could be MILLIONS on the board! You know, from all her correct answers. The host tried to smooth things over: Him: "The questions were harder than usual." Me: "No they weren't." I was really hoping she tore up the contract, they deserved to get nothing. But then NBC would have aired a full hour of dumbassery while The Wall is suppose to be "The Feel-Good Show." Eh. Even @ottoDbusdriver didn't bother to recap for us. Too painful, I am sure!
  2. WEEK 3 • Sept. 28, 2020 — TWO asterisk * * 11. On The Old Map. On the U.N. website’s map of the world in 1945, these 2 initials of a member state appear 13 times on continental Africa. * * 12. The Great Lakes. An 1855 poem gives us this Native American name for the 1 Great Lake not known to us today by a Native American word or a tribe’s name. * 13. Historic Figures. In a 1912 telegram to his wife, he said, “Am feeling fine. Have bullet in chest, but…talked for hour and half after being shot.” 14. Literary Terms. In medieval times it was a long tale of a hero like Gisli or Njall; today it means any story of epic length. 15. Architecture. Begun in the 1170s on former marshland, it has been called a “perfect imperfection” & a “legendary mistake.”
  3. No Jeopardy here today, just "special reports." I should have done my errands today instead of yesterday since I missed yesterday's show by being gone, so was looking forward to today. "Doom and gloom."
  4. My pet peeve is that time flies, and something I thought was last year really happened five or 10 years ago. So I'm good with your statement! Well, at least your son got a lesson in some people are jerks. And good on you for teaching him what's right and polite.
  5. Ugh, that brought back memories of the full-service gas-station guy resting his "junk" on my car door (the window was down), right next to my face, as he leaned over to wash the windshield. Never went back to that station.
  6. AKC added the PB to the Hound group in 1991. I had been watching the breed before then, and was thrilled to be hired to show and finish championships on several after they were approved. They are highly active and use their "voice" freely, which works well in my household. But they are not for everyone. The saying goes, they are so cute so you don't kill them. They are The Happy Hound, also known as The Jolly Trickster, my name for the breed. Apologies for "dropping in" and going OT.
  7. Actually, it's a PBGV. His perplexed expression matches mine. PB is my second breed so I only have a few. I got my first when I was professionally handling and a client no longer wanted hers. I was thrilled to take that dog off her hands. The African Gray miming the smoke detector reminds me of this week's story about the potty-mouth birds that had to be removed from an English zoo. Potty-mouth parrots. A friend had a parrot who would call her by name, in her husband's voice, to come into the room where the bird lived. She fell for it every time, much to the bird's delight (I guess). Or when you hold the door open for someone and he/she just walks through like royalty w/o a word. I always say "You're welcome" to their backs.
  8. My first job (besides babysitting, car washing and grass cutting) gave me take-home pay of $60. That was so much money, I didn't know what to do with it so told my mom I'd give her half my paycheck. She said no, but said okay to me giving her $10 from each check. The roast-beef-sandwich shop where I worked (not Arby's!) gave us 80 cents for lunch. We could get a sandwich and drink, or sandwich and fries for that, but if we wanted all three, we had to chip in 20 cents of our own. We would only do that on special days, or when we were really hungry!
  9. I follow Mr. Takei on Twitter. No mention that he was a clue much less a TS on Wednesday's show. I answered "narrative" for FJ. I don't know the origin of narrative or of any of the other wrong answers. If I did, I guess I wouldn't have answered incorrectly. I missed the show yesterday so played the game on J-Archive. The fact that I couldn't answer even a fraction of clues correctly gives some insight into my current sad mental condition.
  10. I was working full time (for the federal government!) and saving for college since I had to put myself through. I didn't get a WIN check. In fact, I'd never heard of it until reading here. I was still living at home so I'm telling myself that's why I didn't get one. If my mom got one, she never mentioned it. I remember gas wars. I kept track of gas prices and mileage in my first car, and remember 49-cent gas, maybe even lower. Gas wars were a big deal back then, lots of fun for car owners.
