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You're right, thanks. I like James Fox, too.
My reaction, too. I'd watched Morse when it first came out, then went back last year to re-watch. I found it so dated and Morse's attitudes so unpleasant, that I stopped watching. James Fox - what can you say other than that there will never be a series called Hathaway. Until I learned about him I was hoping for a Hathaway series to keep the franchise alive, but now I can barely watch him in Lewis, which is a series I love!.
Unimpressed by the first episode. Why they have to drag in the boring, tired IVF subplot is a mystery to me - more of a mystery than the plot, anyway. I'll give it a few episodes, but if it doesn't get stronger, it's not going to keep my interest.
I'm in total agreement with you - I thought the last episode was just a mess. Morse meets Agatha Christie on the Orient Express mixed with Ten Little Indians. Morse as a drunken sot going through alcohol withdrawals may have been appropriate given where he has been heading, but it was overdone and sympathy-draining. Win - although understandably a wreck over Sam's fate - lashing out in the ugliest ways possible, and mentioning Lemington(?), which I presume is where Joan had the affair with the married man and either got beaten up or pregnant by him - was vicious. The trickery at the beginning that allowed Morse's presence on the murder bus to only be revealed later was irritatingly gimmicky; and the entire locked-room conceit of everyone being stuck at the murder mansion being picked off one by one was too familiar to be interesting. As to the Thursdays knowing about Joan and Strange, Fred does not and Win does (because she saw them hugging). It's hard to believe that the writers couldn't come up with anything better than this irritating chaos. After so many seasons of great Endeavor, this was an enormous disappointment.
This monolithic mess should have been four episodes at the most, and I'd still be pissed off at how awful it was. The writing was terrible - the structure, the characters and the direction are all sub-par. And everytime the Vivian character was on screen, I wanted to scream "cut," and tell the actress to stop mugging, grimacing, whining and behaving like an amateur writer wannabe instead of a seasoned pro. That was one of the worst performances I've ever seen from an actual professional. There's an old show business edict: if it's not on the page, it's not on the stage. Apparently, there was no page to work from. Colossal, irritating waste of time.
So am I. Too much same-old, same-old with Eve being even more pathetic than usual and Villanelle being too over-the-top in every way - I'm even losing interest in her wardrobe. Geraldine is a stiff, Konstantin is too over-involved in, well, everything, the online newspaper or whatever it is just feels awkward and gimmicky, etc. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I was more bored and irritated than entertained or surprised with this episode, and I don't know if I'll even bother with the rest of the season.
A lot of people seem to have problems with her. I don't like or dislike her - she's just kind of forgettably there. But that dress was HIDEOUS and you're right about her needing a different stylist, although from what you see on the (real) runway and the red carpet, well, I question their taste level (or whatever Nina says).
Jamie belongs behind bars. Ambrose and Sonia belong in padded cells. This show belongs in the garbage bin.
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S18.E12: The Height of Avant Garde Fashion
jrlr replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Project Runway
Is Nina Garcia going blind or just in the tank for Victoria? At least she could show the same shitty attitude towards all these mediocre designers, but she's so blatantly biased that I can't stand listening to her sniping or seeing her active bitch face when she's critiquing. Nina: Sergio, you are a POS for stealing gorgeous, elegant looks from from Galliano, Dior, etc. and not copping to the "borrowing." Nina: Victoria, you are FANTASTIC for stealing cheap crappy looks from Wet Seal and Forever 21 and not copping to the "borrowing." -
In the infamous 1920's case of Leopold and Loeb, two smart, affuent Chicago college students kidnapped and murdered a child to prove Nietzsche's theory of the "ubermensch" or superior man. Failing to get away with the crime rules them out of the superior man category, but the appearance of "ubermensch" on the headboard makes me think that Jamie and Nick tried the same thing, killing and burying someone. And the flashback grave-digging scenes suggest that unlike Leopold and Loeb, they succeed in getting away with their crime.
I liked Clara's character, and it's a pity that she won't hve a bigger role (if any) going forward. But what really puzzled me is her living status. She's rich, young, beautiful. . . and has no servants or parents around to come to her rescue when she's fighting off a rapist? Max has a key to her house, like they are already living together? Maybe I missed something that would explain this, but it all seems very wrong for the time period.
Dated is right! Her model looked like something out of the pajama party scene in the movie "Grease."
That was the first thing I've heard Karli say that sounded so mean and unnecessary, even more because Chelsea could hear it.
After four episodes, I'm done. I was really hoping for something engaging and different, but this show is simply dreary and repetitive, plodding through one disastrous development after another with no change in tone and and no effective story twists. Considering the potentially dazzling skating sequences, the lack of energy here is amazing. Supporting characters Marcus and Jenn are far more interesting and sympathetic than the leads: Kat, her mother and her sister are increasingly annoying and dislikeable, and Justin is nothing more than a teenage romantic fantasy. The only things I'm even remotely curious about are if Kat will ever smile, and if Marcus will be able to change his mind and go to Stanford med school instead of joining a ski team - but it's not worth slogging through this redundant, angst-filled story to find out.
S18.E07: Project Runway x Ashley Longshore
jrlr replied to ElectricBoogaloo's topic in Project Runway
For the runway and judging Victoria wore this white outfit of hot pants bottom and and a weird ruffly top - really, she looked like something out of "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane." But then again - I may be the only one with this opinion - everything she has made has looked trashy to me.