  11. This show deserves to be killed after spending wasting an hour on Keaton and Taylor. Talk about two dumbasses who don't deserve to win any money for being too dense to breathe. Man, that episode was PAINFUL.
  12. Well, that's a downer since I didn't get either of those. But I suspect someone who used to "get to my mailbox" first and routinely stole/cashed a bunch of other checks I was sent (by poorly forging my signature) reaped those benefits too. Par-tay! (for one)
  13. For @ams1001. I hope you are having a nice day.
  14. i guess I had my mute button pressed ...
  15. Show dog person here. I have to comment that when a dog produces a gigantic poop, it's nothing to brag about. It means its owner is feeding cheap low-quality food. The saying is, crap in, crap out. A dog fed two cups of a cheap brand will poop out four cups of manure. A dog fed two cups of a high-quality food will poop out something smaller than a fun-sized Snickers. So your neighbor isn't only a rude self-centered person, she's a dumbass and a poor dog owner. BTW, this is a frequent topic of conversation among dog people as "it" is an indicator of a dog's health. Enjoy your breakfast everyone!
  16. Yeay @Toothbrush! It's so good to have you back. I hope tomorrow and the next day treat you better this week. And now, announcing the winner of Week 2 ... @opus. Because it's well deserved and because I can. Congratulations, my friend. Wear your Winner's Mantle with pride. It only lasts a week.
  17. Got a kick out of the carburetor photo. The carburetor from my Oldsmobile 442 looked just like that one when it sat on my kitchen table while I rebuilt it. High point of the show for Mr. Trebek: The writers gave him one GENRE! Katrina really lacked confidence in her FJ bet, as did Kamal on that DD wager. He should have wagered at least 3,000 as he was doing so well in the category. (Easy for me to say, sitting here, no cameras or lights on me.) I guessed McKinley for FJ. I didn't remember that about Teddy Roosevelt getting shot, but when I read up on the event, his speech blocking most of the bullet's damage was familiar. High point of this episode for me was this:
  18. LOL because I definitely thought of you after I posted that. I was sorta hoping you wouldn't notice ... But trust me when I say I do respect your avatar, and have been thoroughly schooled in the location of your alma mater. This is most certainly a problem with me.
  19. I thought players got too much time to stall around. Either answer or get buzzed. I was irked that the player who answered (correctly) before Jane was done reading the question got docked as incorrect. Maybe the show has only so many questions and has to fill the time with views of players "thinking" and Jane reading slowly. So answering too quickly threw the schedule off. I also didn't know what a player hitting "bank" meant. I barely remember the original show. But players on this remake will have a difficult time winning much money if the play continues to go soooooo slooooooowly. Still, not a bad way to spend an hour.
  20. Thanks for the pic! I've been to Wausau but didn't know I could have gotten a commemorative coin while there. That would almost be as cool as getting one of those 45th Parallel snow globes in Maine. You know, the one @Prevailing Wind wasn't able to purchase. I do love me some snow globes. I wonder if judges would have accepted Gitchey Goomee.
  21. I said Madagascar too, and knew I was wrong because I was looking at the picture and know Madagascar is bigger. But I had no other answer to grasp out of the air. I live in the Midwest, nowhere near California, and if you asked me what state Auburn University is in, I might guess Maryland or Delaware or maybe New York. Geesh, maybe it is in California. But no way in h*ll would I ever guess Alabama. So don't blame where someone lives for how smart or not smart that person is. That, plus I still have never heard of Task Rabbit and have no clue what it is. One of the most infamous categories in Jeopardy! history is that football one when not a single player buzzed in. And those contestants were from SeaTac, Washington; Cheyenne, Wyoming; and Washington, D.C., not California. Maybe a Californian could have answered at least one of the clues. As Mr. Trebek has said, “The toughest trivia question is one you don’t know the answer to.”
  22. The convoluted FJ clue caught me too, I said Lake Superior. And I should know better, the answer the writers want is ALWAYS after "this." But the clue was so weird, I totally missed that. Even rereading it, my brain was all "Whaaaa?"
  23. Unless you are talking about the Great White North.
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